/// @brief Sets up matrices for performing CMC in an arbitrary space
void mat_polar_rot_matrix()
	for(int mat=0;mat<mp::num_materials;mat++){
	const double phi=cmc::cmc_mat[mat].constraint_phi;
	const double theta=cmc::cmc_mat[mat].constraint_theta;
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > polar_matrix; 
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > polar_matrix_tp; 
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > polar_vector;
	double dx,dy,dz; //change in angle in radians
	double ddx,ddy,ddz; //change in angle in degrees

	double sin_x,sin_y,sin_z,cos_x,cos_y,cos_z;
	std::vector<double> reference_vector(3);

	double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327;

	// Initialise varibales 

	ddx = 0.0;
	ddy = phi;
	ddz = theta;// assumues x = cos(theta)sin(phi), y = sin(theta)sin(phi)

	dx = (ddx/360.0)*2.0*pi;
	dy = (ddy/360.0)*2.0*pi;
	dz = (ddz/360.0)*2.0*pi;

	reference_vector[0] = 0.0;
	reference_vector[1] = 0.0;
	reference_vector[2] = 1.0;
	sin_x = sin(dx);
	cos_x = cos(dx);
	sin_y = sin(dy);
	cos_y = cos(dy);
	sin_z = sin(dz);
	cos_z = cos(dz);

	std::vector< std::vector<double> > x_rotation_matrix,y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix,ref_vec;

	x_rotation_matrix[0][0] = 1.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][0] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][0] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[0][1] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][1] = cos_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][1] = -sin_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[0][2] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][2] = sin_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][2] = cos_x;

	y_rotation_matrix[0][0] = cos_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][0] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][0] = sin_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[0][1] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][1] = 1.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][1] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[0][2] = -sin_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][2] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][2] = cos_y;

	z_rotation_matrix[0][0] = cos_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][0] = -sin_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][0] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[0][1] = sin_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][1] = cos_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][1] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[0][2] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][2] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][2] = 1.0;

	polar_matrix = vmath::matmul(y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix);
	polar_matrix_tp = vmath::transpose(polar_matrix);
	polar_vector = vmath::matmul(ref_vec,polar_matrix);

	// copy matrices to performance optimised class variables
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
		for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
	} // end of loop over materials
} // end of polar rotation initialisation
/// @brief Sets up matrices for performing CMC in an arbitrary space
/// @param[in]		phi					Magnetisation azimuthal angle
/// @param[in]		theta					Magnetisation rotational angle
/// @param[out]	polar_matrix		Matrix to rotate v to z
/// @param[out]	polar_matrix_tp	Matrix to rotate z to v
/// @param[out]	polar_vector 		Constraint Vector
/// @return			void
void polar_rot_matrix(
	double phi,
	double theta,
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > & polar_matrix,
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > & polar_matrix_tp,
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > & polar_vector)
	double dx,dy,dz; //change in angle in radians
	double ddx,ddy,ddz; //change in angle in degrees

	double sin_x,sin_y,sin_z,cos_x,cos_y,cos_z;
	std::vector<double> reference_vector(3);

	double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327;

	// Initialise varibales

	ddx = 0.0;
	ddy = phi;
	ddz = theta;// assumues x = cos(theta)sin(phi), y = sin(theta)sin(phi)

	dx = (ddx/360.0)*2.0*pi;
	dy = (ddy/360.0)*2.0*pi;
	dz = (ddz/360.0)*2.0*pi;

	reference_vector[0] = 0.0;
	reference_vector[1] = 0.0;
	reference_vector[2] = 1.0;

	sin_x = sin(dx);
	cos_x = cos(dx);
	sin_y = sin(dy);
	cos_y = cos(dy);
	sin_z = sin(dz);
	cos_z = cos(dz);

	std::vector< std::vector<double> > x_rotation_matrix,y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix,ref_vec;


	x_rotation_matrix[0][0] = 1.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][0] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][0] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[0][1] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][1] = cos_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][1] = -sin_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[0][2] = 0.0;
	x_rotation_matrix[1][2] = sin_x;
	x_rotation_matrix[2][2] = cos_x;

	y_rotation_matrix[0][0] = cos_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][0] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][0] = sin_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[0][1] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][1] = 1.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][1] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[0][2] = -sin_y;
	y_rotation_matrix[1][2] = 0.0;
	y_rotation_matrix[2][2] = cos_y;

	z_rotation_matrix[0][0] = cos_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][0] = -sin_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][0] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[0][1] = sin_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][1] = cos_z;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][1] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[0][2] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[1][2] = 0.0;
	z_rotation_matrix[2][2] = 1.0;

	polar_matrix = vmath::matmul(y_rotation_matrix,z_rotation_matrix);
	polar_matrix_tp = vmath::transpose(polar_matrix);
	polar_vector = vmath::matmul(ref_vec,polar_matrix);
