Win32EGLSupport::Win32EGLSupport() { //RECT windowRect; //GetClientRect(mNativeDisplay, &windowRect); mNativeDisplay = getNativeDisplay(); mGLDisplay = getGLDisplay(); mCurrentMode.first.first = 555; // todo mCurrentMode.first.second = 555; // todo mCurrentMode.second = 0; mOriginalMode = mCurrentMode; mVideoModes.push_back(mCurrentMode); EGLConfig *glConfigs; int config, nConfigs = 0; glConfigs = chooseGLConfig(NULL, &nConfigs); for (config = 0; config < nConfigs; config++) { int caveat, samples; getGLConfigAttrib(glConfigs[config], EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT, &caveat); if (caveat != EGL_SLOW_CONFIG) { getGLConfigAttrib(glConfigs[config], EGL_SAMPLES, &samples); mSampleLevels.push_back(StringConverter::toString(samples)); } } free(glConfigs); removeDuplicates(mSampleLevels); }
/** * \todo Good idea is to check \c #include directive again and realize what kind of * open/close chars are used... depending on this do search for files in all configured * paths or session's only... * * \todo Maybe not so good, cuz this method now called from \c scanForHeadersIncluded, * so parse status is fresh enough... */ void DocumentInfo::updateStatus(State& s) { kDebug(DEBUG_AREA) << "Update status for range: " << s.range.get(); if (!s.range->isEmpty()) { auto* doc = s.range->document(); auto filename = doc->text(s.range->toRange()); // NOTE After editing it is possible that opening '<' or '"' could // appear as a start symbol of the range... just try to exclude it! if (filename.startsWith('>') || filename.startsWith('"')) { filename.remove(0, 1); auto shrinked = s.range->toRange(); shrinked.end().setColumn(shrinked.start().column() + 1); s.range->setRange(shrinked); } // NOTE after autocompletion it is possible that closing '>' or '"' could // appear as the last symbol of the range... just try to exclude it! if (filename.endsWith('>') || filename.endsWith('"')) { filename.resize(filename.size() - 1); auto shrinked = s.range->toRange(); shrinked.end().setColumn(shrinked.end().column() - 1); s.range->setRange(shrinked); } // Reset status s.status = Status::NotFound; // Check if given header available // 0) check CWD first if allowed or #include uses quites auto candidates = QStringList{}; if (m_plugin->config().useCwd() || s.type == IncludeStyle::local) { auto uri = doc->url(); uri.setFileName(filename); const auto& check = uri.path(); kDebug(DEBUG_AREA) << "check current dir: " << check; if (QFileInfo{check}.exists()) { s.status = Status::Ok; candidates << check; } } // 1) Try configured dirs then candidates << findHeader( filename , m_plugin->config().sessionDirs() , m_plugin->config().systemDirs() ); candidates.removeDuplicates(); // Same file could be found more than once! // Analyse found files and set status if (candidates.empty()) s.status = Status::NotFound; else if (candidates.size() == 1) s.status = Status::Ok; else s.status = Status::MultipleMatches; kDebug(DEBUG_AREA) << "#include filename=" << filename << ", status=" << int(s.status) << ", r=" << s.range.get() ; auto* iface = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::MarkInterface*>(doc); const auto line = s.range->start().line(); switch (s.status) { case Status::Ok: iface->removeMark( line , KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Error | KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Warning ); s.description.clear(); break; case Status::NotFound: iface->removeMark( line , KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Error | KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Warning ); iface->setMarkPixmap( KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Error , KIcon("task-reject").pixmap(QSize(16, 16)) ); iface->addMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Error); s.description = i18nc("@info:tooltip", "File not found"); break; case Status::MultipleMatches: iface->removeMark( line , KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Error | KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Warning ); iface->setMarkPixmap( KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Warning , KIcon("task-attention").pixmap(QSize(16, 16)) ); iface->addMark(line, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Warning); s.description = i18nc( "@info:tooltip" , "Multiple files matched: <filename>%1</filename>" , candidates.join(", ") ); break; default: assert(!"Impossible"); } } }
void MasterHandler::leadershipLoop() { long maxSleep = 1000l*UPDATE_INTERVAL; long interval = UPDATE_INTERVAL; /** * Algorithm: * 1)Fetch list of files from backend * 2)Check if there is any new change * 3)Fetch list of avail nodes, their free space * 4)Divide tasks among nodes * 5)Clean all previous assignments * 6)Publish assignments */ while(isRunning) { //1)Fetch list of files from backend Backend* backend = BackendManager::getActiveBackend(); if(backend == nullptr) { LOG(DEBUG)<<"leadershipLoop(): No active backend."; interval *= 10; if(interval > maxSleep) interval = maxSleep; usleep(interval); continue; } vector<BackendItem> backendList; if(!backend->list(backendList)) { LOG(ERROR)<<"leadershipLoop(): failed to retrive list of files from backend!"; interval *= 10; if(interval > maxSleep) interval = maxSleep; usleep(interval); continue; } //3)Fetch list of avail nodes, their free space vector<ZooNode> globalView; ZooHandler::getInstance().getGlobalView(globalView); vector<ZooNode> globalFreeView = ZooHandler::getInstance().getGlobalFreeView(); //Fill GlobaView with globalfreeview for(ZooNode& node:globalView) { bool found = false; for(ZooNode& fnode:globalFreeView){ if(fnode.hostName == node.hostName){ found = true; node.freeSpace = fnode.freeSpace; break; } } if(!found){ LOG(ERROR)<<"\nCann't find free space for node:"<<node.hostName<<"\n"; continue; } } //Check if there is any change in nodes(only checks freespace name and mac) bool nodesChanged = false; if(globalView.size()!=existingNodes.size()) { //Get rid of already assigned ones because some of them might be dead cleanAssignmentFolder(); nodesChanged = true; } else { for(ZooNode &node:globalView) if(!contains<ZooNode>(existingNodes,node)) { nodesChanged = true; break; } } //2)Check if there is any new change or any change in nodes! vector<BackendItem> oldAssignments = getExistingAssignments(); //cerr<<"oldAssignments:";printVector(oldAssignments); if(oldAssignments.size() > 0) removeDuplicates(backendList,oldAssignments); if(nodesChanged) { //Get a copy in existing nodes existingNodes.clear(); existingNodes.insert(existingNodes.end(),globalView.begin(),globalView.end()); } //4)Divide tasks among nodes //5)Clean all previous assignments //6)Publish assignments bool change = false; if(backendList.size() || nodesChanged) change = divideTaskAmongNodes(&backendList,globalView); //Release Memory backendList.clear(); //delete backendList; //Release memory for GlobalView for(ZooNode &node:globalView) if(node.containedFiles) delete node.containedFiles; //Adaptive sleep if(!change) interval *= 10; if(interval > maxSleep) interval = maxSleep; usleep(interval); } LOG(ERROR)<<"MASTERHANDLER LOOP DEAD!";; }
int main(void) { int x[] = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}; printf("%d\n", removeDuplicates(x, 6)); return(0); }
void EGLSupport::addConfig(void) { ConfigOption optFullScreen; ConfigOption optVideoMode; ConfigOption optDisplayFrequency; ConfigOption optFSAA; ConfigOption optRTTMode; = "Full Screen"; optFullScreen.immutable = false; = "Video Mode"; optVideoMode.immutable = false; = "Display Frequency"; optDisplayFrequency.immutable = false; = "FSAA"; optFSAA.immutable = false; = "RTT Preferred Mode"; optRTTMode.immutable = false; optFullScreen.possibleValues.push_back("No"); optFullScreen.possibleValues.push_back("Yes"); optFullScreen.currentValue = optFullScreen.possibleValues[1]; VideoModes::const_iterator value = mVideoModes.begin(); VideoModes::const_iterator end = mVideoModes.end(); for (; value != end; value++) { String mode = StringConverter::toString(value->first.first,4) + " x " + StringConverter::toString(value->first.second,4); optVideoMode.possibleValues.push_back(mode); } removeDuplicates(optVideoMode.possibleValues); optVideoMode.currentValue = StringConverter::toString(mCurrentMode.first.first,4) + " x " + StringConverter::toString(mCurrentMode.first.second,4); refreshConfig(); if (!mSampleLevels.empty()) { StringVector::const_iterator value = mSampleLevels.begin(); StringVector::const_iterator end = mSampleLevels.end(); for (; value != end; value++) { optFSAA.possibleValues.push_back(*value); } optFSAA.currentValue = optFSAA.possibleValues[0]; } optRTTMode.possibleValues.push_back("Copy"); optRTTMode.currentValue = optRTTMode.possibleValues[0]; mOptions[] = optFullScreen; mOptions[] = optVideoMode; mOptions[] = optDisplayFrequency; mOptions[] = optFSAA; mOptions[] = optRTTMode; refreshConfig(); }
int main(){ int nums[6] = {1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4}; int length = sizeof(nums)/sizeof(nums[0]); printf("%d", removeDuplicates(nums, length)); }
int removeDuplicates(vector<int>& nums) { return distance(nums.begin(), removeDuplicates(nums.begin(), nums.end(), nums.begin())); }
void FracHalfEdge::RemoveDuplicates(void) { removeDuplicates(mFracPoints, &FracHalfEdgeDuplPred, &FracHalfEdgeDuplComp); }
int main() { int nums[] = {0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4}; int numsSize = 11; int returnSize = removeDuplicates(nums, numsSize); return 0; }
int main() { List<int> l; l.AddToBack(1); l.AddToBack(2); l.AddToBack(3); l.AddToBack(4); l.AddToBack(5); std::cerr << "l: "; int size = l.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) std::cerr << " " << l[i]; std::cerr << std::endl; List<int> copy(l); std::cerr << "copy: "; size = copy.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) std::cerr << copy[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; List<int> assigned = l; std::cerr << "assigned: "; size = assigned.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) std::cerr << assigned[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { int front = l.RemoveFromFront(); std::cerr << "removed " << front << " "; } std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "l: "; for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); ++i) std::cerr << l[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "copy: "; for (int i = 0; i < copy.length(); ++i) std::cerr << copy[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "assigned: "; for (int i = 0; i < assigned.length(); ++i) std::cerr << assigned[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; // ======================================= // Problem 2 List<int> dups; dups.AddToBack(1); dups.AddToBack(2); dups.AddToBack(3); dups.AddToBack(4); dups.AddToBack(2); dups.AddToBack(3); dups.AddToBack(3); compare<int> f; List<int> removed = removeDuplicates(dups, f); std::cerr << "removed: "; for (int i = 0; i < removed.length(); ++i) std::cerr << removed[i] << " "; std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(){ vector<int> nums = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}; cout<<removeDuplicates(nums)<<endl; print_vector<int>(nums); return 0; }
DEMParticlePArray DEMParticleCreator::updatePeriodicDEMParticles(const OrientedBox& periodicDomain, DEMParticlePArray& particles) { auto e0 = periodicDomain.axis(0) * (periodicDomain.extent(0) * 2); auto e1 = periodicDomain.axis(1) * (periodicDomain.extent(1) * 2); auto e2 = periodicDomain.axis(2) * (periodicDomain.extent(2) * 2); std::vector<Vec> vertices = periodicDomain.vertices(); constexpr std::array<std::array<int, 4>, 6> faceIndices = {{ {{0, 4, 7, 3}} // x- , {{1, 2, 6, 5}} // x+ , {{0, 1, 5, 4}} // y- , {{2, 3, 7, 6}} // y+ , {{0, 3, 2, 1}} // z- , {{4, 5, 6, 7}} // z+ }}; std::vector<Face> faces; for (const auto& indices : faceIndices) { int i0 = indices[0]; int i1 = indices[1]; int i2 = indices[2]; int i3 = indices[3]; Face face(vertices[i0], vertices[i1], vertices[i2], vertices[i3]); faces.push_back(face); } // Check intersections DEMParticlePArray extraParticles; for (const auto& particle : particles) { if (particle->getType() != DEMParticle::DEMParticleType::FREE) { continue; } auto position = particle->currentPosition(); auto axis_a = particle->currentAxisA(); auto axis_b = particle->currentAxisB(); auto axis_c = particle->currentAxisC(); auto radius_a = particle->radiusA(); auto radius_b = particle->radiusB(); auto radius_c = particle->radiusC(); auto id = particle->getId(); // Create an ellipsoid object for ellipsoid-face intersection tests Ellipsoid ellipsoid(id, position, axis_a, axis_b, axis_c, radius_a, radius_b, radius_c); int faceID = 1; for (const auto& face : faces) { auto status = ellipsoid.intersects(face); // std::cout << "Face = " << face << "\n"; // std::cout << "status = " << std::boolalpha << status.first // << " face " << static_cast<int>(status.second.first) // << " , " << status.second.second << "\n"; if (status.first) { std::vector<Vec> translations; switch (static_cast<Boundary::BoundaryID>(faceID)) { case Boundary::BoundaryID::NONE: break; case Boundary::BoundaryID::XMINUS: { Vec shift = e0; //std::cout << " Loc: x-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::XPLUS: { Vec shift = -e0; //std::cout << " Loc: x-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::YMINUS: { Vec shift = e1; //std::cout << " Loc: y-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::YPLUS: { Vec shift = -e1; //std::cout << " Loc: y-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::ZMINUS: { Vec shift = e2; //std::cout << " Loc: z-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::ZPLUS: { Vec shift = -e2; //std::cout << " Loc: z-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, face, status, translations); break; } break; } // Create copies particle->setType(DEMParticle::DEMParticleType::BOUNDARY_PERIODIC); for (const auto& translation : translations) { DEMParticleP newParticle = std::make_shared<DEMParticle>(*particle); newParticle->setCurrentPosition(particle->currentPosition() + translation); newParticle->setPreviousPosition(particle->previousPosition() + translation); newParticle->setId(particle->getId()); newParticle->computeAndSetGlobalCoef(); extraParticles.push_back(newParticle); } } faceID += 1; } } // Remove duplicates removeDuplicates(extraParticles); return extraParticles; }
/** * Non-obvious side effect: Converts particle type to BOUNDARY_PERIODIC if * it is on the boundary */ DEMParticlePArray DEMParticleCreator::generatePeriodicDEMParticles(DEMParticlePArray& particles, Box& spatialDomain, REAL marginFactor, REAL faceShiftFactor) { // Find the largest radius ellipsoid in the input set and set // the margin to be marginFactor times that value auto minmaxIter = std::minmax_element(particles.begin(), particles.end(), [](const DEMParticleP& p1, const DEMParticleP& p2){ auto max_p1 = std::max({p1->radiusA(), p1->radiusB(), p1->radiusC()}); auto max_p2 = std::max({p2->radiusA(), p2->radiusB(), p2->radiusC()}); return max_p1 < max_p2; }); auto minRadius = std::min({(*minmaxIter.first)->radiusA(), (*minmaxIter.first)->radiusB(), (*minmaxIter.first)->radiusC()}); auto maxRadius = std::max({(*minmaxIter.second)->radiusA(), (*minmaxIter.second)->radiusB(), (*minmaxIter.second)->radiusC()}); auto boundaryMargin = marginFactor*maxRadius; auto faceShift = faceShiftFactor*minRadius; // std::cout << "min rad = " << minRadius << " max rad = " << maxRadius << "\n"; // std::cout << "Extra boundary margin = " << boundaryMargin // << " face shift = " << faceShift << "\n"; // Create an oriented box from the spatial domain // and set up the faces Box shrunkDomain( spatialDomain.minCorner() + Vec(faceShift, faceShift, faceShift), spatialDomain.maxCorner() - Vec(faceShift, faceShift, faceShift)); OrientedBox box(shrunkDomain); std::vector<Vec> vertices = box.vertices(); constexpr std::array<std::array<int, 4>, 3> faceIndices = {{ {{0, 4, 7, 3}} // x- , {{0, 1, 5, 4}} // y- , {{0, 3, 2, 1}} // z- }}; std::vector<Face> faces; for (const auto& indices : faceIndices) { int i0 = indices[0]; int i1 = indices[1]; int i2 = indices[2]; int i3 = indices[3]; Vec v0 = vertices[i0]; Vec v1 = vertices[i1]; Vec v2 = vertices[i2]; Vec v3 = vertices[i3]; Face face(v0, v1, v2, v3); if (!face.isValid()) { std::cout << "**ERROR** The face " << face << " is invalid but" << " continuing anyway\n."; } faces.push_back(face); } // Compute starting ID for extra particles auto maxIter = std::max_element(particles.begin(), particles.end(), [](const DEMParticleP& p1, const DEMParticleP& p2){ return p1->getId() < p2->getId(); }); auto particleID = (*maxIter)->getId(); //auto particleID = particles.size(); // Check intersections REAL widthX = shrunkDomain.dimX(); REAL widthY = shrunkDomain.dimY(); REAL widthZ = shrunkDomain.dimZ(); DEMParticlePArray extraParticles; for (const auto& particle : particles) { auto position = particle->currentPosition(); auto axis_a = particle->currentAxisA(); auto axis_b = particle->currentAxisB(); auto axis_c = particle->currentAxisC(); auto radius_a = particle->radiusA(); auto radius_b = particle->radiusB(); auto radius_c = particle->radiusC(); auto id = particle->getId(); // Create an ellipsoid object for ellipsoid-face intersection tests // *TODO* Generalize to sphere and other particle shapes. Ellipsoid ellipsoid(id, position, axis_a, axis_b, axis_c, radius_a, radius_b, radius_c); int faceID = 1; for (const auto& face : faces) { auto status = ellipsoid.intersects(face); // std::cout << "Face = " << face << "\n"; // std::cout << "status = " << std::boolalpha << status.first // << " face " << static_cast<int>(status.second.first) // << " , " << status.second.second << "\n"; if (status.first) { std::vector<Vec> translations; switch (static_cast<Boundary::BoundaryID>(faceID)) { case Boundary::BoundaryID::NONE: break; case Boundary::BoundaryID::XMINUS: { Vec shift(widthX + boundaryMargin, 0, 0); //std::cout << " Loc: x-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, boundaryMargin, Vec(0, 1, 1), widthX, widthY, widthZ, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::XPLUS: break; case Boundary::BoundaryID::YMINUS: { Vec shift(0, widthY + boundaryMargin, 0); //std::cout << " Loc: y-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, boundaryMargin, Vec(1, 0, 1), widthX, widthY, widthZ, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::YPLUS: break; case Boundary::BoundaryID::ZMINUS: { Vec shift(0, 0, widthZ + boundaryMargin); //std::cout << " Loc: z-: " << shift << "\n"; translations.push_back(shift); addExtraTranslations(shift, boundaryMargin, Vec(1, 1, 0), widthX, widthY, widthZ, face, status, translations); break; } case Boundary::BoundaryID::ZPLUS: break; } // Create copies particle->setType(DEMParticle::DEMParticleType::BOUNDARY_PERIODIC); for (const auto& translation : translations) { DEMParticleP newParticle = std::make_shared<DEMParticle>(*particle); newParticle->setCurrentPosition(particle->currentPosition() + translation); newParticle->setPreviousPosition(particle->previousPosition() + translation); newParticle->setId(++particleID); newParticle->computeAndSetGlobalCoef(); extraParticles.push_back(newParticle); } } faceID += 2; } } // Remove duplicates removeDuplicates(extraParticles); // Update the spatial domain Box expandedDomain( shrunkDomain.minCorner(), shrunkDomain.maxCorner() + Vec(boundaryMargin, boundaryMargin, boundaryMargin)); spatialDomain = expandedDomain; return extraParticles; }
void discover(lx_light_container_t* lightCollection) { broadcast(lightCollection); removeDuplicates(lightCollection); return; }
int main() { int nums[] = { 1, 2, 2, 2}; printf("%d\n", removeDuplicates(nums, sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int))); system("pause"); return 0; }
static void *finish(void *c) { if (c) { struct ctx *ctx = c; // First remove any duplicates removeDuplicates(&ctx->list); // Sort result into time order list_sort(&ctx->list, timeComparator); // Write the schedules charbuffer_append(ctx->b, "{\"schedule\":["); Node *n = list_getHead(&ctx->list); while (list_isNode(n)) { struct ScheduleIndex *idx = n->value; if (!list_isHead(n)) charbuffer_add(ctx->b, ','); // Schedule details charbuffer_append(ctx->b, "{\"uid\":"); json_append_str(ctx->b, idx->id->uid); charbuffer_append(ctx->b, ",\"stpInd\":\""); charbuffer_add(ctx->b, idx->id->stpInd); charbuffer_add(ctx->b, '"'); if (idx->trainId) { charbuffer_append(ctx->b, ",\"trainId\":"); json_append_str(ctx->b, tt_idmap_get(idx->trainId)); } // Display time append_hhmmss(ctx->b, "time", scheduleTime_getTime(idx->loc)); // Location details appendTpl(ctx, idx->origin, "origin"); appendTpl(ctx, idx->dest, "dest"); appendTpl(ctx, idx->loc, "loc"); // Type flags, only include if true, one of public, working or pass if (idx->loc->pta || idx->loc->ptd) charbuffer_append(ctx->b, ",\"public\":true"); else if (idx->loc->wta || idx->loc->wtd) charbuffer_append(ctx->b, ",\"working\":true"); else charbuffer_append(ctx->b, ",\"pass\":true"); charbuffer_add(ctx->b, '}'); n = list_getNext(n); } charbuffer_append(ctx->b, "],\"tiploc\":{"); mapTiploc_appendIndex(ctx->b, ctx->tiploc); charbuffer_append(ctx->b, "},\"activity\":{"); ttref_print_activity_index(ctx->b, ctx->activity); charbuffer_append(ctx->b, "}}"); freeCtx(ctx); } return NULL; }
bool BBLSGraph::simplify() { int numProcesses; MPI_Comm_size(MCW, &numProcesses); MPI_Status status; Command command; int numWorking = 0; bool continueSimplifying = true; bool anySimplified = false; bool shutdownProcesses = false; BBLSNode node; map<unsigned int, BBLSNode*>::iterator itr; double startTime = MPI_Wtime(); int originalEntries = gateMap.size(); do { itr = gateMap.begin(); continueSimplifying = removeDuplicates(); do { MPI_Recv(&command, 1, MPI_ENUM, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MCW, &status); if(status.MPI_ERROR == 0) { int source = status.MPI_SOURCE; int tag = status.MPI_TAG; if(command == REQUEST_DATA) { if(shutdownProcesses) { itr = gateMap.end(); sendMessage(END_PROCESS, 0, source); numProcesses--; } else if(itr == gateMap.end()) { sendMessage(NO_DATA, 0, source); } else { node.output = itr->second->output; node.type = itr->second->type; node.inputLeft = itr->second->inputLeft; node.inputRight = itr->second->inputRight; sendMessage(DATA, 1, source); MPI_Send(&node, 1, mpi_nodeType, source, 1, MCW); if(node.type != ConstantWire && node.type != VariableWire) { MPI_Send(gateMap[node.inputLeft], 1, mpi_nodeType, source, 1, MCW); if(node.type != NotGate) { MPI_Send(gateMap[node.inputRight], 1, mpi_nodeType, source, 1, MCW); } } numWorking++; itr++; } } else if(command == RESULT) { if(tag == UPDATE_NODE) { MPI_Recv(&node, 1, mpi_nodeType, source, MPI_ANY_TAG, MCW, &status); if(status.MPI_ERROR == 0) { continueSimplifying |= updateNode(node.output, node.type, node.inputLeft, node.inputRight); } numWorking--; } else if(tag == REPLACE_INPUTS) { unsigned int oldInput, newInput; MPI_Recv(&oldInput, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, source, MPI_ANY_TAG, MCW, &status); MPI_Recv(&newInput, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, source, MPI_ANY_TAG, MCW, &status); continueSimplifying |= replaceInputs(oldInput, newInput); numWorking--; } else if (tag == NOCHANGE) { numWorking--; } } } } while(itr != gateMap.end() || numWorking > 0); continueSimplifying |= removeUnused(); anySimplified |= continueSimplifying; if(!continueSimplifying) { shutdownProcesses = true; } } while(numProcesses > 1); double endTime = MPI_Wtime(); std::cout << "We went from " << originalEntries << " to " << gateMap.size() << " in " << endTime - startTime << std::endl; return anySimplified; }
RprMidiTake::~RprMidiTake() { if (isReadOnly()) { cleanup(); return; } std::vector<RprMidiEvent *> midiEvents; std::sort(mNotes.begin(), mNotes.end(), compareMidiPositions<RprMidiNote>); for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { std::sort(mCCs[i].begin(), mCCs[i].end(), compareMidiPositions<RprMidiCC>); } removeDuplicates(mNotes); removeDuplicates(mCCs); removeOverlaps(mNotes); midiEvents.reserve(mNotes.size() * 2 + mOtherEvents.size()); RprMidiEvent* allNotesOffEvent = NULL; if (!mCCs[0x7b].empty()) { allNotesOffEvent = (*mCCs[0x7b].begin())->mCC; } for(std::vector<RprMidiNote *>::const_iterator i = mNotes.begin(); i != mNotes.end(); ++i) { RprMidiNote* note = *i; if (allNotesOffEvent) { if (note->getItemPosition() >= allNotesOffEvent->getOffset()) { continue; } if (note->getItemPosition() + note->getItemLength() > allNotesOffEvent->getOffset()) { note->setItemLength(allNotesOffEvent->getOffset() - note->getItemPosition()); } } midiEvents.push_back((*i)->mNoteOn); midiEvents.push_back((*i)->mNoteOff); } for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++) { // ignore all-notes-off event, handle this separately below if (j == 0x7b) { continue; } for(std::vector<RprMidiCC *>::const_iterator i = mCCs[j].begin(); i != mCCs[j].end(); ++i) { midiEvents.push_back((*i)->mCC); } } for(std::vector<RprMidiEvent *>::const_iterator i = mOtherEvents.begin(); i != mOtherEvents.end(); ++i) { midiEvents.push_back(*i); } std::sort(midiEvents.begin(), midiEvents.end(), sortMidiBase); if (allNotesOffEvent) { midiEvents.push_back(allNotesOffEvent); } int firstEventOffset = 0; if (!midiEvents.empty()) { firstEventOffset = (*midiEvents.begin())->getOffset(); } int offset = 0; if (firstEventOffset < 0) { double takeStartPosition = mTake.getParent().getPosition() - mTake.getStartOffset() / mContext->getPlayRate(); // convert to Quarter notes and subtract first event offset double newTakeQNStartPosition = TimeToQN(takeStartPosition) + ((double)firstEventOffset / mContext->getTicksPerQN()) / mContext->getPlayRate(); //convert back to seconds / playrate mNewTakeOffset = takeStartPosition - QNtoTime(newTakeQNStartPosition) + mTake.getStartOffset() / mContext->getPlayRate(); //convert to seconds mNewTakeOffset *= mContext->getPlayRate(); // Hack! Have to set start offset after setting item state so // set a flag to indicate we need a new start offset set mSetNewTakeOffset = true; // set initial offset to -ve value to get rid of -ve deltas offset = firstEventOffset; } for(std::vector<RprMidiEvent *>::iterator i = midiEvents.begin(); i != midiEvents.end(); ++i) { RprMidiEvent *current = *i; int delta = current->getOffset() - offset; current->setDelta(delta); offset += delta; } midiEventsToMidiNode(midiEvents, RprMidiTemplate::getMidiSourceNode(), mMidiEventsOffset); cleanup(); }
void main() { int i,j,ch,ch2,count,tmp,vowels,consonants,y=0,x=0,k=0,n,n2,minIndex=0,maxIndex=0,max=0,min=0,l; char s[200],s1[200],substr[100][100]= {0},str[25][25],temp[25],*ptr; for(;;) { printf("\nEnter the choice\n"); printf("0. Exit\n"); printf("1. Implement library functions on a string\n"); printf("2. Calculate string length in user defined function\n"); printf("3. concat using user defined function\n"); printf("4. lowercase conversion using user defined function\n"); printf("5. uppercase conversion using user defined function\n"); printf("6. count vowels and consonants using user defined function\n"); printf("7. substring search using user defined function\n"); printf("8. compare strings using user defined function\n"); printf("9. find the largest and smallest word in a string\n"); printf("10.check palindromic string using user defined function\n"); printf("11.reverse a string using user defined function\n"); printf("12.remove duplicate characters in a string using user defined function\n"); printf("13.copy one string into another string using user defined function\n"); printf("14.swap 2 string using user defined function\n"); printf(" for a string in a user given sentence\n"); printf("16.sort n number of words in alphabetical order\n"); printf("17.print abbreviations of an input string\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==0) { printf("Terminated\n"); break; } else { switch(ch) { case 1: for(;;) { printf("0.Return to main menu\n"); printf("1.Length of string\n"); printf("2.Concate two strings\n"); printf("3.Convert string to lowercase\n"); printf("4.Convert string to uppercase\n"); scanf("%d",&ch2); if(ch2==0) break; else { printf("Enter the String\n"); scanf("%s",s); switch(ch2) { case 1: l=strlen(s); printf("String length of s = %d\n",l); break; case 2: printf("Enter 2nd string\n"); scanf("%s",s1); strcat(s,s1); printf("Concatenated String is --> %s\n",s); break; case 3: for(i=0; i<l; i++) { tmp=tolower(s[i]); s[i]=tmp; } printf("Lowercase string = %s\n",s); break; case 4: for(i=0; i<l; i++) { tmp=toupper(s[i]); s[i]=tmp; } printf("Uppercase string = %s\n",s); break; default: printf("Wrong Input\n"); break; } } } break; case 2: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); y = length(s); printf("Length of %s= %d\n", s, y); break; case 3: printf("Enter the 1st string\n"); scanf("%s",s); printf("Enter the 2nd String\n"); scanf("%s",s1); concat(s, s1); printf("The concated string is --> %s", s); break; case 4: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); lower_string(s); printf("String in lower case is \"%s\"\n",s); break; case 5: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); upper_string(s); printf("String in upper case is \"%s\"\n",s); break; case 6: printf("Enter a string with a tab at the end\n"); scanf("%[^\t]",s); vowels=consonants=0; for(i=0; s[i]!='\0'; ++i) { if(s[i]=='a' || s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='i' || s[i]=='o' || s[i]=='u' || s[i]=='A' || s[i]=='E' || s[i]=='I' || s[i]=='O' || s[i]=='U') ++vowels; else if((s[i]>='a'&& s[i]<='z') || (s[i]>='A'&& s[i]<='Z')) ++consonants; } printf("Vowels: %d\n",vowels); printf("Consonants: %d\n",consonants); break; case 7: printf("Enter a string with a tab at the end\n"); scanf("%[^\t]",s); printf("Enter the substring to search\n"); scanf("%s",s1); for(i=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++) { j=0; if(s[i]==s1[j]) { tmp=i+1; while(s[i]==s1[j]) { i++; j++; } if(s1[j]=='\0') printf("The substring is present in given string at position %d\n",tmp); else { i=tmp; tmp=0; } } } if(tmp==0) printf("The substring is not present in given string\n"); break; case 8: printf("Enter the 1st string\n"); scanf("%s",s); printf("Enter the 2nd string\n"); scanf("%s",s1); n2 = compare(s, s1); if (n2 == 0) printf("Both are same\n"); else if (n2 > 0) printf("1st>2nd\n"); else printf("1st<2nd\n"); break; case 9: i=0; k=0; printf("Enter a string with a tab at the end\n"); scanf("%[^\t]",s); while(s[k]!='\0') { j=0; while(s[k]!=' '&&s[k]!='\0') { substr[i][j]=s[k]; k++; j++; } substr[i][j]='\0'; i++; if(s[k]!='\0') k++; } int len=i; max=length(substr[0]); min=length(substr[0]); for(i=0; i<len; i++) { y=length(substr[i]); if(y>max) { max=y; maxIndex=i; } if(y<min) { min=y; minIndex=i; } } printf("Largest Word is --> %s\nSmallest word is --> %s\n",substr[maxIndex],substr[minIndex]); break; case 10: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); x = palindrome(s); if (x == 0) printf("\nNot a palindrome"); else printf("\nA palindrome"); break; case 11: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); reverse(s); printf("The reversed string is --> %s", s); break; case 12: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",s); removeDuplicates(s); printf("String after removing duplicates: %s\n", s); break; case 13: printf("Enter the 1st string\n"); scanf("%s",s); printf("Enter the 2nd string\n"); scanf("%s",s1); copy(s, s1); printf("\nResultant s = %s", s); break; case 14: printf("Enter the 1st string\n"); scanf("%s",s); printf("Enter the 2nd string\n"); scanf("%s",s1); swap(s, s1); printf("s is %s, s1 is %s\n", s, s1); break; case 15: printf("press 7 please\n"); break; case 16: printf("How many words do you want to enter?\n"); scanf("%d",&count); printf("Enter the sentence\n"); for(i=0; i<count; i++) scanf("%s",str[i]); for(i=0; i<=count; i++) for(j=i+1; j<=count; j++) { if(strcmp(str[i],str[j])>0) { strcpy(temp,str[i]); strcpy(str[i],str[j]); strcpy(str[j],temp); } } printf("The sentence sorted alphabetically is --> "); for(i=0; i<=count; i++) printf("%s ",str[i]); break; case 17: printf("Enter a string with a tab at the end\n"); scanf("%[^\t]",s); l=strlen(s); ptr=s; printf("%c",*(ptr+1)); for(i=1; i<l; i++) { if(*(ptr+i-1)==' ') printf("%c",*(ptr+i)); } break; default: printf("Invalid choice"); break; } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nums[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4}; printf("%d\n", removeDuplicates(nums, 8)); return 0; }
void ccforest<T>::findAllRoots(int depth) { if(foundAllRoots) return; foundAllRoots = 1; Rtimer rt; rt_start(rt); if(depth > 5) { cerr << "WARNING: excessive recursion in ccforest (ignored)" << endl; } int explicitRootCount = 0; assert(!superTree); superTree = new ccforest<T>(); if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort edgeStream (by cclabel)): "; keyCmpKeyvalueType<T> fo; sort(&edgeStream, fo); /* XXX -changed this to use a cmp obj */ /* time forward processing */ EMPQueueAdaptive<cckeyvalue,T> *pq = new EMPQueueAdaptive<cckeyvalue,T>(); /* parent queue */ size_t streamLength = edgeStream->stream_len(); T prevSrc = T(-1); T parent = T(-1); ccedge prevEdge; for(unsigned int i=0; i<streamLength; i++) { ccedge *e; AMI_err ae = edgeStream->read_item(&e); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); #if(0) if (stats) { DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "------------------------------" << endl; DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << *e << endl; } DEBUG_CCFOREST pq->print(); #endif if(*e == prevEdge) { if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "\tduplicate " << *e << " removed\n"; continue; /* already have this done */ } prevEdge = *e; if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << *e << endl; /* find root (assign parent) */ if(e->src() != prevSrc) { prevSrc = e->src(); cckeyvalue kv; /* check if we have a key we don't use. */ while(pq->min(kv) && (kv.getPriority() < e->src())) { pq->extract_min(kv); assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst()); removeDuplicates(kv.src(), kv.dst(), *pq); ae = rootStream->write_item(kv); /* save root */ assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } /* try to find our root */ if(pq->min(kv) && ((e->src() == kv.getPriority()))) { pq->extract_min(kv); parent = kv.getValue(); removeDuplicates(e->src(), parent, *pq); } else { parent = e->src(); /* we are root */ explicitRootCount++; /* technically, we could skip this part. the lookup function automatically assumes that values without parents are roots */ } /* save result */ cckeyvalue kroot(e->src(), parent); assert(kroot.src() >= kroot.dst()); ae = rootStream->write_item(kroot); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } #ifndef NDEBUG cckeyvalue kv2; assert(pq->is_empty() || (pq->min(kv2) && kv2.getPriority() > e->src())); #endif /* insert */ cckeyvalue kv(e->dst(), parent); assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst()); pq->insert(kv); /* cout << "identified: " << kroot << endl; */ } /* drain the priority queue */ if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "draining priority queue" << endl; while (!pq->is_empty()) { cckeyvalue kv; pq->extract_min(kv); assert(kv.src() >= kv.dst()); if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "processing edge " << kv << endl; removeDuplicates(kv.src(), kv.dst(), *pq); AMI_err ae = rootStream->write_item(kv); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } delete pq; /* note that rootStream is naturally ordered by src */ if(superTree->size()) { if (stats) { DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "resolving cycles..." << endl; /* printStream(rootStream); */ DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort rootStream: "; } AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue> *sortedRootStream; dstCmpKeyvalueType<T> dstfo; sortedRootStream = sort(rootStream, dstfo); /* XXX replaced this to use a cmp object -- laura AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>*sortedRootStream=new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>(); AMI_err ae = AMI_sort(rootStream, sortedRootStream, valueCmp); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); */ delete rootStream; cckeyvalue *kv; T parent; AMI_err ae; AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>* relabeledRootStream = new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>(); ae = sortedRootStream->seek(0); superTree->findAllRoots(depth+1); while((ae = sortedRootStream->read_item(&kv)) == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { parent = superTree->findNextRoot(kv->dst()); ae = relabeledRootStream->write_item(cckeyvalue(kv->src(), parent)); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } delete sortedRootStream; if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "sort relabeledRootStream: "; rootStream = sort(relabeledRootStream, fo); /* laura: changed this rootStream = new AMI_STREAM<cckeyvalue>(); ae = AMI_sort(relabeledRootStream, rootStream); assert(ae == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR); */ delete relabeledRootStream; if (stats) DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "resolving cycles... done." << endl; } rootStream->seek(0); if (stats){ DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "Rootstream length=" << rootStream->stream_len() << endl; DEBUG_CCFOREST printStream(*stats, rootStream); DEBUG_CCFOREST *stats << "Explicit root count=" << explicitRootCount << endl; } rt_stop(rt); if (stats) stats->recordTime("ccforest::findAllRoots", (long int)rt_seconds(rt)); }
int LupdateApplication::start() { QStringList argv = arguments(); int argc = argv.count(); QString defaultContext; // This was QLatin1String("@default") before. MetaTranslator fetchedTor; QByteArray codecForTr; QByteArray codecForSource; QStringList tsFileNames; QStringList proFiles; QStringList sourceFiles; bool verbose = true; // verbose is on by default starting with Qt 4.2 bool noObsolete = false; bool onlyPlural = false; int numFiles = 0; bool standardSyntax = true; bool metTsFlag = false; QString extensions = m_defaultExtensions; QStringList extensionsNameFilters; int i; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( == QLatin1String("-ts") ) standardSyntax = false; } for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { QString arg =; if ( arg == QLatin1String("-help") || arg == QLatin1String("--help") || arg == QLatin1String("-h")) { printUsage(); return 0; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-pluralonly") ) { onlyPlural = true; continue; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-noobsolete") ) { noObsolete = true; continue; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-silent") ) { verbose = false; continue; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-verbose") ) { verbose = true; continue; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-version") ) { Console::out(tr("lupdate version %1\n").arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)) ); return 0; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-ts") ) { metTsFlag = true; continue; } else if ( arg == QLatin1String("-extensions") ) { ++i; if (i == argc) { qWarning("The -extensions option should be followed by an extension list."); return 1; } extensions =; continue; } numFiles++; QString fullText; if ( standardSyntax && !metTsFlag ) { QFile f( arg ); if ( ! ) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 char buf[100]; strerror_s(buf, sizeof(buf), errno); qWarning("lupdate error: Cannot open file '%s': %s\n", qPrintable(arg), buf ); #else qWarning("lupdate error: Cannot open file '%s': %s\n", qPrintable(arg), strerror(errno) ); #endif return 1; } f.close(); } codecForTr.clear(); codecForSource.clear(); if (metTsFlag) { if ( arg.endsWith(QLatin1String(".ts"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || arg.endsWith(QLatin1String(".xlf"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFileInfo fi( arg ); if ( !fi.exists() || fi.isWritable() ) { tsFileNames.append( QFileInfo(arg).absoluteFilePath() ); } else { qWarning("lupdate warning: For some reason, I cannot save '%s'\n", qPrintable(arg) ); } } else { qWarning("lupdate error: File '%s' lacks .ts or .xlf extension\n", qPrintable(arg) ); } } else if (arg.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pro"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { proFiles << arg; } else { QFileInfo fi(arg); if (fi.isDir()) { if ( verbose ) Console::out(tr("Scanning directory '%1'...\n").arg(arg)); QDir dir = QDir(fi.filePath()); if (extensionsNameFilters.isEmpty()) { extensions = extensions.trimmed(); // Remove the potential dot in front of each extension if (extensions.startsWith(QLatin1Char('.'))) extensions.remove(0,1); extensions.replace(QLatin1String(",."), QLatin1String(",")); extensions.insert(0, QLatin1String("*.")); extensions.replace(QLatin1Char(','), QLatin1String(",*.")); extensionsNameFilters = extensions.split(QLatin1Char(',')); } QDir::Filters filters = QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks; QFileInfoList fileinfolist; recursiveFileInfoList(dir, extensionsNameFilters, filters, true, &fileinfolist); QFileInfoList::iterator ii; QString fn; for (ii = fileinfolist.begin(); ii != fileinfolist.end(); ++ii) { // Make sure the path separator is stored with '/' in the ts file fn = ii->canonicalFilePath().replace(QLatin1Char('\\'),QLatin1Char('/')); #ifdef LINGUIST_DEBUG qDebug() << fn; #endif sourceFiles << fn; } }else{ sourceFiles << fi.canonicalFilePath().replace(QLatin1Char('\\'),QLatin1Char('/')); } } } //for if ( proFiles.count() > 0 ) { proFiles = getListOfProfiles(proFiles, verbose); } bool firstPass = true; for (int pi = 0; firstPass || pi < proFiles.count(); ++pi) { QStringList tsFiles = tsFileNames; if (proFiles.count() > 0) { QString pf =; QMap<QByteArray, QStringList> variables; if(!evaluateProFile(pf, verbose, &variables)) return 2; sourceFiles = variables.value("SOURCES"); QStringList tmp = variables.value("CODECFORTR"); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { codecForTr = tmp.first().toAscii(); fetchedTor.setCodecForTr(codecForTr.constData()); } tmp = variables.value("CODECFORSRC"); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { codecForSource = tmp.first().toAscii(); } tsFiles += variables.value("TRANSLATIONS"); } for (QStringList::iterator it = sourceFiles.begin(); it != sourceFiles.end(); ++it) { #ifdef LINGUIST_DEBUG qDebug() << " " << (*it); #endif if ( (*it).endsWith(QLatin1String(".java"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { fetchtr_java( *it, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, true, codecForSource ); } else if ( (*it).endsWith(QLatin1String(".ui"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { #ifdef LINGUIST_DEBUG qDebug() << " " << (*it) + ".h"; #endif fetchtr_ui( *it, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, true ); fetchtr_cpp( *it + QLatin1String(".h"), &fetchedTor, defaultContext, false, codecForSource ); } else { fetchtr_cpp( *it, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, true, codecForSource ); } } removeDuplicates(&tsFiles, false); if ( tsFiles.count() > 0) { updateTsFiles( fetchedTor, tsFiles, QString::fromLatin1(codecForTr.constData()), noObsolete, onlyPlural, verbose ); } firstPass = false; } if ( numFiles == 0 ) { printUsage(); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(void){ Node *myList = NULL; Node *dupList = NULL; //Node *nn= newNode(4); Node *randomList =NULL; append(&myList, 10); //append(&myList, 15); printList(myList); myList= buildOneTwoThree(); if(myList != NULL){ printList(myList); printf("\nmyList length = %d; ", linkLength(myList)); } push(&myList, 0); push(&(myList->next), 42); printList(myList); append(&myList,5); printList(myList); dupList = copyList(myList); printList(dupList); changeToNull(&dupList); printList(dupList); dupList=addAtHead(); printList(dupList); dupList= buildWithSpecialCase(); printList(dupList); dupList=buildWithDummyNode(); printList(dupList); printf("\n List has %d 5.", countTest(dupList,5)); printf("\n 3rd Element of list = %d", getNth(dupList, 3)); //deleteList(&dupList); insertNthTest(); //sortedInsert(&dupList, nn); printList(dupList); // random list insertNth(&randomList, 0, 13); insertNth(&randomList, 1, 13); insertNth(&randomList, 2, 27); insertNth(&randomList, 3, 55); insertNth(&randomList, 4, 55); printList(randomList); removeDuplicates(randomList); printList(randomList); //insertSort(&randomList); //printList(randomList); //testAppendList(); //testFrontBackSplit(); return 0; }
void main() { int nums[] = { 1,1,1,2,2,3 }; removeDuplicates(nums, 6); printArray(nums, 6); }
X11EGLSupport::X11EGLSupport() { mNativeDisplay = getNativeDisplay(); mGLDisplay = getGLDisplay(); int dummy; if (XQueryExtension((Display*)mNativeDisplay, "RANDR", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy)) { XRRScreenConfiguration *screenConfig; mRandr = true; screenConfig = XRRGetScreenInfo((Display*)mNativeDisplay, DefaultRootWindow((Display*)mNativeDisplay)); if (screenConfig) { XRRScreenSize *screenSizes; int nSizes = 0; Rotation currentRotation; int currentSizeID = XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration(screenConfig, ¤tRotation); screenSizes = XRRConfigSizes(screenConfig, &nSizes); mCurrentMode.first.first = screenSizes[currentSizeID].width; mCurrentMode.first.second = screenSizes[currentSizeID].height; mCurrentMode.second = XRRConfigCurrentRate(screenConfig); mOriginalMode = mCurrentMode; for (int sizeID = 0; sizeID < nSizes; sizeID++) { short *rates; int nRates = 0; rates = XRRConfigRates(screenConfig, sizeID, &nRates); for (int rate = 0; rate < nRates; rate++) { VideoMode mode; mode.first.first = screenSizes[sizeID].width; mode.first.second = screenSizes[sizeID].height; mode.second = rates[rate]; mVideoModes.push_back(mode); } } XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo(screenConfig); } } else { mCurrentMode.first.first = DisplayWidth((Display*)mNativeDisplay, DefaultScreen(mNativeDisplay)); mCurrentMode.first.second = DisplayHeight((Display*)mNativeDisplay, DefaultScreen(mNativeDisplay)); mCurrentMode.second = 0; mOriginalMode = mCurrentMode; mVideoModes.push_back(mCurrentMode); } EGLConfig *glConfigs; int config, nConfigs = 0; glConfigs = chooseGLConfig(NULL, &nConfigs); for (config = 0; config < nConfigs; config++) { int caveat, samples; getGLConfigAttrib(glConfigs[config], EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT, &caveat); if (caveat != EGL_SLOW_CONFIG) { getGLConfigAttrib(glConfigs[config], EGL_SAMPLES, &samples); mSampleLevels.push_back(StringConverter::toString(samples)); } } free(glConfigs); removeDuplicates(mSampleLevels); }
void CharactersFrame::on_plainTextEdit_textChanged() { if (font_config) { font_config->setText(sortChars(removeDuplicates(getCharacters()))); } }