void parse_ai_profiles_tbl(const char *filename)
	int i;
	char profile_name[NAME_LENGTH];
	ai_profile_t dummy_profile;
	char *saved_Mp = NULL;
	char buf[NAME_LENGTH];

		if (filename == NULL)
			read_file_text(filename, CF_TYPE_TABLES);


		// start parsing
		required_string("#AI Profiles");

		// new default?
		if (optional_string("$Default Profile:"))
			stuff_string(Default_profile_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

		// begin reading data
		while (required_string_either("#End", "$Profile Name:"))
			ai_profile_t *profile = &dummy_profile;
			ai_profile_t *previous_profile = NULL;
			bool no_create = false;

			// get the name
			required_string("$Profile Name:");
			stuff_string(profile_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

			// see if it exists
			for (i = 0; i < Num_ai_profiles; i++)
				if (!stricmp(Ai_profiles[i].profile_name, profile_name))
					previous_profile = &Ai_profiles[i];

			// modular table stuff
			if (optional_string("+nocreate"))
				no_create = true;

				// use the previous one if possible,
				// otherwise continue to use the dummy one
				if (previous_profile != NULL)
					profile = previous_profile;
				// don't create multiple profiles with the same name
				if (previous_profile != NULL)
					Warning(LOCATION, "An ai profile named '%s' already exists!  The new one will not be created.\n", profile_name);
					// make sure we're under the limit
					if (Num_ai_profiles >= MAX_AI_PROFILES)
						Warning(LOCATION, "Too many profiles in ai_profiles.tbl!  Max is %d.\n", MAX_AI_PROFILES - 1);	// -1 because one is built-in
						skip_to_string("#End", NULL);

					profile = &Ai_profiles[Num_ai_profiles];

			// initialize profile if we're not building from a previously parsed one
			if (!no_create)
				// base profile, so zero it out
				if (profile == &Ai_profiles[0])
				// brand new profile, so set it to the base defaults
                    *profile = Ai_profiles[0];

			// set the name
			strcpy_s(profile->profile_name, profile_name);

			// fill in any and all settings; they're all optional and can be in any order
			while (!check_for_string("$Profile Name:") && !check_for_string("#End"))
				if (optional_string("$Player Afterburner Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->afterburner_recharge_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Beam Friendly Fire Damage:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->beam_friendly_damage_cap, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Countermeasure Life Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->cmeasure_life_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Countermeasure Firing Chance:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->cmeasure_fire_chance, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI In Range Time:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->in_range_time, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Always Links Ammo Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_ammo_levels_always, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Maybe Links Ammo Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_ammo_levels_maybe, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Primary Ammo Burst Multiplier:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->primary_ammo_burst_mult, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Always Links Energy Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_energy_levels_always, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Maybe Links Energy Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_energy_levels_maybe, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Missles Locked on Player:") || optional_string("$Max Missiles Locked on Player:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_allowed_player_homers, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Player Attackers:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_attackers, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Incoming Asteroids:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_incoming_asteroids, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Damage Factor:") || optional_string("$AI Damage Reduction to Player Hull:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->player_damage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Subsys Damage Factor:") || optional_string("$AI Damage Reduction to Player Subsys:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->subsys_damage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				// represented in fractions of F1_0
				if (optional_string("$Predict Position Delay:"))
					int iLoop;
					float temp_list[NUM_SKILL_LEVELS];

					parse_float_list(temp_list, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

					for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; iLoop++)
						profile->predict_position_delay[iLoop] = fl2f(temp_list[iLoop]);

				if (optional_string("$AI Shield Manage Delay:") || optional_string("$AI Shield Manage Delays:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->shield_manage_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Friendly AI Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_delay_scale_friendly, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Hostile AI Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_delay_scale_hostile, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Friendly AI Secondary Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_friendly, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Hostile AI Secondary Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_hostile, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Turn Time Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->turn_time_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Glide Attack Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->glide_attack_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->glide_attack_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->glide_attack_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Glide Attack Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->glide_attack_percent[i]);
							profile->glide_attack_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->glide_attack_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Circle Strafe Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->circle_strafe_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Circle Strafe Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->circle_strafe_percent[i]);
							profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Glide Strafe Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->glide_strafe_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Glide Strafe Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->glide_strafe_percent[i]);
							profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Random Sidethrust Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->random_sidethrust_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Random Sidethrust Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i]);
							profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Stalemate Time Threshold:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->stalemate_time_thresh, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Stalemate Distance Threshold:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->stalemate_dist_thresh, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Shield Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->shield_energy_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Weapon Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->weapon_energy_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Turret Target Ownage:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_turret_ownage_target, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Turret Player Ownage:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_turret_ownage_player, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Required For Kill Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->kill_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Required For Assist Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->assist_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Awarded For Capship Assist:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->assist_award_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Repair Penalty:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->repair_penalty, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Delay Before Allowing Bombs to Be Shot Down:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->delay_bomb_arm_timer, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Chance AI Has to Fire Missiles at Player:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->chance_to_use_missiles_on_plr, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Aim Update Delay:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->max_aim_update_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Turret Max Aim Update Delay:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->turret_max_aim_update_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Autoaim FOV:"))
					float fov_list[NUM_SKILL_LEVELS];
					parse_float_list(fov_list, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++)
						//Enforce range
						if (fov_list[i] < 0.0f || fov_list[i] >= 360.0f)
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Player Autoaim FOV should be >= 0 and < 360.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", fov_list[i]);
							fov_list[i] = 0.0f;

						//Convert units
						profile->player_autoaim_fov[i] = fov_list[i] * PI / 180.0f;

				if (optional_string("$Detail Distance Multiplier:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->detail_distance_mult, MAX_DETAIL_LEVEL + 1);

				set_flag(profile, "$big ships can attack beam turrets on untargeted ships:", AI::Profile_Flags::Big_ships_can_attack_beam_turrets_on_untargeted_ships);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart primary weapon selection:", AI::Profile_Flags::Smart_primary_weapon_selection);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart secondary weapon selection:", AI::Profile_Flags::Smart_secondary_weapon_selection);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart shield management:", AI::Profile_Flags::Smart_shield_management);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart afterburner management:", AI::Profile_Flags::Smart_afterburner_management);

				set_flag(profile, "$free afterburner use:", AI::Profile_Flags::Free_afterburner_use);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow rapid secondary dumbfire:", AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_rapid_secondary_dumbfire);

				set_flag(profile, "$huge turret weapons ignore bombs:", AI::Profile_Flags::Huge_turret_weapons_ignore_bombs);

				set_flag(profile, "$don't insert random turret fire delay:", AI::Profile_Flags::Dont_insert_random_turret_fire_delay);

				set_flag(profile, "$hack improve non-homing swarm turret fire accuracy:", AI::Profile_Flags::Hack_improve_non_homing_swarm_turret_fire_accuracy);

				set_flag(profile, "$shockwaves damage small ship subsystems:", AI::Profile_Flags::Shockwaves_damage_small_ship_subsystems);

				set_flag(profile, "$navigation subsystem governs warpout capability:", AI::Profile_Flags::Navigation_subsys_governs_warp);

				set_flag(profile, "$ignore lower bound for minimum speed of docked ship:", AI::Profile_Flags::No_min_dock_speed_cap);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable linked fire penalty:", AI::Profile_Flags::Disable_linked_fire_penalty);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable weapon damage scaling:", AI::Profile_Flags::Disable_weapon_damage_scaling);

				set_flag(profile, "$use additive weapon velocity:", AI::Profile_Flags::Use_additive_weapon_velocity);

				set_flag(profile, "$use newtonian dampening:", AI::Profile_Flags::Use_newtonian_dampening);

				set_flag(profile, "$include beams for kills and assists:", AI::Profile_Flags::Include_beams_in_stat_calcs);

				set_flag(profile, "$score kills based on damage caused:", AI::Profile_Flags::Kill_scoring_scales_with_damage);

				set_flag(profile, "$score assists based on damage caused:", AI::Profile_Flags::Assist_scoring_scales_with_damage);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow event and goal scoring in multiplayer:", AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_multi_event_scoring);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix linked primary weapon decision bug:", AI::Profile_Flags::Fix_linked_primary_bug);

				set_flag(profile, "$prevent turrets targeting too distant bombs:", AI::Profile_Flags::Prevent_targeting_bombs_beyond_range);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart subsystem targeting for turrets:", AI::Profile_Flags::Smart_subsystem_targeting_for_turrets);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix heat seekers homing on stealth ships bug:", AI::Profile_Flags::Fix_heat_seeker_stealth_bug);

				set_flag(profile, "$multi allow empty primaries:", AI::Profile_Flags::Multi_allow_empty_primaries);

				set_flag(profile, "$multi allow empty secondaries:", AI::Profile_Flags::Multi_allow_empty_secondaries);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow turrets target weapons freely:", AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_turrets_target_weapons_freely);

				set_flag(profile, "$use only single fov for turrets:", AI::Profile_Flags::Use_only_single_fov_for_turrets);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow vertical dodge:", AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_vertical_dodge);

				set_flag(profile, "$force beam turrets to use normal fov:", AI::Profile_Flags::Force_beam_turret_fov);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix ai class bug:", AI::Profile_Flags::Fix_ai_class_bug);

				set_flag(profile, "$turrets ignore targets radius in range checks:", AI::Profile_Flags::Turrets_ignore_target_radius);

				set_flag(profile, "$no extra collision avoidance vs player:", AI::Profile_Flags::No_special_player_avoid);

				set_flag(profile, "$perform fewer checks for death screams:", AI::Profile_Flags::Perform_fewer_scream_checks);

				set_flag(profile, "$advanced turret fov edge checks:", AI::Profile_Flags::Advanced_turret_fov_edge_checks);

				set_flag(profile, "$require turrets to have target in fov:", AI::Profile_Flags::Require_turret_to_have_target_in_fov);

				set_flag(profile, "$all ships manage shields:", AI::Profile_Flags::All_ships_manage_shields);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai aims from ship center:", AI::Profile_Flags::Ai_aims_from_ship_center);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow primary link at mission start:", AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_primary_link_at_start);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow beams to damage bombs:", AI::Profile_Flags::Beams_damage_weapons);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable weapon damage scaling for player:", AI::Profile_Flags::Player_weapon_scale_fix);

				set_flag(profile, "$countermeasures affect aspect seekers:", AI::Profile_Flags::Aspect_lock_countermeasure);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai guards specific ship in wing:", AI::Profile_Flags::Ai_guards_specific_ship_in_wing);

				profile->ai_path_mode = AI_PATH_MODE_NORMAL;
				if (optional_string("$ai path mode:"))
					stuff_string(buf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
					int j = ai_path_type_match(buf);
					if (j >= 0) {
						profile->ai_path_mode = j;
					else {
						Warning(LOCATION, "Invalid ai path mode '%s' specified", buf);

				set_flag(profile, "$no warp camera:", AI::Profile_Flags::No_warp_camera);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix ai path order bug:", AI::Profile_Flags::Fix_ai_path_order_bug);

				set_flag(profile, "$strict turret-tagged-only targeting:", AI::Profile_Flags::Strict_turred_tagged_only_targeting);

				set_flag(profile, "$aspect bomb invulnerability fix:", AI::Profile_Flags::Aspect_invulnerability_fix);

				set_flag(profile, "$glide decay requires thrust:", AI::Profile_Flags::Glide_decay_requires_thrust);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai can slow down when attacking big ships:", AI::Profile_Flags::Ai_can_slow_down_attacking_big_ships);

				set_flag(profile, "$use actual primary range:", AI::Profile_Flags::Use_actual_primary_range);

				profile->bay_arrive_speed_mult = 1.0f;
				profile->bay_depart_speed_mult = 1.0f;
				if (optional_string("$bay arrive speed multiplier:")) {
				if (optional_string("$bay depart speed multiplier:")) {

				// ----------

				// compatibility
				if (optional_string("$perform less checks for death screams:"))
					mprintf(("Warning: \"$perform less checks for death screams\" flag is deprecated in favor of \"$perform fewer checks for death screams\"\n"));
					bool temp;
                    profile->flags.set(AI::Profile_Flags::Perform_fewer_scream_checks, temp);
				if (optional_string("$allow primary link delay:"))
					mprintf(("Warning: \"$allow primary link delay\" flag is deprecated in favor of \"$allow primary link at mission start\"\n"));
					bool temp;
                    profile->flags.set(AI::Profile_Flags::Allow_primary_link_at_start, !temp);

				// if we've been through once already and are at the same place, force a move
				if (saved_Mp && (saved_Mp == Mp))
					char tmp[60];
					memset(tmp, 0, 60);
					strncpy(tmp, Mp, 59);
					mprintf(("WARNING: Unrecognized parameter in ai_profiles: %s\n", tmp));


				// find next valid option
				if (!skip_to_start_of_string_either("$", "#"))
				saved_Mp = Mp;

	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse '%s'!  Error message = %s.\n", (filename) ? filename : "<default ai_profiles.tbl>", e.what()));

	// add tbl/tbm to multiplayer validation list
	extern void fs2netd_add_table_validation(const char *tblname);
 * @brief Parses controlconfigdefault.tbl, and overrides the default control configuration for each valid entry in the .tbl
void control_config_common_load_overrides()

	try {
		if (cf_exists_full("controlconfigdefaults.tbl", CF_TYPE_TABLES)) {
			read_file_text("controlconfigdefaults.tbl", CF_TYPE_TABLES);
		} else {


		// start parsing
		// TODO: Split this out into more helps. Too many tabs!
		while(optional_string("#ControlConfigOverride")) {
			config_item *cfg_preset = new config_item[CCFG_MAX + 1];
			std::copy(Control_config, Control_config + CCFG_MAX + 1, cfg_preset);

			SCP_string preset_name;
			if (optional_string("$Name:")) {
			} else {
				preset_name = "<unnamed preset>";

			while (required_string_either("#End","$Bind Name:")) {
				const int iBufferLength = 64;
				char szTempBuffer[iBufferLength];

				required_string("$Bind Name:");
				stuff_string(szTempBuffer, F_NAME, iBufferLength);

				const size_t cCntrlAryLength = sizeof(Control_config) / sizeof(Control_config[0]);
				for (size_t i = 0; i < cCntrlAryLength; ++i) {
					config_item& r_ccConfig = cfg_preset[i];

					if (!strcmp(szTempBuffer, r_ccConfig.text)) {
                        * short key_default;
                        * short joy_default;
                        * char tab;
                        * bool hasXSTR;
                        * char type;

						int iTemp;

						if (optional_string("$Key Default:")) {
							if (optional_string("NONE")) {
								r_ccConfig.key_default = (short)-1;
							} else {
								stuff_string(szTempBuffer, F_NAME, iBufferLength);
								r_ccConfig.key_default = (short)mKeyNameToVal[szTempBuffer];

						if (optional_string("$Joy Default:")) {
							r_ccConfig.joy_default = (short)iTemp;

						if (optional_string("$Key Mod Shift:")) {
							r_ccConfig.key_default |= (iTemp == 1) ? KEY_SHIFTED : 0;

						if (optional_string("$Key Mod Alt:")) {
							r_ccConfig.key_default |= (iTemp == 1) ? KEY_ALTED : 0;

						if (optional_string("$Key Mod Ctrl:")) {
							r_ccConfig.key_default |= (iTemp == 1) ? KEY_CTRLED : 0;

						if (optional_string("$Category:")) {
							stuff_string(szTempBuffer, F_NAME, iBufferLength);
							r_ccConfig.tab = (char)mCCTabNameToVal[szTempBuffer];

						if (optional_string("$Has XStr:")) {
							r_ccConfig.hasXSTR = (iTemp == 1);

						if (optional_string("$Type:")) {
							stuff_string(szTempBuffer, F_NAME, iBufferLength);
							r_ccConfig.type = (char)mCCTypeNameToVal[szTempBuffer];

						if (optional_string("+Disable")) {
							r_ccConfig.disabled = true;
						if (optional_string("$Disable:")) {

						// Nerf the buffer now.
						szTempBuffer[0] = '\0';
					} else if ((i + 1) == cCntrlAryLength) {
						error_display(1, "Bind Name not found: %s\n", szTempBuffer);

	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse 'controlconfigdefaults.tbl'!  Error message = %s.\n", e.what()));

	// Overwrite the control config with the first preset that was found
	if (!Control_config_presets.empty()) {
		std::copy(Control_config_presets[0], Control_config_presets[0] + CCFG_MAX + 1, Control_config);
void parse_species_tbl(const char *filename)
	int i;
	char species_name[NAME_LENGTH];

		if (filename == NULL)
			read_file_text(filename, CF_TYPE_TABLES);


		// start parsing
		required_string("#SPECIES DEFS");

		// no longer required: counted automatically
		if (optional_string("$NumSpecies:"))
			int temp;

		// begin reading data
		while (required_string_either("#END", "$Species_Name:"))
			bool no_create = false;
			species_info *species, new_species;

			species = &new_species;

			// Start Species - Get its name
			stuff_string(species_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

			if (optional_string("+nocreate"))
				no_create = true;

				for (i = 0; i < (int)Species_info.size(); i++)
					if (!stricmp(Species_info[i].species_name, species_name))
						species = &Species_info[i];
				strcpy_s(species->species_name, species_name);

			// Goober5000 - IFF
			if (optional_string("$Default IFF:"))
				bool iff_found = false;
				char temp_name[NAME_LENGTH];
				stuff_string(temp_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

				// search for it in iffs
				for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < Num_iffs; iLoop++)
					if (!stricmp(Iff_info[iLoop].iff_name, temp_name))
						species->default_iff = iLoop;
						iff_found = true;

				if (!iff_found)
					species->default_iff = 0;
					Warning(LOCATION, "Species %s default IFF %s not found in iff_defs.tbl!  Defaulting to %s.\n", species->species_name, temp_name, Iff_info[species->default_iff].iff_name);
			else if (!no_create)
				// we have no idea which it could be, so default to 0
				species->default_iff = 0;

				// let them know
				Warning(LOCATION, "$Default IFF not specified for species %s in species_defs.tbl!  Defaulting to %s.\n", species->species_name, Iff_info[species->default_iff].iff_name);

			// Goober5000 - FRED color
			if (optional_string("$FRED Color:") || optional_string("$FRED Colour:"))
				stuff_int_list(species->fred_color.a1d, 3, RAW_INTEGER_TYPE);
			else if (!no_create)
				// set defaults to Volition's originals
				if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Terran"))
					species->fred_color.rgb.r = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.g = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.b = 192;
				else if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Vasudan"))
					species->fred_color.rgb.r = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.g = 128;
					species->fred_color.rgb.b = 0;
				else if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Shivan"))
					species->fred_color.rgb.r = 192;
					species->fred_color.rgb.g = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.b = 0;
				else if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Ancients") || !stricmp(species->species_name, "Ancient"))
					species->fred_color.rgb.r = 192;
					species->fred_color.rgb.g = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.b = 192;
					species->fred_color.rgb.r = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.g = 0;
					species->fred_color.rgb.b = 0;

				// let them know
				Warning(LOCATION, "$FRED Color not specified for species %s in species_defs.tbl!  Defaulting to (%d, %d, %d).\n", species->species_name, species->fred_color.rgb.r, species->fred_color.rgb.g, species->fred_color.rgb.b);

			// stuff

			// Get its Debris Texture
			if ((!no_create && required_string("+Debris_Texture:")) || optional_string("+Debris_Texture:"))
				generic_bitmap_init(&species->debris_texture, NULL);
				stuff_string(species->debris_texture.filename, F_NAME, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);

			// Shield Hit Animation
			if (optional_string("+Shield_Hit_ani:")) // Shouldn't be required -- LPine
				generic_anim_init(&species->shield_anim, NULL);
				stuff_string(species->shield_anim.filename, F_NAME, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);
			else if (!no_create)
				species->shield_anim.filename[0] = '\0';
				species->shield_anim.first_frame = -1; // Landmine to trip up anyone who does end up using this

			// Thruster Anims
			parse_thrust_anims(species, no_create);

			// Thruster Glow Anims
			parse_thrust_glows(species, no_create);

			// Goober5000 - AWACS multiplier
			if (optional_string("$AwacsMultiplier:"))
			else if (!no_create)
				// set defaults to Volition's originals
				if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Vasudan"))
					species->awacs_multiplier = 1.25f;
				else if (!stricmp(species->species_name, "Shivan"))
					species->awacs_multiplier = 1.50f;
					species->awacs_multiplier = 1.0f;

				// let them know
				Warning(LOCATION, "$AwacsMultiplier not specified for species %s in species_defs.tbl!  Defaulting to %.2f.\n", species->species_name, species->awacs_multiplier);

			// Goober5000 - countermeasure type
			// (we won't be able to resolve it until after we've parsed the weapons table)
			if (optional_string("$Countermeasure type:"))
				stuff_string(species->cmeasure_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

			// don't add new entry if this is just a modified one
			if (!no_create)


		// add tbl/tbm to multiplayer validation list
		extern void fs2netd_add_table_validation(const char *tblname);
	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse '%s'!  Error message = %s.\n", (filename) ? filename : NOX("<default species_defs.tbl>"), e.what()));
static bool opengl_post_init_table()
	bool warned = false;

		if (cf_exists_full("post_processing.tbl", CF_TYPE_TABLES))
			read_file_text("post_processing.tbl", CF_TYPE_TABLES);


		if (optional_string("#Effects")) {
			while (!required_string_one_of(3, "$Name:", "#Ship Effects", "#End")) {
				char tbuf[NAME_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
				post_effect_t eff;

				stuff_string(tbuf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
				eff.name = tbuf;

				stuff_string(tbuf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
				eff.uniform_name = tbuf;

				stuff_string(tbuf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
				eff.define_name = tbuf;


				eff.intensity = eff.default_intensity;



				// Post_effects index is used for flag checks, so we can't have more than 32
				if (Post_effects.size() < 32) {
				else if (!warned) {
					mprintf(("WARNING: post_processing.tbl can only have a max of 32 effects! Ignoring extra...\n"));
					warned = true;

		//Built-in per-ship effects
		ship_effect se1;
		strcpy_s(se1.name, "FS1 Ship select");
		se1.shader_effect = 0;
		se1.disables_rendering = false;
		se1.invert_timer = false;

		if (optional_string("#Ship Effects")) {
			while (!required_string_one_of(3, "$Name:", "#Light Shafts", "#End")) {
				ship_effect se;
				char tbuf[NAME_LENGTH] = { 0 };

				stuff_string(tbuf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
				strcpy_s(se.name, tbuf);

				required_string("$Shader Effect:");

				required_string("$Disables Rendering:");

				required_string("$Invert timer:");


		if (optional_string("#Light Shafts")) {
			required_string("$Sample Number:");

			ls_cpintensity = ls_weight;
			for (int i = 1; i < ls_samplenum; i++)
				ls_cpintensity += ls_weight * pow(ls_falloff, i);
			ls_cpintensity *= ls_intensity;


		return true;
	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("Unable to parse 'post_processing.tbl'!  Error message = %s.\n", e.what()));
		return false;
void parse_mod_table(const char *filename)
	// SCP_vector<SCP_string> lines;

		if (filename == NULL)
			read_file_text(filename, CF_TYPE_TABLES);


		// start parsing
		optional_string("#GAME SETTINGS");
		if (optional_string("$Minimum version:")) {
			int major = 0;
			int minor = 0;
			int build = 0;
			int revision = 0;
			if (optional_string("+Revision:")) {
			mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Parsed minimum version of %s\n", version::format_version(major, minor, build, revision).c_str()));
			if (!version::check_at_least(major, minor, build, revision)) {
				Error(LOCATION, "This modification needs at least version %s of FreeSpace Open. However, the current is only %s!",
					  version::format_version(major, minor, build, revision).c_str(),
					  version::format_version(FS_VERSION_MAJOR, FS_VERSION_MINOR, FS_VERSION_BUILD, FS_VERSION_REVIS).c_str());
		optional_string("#CAMPAIGN SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Default Campaign File Name:")) {
			char temp[MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
			stuff_string(temp, F_NAME, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);

			// remove extension?
			if (drop_extension(temp)) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Removed extension on default campaign file name %s\n", temp));

			// check length
			size_t maxlen = (MAX_FILENAME_LEN - 4);
			auto len = strlen(temp);
			if (len > maxlen) {
				Warning(LOCATION, "Token too long: [%s].  Length = " SIZE_T_ARG ".  Max is " SIZE_T_ARG ".\n", temp, len, maxlen);
				temp[maxlen] = 0;

			strcpy_s(Default_campaign_file_name, temp);

		if (optional_string("#Ignored Campaign File Names")) {
			SCP_string campaign_name;

			while (optional_string("$Campaign File Name:")) {
				stuff_string(campaign_name, F_NAME);

				// remove extension?
				if (drop_extension(campaign_name)) {
					mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Removed extension on ignored campaign file name %s\n", campaign_name.c_str()));


		if (optional_string("$Red-alert applies to delayed ships:")) {
			if (Red_alert_applies_to_delayed_ships) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Red-alert stats will be loaded for ships that arrive later in missions\n"));
			else {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Red-alert stats will NOT be loaded for ships that arrive later in missions (this is retail behavior)\n"));

		optional_string("#HUD SETTINGS");

		// how long should the game wait before displaying a directive?
		if (optional_string("$Directive Wait Time:")) {

		if (optional_string("$Cutscene camera displays HUD:")) {
		// compatibility
		if (optional_string("$Cutscene camera disables HUD:")) {
			mprintf(("Game Settings Table: \"$$Cutscene camera disables HUD\" is deprecated in favor of \"$Cutscene camera displays HUD\"\n"));
			bool temp;
			Cutscene_camera_displays_hud = !temp;

		if (optional_string("$Full color head animations:")) {
		// compatibility
		if (optional_string("$Color head animations with hud colors:")) {
			mprintf(("Game Settings Table: \"$Color head animations with hud colors\" is deprecated in favor of \"$Full color head animations\"\n"));
			bool temp;
			Full_color_head_anis = !temp;

		optional_string("#SEXP SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Loop SEXPs Then Arguments:")) {
			if (True_loop_argument_sexps) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Using Reversed Loops For SEXP Arguments\n"));
			else {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Using Standard Loops For SEXP Arguments\n"));

		if (optional_string("$Use Alternate Chaining Behavior:")) {
			if (Alternate_chaining_behavior) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Using alternate event chaining behavior\n"));
			else {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Using standard event chaining behavior\n"));

		optional_string("#GRAPHICS SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Enable External Shaders:")) {
			if (Enable_external_shaders)
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: External shaders are enabled\n"));
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: External shaders are DISABLED\n"));

		if (optional_string("$Default Detail Level:")) {
			int detail_level;


			mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Setting default detail level to %i of %i-%i\n", detail_level, 0, NUM_DEFAULT_DETAIL_LEVELS - 1));

			if (detail_level < 0 || detail_level > NUM_DEFAULT_DETAIL_LEVELS - 1) {
				Warning(LOCATION, "Invalid detail level: %i, setting to %i\n", detail_level, Default_detail_level);
			else {
				Default_detail_level = detail_level;

		if (optional_string("$Briefing Window FOV:")) {
			float fov;


			mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Setting briefing window FOV from %f to %f\n", Briefing_window_FOV, fov));

			Briefing_window_FOV = fov;

			if (optional_string("$Generic Pain Flash Factor:")) {
			if (Generic_pain_flash_factor != 1.0f)
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Setting generic pain flash factor to %.2f\n", Generic_pain_flash_factor));
			if (optional_string("$Shield Pain Flash Factor:")) {
			if (Shield_pain_flash_factor != 0.0f)
				 mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Setting shield pain flash factor to %.2f\n", Shield_pain_flash_factor));

		optional_string("#NETWORK SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$FS2NetD port:")) {
			if (FS2NetD_port)
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: FS2NetD connecting to port %i\n", FS2NetD_port));

		optional_string("#SOUND SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Default Sound Volume:")) {

		if (optional_string("$Default Music Volume:")) {

		if (optional_string("$Default Voice Volume:")) {

		optional_string("#FRED SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Disable Hard Coded Message Head Ani Files:")) {
			if (Disable_hc_message_ani) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: FRED - Disabling Hard Coded Message Ani Files\n"));
			else {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: FRED - Using Hard Coded Message Ani Files\n"));


		optional_string("#OTHER SETTINGS");

		if (optional_string("$Fixed Turret Collisions:")) {

		if (optional_string("$Damage Impacted Subsystem First:")) {

		if (optional_string("$Default ship select effect:")) {
			char effect[NAME_LENGTH];
			stuff_string(effect, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
			if (!stricmp(effect, "FS2"))
				Default_ship_select_effect = 2;
			else if (!stricmp(effect, "FS1"))
				Default_ship_select_effect = 1;
			else if (!stricmp(effect, "off"))
				Default_ship_select_effect = 0;

		if (optional_string("$Default weapon select effect:")) {
			char effect[NAME_LENGTH];
			stuff_string(effect, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
			if (!stricmp(effect, "FS2"))
				Default_weapon_select_effect = 2;
			else if (!stricmp(effect, "FS1"))
				Default_weapon_select_effect = 1;
			else if (!stricmp(effect, "off"))
				Default_weapon_select_effect = 0;

		if (optional_string("$Weapons inherit parent collision group:")) {
			if (Weapons_inherit_parent_collision_group)
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Weapons inherit parent collision group\n"));

		if (optional_string("$Flight controls follow eyepoint orientation:")) {
			if (Flight_controls_follow_eyepoint_orientation)
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Flight controls follow eyepoint orientation\n"));

		if (optional_string("$Beams Use Damage Factors:")) {
			if (Beams_use_damage_factors) {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Beams will use Damage Factors\n"));
			else {
				mprintf(("Game Settings Table: Beams will ignore Damage Factors (retail behavior)\n"));

		if (optional_string("$Default fiction viewer UI:")) {
			char ui_name[NAME_LENGTH];
			stuff_string(ui_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
			if (!stricmp(ui_name, "auto"))
				Default_fiction_viewer_ui = -1;
			else {
				int ui_index = fiction_viewer_ui_name_to_index(ui_name);
				if (ui_index >= 0)
					Default_fiction_viewer_ui = ui_index;
					Warning(LOCATION, "Unrecognized fiction viewer UI: %s", ui_name);

	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse '%s'!  Error message = %s.\n", (filename) ? filename : "<default game_settings.tbl>", e.what()));
void parse_ai_profiles_tbl(const char *filename)
	int i;
	char profile_name[NAME_LENGTH];
	ai_profile_t dummy_profile;
	char *saved_Mp = NULL;
	char buf[NAME_LENGTH];

		if (filename == NULL)
			read_file_text(filename, CF_TYPE_TABLES);


		// start parsing
		required_string("#AI Profiles");

		// new default?
		if (optional_string("$Default Profile:"))
			stuff_string(Default_profile_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

		// begin reading data
		while (required_string_either("#End", "$Profile Name:"))
			ai_profile_t *profile = &dummy_profile;
			ai_profile_t *previous_profile = NULL;
			bool no_create = false;

			// get the name
			required_string("$Profile Name:");
			stuff_string(profile_name, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);

			// see if it exists
			for (i = 0; i < Num_ai_profiles; i++)
				if (!stricmp(Ai_profiles[i].profile_name, profile_name))
					previous_profile = &Ai_profiles[i];

			// modular table stuff
			if (optional_string("+nocreate"))
				no_create = true;

				// use the previous one if possible,
				// otherwise continue to use the dummy one
				if (previous_profile != NULL)
					profile = previous_profile;
				// don't create multiple profiles with the same name
				if (previous_profile != NULL)
					Warning(LOCATION, "An ai profile named '%s' already exists!  The new one will not be created.\n", profile_name);
					// make sure we're under the limit
					if (Num_ai_profiles >= MAX_AI_PROFILES)
						Warning(LOCATION, "Too many profiles in ai_profiles.tbl!  Max is %d.\n", MAX_AI_PROFILES - 1);	// -1 because one is built-in
						skip_to_string("#End", NULL);

					profile = &Ai_profiles[Num_ai_profiles];

			// initialize profile if we're not building from a previously parsed one
			if (!no_create)
				// base profile, so zero it out
				if (profile == &Ai_profiles[0])
					memset(profile, 0, sizeof(ai_profile_t));
				// brand new profile, so set it to the base defaults
					memcpy(profile, &Ai_profiles[0], sizeof(ai_profile_t));

			// set the name
			strcpy_s(profile->profile_name, profile_name);

			// fill in any and all settings; they're all optional and can be in any order
			while (!check_for_string("$Profile Name:") && !check_for_string("#End"))
				if (optional_string("$Player Afterburner Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->afterburner_recharge_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Beam Friendly Fire Damage:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->beam_friendly_damage_cap, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Countermeasure Life Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->cmeasure_life_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Countermeasure Firing Chance:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->cmeasure_fire_chance, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI In Range Time:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->in_range_time, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Always Links Ammo Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_ammo_levels_always, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Maybe Links Ammo Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_ammo_levels_maybe, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Primary Ammo Burst Multiplier:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->primary_ammo_burst_mult, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Always Links Energy Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_energy_levels_always, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Maybe Links Energy Weapons:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->link_energy_levels_maybe, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Missles Locked on Player:") || optional_string("$Max Missiles Locked on Player:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_allowed_player_homers, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Player Attackers:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_attackers, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Incoming Asteroids:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_incoming_asteroids, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Damage Factor:") || optional_string("$AI Damage Reduction to Player Hull:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->player_damage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Subsys Damage Factor:") || optional_string("$AI Damage Reduction to Player Subsys:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->subsys_damage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				// represented in fractions of F1_0
				if (optional_string("$Predict Position Delay:"))
					int iLoop;
					float temp_list[NUM_SKILL_LEVELS];

					parse_float_list(temp_list, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

					for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; iLoop++)
						profile->predict_position_delay[iLoop] = fl2f(temp_list[iLoop]);

				if (optional_string("$AI Shield Manage Delay:") || optional_string("$AI Shield Manage Delays:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->shield_manage_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Friendly AI Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_delay_scale_friendly, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Hostile AI Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_delay_scale_hostile, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Friendly AI Secondary Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_friendly, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Hostile AI Secondary Fire Delay Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->ship_fire_secondary_delay_scale_hostile, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$AI Turn Time Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->turn_time_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Glide Attack Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->glide_attack_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->glide_attack_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->glide_attack_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Glide Attack Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->glide_attack_percent[i]);
							profile->glide_attack_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->glide_attack_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Circle Strafe Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->circle_strafe_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Circle Strafe Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->circle_strafe_percent[i]);
							profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->circle_strafe_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Glide Strafe Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->glide_strafe_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Glide Strafe Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->glide_strafe_percent[i]);
							profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->glide_strafe_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Random Sidethrust Percent:")) {
					parse_float_list(profile->random_sidethrust_percent, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					//Percent is nice for modders, but here in the code we want it betwwen 0 and 1.0
					//While we're at it, verify the range
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++) {
						if (profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] < 0.0f || profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] > 100.0f) {
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Random Sidethrust Percent should be between 0 and 100.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i]);
							profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] = 0.0f;
						profile->random_sidethrust_percent[i] /= 100.0;

				if (optional_string("$Stalemate Time Threshold:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->stalemate_time_thresh, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Stalemate Distance Threshold:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->stalemate_dist_thresh, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Shield Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->shield_energy_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Weapon Recharge Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->weapon_energy_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Turret Target Ownage:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_turret_ownage_target, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Turret Player Ownage:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->max_turret_ownage_player, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Required For Kill Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->kill_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Required For Assist Scale:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->assist_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Percentage Awarded For Capship Assist:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->assist_award_percentage_scale, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Repair Penalty:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->repair_penalty, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Delay Before Allowing Bombs to Be Shot Down:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->delay_bomb_arm_timer, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Chance AI Has to Fire Missiles at Player:"))
					parse_int_list(profile->chance_to_use_missiles_on_plr, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Max Aim Update Delay:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->max_aim_update_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Turret Max Aim Update Delay:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->turret_max_aim_update_delay, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				if (optional_string("$Player Autoaim FOV:"))
					float fov_list[NUM_SKILL_LEVELS];
					parse_float_list(fov_list, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);
					for (i = 0; i < NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++)
						//Enforce range
						if (fov_list[i] < 0.0f || fov_list[i] >= 360.0f)
							Warning(LOCATION, "$Player Autoaim FOV should be >= 0 and < 360.0 (read %f). Setting to 0.", fov_list[i]);
							fov_list[i] = 0.0f;

						//Convert units
						profile->player_autoaim_fov[i] = fov_list[i] * PI / 180.0f;

				if (optional_string("$Detail Distance Multiplier:"))
					parse_float_list(profile->detail_distance_mult, NUM_SKILL_LEVELS);

				set_flag(profile, "$big ships can attack beam turrets on untargeted ships:", AIPF_BIG_SHIPS_CAN_ATTACK_BEAM_TURRETS_ON_UNTARGETED_SHIPS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart primary weapon selection:", AIPF_SMART_PRIMARY_WEAPON_SELECTION, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart secondary weapon selection:", AIPF_SMART_SECONDARY_WEAPON_SELECTION, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart shield management:", AIPF_SMART_SHIELD_MANAGEMENT, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart afterburner management:", AIPF_SMART_AFTERBURNER_MANAGEMENT, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow rapid secondary dumbfire:", AIPF_ALLOW_RAPID_SECONDARY_DUMBFIRE, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$huge turret weapons ignore bombs:", AIPF_HUGE_TURRET_WEAPONS_IGNORE_BOMBS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$don't insert random turret fire delay:", AIPF_DONT_INSERT_RANDOM_TURRET_FIRE_DELAY, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$hack improve non-homing swarm turret fire accuracy:", AIPF_HACK_IMPROVE_NON_HOMING_SWARM_TURRET_FIRE_ACCURACY, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$shockwaves damage small ship subsystems:", AIPF_SHOCKWAVES_DAMAGE_SMALL_SHIP_SUBSYSTEMS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$navigation subsystem governs warpout capability:", AIPF_NAVIGATION_SUBSYS_GOVERNS_WARP, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$ignore lower bound for minimum speed of docked ship:", AIPF_NO_MIN_DOCK_SPEED_CAP, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable linked fire penalty:", AIPF_DISABLE_LINKED_FIRE_PENALTY, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable weapon damage scaling:", AIPF_DISABLE_WEAPON_DAMAGE_SCALING, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$use additive weapon velocity:", AIPF_USE_ADDITIVE_WEAPON_VELOCITY, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$use newtonian dampening:", AIPF_USE_NEWTONIAN_DAMPENING, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$include beams for kills and assists:", AIPF_INCLUDE_BEAMS_IN_STAT_CALCS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$score kills based on damage caused:", AIPF_KILL_SCORING_SCALES_WITH_DAMAGE, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$score assists based on damage caused:", AIPF_ASSIST_SCORING_SCALES_WITH_DAMAGE, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow event and goal scoring in multiplayer:", AIPF_ALLOW_MULTI_EVENT_SCORING, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix linked primary weapon decision bug:", AIPF_FIX_LINKED_PRIMARY_BUG, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$prevent turrets targeting too distant bombs:", AIPF_PREVENT_TARGETING_BOMBS_BEYOND_RANGE, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$smart subsystem targeting for turrets:", AIPF_SMART_SUBSYSTEM_TARGETING_FOR_TURRETS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix heat seekers homing on stealth ships bug:", AIPF_FIX_HEAT_SEEKER_STEALTH_BUG, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$multi allow empty primaries:", AIPF_MULTI_ALLOW_EMPTY_PRIMARIES, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$multi allow empty secondaries:", AIPF_MULTI_ALLOW_EMPTY_SECONDARIES, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow turrets target weapons freely:", AIPF_ALLOW_TURRETS_TARGET_WEAPONS_FREELY, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$use only single fov for turrets:", AIPF_USE_ONLY_SINGLE_FOV_FOR_TURRETS, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow vertical dodge:", AIPF_ALLOW_VERTICAL_DODGE, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$force beam turrets to use normal fov:", AIPF_FORCE_BEAM_TURRET_FOV, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix ai class bug:", AIPF_FIX_AI_CLASS_BUG, AIP_FLAG);

				set_flag(profile, "$turrets ignore targets radius in range checks:", AIPF2_TURRETS_IGNORE_TARGET_RADIUS, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$no extra collision avoidance vs player:", AIPF2_NO_SPECIAL_PLAYER_AVOID, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$perform fewer checks for death screams:", AIPF2_PERFORM_FEWER_SCREAM_CHECKS, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$advanced turret fov edge checks:", AIPF2_ADVANCED_TURRET_FOV_EDGE_CHECKS, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$require turrets to have target in fov:", AIPF2_REQUIRE_TURRET_TO_HAVE_TARGET_IN_FOV, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$all ships manage shields:", AIPF2_ALL_SHIPS_MANAGE_SHIELDS, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai aims from ship center:", AIPF2_AI_AIMS_FROM_SHIP_CENTER, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow primary link at mission start:", AIPF2_ALLOW_PRIMARY_LINK_AT_START, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$allow beams to damage bombs:", AIPF2_BEAMS_DAMAGE_WEAPONS, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$disable weapon damage scaling for player:", AIPF2_PLAYER_WEAPON_SCALE_FIX, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$countermeasures affect aspect seekers:", AIPF2_ASPECT_LOCK_COUNTERMEASURE, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai guards specific ship in wing:", AIPF2_AI_GUARDS_SPECIFIC_SHIP_IN_WING, AIP_FLAG2);

				profile->ai_path_mode = AI_PATH_MODE_NORMAL;
				if (optional_string("$ai path mode:"))
					stuff_string(buf, F_NAME, NAME_LENGTH);
					int j = ai_path_type_match(buf);
					if (j >= 0) {
						profile->ai_path_mode = j;
					else {
						Warning(LOCATION, "Invalid ai path mode '%s' specified", buf);

				set_flag(profile, "$no warp camera:", AIPF2_NO_WARP_CAMERA, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$fix ai path order bug:", AIPF2_FIX_AI_PATH_ORDER_BUG, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$strict turret-tagged-only targeting:", AIPF2_STRICT_TURRET_TAGGED_ONLY_TARGETING, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$aspect bomb invulnerability fix:", AIPF2_ASPECT_INVULNERABILITY_FIX, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$glide decay requires thrust:", AIPF2_GLIDE_DECAY_REQUIRES_THRUST, AIP_FLAG2);

				set_flag(profile, "$ai can slow down when attacking big ships:", AIPF2_AI_CAN_SLOW_DOWN_ATTACKING_BIG_SHIPS, AIP_FLAG2);

				profile->bay_arrive_speed_mult = 1.0f;
				profile->bay_depart_speed_mult = 1.0f;
				if (optional_string("$bay arrive speed multiplier:")) {
				if (optional_string("$bay depart speed multiplier:")) {

				// ----------

				// compatibility
				if (optional_string("$perform less checks for death screams:"))
					mprintf(("Warning: \"$perform less checks for death screams\" flag is deprecated in favor of \"$perform fewer checks for death screams\"\n"));
					bool temp;
					if (temp)
						profile->flags2 |= AIPF2_PERFORM_FEWER_SCREAM_CHECKS;
						profile->flags2 &= ~AIPF2_PERFORM_FEWER_SCREAM_CHECKS;
				if (optional_string("$allow primary link delay:"))
					mprintf(("Warning: \"$allow primary link delay\" flag is deprecated in favor of \"$allow primary link at mission start\"\n"));
					bool temp;
					if (temp)
						profile->flags2 &= ~AIPF2_ALLOW_PRIMARY_LINK_AT_START;
						profile->flags2 |= AIPF2_ALLOW_PRIMARY_LINK_AT_START;

				// if we've been through once already and are at the same place, force a move
				if (saved_Mp && (saved_Mp == Mp))
					char tmp[60];
					memset(tmp, 0, 60);
					strncpy(tmp, Mp, 59);
					mprintf(("WARNING: Unrecognized parameter in ai_profiles: %s\n", tmp));


				// find next valid option
				skip_to_start_of_string_either("$", "#");
				saved_Mp = Mp;

	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse '%s'!  Error message = %s.\n", (filename) ? filename : "<default ai_profiles.tbl>", e.what()));

	// add tbl/tbm to multiplayer validation list
	extern void fs2netd_add_table_validation(const char *tblname);
void parse_autopilot_table(const char *filename)
	SCP_vector<SCP_string> lines;

		if (filename == NULL)
			read_file_text(filename, CF_TYPE_TABLES);



		// autopilot link distance
		required_string("$Link Distance:");

		if (optional_string("$Interrupt autopilot if enemy within distance:"))
			AutopilotMinEnemyDistance = 5000;

		if (optional_string("$Interrupt autopilot if asteroid within distance:"))
			AutopilotMinAsteroidDistance = 1000;

		if (optional_string("$Lock Weapons During Autopilot:"))
			LockWeaponsDuringAutopilot = false;

		// optional no cutscene bars
		if (optional_string("+No_Cutscene_Bars"))
			UseCutsceneBars = false;
		// optional no cutscene bars
		if (optional_string("+No_Autopilot_Interrupt"))
			Cmdline_autopilot_interruptable = 0;

		// No Nav selected message
		const char *msg_tags[] = { "$No Nav Selected:", "$Gliding:",
			"$Too Close:", "$Hostiles:", "$Linked:", "$Hazard:",
			"$Support Present:", "$Support Working:" };
		for (int i = 0; i < NP_NUM_MESSAGES; i++)

			stuff_string(NavMsgs[i].message, F_MESSAGE, 256);

			required_string("+Snd File:");
			stuff_string(NavMsgs[i].filename, F_NAME, 256);

	catch (const parse::ParseException& e)
		mprintf(("TABLES: Unable to parse '%s'!  Error message = %s.\n", (filename) ? filename : "<default autopilot.tbl>", e.what()));