void HeapRegionSetBase::print_on(outputStream* out, bool print_contents) {
  out->print_cr("Set: %s (" PTR_FORMAT ")", name(), p2i(this));
  out->print_cr("  Region Assumptions");
  out->print_cr("    humongous         : %s", BOOL_TO_STR(regions_humongous()));
  out->print_cr("    free              : %s", BOOL_TO_STR(regions_free()));
  out->print_cr("  Attributes");
  out->print_cr("    length            : %14u", length());
void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
  assert(hr->containing_set() == this, err_msg("Inconsistent containing set for %u", hr->hrm_index()));
  assert(!hr->is_young(), err_msg("Adding young region %u", hr->hrm_index())); // currently we don't use these sets for young regions
  assert(hr->is_humongous() == regions_humongous(), err_msg("Wrong humongous state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()));
  assert(hr->is_free() == regions_free(), err_msg("Wrong free state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()));
  assert(!hr->is_free() || hr->is_empty(), err_msg("Free region %u is not empty for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()));
  assert(!hr->is_empty() || hr->is_free(), err_msg("Empty region %u is not free for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name()));
  assert(hr->rem_set()->verify_ready_for_par_iteration(), err_msg("Wrong iteration state %u", hr->hrm_index()));
void HeapRegionSetBase::verify_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
  assert(hr->containing_set() == this, "Inconsistent containing set for %u", hr->hrm_index());
  assert(!hr->is_young(), "Adding young region %u", hr->hrm_index()); // currently we don't use these sets for young regions
  assert(hr->is_humongous() == regions_humongous(), "Wrong humongous state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name());
  assert(hr->is_free() == regions_free(), "Wrong free state for region %u and set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name());
  assert(!hr->is_free() || hr->is_empty(), "Free region %u is not empty for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name());
  assert(!hr->is_empty() || hr->is_free() || hr->is_archive(),
         "Empty region %u is not free or archive for set %s", hr->hrm_index(), name());