文件: gene.hpp 项目: fengwang/ga
 gene( const value_type l=real_type(0), const value_type u=real_type(1) ) : v_(l_), l_(l), u_(u), c_(0) 
 { assert( l < u ); }
 typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Args) == D-1 && std::is_convertible<Arg1,real_type>::value, real_type>::type 
 dispersion(Arg1 in1, Args... in) {
     return -2.0*_t*cos(real_type(in1)) + cubic_traits<D-1>(_t).dispersion(in...);
Pacejka89::getForce(const real_type& rho, const real_type& rhoDot,
                    const real_type& alpha, const real_type& kappa,
                    const real_type& gamma, const real_type& phi) const
  // Pacejka suggests this correction to avoid singularities at zero speed
  const real_type e_v = 1e-2;

  // The normal force
  real_type Fz = rho*mSpringConstant + mDampingConstant*rhoDot;
  // The normal force cannot get negative here.
  Fz = max(real_type(0), Fz);

  // Pacejka's equations tend to provide infinitesimal stiff tires at low
  // normal forces. Limit the input to the magic formula to a minimal
  // normal load and rescale the output force according to the original
  // load.
  real_type FzRatio = 1;
  if (Fz < mFzMin) {
    FzRatio = Fz/mFzMin;
    Fz = mFzMin;

  // The normal force is mean to be in kN
  Fz *= 1e-3;

  // Longitudinal force (Pure longitudinal slip)
  // Shape factor
  real_type Cx = mB0;
  // Peak factor
  real_type Dx = (mB1*Fz + mB2)*Fz;
  // BCD
  real_type BCDx = (mB3*Fz + mB4)*Fz*exp(-mB5*Fz);
  // Stiffness factor
  real_type Bx = BCDx/(Cx*Dx + e_v);
  // Horizonal shift
  real_type SHx = (mB9*Fz + mB10);
  // Vertical shift
  real_type SVx = 0;
  // Shifted longitudinal slip
  // FIXME is this really in % ??? Also the other old model!!!
//   real_type kappax = kappa + SHx;
  real_type kappax = 100*kappa + SHx;
  // Curvature factor
  real_type Ex = (mB6*Fz + mB7)*Fz + mB8;
  // See P175 Note on Fig 4.10: Clamp E <= 1 to avoid unrealistic behaviour
  Ex = min(Ex, real_type(1));
  // The resulting longitudinal force
  real_type Bxk = Bx*kappax;
  real_type Fx = Dx*sin(Cx*atan(Bxk - Ex*(Bxk - atan(Bxk)))) + SVx;

  // Lateral force (Pure side slip)
  // Shape factor
  real_type Cy = mA0;
  // Peak factor
  real_type Dy = Fz*(mA1*Fz + mA2);
  // BCD
  real_type BCDy = mA3*sin(atan(Fz/mA4)*2)*(1 - mA5*fabs(gamma));
  // Stiffness factor
  real_type By = BCDy/(Cy*Dy + e_v);
  // Horizonal shift
  real_type SHy = mA9*Fz + mA10 + mA8*gamma;
  // Vertical shift
  real_type SVy = mA11*Fz*gamma + mA12*Fz + mA13;
  // Shifted lateral slip
  real_type alphay = rad2deg*alpha + SHy;
  // Curvature factor
  real_type Ey = mA6*Fz + mA7;
  // See P175 Note on Fig 4.10: Clamp E <= 1 to avoid unrealistic behaviour
  Ey = min(Ey, real_type(1));
  // The resulting lateral force
  real_type Bya = By*alphay;
  real_type Fy = Dy*sin(Cy*atan(Bya - Ey*(Bya - atan(Bya)))) + SVy;

  // Self aligning torque
  // Shape factor
  real_type Cz = mC0;
  // Peak factor
  real_type Dz = (mC1*Fz + mC2)*Fz;
  // BCD
  real_type BCDz = (mC3*Fz + mC4)*Fz*(1 - mC6*fabs(gamma))*exp(-mC5*Fz);
  // Stiffness factor
  real_type Bz = BCDz/(Cz*Dz + e_v);
  // Horizonal shift
  real_type SHz = mC11*gamma + mC12*Fz + mC13;
  // Vertical shift
  real_type SVz = (mC14*Fz + mC15)*Fz*gamma + mC16*Fz + mC17;
  // Shifted lateral slip
  real_type alphaz = rad2deg*alpha + SHz;
  // Curvature factor
  real_type Ez = ((mC7*Fz + mC8)*Fz + mC9)*(1 - mC10*fabs(gamma));
  // See P175 Note on Fig 4.10: Clamp E <= 1 to avoid unrealistic behaviour
  Ez = min(Ez, real_type(1));
  // The resulting lateral force
  real_type Bza = Bz*alphaz;
  real_type Mz = Dz*sin(Cz*atan(Bza - Ez*(Bza - atan(Bza)))) + SVz;

  return FzRatio*Vector6(Vector3(0, 0, Mz), Vector3(Fx, Fy, 1e3*Fz));
 /** Returns an analytic std::function of the dispersion. */
 ArgFunType get_dispersion(){ return tools::extract_tuple_f(std::function<real_type(arg_tuple)>([this](arg_tuple in){return dispersion(in);})); }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, BZPoint<D> in)
{for (size_t i=0; i<D; ++i) out << real_type(in[i]) << " "; return out; } 
 * Test 6: pairs (real x real)
 * - start with pairs [9, 11], [11, 9]
static void test6(void) {
  type_t tau[2];
  particle_t a, b, c, d;
  particle_t q[40], x;
  uint32_t n;

	 "*       TEST 6        *\n"

  tau[0] = real_type(&types);
  tau[1] = real_type(&types);

  a = pstore_labeled_particle(&store, 9, tau[0]);
  b = pstore_labeled_particle(&store, 11, tau[1]);

  q[0] = b;
  q[1] = a;
  c = pstore_tuple_particle(&store, 2, q, tau);

  q[0] = a;
  q[1] = b;
  d = pstore_tuple_particle(&store, 2, q, tau);

  printf("\nInitial objects of type tau!%"PRId32"\n", tau[0]);

  printf("Initial objects of type tau!%"PRId32" x tau!%"PRId32"\n", tau[0], tau[1]);

  printf("\nInitial sets\n");
  print_particle_set(pstore_find_set_for_type(&store, tau[0]));
  print_particle_set(pstore_find_set_for_types(&store, 2, tau));

    // Initial array: empty
  printf("Test array: ");
  print_particle_array(q, 0);

  // create new tuples until that fails
  for (n = 0; n<40; n++) {
    x = get_distinct_tuple(&store, 2, tau, n, q);
    if (x == null_particle) {
    printf("New particle:");
    q[n] = x;

  printf("\nFinal sets\n");
  print_particle_set(pstore_find_set_for_type(&store, tau[0]));
  print_particle_set(pstore_find_set_for_types(&store, 2, tau));

LevenbergMarquart(Function& f,
                  real_type t,
                  Vector& x,
                  real_type atol, real_type rtol,
                  unsigned *itCount,
                  unsigned maxit)
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Start guess\nx = " << trans(x) << endl;

  Matrix J;
  LinAlg::MatrixFactors<real_type,0,0,LinAlg::LUTag> jacFactors;

  bool converged = false;
  real_type tau = 1e-1;
  real_type nu = 2;

  // Compute in each step a new jacobian
  f.jac(t, x, J);
  Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Jacobian is:\n" << J << endl;
  real_type mu = tau*norm1(J);

  Vector fx;
  // Compute the actual error
  f.eval(t, x, fx);
  Vector g = trans(J)*fx;

  do {
    jacFactors = trans(J)*J + mu*LinAlg::Eye<real_type,0,0>(rows(x), rows(x));
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Jacobian is "
                             << (jacFactors.singular() ? "singular" : "ok")
                             << endl;
    // Compute the search direction
    Vector h = jacFactors.solve(-g);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Solve Residual "
                             << norm(trans(J)*J*h + mu*h + g)/norm(g) << endl;

    // Get a better search guess
    Vector xnew = x + h;

    // check convergence
    converged = equal(x, xnew, atol, rtol);
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Convergence test: ||h||_1 = " << norm1(h)
                             << ", converged = " << converged << endl;
    if (converged)

    f.eval(t, x, fx);
    real_type Fx = norm(fx);
    f.eval(t, xnew, fx);
    real_type Fxnew = norm(fx);
    real_type rho = (Fx - Fxnew)/(0.5*dot(h, mu*h - g));
    Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Rho = " << rho
                             << ", Fxnew = " << Fxnew 
                             << ", Fx = " << Fx
                             << endl;
    if (0 < rho) {
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "Accepted step!" << endl;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "xnew = " << trans(xnew) << endl;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "h    = " << trans(h) << endl;

      // New guess is the better one
      x = xnew;

      f.jac(t, x, J);
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug3) << "Jacobian is:\n" << J << endl;
      // Compute the actual error
      f.eval(t, x, fx);
      g = trans(J)*fx;
      converged = norm1(g) < atol;
      Log(NewtonMethod, Debug) << "||g||_1 = " << norm1(g) << endl;

      mu = mu * max(real_type(1)/3, 1-pow(2*rho-1, real_type(3)));
      nu = 2;

    } else {
      mu = mu * nu;
      nu = 2 * nu;
  } while (!converged);

  return converged;
 real_type fudge_factor() const
     // as a pure reduction, this routine is extra sensitive to FP math
     return real_type(50);