void launch_renderTile (int numTiles, 
                        int* pixels, const int width, const int height, const float time, 
                        const Vec3fa& vx, const Vec3fa& vy, const Vec3fa& vz, const Vec3fa& p, const int numTilesX, const int numTilesY)
#if 0
  atomic_t tileID = 0;
  parallel_for(size_t(0),size_t(getNumberOfLogicalThreads()),[&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
      for (size_t tid=r.begin(); tid<r.end(); tid++) {
        while (true) {
          size_t i = atomic_add(&tileID,1);
          if (i >= numTiles) break;

  parallel_for(size_t(0),size_t(numTiles),[&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
      //if (inrender) PING;
      //inrender = true;
      for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
      //inrender = false;
void editor::updateTile(int x, int y)
    renderTile(x, y);
    renderTile(x-1, y);
    renderTile(x+1, y);
    renderTile(x, y-1);
    renderTile(x, y+1);
	 * \brief renders and compares the givent tile with a reference rendering
	 * \param name basename of the file (e.g. 'test' for 'test.png')
	 * \param id the tile to render and compare
	void checkTile(const char* name, shared_ptr<TileIdentifier> id)
		string p = (getRenderedDirectory() / string(name)).native() + string(".png");
		renderTile(p.c_str(), id);

void QwtPolarSpectrogram::renderTile(
    const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
    const QPointF &pole, TileInfo *tileInfo ) const
    renderTile( azimuthMap, radialMap, pole,
        tileInfo->imagePos, tileInfo->rect, tileInfo->image );
void GBTileView::render()
  int tiles = 0x0000;
    tiles = 0x0800;
  u8 *charBase = (gbVram != NULL) ?
    (bank ? &gbVram[0x2000+tiles] : &gbVram[tiles]) :
  int tile = 0;
  for(int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
    for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
      renderTile(tile, x, y, charBase);
  tileView.setSize(16*8, 16*8);
  w = 16*8;
  h = 16*8;
  SIZE s;
  s.cx = s.cy = 16*8;
  if(tileView.getStretch()) {
    s.cx = s.cy = 1;
  tileView.SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, s);
void GlutClass::drawTiles(){
		draws the map
		- only draws the tiles that are within the draw range of the character
	char text;
	//calculate the min and max draw range and only show those tile within those bounds
	int draw_range = DEFAULT_DRAW_RANGE;
	int min_range_y = player_y - draw_range;
	if (min_range_y < 0){
		min_range_y = 0;
	int max_range_y = player_y + draw_range;
	if (max_range_y > map->getSizeY()-1){
		max_range_y = map->getSizeY();
	int min_range_x = player_x - draw_range;
	if (min_range_x < 0){
		min_range_x = 0;
	int max_range_x = player_x + draw_range;
	if (max_range_x > map->getSizeX() - 1){
		max_range_x = map->getSizeX();
	for (int y = min_range_y; y < max_range_y; y++){
		for (int x = min_range_x; x < max_range_x; x++){
			Coordinate *pos = new Coordinate(x, y);
			Tile *tile = map->getTileAtPos(pos);
			text = tile->current_character;
			renderTile(tile, text, x, y);
			delete pos;
void editor::render()
    for (int i = -xCorner/tilesize; i <= -(xCorner-width())/tilesize; i++)
        for (int j = -(height()-yCorner/tilesize); j <= level.h+(yCorner/tilesize); j++)
            renderTile(i, j);
/* task that renders a single screen tile */
void renderTileTask (int taskIndex, int threadIndex, int* pixels,
                         const unsigned int width,
                         const unsigned int height,
                         const float time,
                         const ISPCCamera& camera,
                         const int numTilesX,
                         const int numTilesY)
文件: twang.c 项目: Zygo/xscreensaver
/* render and display the current model */
static void renderFrame (struct state *st)
    int n;

    /* This assumes black is zero. */
    memset (st->workImage->data, 0, 
	    st->workImage->bytes_per_line * st->workImage->height);

    sortTiles (st);

    for (n = 0; n < st->tileCount; n++)
	renderTile (st, st->sortedTiles[n]);

    put_xshm_image (st->dpy, st->window, st->backgroundGC, st->workImage, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                    st->windowWidth, st->windowHeight, &st->shmInfo);
void GlutClass::InitializeTiles(){
	char text;
	for (int y = 0; y < map->getSizeY(); y++){
		for (int x = 0; x < map->getSizeX(); x++){
			Coordinate *pos = new Coordinate(x, y);
			Tile *tile = map->getTileAtPos(pos);
			if (tile->getType().compare("GRASS") == 0){
				text = ',';
			else if (tile->getType().compare("WALL") == 0){
				text = '#';
			text = tile->current_character;
			tile->VISIBLE = false;
			renderTile(tile, text, x, y);
			delete pos;
void Raytracer::trace()
    osg::Vec3f eye,center,up;
    osg::Matrix projToWorld = osg::Matrix::inverse(_camera->getViewMatrix() *_camera->getProjectionMatrix());

    const int numTilesX = (_width +TILE_SIZE_X-1)/TILE_SIZE_X;
    const int numTilesY = (_height+TILE_SIZE_Y-1)/TILE_SIZE_Y;

    for (int i =0; i < numTilesX*numTilesY;++i)
        int tileY = i / numTilesX;
        int tileX= i - tileY*numTilesX;
        int x0 = tileX * TILE_SIZE_X;
        int x1 = std::min(x0+TILE_SIZE_X,_width);
        int y0 = tileY * TILE_SIZE_Y;
        int y1 = std::min(y0+TILE_SIZE_Y,_height);

 * Render the tiles for a frame.
 * @param xOffset the leftmost X coordinate
 * @param yOffset the topmost Y coordinate
 * @todo This can be simplified and improved significantly by just rendering a
 *       pre-created vertex array of the entire tilemap on each frame.  It will
 *       reduce overhead and actually be faster.
void GLTileEngine::renderTiles()
	static uint64_t lasttime = 0;
	int width = this->width, height = this->height;
	int xOffset = this->xOffset, yOffset = this->yOffset;

	xOffset &= 0xfffffff0;
	yOffset &= 0xfffffff0;

	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->texture);
	GLenum filter = this->scale == 1.0f ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
	glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter);
	glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter);

	// do the actual drawing
	for(int y=yOffset; y <= this->yMax; y+=16)
		for(int x=xOffset; x <= this->xMax; x+=16)
			int tileX = x>>4;
			int tileY = y>>4;

			if(tileX < 0 || tileX >= WORLD_W || tileY < 0 || tileY >= WORLD_H)
			int tile = *(unsigned short*)(this->tiles + ROW_BYTES*tileY + COL_BYTES*tileX) & LOMASK;
			renderTile(x, y, tile);

		printf("FPS: %f\r", 1000000.0/(ClockGetTime()-lasttime));
	lasttime = ClockGetTime();
   \brief Render an image from data and color map.

   For each pixel of area the value is mapped into a color.

  \param xMap X-Scale Map
  \param yMap Y-Scale Map
  \param area Requested area for the image in scale coordinates
  \param imageSize Size of the requested image

   \return A QImage::Format_Indexed8 or QImage::Format_ARGB32 depending
           on the color map.

   \sa QwtRasterData::value(), QwtColorMap::rgb(),
QImage QwtPlotSpectrogram::renderImage(
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QRectF &area, const QSize &imageSize ) const
    if ( imageSize.isEmpty() || d_data->data == NULL 
        || d_data->colorMap == NULL )
        return QImage();

    const QwtInterval intensityRange = d_data->data->interval( Qt::ZAxis );
    if ( !intensityRange.isValid() )
        return QImage();

    QImage::Format format = ( d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::RGB )
        ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_Indexed8;

    QImage image( imageSize, format );

    if ( d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::Indexed )
        image.setColorTable( d_data->colorMap->colorTable( intensityRange ) );

    d_data->data->initRaster( area, image.size() );

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 && !defined(QT_NO_QFUTURE)
    uint numThreads = renderThreadCount();

    if ( numThreads <= 0 )
        numThreads = QThread::idealThreadCount();

    if ( numThreads <= 0 )
        numThreads = 1;

    const int numRows = imageSize.height() / numThreads;

    QList< QFuture<void> > futures;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ )
        QRect tile( 0, i * numRows, image.width(), numRows );
        if ( i == numThreads - 1 )
            tile.setHeight( image.height() - i * numRows );
            renderTile( xMap, yMap, tile, &image );
            futures += QtConcurrent::run(
                this, &QwtPlotSpectrogram::renderTile,
                xMap, yMap, tile, &image );
    for ( int i = 0; i < futures.size(); i++ )

#else // QT_VERSION < 0x040400
    const QRect tile( 0, 0, image.width(), image.height() );
    renderTile( xMap, yMap, tile, &image );


    return image;
   \brief Render an image from the data and color map.

   The area is translated into a rect of the paint device.
   For each pixel of this rect the intensity is mapped
   into a color.

  \param azimuthMap Maps azimuth values to values related to 0.0, M_2PI
  \param radialMap Maps radius values into painter coordinates.
  \param pole Position of the pole in painter coordinates
  \param rect Target rectangle of the image in painter coordinates

   \return A QImage::Format_Indexed8 or QImage::Format_ARGB32 depending
           on the color map.

   \sa QwtRasterData::intensity(), QwtColorMap::rgb(),
QImage QwtPolarSpectrogram::renderImage(
    const QwtScaleMap &azimuthMap, const QwtScaleMap &radialMap,
    const QPointF &pole, const QRect &rect ) const
    if ( d_data->data == NULL || d_data->colorMap == NULL )
        return QImage();

    QImage image( rect.size(), d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::RGB
                  ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_Indexed8 );

    const QwtInterval intensityRange = d_data->data->interval( Qt::ZAxis );
    if ( !intensityRange.isValid() )
        return image;

    if ( d_data->colorMap->format() == QwtColorMap::Indexed )
        image.setColorTable( d_data->colorMap->colorTable( intensityRange ) );

     For the moment we only announce the composition of the image by
     calling initRaster(), but we don't pass any useful parameters.
     ( How to map rect into something, that is useful to initialize a matrix
       of values in polar coordinates ? )
    d_data->data->initRaster( QRectF(), QSize() );

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 && !defined(QT_NO_QFUTURE)
    uint numThreads = renderThreadCount();

    if ( numThreads <= 0 )
        numThreads = QThread::idealThreadCount();

    if ( numThreads <= 0 )
        numThreads = 1;

    const int numRows = rect.height() / numThreads;

    QVector<TileInfo> tileInfos;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ )
        QRect tile( rect.x(), rect.y() + i * numRows, rect.width(), numRows );
        if ( i == numThreads - 1 )
            tile.setHeight( rect.height() - i * numRows );

        TileInfo tileInfo;
        tileInfo.imagePos = rect.topLeft();
        tileInfo.rect = tile;
        tileInfo.image = &image;

        tileInfos += tileInfo;

    QVector< QFuture<void> > futures;
    for ( int i = 0; i < tileInfos.size(); i++ )
        if ( i == tileInfos.size() - 1 )
            renderTile( azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, &tileInfos[i] );
            futures += QtConcurrent::run( this, &QwtPolarSpectrogram::renderTile,
                azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, &tileInfos[i] );
    for ( int i = 0; i < futures.size(); i++ )

#else // QT_VERSION < 0x040400
    renderTile( azimuthMap, radialMap, pole, rect.topLeft(), rect, &image );


    return image;
void renderTile_parallel(RenderTileTask* task, size_t threadIndex, size_t threadCount, size_t taskIndex, size_t taskCount, TaskScheduler::Event* event) {