 * reads in data from all relevant files
 * returns a pointer to an event object
Event* read_data() {
  char* filename;
  Event* event;
  Vector* nodes;
  Vector* tracks;
  Vector* courses;
  Vector* entrants;

  filename = get_filename("Please enter name file: ");
  event = read_event(filename);

  filename = get_filename("Please enter nodes file: ");
  nodes = read_nodes(filename);

  filename = get_filename("Please enter tracks file: ");
  tracks = read_tracks(filename, nodes);

  filename = get_filename("Please enter courses file: ");
  courses = read_courses(filename, nodes, tracks);

  filename = get_filename("Please enter entrants file: ");
  entrants = read_entrants(filename, courses);

  event->nodes = nodes;
  event->entrants = entrants;
  return event;
文件: all.c 项目: DownGoat/CS23710
 * @brief This function prompts the user with a question asking for the path to
 * a file containing data on entrants. The Data should include a positive
 * integer that represents a id. A single capital character which is the id of
 * the course the entrant has signed up for. Followed by a no longer than 80
 * characters long name.
 * @return The function returns a pointer to a ENTRANT array if the function 
 * was successful. If it fails the function returns NULL.
ENTRANT_LIST *get_entrants() {
    char response[255];

    do {
        ENTRANT_LIST *temp = NULL;

        printf("Please enter a path to a file containing entrant data:");
        scanf(" %[^\t\n]", response);

        temp = read_entrants(response);
        if (temp != NULL) {
            printf("[i] %d entrants loaded from '%s'.\n\n",

            return temp;

    } while (1);