size_t PolyRegions::read(const std::string& location) { fs::path directory; try { directory = SC_FS_PATH(location); } catch ( ... ) { SEISCOMP_ERROR("Invalid path '%s'", location.c_str()); return 0; } if ( !fs::exists(directory) ) return regionCount(); fs::directory_iterator end_itr; std::vector<std::string> files; try { for ( fs::directory_iterator itr(directory); itr != end_itr; ++itr ) { if ( fs::is_directory(*itr) ) continue; if ( boost::regex_match(SC_FS_IT_LEAF(itr), boost::regex(".*\\.(?:fep)")) ) files.push_back(SC_FS_IT_STR(itr)); } } catch ( const std::exception &ex ) { SEISCOMP_ERROR("Reading regions: %s", ex.what()); return regionCount(); } std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); for ( size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i ) { if ( !readFepBoundaries(files[i]) ) SEISCOMP_ERROR("Error reading file: %s", files[i].c_str()); } info(); // Sort the features according to their rank std::sort(_regions.begin(), _regions.end(), compareByRank); // store directory path the data was read from _dataDir = directory.string(); return regionCount(); }
GeoFeature *PolyRegions::findRegion(double lat, double lon) const { while ( lon < -180 ) lon += 180; while ( lon > 180 ) lon -= 180; for ( size_t i = 0; i < regionCount(); ++i ) { if ( region(i)->contains(Vertex(lat, lon)) ) return region(i); } return NULL; }
QString VESPERSEXAFSScanConfiguration::headerText() const { QString header("Configuration of the Scan\n\n"); header.append("Scanned Edge:\t" + edge() + "\n"); header.append(fluorescenceHeaderString(fluorescenceDetector())); header.append(incomingChoiceHeaderString(incomingChoice())); header.append(transmissionChoiceHeaderString(transmissionChoice())); header.append(QString("Automatically moved to a specific location (used when setting up the workflow)?\t%1").arg(goToPosition() ? "Yes\n" : "No\n\n")); if (goToPosition()){ header.append(QString("Horizontal Position:\t%1 mm\n").arg(x())); header.append(QString("Vertical Position:\t%1 mm\n\n").arg(y())); } header.append(regionOfInterestHeaderString(roiList())); header.append("\n"); header.append("Regions Scanned\n"); for (int i = 0; i < regionCount(); i++){ if (exafsRegions()->type(i) == AMEXAFSRegion::kSpace && useFixedTime()) header.append(QString("Start: %1 eV\tDelta: %2 k\tEnd: %3 k\tTime: %4 s\n") .arg(exafsRegions()->startByType(i, AMEXAFSRegion::Energy)) .arg(exafsRegions()->delta(i)) .arg(exafsRegions()->endByType(i, AMEXAFSRegion::kSpace)) .arg(regions_->time(i))); else if (exafsRegions()->type(i) == AMEXAFSRegion::kSpace && !useFixedTime()) header.append(QString("Start: %1 eV\tDelta: %2 k\tEnd: %3 k\tMaximum time (used with variable integration time): %4 s\n") .arg(exafsRegions()->startByType(i, AMEXAFSRegion::Energy)) .arg(exafsRegions()->delta(i)) .arg(exafsRegions()->endByType(i, AMEXAFSRegion::kSpace)) .arg(exafsRegions()->time(i))); else header.append(QString("Start: %1 eV\tDelta: %2 eV\tEnd: %3 eV\tTime: %4 s\n") .arg(regionStart(i)) .arg(regionDelta(i)) .arg(regionEnd(i)) .arg(regionTime(i))); } return header; }
void G2DRegionGraph::makeCoarserRegions(G2DRegionGraph* pFineRegions) { // Find every region's closest neighbor GImage* pFineRegionMask = pFineRegions->regionMask(); GImage* pCoarseRegionMask = regionMask(); GAssert(pCoarseRegionMask->width() == pFineRegionMask->width() && pCoarseRegionMask->height() == pFineRegionMask->height()); // size mismatch int* pBestNeighborMap = new int[pFineRegions->regionCount()]; ArrayHolder<int> hBestNeighborMap(pBestNeighborMap); for(size_t i = 0; i < pFineRegions->regionCount(); i++) { struct GRegion* pRegion = pFineRegions->m_regions[i]; struct GRegionEdge* pEdge; double d; double dBestDiff = 1e200; int nBestNeighbor = -1; for(pEdge = pRegion->m_pNeighbors; pEdge; pEdge = pEdge->GetNext(i)) { size_t j = pEdge->GetOther(i); struct GRegion* pOtherRegion = pFineRegions->m_regions[j]; d = MeasureRegionDifference(pRegion, pOtherRegion); if(d < dBestDiff) { dBestDiff = d; nBestNeighbor = (int)j; } } GAssert(nBestNeighbor != -1 || pFineRegions->regionCount() == 1); // failed to find a neighbor pBestNeighborMap[i] = nBestNeighbor; } // Create a mapping to new regions numbers int* pNewRegionMap = new int[pFineRegions->regionCount()]; ArrayHolder<int> hNewRegionMap(pNewRegionMap); memset(pNewRegionMap, 0xff, sizeof(int) * pFineRegions->regionCount()); int nNewRegionCount = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < pFineRegions->regionCount(); i++) { size_t nNewRegion = -1; size_t j = i; while(pNewRegionMap[j] == -1) { pNewRegionMap[j] = -2; j = pBestNeighborMap[j]; } if(pNewRegionMap[j] == -2) nNewRegion = nNewRegionCount++; else nNewRegion = pNewRegionMap[j]; j = i; while(pNewRegionMap[j] == -2) { pNewRegionMap[j] = (int)nNewRegion; j = pBestNeighborMap[j]; } } // Make the new regions for(size_t i = 0; i < pFineRegions->regionCount(); i++) { struct GRegion* pRegion = pFineRegions->m_regions[i]; size_t j = pNewRegionMap[i]; if(regionCount() <= j) { GAssert(regionCount() == j); // how'd it get two behind? addRegion(); } struct GRegion* pCoarseRegion = m_regions[j]; pCoarseRegion->m_nSumRed += pRegion->m_nSumRed; pCoarseRegion->m_nSumGreen += pRegion->m_nSumGreen; pCoarseRegion->m_nSumBlue += pRegion->m_nSumBlue; pCoarseRegion->m_nPixels += pRegion->m_nPixels; } for(size_t i = 0; i < pFineRegions->regionCount(); i++) { struct GRegion* pRegion = pFineRegions->m_regions[i]; size_t j = pNewRegionMap[i]; struct GRegionEdge* pEdge; for(pEdge = pRegion->m_pNeighbors; pEdge; pEdge = pEdge->GetNext(i)) { size_t k = pNewRegionMap[pEdge->GetOther(i)]; if(j != k) makeNeighbors(j, k); } } // Make the fine region mask unsigned int nOldRegion; int x, y; for(y = 0; y < (int)pFineRegionMask->height(); y++) { for(x = 0; x < (int)pFineRegionMask->width(); x++) { nOldRegion = pFineRegionMask->pixel(x, y); pCoarseRegionMask->setPixel(x, y, pNewRegionMap[nOldRegion]); } } }
QString SGMXASScanConfiguration::detailedDescription() const{ double exitSlit; double grating; double harmonic; for(int x = 0; x < fluxResolutionGroup_.count(); x++){ if( == SGMBeamline::sgm()->exitSlitGap()->name()) exitSlit =; if( == SGMBeamline::sgm()->grating()->name()) grating =; if( == SGMBeamline::sgm()->harmonic()->name()) harmonic =; } return QString("XAS Scan from %1 to %2\nExit Slit: %3\nGrating: %4\nHarmonic: %5").arg(regionStart(0)).arg(regionEnd(regionCount()-1)).arg(exitSlit, 0, 'f', 1).arg(SGMBeamlineInfo::sgmInfo()->sgmGratingDescription(SGMBeamlineInfo::sgmGrating(grating))).arg(SGMBeamlineInfo::sgmInfo()->sgmHarmonicDescription(SGMBeamlineInfo::sgmHarmonic(harmonic))); }