void BluetoothDeviceListItem::paintButton(Graphics &g, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown) {
  auto bounds = getLocalBounds();
  auto inset = bounds.reduced(6, 4);
  auto w = bounds.getWidth(), h = bounds.getHeight();
  auto iconBounds = Rectangle<float>(w - h, h/5.0, h*0.6, h*0.6);

  auto listOutline = Path();
  listOutline.addRoundedRectangle(inset.toFloat(), 10.0f);

  if (device->connected) {
    icons->checkIcon->setSize(h, h);
    icons->checkIcon->drawWithin(g, iconBounds, RectanglePlacement::fillDestination, 1.0f);

//  icons->arrowIcon->setSize(h, h);
//  icons->arrowIcon->drawWithin(g, Rectangle<float>(w - (h/8), contentHeight + 8, contentHeight, contentHeight),
//                               RectanglePlacement::fillDestination, 1.0f);

  g.setFont(h * 0.5);
  g.drawText(getName(), inset.reduced(h * 0.2, 0), Justification::centredLeft, true);
AudioDataSet<T> AudioDataSet<T>::getVarianceReducedCopy(int numFeatures)
	arma::Mat<T> dataNormalised(data);

	arma::Col<T> variances = arma::var(dataNormalised, 1, 1);

	arma::uvec sorted = arma::sort_index(variances, 1);
	arma::Mat<T> reducedData(numFeatures, data.n_cols);
	std::vector<FeatureFramePair> reducedFeaturesUsed;

	for (auto i = 0; i < numFeatures; ++i)
		reducedData.row(i) = data.row(sorted[i]);

	AudioDataSet reduced(numSounds, instancesPerSound, bufferSize,
		stftFramesPerBuffer, numDelayedBuffers);

	reduced.data = reducedData;
	reduced.soundLabels = soundLabels;
	reduced.featuresUsed = reducedFeaturesUsed;

	return reduced;
vector<float> MPIDistribution::MPILayerReduceVariable(vector<float> data)
	MPI_Comm* comm = MPIGetCommLayer();

	vector<float> reduced(data.size());

	return reduced;
void CpuRegistersComponent::resized()
	auto working_area = getLocalBounds();
	auto flags_area = working_area.removeFromRight(getWidth() / 3);

	registers_list_.setBounds(working_area.reduced(1, 1));
	registers_list_.setRowHeight(working_area.getHeight() / 6);

	const auto flags_area_height = flags_area.getHeight();
	zero_flag_toggle_.setBounds(flags_area.removeFromTop(flags_area_height / 4));
	subtract_flag_toggle_.setBounds(flags_area.removeFromTop(flags_area_height / 4));
	half_carry_flag_toggle_.setBounds(flags_area.removeFromTop(flags_area_height / 4));
float MatrixMath::det(const Matrix& Mat)
    if( Mat._nRows == Mat._nCols  )

        if( Mat._nRows == 2 )  // 2x2 Matrix
            float det;
            det = Mat._matrix[0][0] * Mat._matrix[1][1] -
                    Mat._matrix[1][0] * Mat._matrix[0][1];
            return det;
        else if( Mat._nRows == 3 ) // 3x3 Matrix
            float det;
            MatrixMath dummy; //For Private Method.

            det = dummy.Det3x3( Mat );
            return det;

        } else {

            float part1= 0;
            float part2= 0;

            //Find +/- on First Row
            for( int i = 0; i < Mat._nCols; i++)
                Matrix reduced( Mat );           // Copy Original Matrix
                Matrix::DeleteRow( reduced, 1); // Delete First Row

                if( i%2 == 0 ) //Even Rows

                    Matrix::DeleteCol( reduced, i+1);
                    part1 += Mat._matrix[0][i] * MatrixMath::det(reduced);
                else  // Odd Rows
                    Matrix::DeleteCol( reduced, i+1);
                    part2 += Mat._matrix[0][i] * MatrixMath::det(reduced);
            return part1 - part2; 

        printf("\n\nERROR:\nMatrix must be square Matrix @ MatrixMath::det");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int total, lower_bound, upper_bound, n, d;

  for (d = 4; d <= atoi(argv[1]); d++) {
    lower_bound = d / 3;
    upper_bound = d / 2;

    for (n = lower_bound; n <= upper_bound; n++) {
      if (reduced(n, d) && frac_cmp(n, d, 1, 3) == 1 && frac_cmp(n, d, 1, 2) == -1) {

  printf("Total: %d\n", total);
void ProjucerLookAndFeel::drawToggleButton (Graphics& g, ToggleButton& button, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)
    ignoreUnused (isMouseOverButton, isButtonDown);

    if (! button.isEnabled())
        g.setOpacity (0.5f);

    bool isTextEmpty = button.getButtonText().isEmpty();
    bool isPropertyComponentChild = (dynamic_cast<BooleanPropertyComponent*> (button.getParentComponent()) != nullptr);

    auto bounds = button.getLocalBounds();

    auto sideLength = isPropertyComponentChild ? 25 : bounds.getHeight();

    auto rectBounds = isTextEmpty ? bounds
                                  : bounds.removeFromLeft (jmin (sideLength, bounds.getWidth() / 3));

    rectBounds = rectBounds.withSizeKeepingCentre (sideLength, sideLength).reduced (4);

    g.setColour (button.findColour (ToggleButton::tickDisabledColourId));
    g.drawRoundedRectangle (rectBounds.toFloat(), 2.0f, 1.0f);

    if (button.getToggleState())
        g.setColour (button.findColour (ToggleButton::tickColourId));
        const auto tick = getTickShape (0.75f);
        g.fillPath (tick, tick.getTransformToScaleToFit (rectBounds.reduced (2).toFloat(), false));

    if (! isTextEmpty)
        bounds.removeFromLeft (5);

        const auto fontSize = jmin (15.0f, button.getHeight() * 0.75f);

        g.setFont (fontSize);
        g.setColour (isPropertyComponentChild ? findColour (widgetTextColourId)
                                              : button.findColour (ToggleButton::textColourId));

        g.drawFittedText (button.getButtonText(), bounds, Justification::centredLeft, 2);
// pop data after each transfer to reduce memory usage
vector<vector<float> > MPIDistribution::MPILayerReduceVariable(vector<vector<float> > data)
	MPI_Comm* comm = MPIGetCommLayer();

	vector<vector<float> > reduced(data.size());//(data.size(),vector<float>(data[0].size()));
	int size;
	for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
		vector<float> r(data[i].size());
		size = data[i].size();

		// Fix bug - should not need to use NETWORK_COMM_WORLD
		reduced[i] = r;

	return reduced;
void ProjectContentComponent::resized()
    auto r = getLocalBounds();

    r.removeFromRight (10);
    r.removeFromLeft (15);
    r.removeFromBottom (40);
    r.removeFromTop (5);

    if (header != nullptr)
        header->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (40));

    r.removeFromTop (10);

    auto sidebarArea = r.removeFromLeft (sidebarTabs.getWidth() != 0 ? sidebarTabs.getWidth()
                                                                     : r.getWidth() / 4);

    if (sidebarTabs.isVisible())
        sidebarTabs.setBounds (sidebarArea);

    if (resizerBar != nullptr)
        resizerBar->setBounds (r.withWidth (4));

    if (auto* h = dynamic_cast<HeaderComponent*> (header.get()))
        h->sidebarTabsWidthChanged (sidebarTabs.getWidth());
        r.removeFromRight (h->getUserButtonWidth());

    if (contentView != nullptr)
        if (fileNameLabel != nullptr && fileNameLabel->isVisible())
            fileNameLabel->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (15));

        contentView->setBounds (r);

    if (logo != nullptr)
        logo->setBounds (r.reduced (r.getWidth() / 6, r.getHeight() / 6));
void PowerPageComponent::resized() {
  auto bounds = getLocalBounds();
   powerSpinner->setBounds(0, 0, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight());

    unsigned int number = 4;
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < number; ++i) {
      if (i > 0) verticalLayout.setItemLayout(j++, 0, -1, -1);
      verticalLayout.setItemLayout(j++, 48, 48, 48);

    Component *powerItems[] = { powerOffButton.get(), rebootButton.get(), sleepButton.get() };
    auto b = bounds.reduced(10);
    verticalLayout.layOutComponents(powerItems, 1, b.getX(), b.getY(), b.getWidth(),
                                    b.getHeight(), true, true);

  powerOffButton->setBounds(bounds.getWidth()/7, 40, 350, 40);
  sleepButton->setBounds(bounds.getWidth()/7, 90, 350, 40);
  rebootButton->setBounds(bounds.getWidth()/7, 140, 350, 40);
  felButton->setBounds(bounds.getWidth()/7, 190, 350, 40);
  backButton->setBounds(bounds.getWidth()-60, bounds.getY(), 60, bounds.getHeight());
  buildNameLabel->setBounds(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), 30);
  buildNameLabel->setBoundsToFit(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight(), Justification::centredBottom, true);
  rev->setBounds(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), 100, 30);
  updateButton->setBounds(bounds.getX()+372, bounds.getY()+5, 100, 30);
  int width = updateWindow->getWidth();
  int height = updateWindow->getHeight();
  int x = bounds.getWidth()/2-width/2;
  int y = bounds.getHeight()/2-height/2;
  updateWindow->setBounds(bounds.getX()+x, bounds.getY()+y, width, height);
void ConvolutionMatrixComponent::resized() {
    auto matrix_height = optimum_routing_size * model.get_num_inputs();
    auto matrix_width = optimum_routing_size * model.get_num_outputs();

    auto input_width = getWidth() - matrix_width;

    auto bounds = getLocalBounds();
    auto left = bounds.removeFromLeft(input_width);
    auto input_area = left.removeFromTop(matrix_height);

    hrtf_component.setBounds(left.reduced(4, 4));

    auto matrix_area = bounds.removeFromTop(matrix_height);
    auto output_area = bounds;

    for (auto i = 0u; i != routings.size(); ++i) {
        auto y = i * optimum_routing_size;
        for (auto j = 0u; j != routings[i].size(); ++j) {
            auto x = j * optimum_routing_size;
            routings[i][j]->setSize(optimum_routing_size, optimum_routing_size);
            routings[i][j]->setTopLeftPosition(matrix_area.getTopLeft() +
                                               juce::Point<int>(x, y));

    for (auto i = 0u; i != inputs.size(); ++i) {
        inputs[i]->setSize(input_area.getWidth(), optimum_routing_size);
                input_area.getTopLeft() +
                juce::Point<int>(0, i * optimum_routing_size));

    for (auto i = 0u; i != outputs.size(); ++i) {
        outputs[i]->setSize(optimum_routing_size, output_area.getHeight());
                output_area.getTopLeft() +
                juce::Point<int>(i * optimum_routing_size, 0));
// Class:			Matrix
// Function:		GetRowReduced
// Description:		Performs row-reduction on copy of this until the matrix
//					is upper-triangular.
// Input Arguments:
//		None
// Output Arguments:
//		None
// Return Value:
//		Matrix& reference to this
Matrix Matrix::GetRowReduced(void) const
	unsigned int curRow, pivotCol(0), pivotRow;
	Matrix reduced(*this);

	for (pivotRow = 0; pivotRow < GetMinimumDimension(); pivotRow++)
		if (!IsZero(reduced.elements[pivotRow][pivotCol]))
			for (curRow = pivotRow + 1; curRow < rows; curRow++)
				if (!IsZero(reduced.elements[curRow][pivotCol]))
					reduced.ZeroRowByScalingAndAdding(pivotRow, pivotCol, curRow);
			for (curRow = pivotRow + 1; curRow < rows; curRow++)
				if (!IsZero(reduced.elements[curRow][pivotCol]))
					reduced.SwapRows(pivotRow, curRow);


		if (pivotCol >= columns)

	return reduced;
/** calculates upper bound on remaining subgraph, and heuristically generates a clique */
TCLIQUE_WEIGHT boundSubgraph(
   TCLIQUE_GETNNODES((*getnnodes)),     /**< user function to get the number of nodes */
   TCLIQUE_GETWEIGHTS((*getweights)),   /**< user function to get the node weights */
   TCLIQUE_ISEDGE   ((*isedge)),        /**< user function to check for existence of an edge */
   TCLIQUE_SELECTADJNODES((*selectadjnodes)), /**< user function to select adjacent edges */
   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
   BMS_CHKMEM*      mem,                /**< block memory */
   int*             buffer,             /**< buffer of size nnodes */
   int*             V,                  /**< non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   int              nV,                 /**< number of non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   NBC*             gsd,                /**< neighbour color information of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_Bool*    iscolored,          /**< coloring status of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  apbound,            /**< apriori bound of nodes for branching */
   int*             tmpcliquenodes,     /**< buffer for storing the temporary clique */
   int*             ntmpcliquenodes,    /**< pointer to store number of nodes of the temporary clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  tmpcliqueweight     /**< pointer to store weight of the temporary clique */
   assert(tmpcliqueweight != NULL);

   /* check if we are in an easy case with at most 2 nodes left */
   if( nV <= 2 )
      /* get 1- or 2-clique and bounds without coloring */
      reduced(getweights, isedge, tcliquegraph, V, nV, apbound, tmpcliquenodes, ntmpcliquenodes, tmpcliqueweight);
      return *tmpcliqueweight;
      /* color the graph induces by nodes of V to get an upper bound for the remaining subgraph */
      return tcliqueColoring(getnnodes, getweights, selectadjnodes, tcliquegraph,
         mem, buffer, V, nV, gsd, iscolored, apbound,
         tmpcliquenodes, ntmpcliquenodes, tmpcliqueweight);
void ProjucerLookAndFeel::layoutFileBrowserComponent (FileBrowserComponent& browserComp,
                                                      DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent* fileListComponent,
                                                      FilePreviewComponent* previewComp,
                                                      ComboBox* currentPathBox,
                                                      TextEditor* filenameBox,
                                                      Button* goUpButton)
    const auto sectionHeight = 22;
    const auto buttonWidth = 50;

    auto b = browserComp.getLocalBounds().reduced (20, 5);

    auto topSlice    = b.removeFromTop (sectionHeight);
    auto bottomSlice = b.removeFromBottom (sectionHeight);

    currentPathBox->setBounds (topSlice.removeFromLeft (topSlice.getWidth() - buttonWidth));
    currentPathBox->setColour (ComboBox::backgroundColourId,    findColour (backgroundColourId));
    currentPathBox->setColour (ComboBox::textColourId,          findColour (defaultTextColourId));
    currentPathBox->setColour (ComboBox::arrowColourId,         findColour (defaultTextColourId));

    topSlice.removeFromLeft (6);
    goUpButton->setBounds (topSlice);

    bottomSlice.removeFromLeft (50);
    filenameBox->setBounds (bottomSlice);
    filenameBox->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, findColour (backgroundColourId));
    filenameBox->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId,       findColour (defaultTextColourId));
    filenameBox->setColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId,    findColour (defaultTextColourId));
    filenameBox->applyFontToAllText (filenameBox->getFont());

    if (previewComp != nullptr)
        previewComp->setBounds (b.removeFromRight (b.getWidth() / 3));

    if (auto listAsComp = dynamic_cast<Component*> (fileListComponent))
        listAsComp->setBounds (b.reduced (0, 10));
void JsonDbReduceDefinition::updateObject(JsonDbObject before, JsonDbObject after, JsonDbUpdateList *changeList)

    QJsonValue beforeKeyValue = sourceKeyValue(before);
    QJsonValue afterKeyValue = sourceKeyValue(after);

    if (jsondbSettings->debug())
        qDebug() << "JsonDbReduceDefinition::updateObject"
                 << "beforeKeyValue" << beforeKeyValue
                 << "afterKeyValue" << afterKeyValue;
    if (!after.isEmpty() && !after.isDeleted() && !before.isEmpty() && (beforeKeyValue != afterKeyValue)) {
        // do a subtract only on the before key
        if (!beforeKeyValue.isUndefined())
          updateObject(before, QJsonObject(), changeList);

        // and then continue here with the add with the after key
        before = QJsonObject();

    const QJsonValue keyValue((after.isEmpty() || after.isDeleted()) ? beforeKeyValue : afterKeyValue);
    if (keyValue.isUndefined())

    GetObjectsResult getObjectResponse = mTargetTable->getObjects(mTargetKeyName, keyValue, mTargetType);
    if (!getObjectResponse.error.isNull())

    JsonDbObject previousObject;
    QJsonValue previousValue(QJsonValue::Undefined);

    JsonDbObjectList previousResults = getObjectResponse.data;
    for (int k = 0; k < previousResults.size(); ++k) {
        JsonDbObject previous = previousResults.at(k);
        if (previous.value(QStringLiteral("_reduceUuid")).toString() == mUuid) {
            previousObject = previous;
            previousValue = previousObject;

    QJsonValue value = previousValue;
    if (!before.isEmpty())
        value = addObject(JsonDbReduceDefinition::Subtract, keyValue, value, before);
    if (!after.isEmpty() && !after.isDeleted())
        value = addObject(JsonDbReduceDefinition::Add, keyValue, value, after);

    JsonDbObjectList objectsToUpdate;
    // if we had a previous object to reduce
    if (previousObject.contains(JsonDbString::kUuidStr)) {
        // and now the value is undefined
        if (value.isUndefined()) {
            // then remove it
        } else {
            //otherwise update it
            JsonDbObject reduced(value.toObject());
            reduced.insert(JsonDbString::kTypeStr, mTargetType);
            reduced.insert(mTargetKeyName, keyValue);
            reduced.insert(QStringLiteral("_reduceUuid"), mUuid);
    } else if (!value.isUndefined()) {
        // otherwise create the new object
        JsonDbObject reduced(value.toObject());
        reduced.insert(JsonDbString::kTypeStr, mTargetType);
        reduced.insert(mTargetKeyName, keyValue);
        reduced.insert(QStringLiteral("_reduceUuid"), mUuid);


    JsonDbWriteResult res = mPartition->updateObjects(mOwner, objectsToUpdate, JsonDbPartition::ViewObject, changeList);
    if (res.code != JsonDbError::NoError)
        setError(QString::fromLatin1("Error executing add function: %1").arg(res.message));
文件: regparm.c 项目: aaasz/SHP
main(void) {
  reduced(0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0);
int main()
    // Read input image
    cv::Mat image = cv::imread("../images/boldt.jpg", 0);
    if (!image.data)
        return 0;

    // Display the image
    cv::namedWindow("Original Image");
    cv::imshow("Original Image", image);

    // Blur the image
    cv::Mat result;
    cv::GaussianBlur(image, result, cv::Size(5, 5), 1.5);

    // Display the blurred image
    cv::namedWindow("Gaussian filtered Image");
    cv::imshow("Gaussian filtered Image", result);

    // Get the gaussian kernel (1.5)
    cv::Mat gauss = cv::getGaussianKernel(9, 1.5, CV_32F);

    // Display kernel values
    auto it = gauss.begin<float>();
    auto itend = gauss.end<float>();
    std::cout << "[";
    for (; it != itend; ++it)
        std::cout << *it << " ";
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

    // Get the gaussian kernel (0.5)
    gauss = cv::getGaussianKernel(9, 0.5, CV_32F);

    // Display kernel values
    it = gauss.begin<float>();
    itend = gauss.end<float>();
    std::cout << "[";
    for (; it != itend; ++it)
        std::cout << *it << " ";
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

    // Get the gaussian kernel (2.5)
    gauss = cv::getGaussianKernel(9, 2.5, CV_32F);

    // Display kernel values
    it = gauss.begin<float>();
    itend = gauss.end<float>();
    std::cout << "[";
    for (; it != itend; ++it)
        std::cout << *it << " ";
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

    // Get the Deriv kernel (2.5)
    cv::Mat kx, ky;
    cv::getDerivKernels(kx, ky, 2, 2, 7, true);

    // Display kernel values
    auto kit = kx.begin<float>();
    auto kitend = kx.end<float>();
    std::cout << "[";
    for (; kit != kitend; ++kit)
        std::cout << *kit << " ";
    std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

    // Blur the image with a mean filter
    cv::blur(image, result, cv::Size(5, 5));

    // Display the blurred image
    cv::namedWindow("Mean filtered Image");
    cv::imshow("Mean filtered Image", result);

    // Read input image with salt&pepper noise
    image = cv::imread("../images/salted.bmp", 0);
    if (!image.data)
        return 0;

    // Display the S&P image
    cv::namedWindow("S&P Image");
    cv::imshow("S&P Image", image);

    // Blur the image with a mean filter
    cv::blur(image, result, cv::Size(5, 5));

    // Display the blurred image
    cv::namedWindow("Mean filtered S&P Image");
    cv::imshow("Mean filtered S&P Image", result);

    // Applying a median filter
    cv::medianBlur(image, result, 5);

    // Display the blurred image
    cv::namedWindow("Median filtered S&P Image");
    cv::imshow("Median filtered S&P Image", result);

    // Reduce by 4 the size of the image (the wrong way)
    image = cv::imread("../images/boldt.jpg", 0);
    cv::Mat reduced(image.rows / 2, image.cols / 2, CV_8U);

    for (int i = 0; i < reduced.rows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < reduced.cols; j++)
            reduced.at<uchar>(i, j) = image.at<uchar>(i * 2, j * 2);

    // Display the reduced image
    cv::namedWindow("Badly reduced Image");
    cv::imshow("Badly reduced Image", reduced);

    return 0;
int main()
	// Read input image,imread flag = 0 表示读入灰度图像
	cv::Mat image= cv::imread("D:\\OpenCV demos\\images\\boldt.jpg",0);
	if (!image.data)
		return 0; 

	// 显示原始图像
	cv::namedWindow("Original Image");
	cv::imshow("Original Image",image);

	// 高斯滤波器,高斯模糊,用周围像素加权值代替中间的值,属于低通滤波器,平缓灰度变化过快的地方
	cv::Mat result;
	cv::namedWindow("Gaussian filtered Image");
	cv::imshow("Gaussian filtered Image",result);

	// Get the gaussian kernel (1.5)
	cv::Mat gauss= cv::getGaussianKernel(9,1.5,CV_32F);
	// Display kernel values
	cv::Mat_<float>::const_iterator it= gauss.begin<float>();  
	cv::Mat_<float>::const_iterator itend= gauss.end<float>();  
	std::cout << "[";
	for ( ; it!= itend; ++it) {
		std::cout << *it << " ";
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

	// Get the gaussian kernel (0.5)
	gauss= cv::getGaussianKernel(9,0.5,CV_32F);

	// Display kernel values
	it= gauss.begin<float>();  
	itend= gauss.end<float>();  
	std::cout << "[";
	for ( ; it!= itend; ++it) {
		std::cout << *it << " ";
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

	// Get the gaussian kernel (2.5)
	gauss= cv::getGaussianKernel(9,2.5,CV_32F);

	// Display kernel values
	it= gauss.begin<float>();  
	itend= gauss.end<float>();  
	std::cout << "[";
	for ( ; it!= itend; ++it) {
		std::cout << *it << " ";
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

	// Get the Deriv kernel (2.5)
	cv::Mat kx, ky;

	// Display kernel values
	cv::Mat_<float>::const_iterator kit= kx.begin<float>();  
	cv::Mat_<float>::const_iterator kitend= kx.end<float>();  
	std::cout << "[";
	for ( ; kit!= kitend; ++kit) {
		std::cout << *kit << " ";
	std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

	// 均值滤波器

	cv::namedWindow("Mean filtered Image");
	cv::imshow("Mean filtered Image",result);

	// 对椒盐图的效果
	image= cv::imread("D:\\OpenCV demos\\images\\salted.jpg",0);
	if (!image.data)
		return 0; 

	// 显示椒盐图
	cv::namedWindow("S&P Image");
	cv::imshow("S&P Image",image);

	// 箱式滤波器,均值滤波器

	// 显示处理后的椒盐图
	cv::namedWindow("Mean filtered S&P Image");
	cv::imshow("Mean filtered S&P Image",result);

	// 中值滤波器

	// Display the blurred image
	cv::namedWindow("Median filtered S&P Image");
	cv::imshow("Median filtered S&P Image",result);

	image= cv::imread("D:\\OpenCV demos\\images\\boldt.jpg",0);
	cv::Mat reduced(image.rows/2,image.cols/2,CV_8U);

	for (int i=0; i<reduced.rows; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<reduced.cols; j++)
			reduced.at<uchar>(i,j)= image.at<uchar>(i*2,j*2);

	// Display the reduced image
	cv::namedWindow("Badly reduced Image");
	cv::imshow("Badly reduced Image",reduced);

	return 0;
文件: pca.cpp 项目: Jorjor70/meuh
 natural pca::reduced(real percent) const {
   return reduced(dev(), percent);