                \brief Call simplification on an iterator pair
            inline void simplify(const R& range, O_IT out, double max_distance) const
                PSDS strategy;
                // Init the output, a vector of references to all points

                // Note Geometry Algorithms suggest here
                // http://geometryalgorithms.com/Archive/algorithm_0205/algorithm_0205.htm
                // to "STAGE 1: Vertex Reduction within max_distance of prior vertex cluster"
                // However, that is not correct: a vertex within the specified distance might be
                // excluded here, but might be a better candidate for final inclusion than the point before.

                std::vector<DP> ref_candidates(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));

                // Include first and last point of line, they are always part of the line
                int n = 2;
                ref_candidates.front().included = true;
                ref_candidates.back().included = true;

                // Get points, recursively, including them if they are further away than the specified distance
                typedef typename PSDS::return_type RET;

                consider(boost::begin(ref_candidates), boost::end(ref_candidates),
                    make_distance_result<RET>(max_distance), n, strategy);

                // Copy included elements to the output  (might be changed using copy_if)
                for(typename std::vector<DP>::const_iterator it = boost::begin(ref_candidates);
                    it != boost::end(ref_candidates); it++)
                    if (it->included)
                        *out = it->p;
        inline OutputIterator apply(Range const& range,
                                    OutputIterator out,
                                    distance_type max_distance) const
                std::cout << "max distance: " << max_distance
                          << std::endl << std::endl;
            distance_strategy_type strategy;

            // Copy coordinates, a vector of references to all points
            std::vector<dp_point_type> ref_candidates(boost::begin(range),

            // Include first and last point of line,
            // they are always part of the line
            int n = 2;
            ref_candidates.front().included = true;
            ref_candidates.back().included = true;

            // Get points, recursively, including them if they are further away
            // than the specified distance
            consider(boost::begin(ref_candidates), boost::end(ref_candidates), max_distance, n, strategy);

            // Copy included elements to the output
            for(typename std::vector<dp_point_type>::const_iterator it
                            = boost::begin(ref_candidates);
                it != boost::end(ref_candidates);
                if (it->included)
                    // copy-coordinates does not work because OutputIterator
                    // does not model Point (??)
                    //geometry::convert(it->p, *out);
                    *out = it->p;
            return out;
    static inline OutputIterator apply(Range const& range,
                    OutputIterator out, double max_distance)
        distance_strategy_type strategy;

        // Copy coordinates, a vector of references to all points
        std::vector<dp_point_type> ref_candidates(pdalboost::begin(range),

        // Include first and last point of line,
        // they are always part of the line
        int n = 2;
        ref_candidates.front().included = true;
        ref_candidates.back().included = true;

        // Get points, recursively, including them if they are further away
        // than the specified distance
        typedef typename strategy::distance::services::return_type<distance_strategy_type>::type return_type;

        consider(pdalboost::begin(ref_candidates), pdalboost::end(ref_candidates), max_distance, n, strategy);

        // Copy included elements to the output
        for(typename std::vector<dp_point_type>::const_iterator it
                        = pdalboost::begin(ref_candidates);
            it != pdalboost::end(ref_candidates);
            if (it->included)
                // copy-coordinates does not work because OutputIterator
                // does not model Point (??)
                //geometry::convert(it->p, *out);
                *out = it->p;
        return out;