 * This function sends some data bytes to the destination
int PozyxClass::sendData(uint16_t destination, uint8_t *pData, int size)
  if(size > MAX_BUF_SIZE)          return POZYX_FAILURE;        // trying to send too much data
  uint8_t status = 0;

  uint8_t tmp_data[size+1];
  tmp_data[0] = 0;                        // the first byte is the offset byte.
  memcpy(tmp_data+1, pData, size);
  // set the TX buffer
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, tmp_data, size+1, NULL, 0);  
  // stop if POZYX_TX_DATA returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // send the packet
  uint8_t params[3];
  params[0] = (uint8_t)destination;
  params[1] = (uint8_t)(destination>>8);
  params[2] = 0x06;    // flag to indicate we're just sending data  
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_SEND, (uint8_t *)&params, 3, NULL, 0);
  return status;   
 * Remotly write to a register of another pozyx device
int PozyxClass::remoteRegWrite(uint16_t destination, uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t *pData, int size)
  // some checks
  if(!IS_REG_WRITABLE(reg_address))      return POZYX_FAILURE;    // the register is not writable
  if(size > MAX_BUF_SIZE-1)              return POZYX_FAILURE;    // trying to write too much data
  int status = 0;
  // first prepare the packet to send
  uint8_t tmp_data[size+1];
  tmp_data[0] = 0;
  tmp_data[1] = reg_address;              // the first byte is the register address we want to start writing to.
  memcpy(tmp_data+2, pData, size);         // the remaining bytes are the data bytes to be written starting at the register address.
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, (uint8_t *)&tmp_data, size+2, NULL, 0);
  // stop if POZYX_TX_DATA returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // send the packet
  uint8_t params[3];
  params[0] = (uint8_t)destination;
  params[1] = (uint8_t)(destination>>8);
  params[2] = 0x04;    // flag to indicate a register write  
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_SEND, (uint8_t *)&params, 3, NULL, 0);
  return status;
int PozyxClass::writeTXBufferData(uint8_t data[], int size, int offset)
  if (offset + size > MAX_BUF_SIZE){
    return POZYX_FAILURE;
  int i, status = 1;  
  int max_bytes = BUFFER_LENGTH-2;
  int n_runs = ceil((float)size / max_bytes);
  uint8_t params[BUFFER_LENGTH];

  // read out the received data.    
  for(i=0; i<n_runs; i++)
    params[0] = offset + i*max_bytes;      // the offset
    if(i+1 != n_runs){       
      memcpy(params+1, data+i*max_bytes, max_bytes);
      status &= regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, params, max_bytes + 1, NULL, 0);    
      memcpy(params+1, data+i*max_bytes, size-i*max_bytes);        
      status &= regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, params, size-i*max_bytes+1, NULL, 0);          

  return status;
void enblt_load(EnemyBullet *blt, std::string type, float srcx, float srcy, float tgtx, float tgty) {
	std::string filename = "enblt_" + type + ".lua";
	loadScript(&blt->script, filename);
	regFunction(&blt->script, "init", enblt_init);
	regFunction(&blt->script, "updatePos", enblt_getPos);
	runFunction(&blt->script, "start", srcx, srcy, tgtx, tgty);
 * Remotly read from a register of another pozyx device
int PozyxClass::remoteRegFunction(uint16_t destination, uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t *params, int param_size, uint8_t *pData, int size)
  // some checks
  if(!IS_FUNCTIONCALL(reg_address))      return POZYX_FAILURE;        // the register is not a function  
  int status = 0;
  // first prepare the packet to send
  uint8_t tmp_data[param_size+2];
  tmp_data[0] = 0;  
  tmp_data[1] = reg_address;                // the first byte is the function register address we want to call.
  memcpy(tmp_data+2, params, param_size);   // the remaining bytes are the parameter bytes for the function.
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, tmp_data, param_size+2, NULL, 0);
  // stop if POZYX_TX_DATA returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // send the packet
  uint8_t tx_params[3];
  tx_params[0] = (uint8_t)destination;
  tx_params[1] = (uint8_t)(destination>>8);
  tx_params[2] = 0x08;    // flag to indicate a register function call  
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_SEND, tx_params, 3, NULL, 0);
  // stop if POZYX_TX_SEND returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // wait up to x ms to receive a response  
    // we received a response, now get some information about the response
    uint8_t rx_info[3];
    regRead(POZYX_RX_NETWORK_ID, rx_info, 3);
    uint16_t remote_network_id = rx_info[0] + ((uint16_t)rx_info[1]<<8);
    uint8_t data_len = rx_info[2];
    if( remote_network_id == destination && data_len == size+1)
      uint8_t return_data[size+1];
      status = readRXBufferData(return_data, size+1);   
      if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
        return status;    
      memcpy(pData, return_data+1, size);
      return return_data[0];
    // timeout
    return POZYX_FAILURE;  
void plblt_load(PlayerBullet *blt, std::string type, float srcx, float srcy, float tgtx, float tgty) {
	std::string filename = "plblt_" + type + ".lua";
	loadScript(&blt->script, filename);
	regFunction(&blt->script, "init", plblt_init);
	regFunction(&blt->script, "updatePos", plblt_getPos);
	regFunction(&blt->script, "kill", plblt_kill);
	runFunction(&blt->script, "start", srcx, srcy, tgtx, tgty);
void reg_mt_image(lua_State *L)
    luaL_newmetatable(L, "image");
    regFunction(L, "width", luaimage_width);
    regFunction(L, "height", luaimage_height);
    regFunction(L, "cut", luaimage_cut);
    regFunction(L, "__towatch", luaimage_towatch);
    lua_pop(L, 1);
void reg_msdp(lua_State *L)
    regFunction(L, "list", msdp_list);
    regFunction(L, "reset", msdp_reset);
    regFunction(L, "send", msdp_send);
    regFunction(L, "report", msdp_report);
    regFunction(L, "unreport", msdp_unreport);
    lua_setglobal(L, "msdp");
void loadMenu(std::string menu) {
	danmakux.menuChoice = 0;
	if (danmakux.level.running) closeScript(&danmakux.level);
	std::string menufile = menu + ".lua";
	loadScript(&danmakux.menu, menufile);
	regFunction(&danmakux.menu, "addMenuChoice", addMenuItem);
	regFunction(&danmakux.menu, "setBGM", setBGM);
	regFunction(&danmakux.menu, "setBG", setBG);
	runFunction(&danmakux.menu, "start");
 * Remotly read from a register of another pozyx device
int PozyxClass::remoteRegRead(uint16_t destination, uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t *pData, int size)
  // some checks
  if(!IS_REG_READABLE(reg_address))      return POZYX_FAILURE;        // the register is not readable
  if(size > MAX_BUF_SIZE)                return POZYX_FAILURE;        // trying to read too much data
  if(destination == 0)                   return POZYX_FAILURE;        // remote read not allowed in broadcast mode
  int status = 0;
  // first prepare the packet to send
  uint8_t tmp_data[3];
  tmp_data[0] = 0;                  // the offset in the TX buffer
  tmp_data[1] = reg_address;        // the first byte is the register address we want to start reading from
  tmp_data[2] = size;               // the number of bytes to read starting from the register address 
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_DATA, (uint8_t *)&tmp_data, 3, NULL, 0);
  // stop if POZYX_TX_DATA returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // send the packet
  uint8_t params[3];
  params[0] = (uint8_t)destination;
  params[1] = (uint8_t)(destination>>8);
  params[2] = 0x02;    // flag to indicate a register read  
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_SEND, (uint8_t *)&params, 3, NULL, 0);
  // stop if POZYX_TX_SEND returned an error.
  if(status == POZYX_FAILURE)
    return status;
  // wait up to x ms to receive a response  
    // we received a response, now get some information about the response
    uint8_t rx_info[3]= {0,0,0};
    regRead(POZYX_RX_NETWORK_ID, rx_info, 3);
    uint16_t remote_network_id = rx_info[0] + ((uint16_t)rx_info[1]<<8);
    uint8_t data_len = rx_info[2];
    if( remote_network_id == destination && data_len == size)
      status = readRXBufferData(pData, size);        
      return status;
      return POZYX_FAILURE;  
    // timeout
    return POZYX_FAILURE;  
ImageF distReg_p2(ImageF phi)
	ImageF *phi_x=new ImageF();
	ImageF *phi_y=new ImageF();
	//ImageF s=ImageFSqrt(((*phi_x)*(*phi_x)) + ((*phi_y)*(*phi_y)));
	ImageF  s=ImageFSqrt(*phi_x,*phi_y);
	ImageF a=regFunction(s);
	ImageF b=regFunction(s);//此处的函数需该
	ImageF ps=

//ImageF b=(s>1);
int PozyxClass::readRXBufferData(uint8_t* pData, int size)
  if (size > MAX_BUF_SIZE){
    return POZYX_FAILURE;
  int status;
  int i;
  uint8_t params[2];
  int max_bytes = BUFFER_LENGTH-1;
  int n_runs = ceil((float)size / max_bytes);

  // read out the received data.    
  for(i=0; i<n_runs; i++)
    params[0] = i*max_bytes;      // the offset
    if(i+1 != n_runs){
      params[1] = max_bytes;      // the number of bytes to read      
      params[1] = size - i*max_bytes;      // the number of bytes to read      
    status = regFunction(POZYX_RX_DATA, params, 2, pData+params[0], params[1]);    
  return status;
void loadLevel(std::string lvl) {
	danmakux.framesPast = 0;
	if (danmakux.menu.running) closeScript(&danmakux.menu);
	if (danmakux.level.running) closeScript(&danmakux.level);
	std::string filename = "lvl_" + lvl + ".lua";
	loadScript(&danmakux.level, filename);
	regFunction(&danmakux.level, "setBGM", setBGM);
	regFunction(&danmakux.level, "setBG", setBG);
	regFunction(&danmakux.level, "addEnemy", addEnemy);
	regFunction(&danmakux.level, "elapsedTime", timePassed);
	regFunction(&danmakux.level, "win", winLevel);
	runFunction(&danmakux.level, "start");
	al_play_sample(danmakux.bgm, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, ALLEGRO_PLAYMODE_LOOP, NULL);
int PozyxClass::sendTXBufferData(uint16_t destination)
  int status;

  uint8_t params[3];
  params[0] = (uint8_t)destination;
  params[1] = (uint8_t)(destination>>8);
  params[2] = 0x06;    
  status = regFunction(POZYX_TX_SEND, (uint8_t *)&params, 3, NULL, 0);

  return status;
文件: Enemy.cpp 项目: chn22/OSGCC6
void enem_load(Enemy *enemy, std::string type, float srcx, float srcy) {
	enemNewBlt.exists = false;
	std::string filename = "enem_" + type + ".lua";
	loadScript(&enemy->script, filename);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "init", enem_init);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "updatePos", enem_getPos);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "addBullet", enem_recvBullet);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "clearBullets", enem_removeBlts);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "kill", enem_kill);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "timePassed", timePassed);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "win", winLevel);
	regFunction(&enemy->script, "curHealth", enem_sendHealth);
	runFunction(&enemy->script, "start", srcx, srcy);