/** * @brief Initializes the timer features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_timer_module() { // Functions of sol.timer. static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "start", timer_api_start }, { "stop_all", timer_api_stop_all }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(timer_module_name, functions); // Methods of the timer type. static const luaL_Reg methods[] = { { "stop", timer_api_stop }, { "is_with_sound", timer_api_is_with_sound }, { "set_with_sound", timer_api_set_with_sound }, { "is_suspended", timer_api_is_suspended }, { "set_suspended", timer_api_set_suspended }, { "is_suspended_with_map", timer_api_is_suspended_with_map }, { "set_suspended_with_map", timer_api_set_suspended_with_map }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg metamethods[] = { { "__gc", userdata_meta_gc }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_type(timer_module_name, methods, metamethods); }
ae::es::Lua::Lua( ae::EManager* emanager ) : ESystem( emanager ) { L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); register_functions(); }
void fs_emu_video_sdl_software_init(void) { fs_log("fs_emu_video_sdl_software_init\n"); #else void fs_emu_video_sdl_init(void) { fs_log("fs_emu_video_sdl_init\n"); #endif register_functions(); }
/** * @brief Initializes the menu features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_menu_module() { // Functions of sol.menu. static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "start", menu_api_start }, { "stop", menu_api_stop }, { "stop_all", menu_api_stop_all }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(menu_module_name, functions); }
static mpdm_t kde4_drv_startup(mpdm_t a, mpdm_t ctxt) /* driver initialization */ { register_functions(); build_font(1); build_colors(); window = new MPWindow(); window->show(); return NULL; }
/** * \brief Initializes the language features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_language_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "get_language", language_api_get_language }, { "set_language", language_api_set_language }, { "get_language_name", language_api_get_language_name }, { "get_languages", language_api_get_languages }, { "get_string", language_api_get_string }, { "get_dialog", language_api_get_dialog }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; register_functions(language_module_name, functions); }
void mod_db_sql_init() { char *str; mod_db_sql_config.host = XSTRDUP("", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_config.db = XSTRDUP("netmush", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_config.username = XSTRDUP("netmush", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_config.password = XSTRDUP("netmush", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_config.reconnect = 1; mod_db_sql_config.port = 3306; str = XMALLOC(MBUF_SIZE, "mod_db_sql_init"); snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "version %d.%d", mudstate.version.major, mudstate.version.minor); switch(mudstate.version.status){ case 0: snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s, Alpha %d", str, mudstate.version.revision); break; case 1: snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s, Beta %d", str, mudstate.version.revision); break; case 2: snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s, Release Candidate %d", str, mudstate.version.revision); break; default: if(mudstate.version.revision > 0) { snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s, Patch Level %d", str, mudstate.version.revision); } else { snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s, Gold Release.", str); } } #ifdef SQL_DRIVER snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s (%s) using %s driver", str , PACKAGE_RELEASE_DATE, SQL_DRIVER); mod_db_sql_version.version=XSTRDUP( str , "mod_db_sql_init"); #else snprintf(str, MBUF_SIZE, "%s (%s) using placeholder driver", str , PACKAGE_RELEASE_DATE); mod_db_sql_version.version=XSTRDUP(str, "mod_db_sql_init"); #endif mod_db_sql_version.author=XSTRDUP("TinyMUSH Development Team", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_version.email=XSTRDUP("*****@*****.**", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_version.url=XSTRDUP("http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinymush/", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_version.description=XSTRDUP("SQL Database interface for TinyMUSH", "mod_db_sql_init"); mod_db_sql_version.copyright=XSTRDUP("Copyright (C) 2012 TinyMUSH development team.", "mod_db_sql_init"); XFREE(str, "mod_db_sql_init"); register_commands(mod_db_sql_cmdtable); register_functions(mod_db_sql_functable); }
/** * @brief Initializes the audio features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_audio_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "play_sound", audio_api_play_sound }, { "preload_sounds", audio_api_preload_sounds }, { "play_music", audio_api_play_music }, { "stop_music", audio_api_stop_music }, { "get_sound_volume", audio_api_get_sound_volume }, { "set_sound_volume", audio_api_set_sound_volume }, { "get_music_volume", audio_api_get_music_volume }, { "set_music_volume", audio_api_set_music_volume }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(audio_module_name, functions); }
/** * @brief Initializes the video features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_video_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "get_window_title", video_api_get_window_title }, { "set_window_title", video_api_set_window_title }, { "get_mode", video_api_get_mode }, { "set_mode", video_api_set_mode }, { "switch_mode", video_api_switch_mode }, { "is_mode_supported", video_api_is_mode_supported }, { "get_modes", video_api_get_modes }, { "is_fullscreen", video_api_is_fullscreen }, { "set_fullscreen", video_api_set_fullscreen }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(video_module_name, functions); }
/** * \brief Initializes the input features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_input_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "is_joypad_enabled", input_api_is_joypad_enabled }, { "set_joypad_enabled", input_api_set_joypad_enabled }, { "is_key_pressed", input_api_is_key_pressed }, { "get_key_modifiers", input_api_get_key_modifiers }, { "is_joypad_button_pressed", input_api_is_joypad_button_pressed }, { "get_joypad_axis_state", input_api_get_joypad_axis_state }, { "get_joypad_hat_direction", input_api_get_joypad_hat_direction }, { "is_mouse_button_pressed", input_api_is_mouse_button_pressed }, { "get_mouse_position", input_api_get_mouse_position }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; register_functions(input_module_name, functions); }
/** * \brief Initializes the main features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_main_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "load_file", main_api_load_file }, { "do_file", main_api_do_file }, { "reset", main_api_reset }, { "exit", main_api_exit }, { "get_quest_write_dir", main_api_get_quest_write_dir }, { "set_quest_write_dir", main_api_set_quest_write_dir }, { "load_settings", main_api_load_settings }, { "save_settings", main_api_save_settings }, { "get_distance", main_api_get_distance }, { "get_angle", main_api_get_angle }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(main_module_name, functions); }
/** * \brief Initializes the file features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_file_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "open", file_api_open }, { "exists", file_api_exists }, { "remove", file_api_remove }, { "mkdir", file_api_mkdir }, { NULL, NULL } }; register_functions(file_module_name, functions); // Store the original io.open function in the registry. // We will need to access it from sol.file.open(). lua_getglobal(l, "io"); lua_getfield(l, -1, "open"); Debug::check_assertion(lua_isfunction(l, -1), "Could not find io.open"); lua_setfield(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "io.open"); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { scm_init_guile(); register_functions(NULL); //init script, loads the entire script scm_c_primitive_load("init.scm"); //main script, please write update function, and draw function scm_c_primitive_load("main.scm"); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { printf("it didn't work :("); return 1; } printf("it worked\n"); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
/** * \brief Initializes the audio features provided to Lua. */ void LuaContext::register_audio_module() { static const luaL_Reg functions[] = { { "get_sound_volume", audio_api_get_sound_volume }, { "set_sound_volume", audio_api_set_sound_volume }, { "play_sound", audio_api_play_sound }, { "preload_sounds", audio_api_preload_sounds }, { "get_music_volume", audio_api_get_music_volume }, { "set_music_volume", audio_api_set_music_volume }, { "play_music", audio_api_play_music }, { "stop_music", audio_api_stop_music }, { "get_music", audio_api_get_music }, { "get_music_format", audio_api_get_music_format }, { "get_music_num_channels", audio_api_get_music_num_channels }, { "get_music_channel_volume", audio_api_get_music_channel_volume }, { "set_music_channel_volume", audio_api_set_music_channel_volume }, { "get_music_tempo", audio_api_get_music_tempo }, { "set_music_tempo", audio_api_set_music_tempo }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; register_functions(audio_module_name, functions); }
void fs_emu_audio_dummy_init(void) { fs_log("fs_emu_audio_dummy_init\n"); register_functions(); }
int parser_eval(const expr_t *e, long double *r, hashtbl_t *vars) { if (!e || !r) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: null expression or result var\n"); return 1; } /* load known functions */ static hashtbl_t *functions = NULL; if (unlikely(functions == NULL)) { functions = hashtbl_init(NULL, NULL); register_functions(functions); } /* stash constants into whatever symtab we get */ if (unlikely(vars && !hashtbl_get(vars, "_stashed"))) { register_constants(vars); } const list_t *l = (const list_t*)e; const list_node_t *n = list_last(l); list_t *args = list_init(free, NULL); const symbol_t *s; while (n && (s = (const symbol_t*)list_data(n))) { long double *d = NULL, *v = NULL; long double (*f)(list_t*, size_t); switch (s->type) { case stNumber: d = (long double*)zmalloc(sizeof(long double)); *d = s->number; list_push(args, d); break; case stVariable: if (!vars) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: no symbol table\n"); list_destroy(args); return 1; } if (!(v = (long double*)hashtbl_get(vars, s->variable))) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: uninitialized variable [%s]\n", s->variable); list_destroy(args); return 1; } d = (long double*)zmalloc(sizeof(long double)); *d = *v; list_push(args, d); break; case stBinOperator: /* rhs operand */ if (!(v = (long double*)list_pop(args))) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: missing rhs operand\n"); list_destroy(args); return 1; } case stUniOperator: /* lhs operand, don't pop it... use it to store the result too */ if (!(d = (long double*)list_peek_head(args))) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: missing lhs operand\n"); list_destroy(args); return 1; } *d = semanter_operator(s->operator, *d, s->type == stBinOperator ? *v : 0.0); free(v); break; case stFunction: if (!(f = (long double(*)(list_t*, size_t))hashtbl_get(functions, s->func.name))) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: unknown function [%s]\n", s->func.name); list_destroy(args); return 1; } d = (long double*)zmalloc(sizeof(long double)); *d = f(args, s->func.nargs); list_push(args, d); break; } n = list_prev(n); } if (list_size(args) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "eval error: corrupt args stack\n"); list_destroy(args); return 1; } long double *d = (long double*)list_peek_head(args); *r = *d; list_destroy(args); return 0; }
void fs_emu_audio_openal_init(void) { fs_log("fs_emu_audio_openal_init\n"); register_functions(); // select the "preferred device" g_device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if (g_device) { fs_log("[OPENAL] Opened device: %s\n", alcGetString(g_device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER)); } else { fs_log("[OPENAL] NULL from alcOpenDevice\n"); ALenum error_code = alGetError(); fs_log("[OPENAL] Error code %d\n", error_code); if (alGetString(error_code)) { fs_log("[OPENAL] %s\n", alGetString(error_code)); } fs_emu_warning("OPENAL: Could not open audio device"); } if (!g_device) { return; } log_openal_info(); log_openal_devices(); int frequencies[] = { 48000, 44100, 0 }; if (fs_config_get_int("audio_frequency") != FS_CONFIG_NONE) { frequencies[0] = fs_config_get_int("audio_frequency"); } for (int i = 0; frequencies[i]; i++) { int frequency = frequencies[i]; fs_log("OPENAL: trying frequency %d\n", frequency); ALCint attributes[] = { ALC_MONO_SOURCES, 0, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES, 2, ALC_FREQUENCY, frequency, 0 }; g_context = alcCreateContext(g_device, attributes); if (g_context) { g_audio_out_frequency = frequency; break; } } if (g_context) { fs_log("OPENAL: created context\n"); alcMakeContextCurrent(g_context); check_al_error("alcMakeContextCurrent"); fs_log("OPENAL: made context current\n"); } else { fs_emu_warning("OpenAL: no context created\n"); //check_al_error("alcCreateContext"); } int stereo_sources; alcGetIntegerv(g_device, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES, 1, &stereo_sources); fs_log("openal: number of stereo sources is %d\n", stereo_sources); // FIXME: configure elsewhere int abt = fs_config_get_int_clamped("audio_buffer_target_size", 1, 100); if (abt == FS_CONFIG_NONE) { if (fs_config_get_int("audio_buffer_target_bytes") != FS_CONFIG_NONE) { fs_emu_warning("Use audio_buffer_target_size instead\n"); } abt = 40; #if 0 if (abt == FS_CONFIG_NONE) { abt = 40; } else { abt = (int) (abt / 1000.0 * (options->frequency * 2 * 2)); } #endif } fs_log("AUDIO: Buffer target size (ms) = %d\n", abt); //abt = (int) (abt / 1000.0 * (options->frequency * 2 * 2)); // fs_log("AUDIO: Buffer target size (bytes) = %d\n", abt); /* Specifying fill target in microseconds */ g_default_fill_target = abt * 1000; }
static void drawable_lua_process (GeglOperation *op, GeglBuffer *drawable, GeglBuffer *aux, GeglBuffer *result, const GeglRectangle *roi, const gchar *file, const gchar *buffer, gdouble user_value) { /*GimpRGB background;*/ GeglRectangle *in_rect = gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (GEGL_OPERATION (op), "input"); lua_State *L; Priv p; L = luaL_newstate (); luaL_openlibs (L); register_functions (L, gluas_functions); p.rgba_float = babl_format ("RGBA float"); p.L = L; p.width = in_rect->width; p.height = in_rect->height; p.bx1 = roi->x; p.by1 = roi->y; p.bx2 = roi->x + roi->width; p.by2 = roi->y + roi->height; lua_pushnumber (L, (double) user_value); lua_setglobal (L, "user_value"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.width); lua_setglobal (L, "width"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.height); lua_setglobal (L, "height"); lua_pushstring (L, "priv"); lua_pushlightuserdata (L, &p); lua_settable (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); p.in_drawable = drawable; p.aux_drawable = aux; p.out_drawable = result; lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.bx1); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_x0"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.bx2); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_x1"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.by1); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_y0"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.by2); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_y1"); { gint status = 0; luaL_loadstring (L, "os.setlocale ('C', 'numeric')"); /* insert default loop start/end filling the selection */ if (file && file[0]!='\0') status = luaL_loadfile (L, file); else if (buffer) { GString *str = g_string_new (buffer); if (!strstr (buffer, "for x")) { g_string_prepend (str, "for y=bound_y0, bound_y1 do\n for x=bound_x0, bound_x1 do\n"); g_string_append (str, " end \n progress (y/height)\n end\n"); } status = luaL_loadbuffer (L, str->str, str->len, "buffer"); g_string_free (str, TRUE); } if (status == 0) status = lua_pcall (L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (status != 0) gegl_node_set (op->node, "error", lua_tostring (L, -1), NULL); } }
static void drawable_lua_process (GeglOperation *op, GeglBuffer *drawable, GeglBuffer *aux, GeglBuffer *result, const GeglRectangle *roi, const gchar *file, const gchar *buffer, gdouble user_value) { /*GimpRGB background;*/ GeglRectangle *in_rect = gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (GEGL_OPERATION (op), "input"); lua_State *L; Priv p; L = luaL_newstate (); luaL_openlibs (L); register_functions (L, gluas_functions); p.rgba_float = babl_format ("RGBA float"); p.L = L; p.width = in_rect->width; p.height = in_rect->height; p.bx1 = roi->x; p.by1 = roi->y; p.bx2 = roi->x + roi->width; p.by2 = roi->y + roi->height; lua_pushnumber (L, (double) user_value); lua_setglobal (L, "user_value"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.width); lua_setglobal (L, "width"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.height); lua_setglobal (L, "height"); lua_pushstring (L, "priv"); lua_pushlightuserdata (L, &p); lua_settable (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); p.in_drawable = drawable; p.aux_drawable = aux; p.out_drawable = result; lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.bx1); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_x0"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.bx2); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_x1"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.by1); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_y0"); lua_pushnumber (L, (double) p.by2); lua_setglobal (L, "bound_y1"); { gint status = 0; luaL_loadstring (L, "os.setlocale ('C', 'numeric')"); if (file && file[0]!='\0') status = luaL_loadfile (L, file); else if (buffer) status = luaL_loadbuffer (L, buffer, strlen (buffer), "buffer"); if (status == 0) status = lua_pcall (L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (status != 0) g_warning ("lua error: %s", lua_tostring (L, -1)); } }