void VisemeRunTimeWindow::retrievingCurveData(BML::BmlRequest* request)

	BML::VecOfBehaviorRequest b = request->behaviors;
	for (BML::VecOfBehaviorRequest::iterator iter = b.begin();
		iter != b.end();
		BML::BehaviorRequestPtr requestPtr = (*iter);
		BML::BehaviorRequest* behavior = requestPtr.get();
		BML::SpeechRequest* speechRequest = dynamic_cast<BML::SpeechRequest*> (behavior);
		if (speechRequest)
			std::vector<SmartBody::VisemeData*>& phonemes = speechRequest->getPhonemes();
			for (size_t i = 0; i < phonemes.size(); ++i)
				const std::string& pName = phonemes[i]->id();
				double t = phonemes[i]->time();
				_rtCurveViewer->_data->insertPhoneme(pName, t);

			std::vector<SmartBody::VisemeData*>& debugVisemeCurves = speechRequest->getDebugVisemeCurves();
			for (size_t i = 0; i < debugVisemeCurves.size(); ++i)
				const std::string id = debugVisemeCurves[i]->id();
				const std::string groupStr = debugVisemeCurves[i]->getCurveInfo();
				int groupId = atoi(groupStr.c_str());
				_rtCurveViewer->_data->insertData(id, debugVisemeCurves[i]->getFloatCurve(), groupId);

//--------------------------------------RETRYING STUFF-------------------------
//repeatedly called by the main loop (once after each loop)
//this function will send a message on any channel that has an expired timestamp and stuff
//waiting to be sent
//effects: decrements timestamps on channels with messages waiting to be sent
//modifies: channelQueuesArray
void randomBackoffRetry() {
  uint8_t channel, qNumber;
  for (channel = 1; channel <= MAX_CHANNELS; channel++) {
    disableRTC2(); //needs to be disabled before reading or writing the channelSendWaitTime variable
    qNumber = channel - 1;
    /*putnum_uh(channel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel); putstring(" ");
      putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime); putstring(" ");
      putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue); putstring("\n"); */
    //check if a channel has messages queued up; if it does, then see if that timestamp has expired
    //expired or not, subtract from the time stamp
    if  ((channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue > 0) &&
	 (channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel < MAX_RANDOM_BACKOFF_RETRIES) &&
	 (channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime == 0))
	//---retry sending
	if (rbSendMessageHelper(channel, channelQueuesArray[qNumber].packetList[0].message, channelQueuesArray[qNumber].packetList[0].messageLength) == TRUE) {
	  //putstring("\nSuccesfully sent a message (FROM a queue) on channel, retry level, num messages: "); putnum_uh(channel); putstring(" ");
	  //putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue);
	  //putstring("CHANNEL IS NOW GOOD: queue, channel "); putnum_uh(qNumber); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channel);
	  removeFirstMessageFromQueue(qNumber); //sent this message, so take it off the queue
	  refreshChannel(channel);  //NOTE: we are setting the time stamp to 0   //channel works, so don't need a high retry level now
	  //since the channel became good, and we want to send all the stuff w/o delay (actually we'll delay 1 main loop)
	else {
	  //channel is still bad, don't remove the message from the queue.
	  //increase the time stamp
	  //putstring("CHANNEL IS STILL BAD: queue, channel");  putnum_uh(qNumber);  putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channel);
	  /*if (channel == 1)
	    putstring("\n failed retry on ch 1: level = "); putnum_ud(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel);
	  channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime  = getRandomWaitTime(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel);
	  channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel++; //up the rety time
	  //putstring("\nNEW WAIT TIME = "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime); putstring("\n");
	  //clear the queue if it times out, so we don't keep old messages lying around
	  if (channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel == MAX_RANDOM_BACKOFF_RETRIES) {
	    channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue = 0;
/**Sends the message to sendList.  If sending fails on one of the channels, the message will be queued up
and an attempt to resend will be made later (randomBackoff style).
 * @param sendList the list of channels to send the message to
 * @param message the message to be sent
 * @param messageLength the length of the message
   @modifies channelQueuesArray
   @effects adds the message to channels in channelQueuesArray if that channel has something queued up
   or if that channel has exceeded the max number of retries
void rbmSend(uint8_t sendList, uint8_t message[], uint8_t messageLength) {                   
  //send one channel at a time
  uint8_t send_mask = 0x01;
  uint8_t channel;
  for (channel=1; channel<=MAX_CHANNELS; channel++) {
    uint8_t qNumber = channel - 1;
    if (!(sendList & send_mask)) {
      send_mask <<= 1; // try sending to the next channel
      continue;  //channel is not in the send list
    send_mask <<= 1; //for the next time around
    //---don't bother sending the message if the channel to send on has something queued up
    if (channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel > MAX_RANDOM_BACKOFF_RETRIES) {
      //we've already tried too many times to send a message on this channel
      //putstring("\nNOT SENDING MESSAGE.  Exceeded Max Number of tries on channel: ");  putnum_uh(channel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channel);
      continue;                       //channel is no good, so don't waste time sending on it
    else if (channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue > 0) {
      //something is queued up and we're currently waiting a random amount of time before sending anything
      //putstring("\nSTUFF ON QUEUE.  ADDING MESSAGE TO CHANNEL, retry level, num messages: ");  putnum_uh(channel); putstring(" ");
      //putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue);
      putMessageOnQueue(qNumber, message, messageLength);       //add the message to the queue
    //------------------------------try and send the message. if sending fails, put it on the queue
    if (rbSendMessageHelper(channel, message, messageLength) == TRUE) {
      //putstring("\nSuccesfully sent a message (not from a queue) on channel, retry level, num messages: "); putnum_uh(channel); putstring(" ");
      //putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue);

    //----sending failed! put the message on the queue
    //didn't succeed, so put the message on the queue and add a time stamp
    //putstring("\nFAILED SENDING: ADDING MESSAGE TO channel, retry level, num messages: ");  putnum_uh(channel);  putstring(" ");
    //putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel); putstring(" "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].numMessagesOnQueue);
    putMessageOnQueue(qNumber, message, messageLength);
    disableRTC2();  //the interrupt modifies the channelSendWaitTime variable, so we need to make sure the interrupt doesn't occur during a read or write
    channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime = getRandomWaitTime(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelRetryLevel++);
    //putstring("\nNEW WAIT TIME = "); putnum_uh(channelQueuesArray[qNumber].channelSendWaitTime); putstring("\n");
//This does the actual sending of the message
//modifies: nothing
//effects: send message in the Q_tx_msg_buff on the channel
//NOTE: This method does NOT mess with or consider anything having to do with the channelQueuesArray at all
uint8_t rbSendMessageHelper(uint8_t channel, uint8_t message[], uint8_t messageLength) {
  if (channel <= 0 || channel > MAX_CHANNELS) {
    //putstring("\nINVALID CHANNEL PASSED TO rbSendMessageHelper:  ");  putnum_uh(channel);
    while (1) {
  if (pollClockLine(channel) == 0) {
    //putstring("\n about to ATTEMPT TO RECEIVE BEFORE SENDING on channel: "); putnum_ud(channel);
    ReceiveMessagePacket incomingPacket = receiveMessage(channel);
    if (incomingPacket.messageLength != 0) {
      //valid message, but it in the pending processing buffer
      //putstring("\nReceived Message before sending on channel "); putnum_ud(channel);
      //putstring("   Adding message to process pending queue");
  uint8_t i;
  uint8_t good_tx = TRUE;
  for (i = 0; i < messageLength; i++) {
    if (sendByte(message[i], channel) == FALSE) {
      //the message was not received.
      //putstring("failed to send a byte");
      good_tx = FALSE;
      good_tx = TRUE;

    refreshChannel(channel); //able to send at least 1 byte
  /*if (channel == 1 && !good_tx)
   putstring("\nch1 send failure\n");
  return good_tx;
/**@return a struct containing the received message and the length of the message.
 * The message length will be 0 if there was failure
 * The incomingChannel value will still be valid if there was failure receiving the message*/
ReceiveMessagePacket receiveMessage(uint8_t incoming_channel) {
  ReceiveMessagePacket incomingPacket;
  incomingPacket.messageLength = 0;
  incomingPacket.incomingChannel = incoming_channel;

  // Put th' first byte into the message array and increment the message length.
  // -> This first byte contains th' size of th' packet.
  incomingPacket.message[incomingPacket.messageLength++] = getByte(incoming_channel);
  // If there is a receiving problem, abort immediately.
  if (failed_to_rx) {
    incomingPacket.messageLength = 0;
    return incomingPacket;
    // After we receive one byte, we know th' channel is good -> lower th' wait times.
  // Set the total size of incoming packet from the first byte:
  uint8_t desiredMsgLength = incomingPacket.message[MESSAGE_LENGTH];

  // Make sure the incoming message is valid:
  // -> This means getMessageSize() is greater than zero.
  if (desiredMsgLength == 0) {
    // If we have a bad message, abort immediately.
    incomingPacket.messageLength = 0;
    return incomingPacket;
  // The message is valid, so get the rest of the message:
  while (incomingPacket.messageLength < desiredMsgLength) {
    // Put the next byte into the message array and increment the message length
    incomingPacket.message[incomingPacket.messageLength++] = getByte(incoming_channel);
    // If there is a receiving problem, abort immediately.
    if (failed_to_rx) {
      incomingPacket.messageLength = 0;
      return incomingPacket;
  return incomingPacket;