static void checkTerm(char *term, char *target, enum dbDbMatchType type, struct dbDb *dbDb,
                      struct hash *matchHash, struct dbDbMatch **pMatchList)
/* If target starts with term (case-insensitive), and target is not already in matchHash,
 * add target to matchHash and add a new match to pMatchList. */
// Make uppercase version of target for case-insensitive matching.
int targetLen = strlen(target);
char targetUpcase[targetLen + 1];
safencpy(targetUpcase, sizeof(targetUpcase), target, targetLen);
int offset = wordMatchOffset(term, targetUpcase);
if (offset >= 0)
    addIfFirstMatch(dbDb, type, offset, targetUpcase, term, matchHash, pMatchList);
else if (offset < 0 && type == ddmtSciName && term[0] == targetUpcase[0])
    // For scientific names ("Genus species"), see if the user entered the term as 'G. species'
    // e.g. term 'P. trog' for target 'Pan troglodytes'
    regmatch_t substrArr[3];
    if (regexMatchSubstrNoCase(term, "^[a-z](\\.| ) *([a-z]+)", substrArr, ArraySize(substrArr)))
        char *termSpecies = term + substrArr[2].rm_so;
        char *targetSpecies = skipLeadingSpaces(skipToSpaces(targetUpcase));
        if (targetSpecies && startsWithNoCase(termSpecies, targetSpecies))
            // Keep the negative offset since we can't just bold one chunk of target...
            addIfFirstMatch(dbDb, type, offset, targetUpcase, term, matchHash, pMatchList);
static char *stripAnchor(char *textIn)
/* If textIn contains an HTML anchor tag, strip it out (and its end tag). */
regmatch_t matches[3];
if (regexMatchSubstrNoCase(textIn, "<a href[^>]+>", matches, ArraySize(matches)))
    char *textOut = cloneString(textIn);
    memmove(textOut+matches[0].rm_so, textOut+matches[0].rm_eo,
	    strlen(textOut) + 1 - matches[0].rm_eo);
    if (regexMatchSubstrNoCase(textOut, "</a>", matches, ArraySize(matches)))
	memmove(textOut+matches[0].rm_so, textOut+matches[0].rm_eo,
		strlen(textOut) + 1 - matches[0].rm_eo);
    return textOut;
return textIn;