static int mpileup_reg(mplp_conf_t *conf, uint32_t beg, uint32_t end)
    bam_hdr_t *hdr = conf->mplp_data[0]->h; // header of first file in input list

    int ret, i, tid, pos, ref_len;
    char *ref;

    while ( (ret=bam_mplp_auto(conf->iter, &tid, &pos, conf->n_plp, conf->plp)) > 0) 
        if ( end && (pos<beg || pos>end) ) continue;
        if ( conf->bed && tid >= 0 )
            int overlap = regidx_overlap(conf->bed, hdr->target_name[tid], pos, pos, NULL);
            if ( !conf->bed_logic ) overlap = overlap ? 0 : 1;
            if ( !overlap ) continue;
        mplp_get_ref(conf->mplp_data[0], tid, &ref, &ref_len);

        int total_depth, _ref0, ref16;
        for (i = total_depth = 0; i < conf->nfiles; ++i) total_depth += conf->n_plp[i];
        group_smpl(conf->gplp, conf->bsmpl, conf->nfiles, conf->n_plp, conf->plp);
        _ref0 = (ref && pos < ref_len)? ref[pos] : 'N';
        ref16 = seq_nt16_table[_ref0];
        bcf_callaux_clean(conf->bca, &conf->bc);
        for (i = 0; i < conf->gplp->n; ++i)
            bcf_call_glfgen(conf->gplp->n_plp[i], conf->gplp->plp[i], ref16, conf->bca, conf->bcr + i);
        conf->bc.tid = tid; conf->bc.pos = pos;
        bcf_call_combine(conf->gplp->n, conf->bcr, conf->bca, ref16, &conf->bc);
        bcf_call2bcf(&conf->bc, conf->bcf_rec, conf->bcr, conf->fmt_flag, 0, 0);
        flush_bcf_records(conf, conf->bcf_fp, conf->bcf_hdr, conf->bcf_rec);

        // call indels; todo: subsampling with total_depth>max_indel_depth instead of ignoring?
        // check me: rghash in bcf_call_gap_prep() should have no effect, reads mplp_func already excludes them
        if (!(conf->flag&MPLP_NO_INDEL) && total_depth < conf->max_indel_depth 
            && bcf_call_gap_prep(conf->gplp->n, conf->gplp->n_plp, conf->gplp->plp, pos, conf->bca, ref) >= 0)
            bcf_callaux_clean(conf->bca, &conf->bc);
            for (i = 0; i < conf->gplp->n; ++i)
                bcf_call_glfgen(conf->gplp->n_plp[i], conf->gplp->plp[i], -1, conf->bca, conf->bcr + i);
            if (bcf_call_combine(conf->gplp->n, conf->bcr, conf->bca, -1, &conf->bc) >= 0) 
                bcf_call2bcf(&conf->bc, conf->bcf_rec, conf->bcr, conf->fmt_flag, conf->bca, ref);
                flush_bcf_records(conf, conf->bcf_fp, conf->bcf_hdr, conf->bcf_rec);
    return 0;
static void mask_region(args_t *args, char *seq, int len)
    char *chr = (char*)bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid);
    int start = args->fa_src_pos - len;
    int end   = args->fa_src_pos;

    regitr_t itr;
    if ( !regidx_overlap(args->mask, chr,start,end, &itr) ) return;

    int idx_start, idx_end, i;
    while ( REGITR_OVERLAP(itr,start,end) )
        idx_start = REGITR_START(itr) - start;
        idx_end   = REGITR_END(itr) - start;
        if ( idx_start < 0 ) idx_start = 0;
        if ( idx_end >= len ) idx_end = len - 1;
        for (i=idx_start; i<=idx_end; i++) seq[i] = 'N';
static void apply_variant(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec)
    if ( rec->n_allele==1 ) return;

    if ( rec->pos <= args->fa_frz_pos )
        fprintf(pysamerr,"The site %s:%d overlaps with another variant, skipping...\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
    if ( args->mask )
        char *chr = (char*)bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid);
        int start = rec->pos;
        int end   = rec->pos + rec->rlen - 1;
        if ( regidx_overlap(args->mask, chr,start,end,NULL) ) return;

    int i, ialt = 1;
    if ( args->isample >= 0 )
        bcf_fmt_t *fmt = bcf_get_fmt(args->hdr, rec, "GT");
        if ( !fmt ) return;
        if ( args->haplotype )
            if ( args->haplotype > fmt->n ) error("Can't apply %d-th haplotype at %s:%d\n", args->haplotype,bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
            uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + args->haplotype - 1;
            ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
            if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
            ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);
        else if ( args->output_iupac ) 
            uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample;
            ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
            if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
            ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);

            int jalt;
            if ( fmt->n>1 )
                ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + 1;
                jalt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
                if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(jalt) || jalt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) jalt = ialt;
                else jalt = bcf_gt_allele(jalt);
            else jalt = ialt;
            if ( rec->n_allele <= ialt || rec->n_allele <= jalt ) error("Broken VCF, too few alts at %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
            if ( ialt!=jalt && !rec->d.allele[ialt][1] && !rec->d.allele[jalt][1] ) // is this a het snp?
                char ial = rec->d.allele[ialt][0];
                char jal = rec->d.allele[jalt][0];
                rec->d.allele[ialt][0] = gt2iupac(ial,jal);
            for (i=0; i<fmt->n; i++)
                uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + i;
                ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
                if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
                ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);
                if ( ialt ) break;
        if ( !ialt ) return;  // ref allele
        if ( rec->n_allele <= ialt ) error("Broken VCF, too few alts at %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
    else if ( args->output_iupac && !rec->d.allele[0][1] && !rec->d.allele[1][1] )
        char ial = rec->d.allele[0][0];
        char jal = rec->d.allele[1][0];
        rec->d.allele[1][0] = gt2iupac(ial,jal);

    int idx = rec->pos - args->fa_ori_pos + args->fa_mod_off;
    if ( idx<0 || idx>=args->fa_buf.l ) 
        error("FIXME: %s:%d .. idx=%d, ori_pos=%d, len=%d, off=%d\n",bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1,idx,args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_buf.l,args->fa_mod_off);

    // sanity check the reference base
    int len_diff = 0, alen = 0;
    if ( rec->d.allele[ialt][0]=='<' )
        if ( strcasecmp(rec->d.allele[ialt], "<DEL>") )
            error("Symbolic alleles other than <DEL> are currently not supported: %s at %s:%d\n",rec->d.allele[ialt],bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
        assert( rec->d.allele[0][1]==0 );           // todo: for now expecting strlen(REF) = 1
        len_diff = 1-rec->rlen;
        rec->d.allele[ialt] = rec->d.allele[0];     // according to VCF spec, REF must precede the event
        alen = strlen(rec->d.allele[ialt]);
    else if ( strncasecmp(rec->d.allele[0],args->fa_buf.s+idx,rec->rlen) )
        // fprintf(pysamerr,"%d .. [%s], idx=%d ori=%d off=%d\n",args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_buf.s,idx,args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_mod_off);
        char tmp = 0;
        if ( args->fa_buf.l - idx > rec->rlen ) 
            tmp = args->fa_buf.s[idx+rec->rlen];
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+rec->rlen] = 0;
            "The fasta sequence does not match the REF allele at %s:%d:\n"
            "   .vcf: [%s]\n" 
            "   .vcf: [%s] <- (ALT)\n" 
            "   .fa:  [%s]%c%s\n",
            bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1, rec->d.allele[0], rec->d.allele[ialt], args->fa_buf.s+idx, 
            tmp?tmp:' ',tmp?args->fa_buf.s+idx+rec->rlen+1:""
        alen = strlen(rec->d.allele[ialt]);
        len_diff = alen - rec->rlen;

    if ( args->fa_case )
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++) rec->d.allele[ialt][i] = toupper(rec->d.allele[ialt][i]);
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++) rec->d.allele[ialt][i] = tolower(rec->d.allele[ialt][i]);

    if ( len_diff <= 0 )
        // deletion or same size event
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++)
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+i] = rec->d.allele[ialt][i];
        if ( len_diff )
        // insertion
        ks_resize(&args->fa_buf, args->fa_buf.l + len_diff);
        memmove(args->fa_buf.s + idx + rec->rlen + len_diff, args->fa_buf.s + idx + rec->rlen, args->fa_buf.l - idx - rec->rlen);
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++)
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+i] = rec->d.allele[ialt][i];
    if (args->chain && len_diff != 0)
        // If first nucleotide of both REF and ALT are the same... (indels typically include the nucleotide before the variant)
        if ( strncasecmp(rec->d.allele[0],rec->d.allele[ialt],1) == 0)
            // ...extend the block by 1 bp: start is 1 bp further and alleles are 1 bp shorter
            push_chain_gap(args->chain, rec->pos + 1, rec->rlen - 1, rec->pos + 1 + args->fa_mod_off, alen - 1);
            // otherwise, just the coordinates of the variant as given
            push_chain_gap(args->chain, rec->pos, rec->rlen, rec->pos + args->fa_mod_off, alen);
    args->fa_buf.l += len_diff;
    args->fa_mod_off += len_diff;
    args->fa_frz_pos  = rec->pos + rec->rlen - 1;
static int mplp_func(void *data, bam1_t *b)
    char *ref;
    mplp_aux_t *ma = (mplp_aux_t*)data;
    int ret, ref_len;
    while (1)
        int has_ref;
        ret = ma->iter? sam_itr_next(ma->fp, ma->iter, b) : sam_read1(ma->fp, ma->h, b);
        if (ret < 0) break;
        // The 'B' cigar operation is not part of the specification, considering as obsolete.
        //  bam_remove_B(b);
        if (b->core.tid < 0 || (b->core.flag&BAM_FUNMAP)) continue; // exclude unmapped reads
        if (ma->conf->rflag_require && !(ma->conf->rflag_require&b->core.flag)) continue;
        if (ma->conf->rflag_filter && ma->conf->rflag_filter&b->core.flag) continue;
        if (ma->conf->bed)
            // test overlap
            regitr_t *itr = ma->conf->bed_itr;
            int beg = b->core.pos, end = bam_endpos(b)-1;
            int overlap = regidx_overlap(ma->conf->bed, ma->h->target_name[b->core.tid],beg,end, itr);
            if ( !ma->conf->bed_logic && !overlap )
                // exclude only reads which are fully contained in the region
                while ( regitr_overlap(itr) )
                    if ( beg < itr->beg ) { overlap = 1; break; }
                    if ( end > itr->end ) { overlap = 1; break; }
            if ( !overlap ) continue;
        if ( bam_smpl_get_sample_id(ma->conf->bsmpl,ma->bam_id,b)<0 ) continue;
        if (ma->conf->flag & MPLP_ILLUMINA13) {
            int i;
            uint8_t *qual = bam_get_qual(b);
            for (i = 0; i < b->core.l_qseq; ++i)
                qual[i] = qual[i] > 31? qual[i] - 31 : 0;

        if (ma->conf->fai && b->core.tid >= 0) {
            has_ref = mplp_get_ref(ma, b->core.tid, &ref, &ref_len);
            if (has_ref && ref_len <= b->core.pos) { // exclude reads outside of the reference sequence
                fprintf(stderr,"[%s] Skipping because %d is outside of %d [ref:%d]\n",
                        __func__, b->core.pos, ref_len, b->core.tid);
        } else {
            has_ref = 0;

        if (has_ref && (ma->conf->flag&MPLP_REALN)) sam_prob_realn(b, ref, ref_len, (ma->conf->flag & MPLP_REDO_BAQ)? 7 : 3);
        if (has_ref && ma->conf->capQ_thres > 10) {
            int q = sam_cap_mapq(b, ref, ref_len, ma->conf->capQ_thres);
            if (q < 0) continue;    // skip
            else if (b->core.qual > q) b->core.qual = q;
        if (b->core.qual < ma->conf->min_mq) continue;
        else if ((ma->conf->flag&MPLP_NO_ORPHAN) && (b->core.flag&BAM_FPAIRED) && !(b->core.flag&BAM_FPROPER_PAIR)) continue;

        return ret;
    return ret;
bcf1_t *process(bcf1_t *rec)
    bcf1_t *dflt = args.mode&MODE_LIST_GOOD ? rec : NULL;

    if ( rec->n_allele > 63 ) return dflt;      // we use 64bit bitmask below

    int ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(args.hdr, rec, &args.gt_arr, &args.ngt_arr);
    if ( ngt<0 ) return dflt;
    if ( ngt!=2*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args.hdr) && ngt!=bcf_hdr_nsamples(args.hdr) ) return dflt;
    ngt /= bcf_hdr_nsamples(args.hdr);

    int itr_set = regidx_overlap(args.rules, bcf_seqname(args.hdr,rec),rec->pos,rec->pos, args.itr_ori);

    int i, has_bad = 0, needs_update = 0;
    for (i=0; i<args.ntrios; i++)
        int32_t a,b,c,d,e,f;
        trio_t *trio = &args.trios[i];

        a = args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->imother];
        b = ngt==2 ? args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->imother+1] : bcf_int32_vector_end;
        c = args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ifather];
        d = ngt==2 ? args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ifather+1] : bcf_int32_vector_end;
        e = args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ichild];
        f = ngt==2 ? args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ichild+1] : bcf_int32_vector_end;

        // skip sites with missing data in child
        if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(e) || bcf_gt_is_missing(f) ) continue;

        uint64_t mother = 0, father = 0,child1,child2;

        int is_ok = 0;
        if ( !itr_set )
            if ( f==bcf_int32_vector_end ) { warn_ploidy(rec); continue; }

            // All M,F,C genotypes are diploid. Missing data are considered consistent.
            child1 = 1<<bcf_gt_allele(e);
            child2 = 1<<bcf_gt_allele(f);
            mother  = bcf_gt_is_missing(a) ? child1|child2 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(a);
            mother |= bcf_gt_is_missing(b) || b==bcf_int32_vector_end ? child1|child2 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(b);
            father  = bcf_gt_is_missing(c) ? child1|child2 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(c);
            father |= bcf_gt_is_missing(d) || d==bcf_int32_vector_end ? child1|child2 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(d);

            if ( (mother&child1 && father&child2) || (mother&child2 && father&child1) ) is_ok = 1;
            child1  = 1<<bcf_gt_allele(e);
            child2  = bcf_gt_is_missing(f) || f==bcf_int32_vector_end ? 0 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(f);
            mother |= bcf_gt_is_missing(a) ? 0 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(a);
            mother |= bcf_gt_is_missing(b) || b==bcf_int32_vector_end ? 0 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(b);
            father |= bcf_gt_is_missing(c) ? 0 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(c);
            father |= bcf_gt_is_missing(d) || d==bcf_int32_vector_end ? 0 : 1<<bcf_gt_allele(d);

            regitr_copy(args.itr, args.itr_ori);
            while ( !is_ok && regitr_overlap(args.itr) )
                rule_t *rule = &regitr_payload(args.itr,rule_t);
                if ( child1 && child2 )
                    if ( !rule->mal || !rule->fal ) continue;   // wrong rule (haploid), but this is a diploid GT
                    if ( !mother ) mother = child1|child2;
                    if ( !father ) father = child1|child2;
                    if ( (mother&child1 && father&child2) || (mother&child2 && father&child1) ) is_ok = 1; 
                if ( rule->mal )
                    if ( mother && !(child1&mother) ) continue;
                if ( rule->fal )
                    if ( father && !(child1&father) ) continue;
                is_ok = 1;
        if ( is_ok )
            has_bad = 1;
            if ( args.mode&MODE_DELETE )
                args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->imother] = bcf_gt_missing;
                if ( b!=bcf_int32_vector_end ) args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->imother+1] = bcf_gt_missing; // should be always true 
                args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ifather] = bcf_gt_missing;
                if ( d!=bcf_int32_vector_end ) args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ifather+1] = bcf_gt_missing;
                args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ichild] = bcf_gt_missing;
                if ( f!=bcf_int32_vector_end ) args.gt_arr[ngt*trio->ichild+1]  = bcf_gt_missing;
                needs_update = 1;

    if ( needs_update && bcf_update_genotypes(args.hdr,rec,args.gt_arr,ngt*bcf_hdr_nsamples(args.hdr)) )
        error("Could not update GT field at %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(args.hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);

    if ( args.mode&MODE_DELETE ) return rec;
    if ( args.mode&MODE_LIST_GOOD ) return has_bad ? NULL : rec;
    if ( args.mode&MODE_LIST_BAD ) return has_bad ? rec : NULL;

    return NULL;
文件: tabix.c 项目: Illumina/akt
static int query_regions(args_t *args, char *fname, char **regs, int nregs)
    int i;
    htsFile *fp = hts_open(fname,"r");
    if ( !fp ) error("Could not read %s\n", fname);
    enum htsExactFormat format = hts_get_format(fp)->format;

    regidx_t *reg_idx = NULL;
    if ( args->targets_fname )
        reg_idx = regidx_init(args->targets_fname, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
        if ( !reg_idx ) error("Could not read %s\n", args->targets_fname);

    if ( format == bcf )
        htsFile *out = hts_open("-","w");
        if ( !out ) error("Could not open stdout\n", fname);
        hts_idx_t *idx = bcf_index_load(fname);
        if ( !idx ) error("Could not load .csi index of %s\n", fname);
        bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp);
        if ( !hdr ) error("Could not read the header: %s\n", fname);
        if ( args->print_header )
        if ( !args->header_only )
            bcf1_t *rec = bcf_init();
            for (i=0; i<nregs; i++)
                hts_itr_t *itr = bcf_itr_querys(idx,hdr,regs[i]);
                while ( bcf_itr_next(fp, itr, rec) >=0 )
                    if ( reg_idx && !regidx_overlap(reg_idx, bcf_seqname(hdr,rec),rec->pos,rec->pos+rec->rlen-1, NULL) ) continue;
        if ( hts_close(out) ) error("hts_close returned non-zero status for stdout\n");
    else if ( format==vcf || format==sam || format==unknown_format )
        tbx_t *tbx = tbx_index_load(fname);
        if ( !tbx ) error("Could not load .tbi/.csi index of %s\n", fname);
        kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
        if ( args->print_header )
            while ( hts_getline(fp, KS_SEP_LINE, &str) >= 0 )
                if ( !str.l || str.s[0]!=tbx->conf.meta_char ) break;
        if ( !args->header_only )
            int nseq;
            const char **seq = NULL;
            if ( reg_idx ) seq = tbx_seqnames(tbx, &nseq);
            for (i=0; i<nregs; i++)
                hts_itr_t *itr = tbx_itr_querys(tbx, regs[i]);
                if ( !itr ) continue;
                while (tbx_itr_next(fp, tbx, itr, &str) >= 0)
                    if ( reg_idx && !regidx_overlap(reg_idx,seq[itr->curr_tid],itr->curr_beg,itr->curr_end, NULL) ) continue;
    else if ( format==bam )
        error("Please use \"samtools view\" for querying BAM files.\n");

    if ( reg_idx ) regidx_destroy(reg_idx);
    if ( hts_close(fp) ) error("hts_close returned non-zero status: %s\n", fname);

    for (i=0; i<nregs; i++) free(regs[i]);
    return 0;
int run(int argc, char **argv)
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->nsites = 10;
    args->min_hets = 0.3;
    args->background = "X:60001-2699520";
    static struct option loptions[] =
    char c, *tmp, *ploidy_fname = NULL;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:n:g:m:vb:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        switch (c) {
            case 'b': 
                if ( !strcmp("-",optarg) ) args->background = NULL;
                else args->background = optarg; 
            case 'v': args->verbose = 1; break; 
            case 'g':
                if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"GT") ) args->guess = GUESS_GT;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"PL") ) args->guess = GUESS_PL;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"GL") ) args->guess = GUESS_GL;
                else error("The argument not recognised, expected --guess GT, --guess PL or --guess GL: %s\n", optarg);
            case 'm': 
                args->min_hets = strtod(optarg,&tmp); 
                if ( *tmp ) error("Unexpected argument to --min-hets: %s\n", optarg);
            case 'p': ploidy_fname = optarg; break; 
            case 'n': 
                args->nsites = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10); 
                if (*tmp) error("Unexpected argument to --nsites: %s\n", optarg); break; 
            case 'h':
            case '?':
            default: error("%s", usage()); break;

    args->sr = bcf_sr_init();
    args->sr->require_index = 1;
    if ( !argv[0] ) error("%s", usage());
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->sr,argv[0]) ) error("Error: %s\n", bcf_sr_strerror(args->sr->errnum));
    args->hdr = args->sr->readers[0].header;
    args->nsample = bcf_hdr_nsamples(args->hdr);
    args->dflt_ploidy = 2;
    if ( ploidy_fname )
        args->ploidy = ploidy_init(ploidy_fname, args->dflt_ploidy);
        if ( !args->ploidy ) error("Could not read %s\n", ploidy_fname);
        args->ploidy = ploidy_init_string(
                "X 1 60000 M 1\n"
                "X 2699521 154931043 M 1\n"
                "Y 1 59373566 M 1\n"
                "Y 1 59373566 F 0\n", args->dflt_ploidy);
    args->nsex = ploidy_nsex(args->ploidy);
    args->sex2ploidy = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*args->nsex);
    args->max_ploidy = ploidy_max(args->ploidy);
    if ( args->guess && args->max_ploidy > 2 ) error("Sorry, ploidy %d not supported with -g\n", args->max_ploidy);
    args->ncounts = args->nsample * ((args->max_ploidy>2 ? args->max_ploidy : 2)+1);
    args->counts = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*args->ncounts);
    args->bg_counts = (count_t*) calloc(args->nsample,sizeof(count_t));
    args->sex2prob = (float*) calloc(args->nsample*args->nsex,sizeof(float));

    int i, nseq;
    for (i=0; i<args->nsample*args->nsex; i++) args->sex2prob[i] = 1;

    if ( args->verbose && args->guess )
        printf("# [1]REG\t[2]Region\t[3]Sample\t[4]Het fraction\t[5]nHet\t[6]nHom\t[7]nMissing\n");

    // First get the counts from expected haploid regions
    regidx_t *idx = ploidy_regions(args->ploidy);
    char **seqs = regidx_seq_names(idx, &nseq);
    for (i=0; i<nseq; i++)
        regitr_t itr;
        regidx_overlap(idx, seqs[i], 0, UINT32_MAX, &itr);
        while ( itr.i < itr.n )
            if ( args->guess )
                itr.i += process_region_guess(args, seqs[i], &itr);
                itr.i += process_region_precise(args, seqs[i], &itr);
    // Get the counts from a PAR (the background diploid region) and see if the fraction
    // of hets is different
    if ( args->guess ) sex2prob_guess(args);

    for (i=0; i<args->nsample; i++)
        int j, jmax = 0;
        float max = 0, sum = 0;
        for (j=0; j<args->nsex; j++)
            sum += args->sex2prob[i*args->nsex+j];
            if ( max < args->sex2prob[i*args->nsex+j] )
                jmax = j;
                max = args->sex2prob[i*args->nsex+j];
        if ( args->verbose )
            printf("%s\t%s\t%f\n", args->hdr->samples[i],ploidy_id2sex(args->ploidy,jmax),args->sex2prob[i*args->nsex+jmax]/sum);
            printf("%s\t%s\n", args->hdr->samples[i],ploidy_id2sex(args->ploidy,jmax));
    return 0;