void osd_update(running_machine *machine, int skip_redraw){


	const render_primitive_list *primlist;
	int minwidth, minheight;

	// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
	render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// make that the size of our target
		render_target_set_bounds(our_target, minwidth, minheight, 0);

	// get the list of primitives for the target at the current size
		primlist = render_target_get_primitives(our_target);

	// lock them, and then render them
	// do the drawing here

	// after 5 seconds, exit
	if (attotime_compare(timer_get_time(machine), attotime_make(5, 0)) > 0)
void droid_video_render(render_target *our_target)
	int minwidth, minheight;

	pthread_mutex_lock( &cond_mutex );

		// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
		render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &minwidth, &minheight);


		// make that the size of our target
		render_target_set_bounds(our_target, minwidth, minheight, 0);

		currlist = render_target_get_primitives(our_target);

		curr_screen_width = minwidth;
		curr_screen_height = minheight;

		pthread_cond_signal( &condition_var );

	pthread_mutex_unlock( &cond_mutex );
文件: window.c 项目: broftkd/mess-cvs
static void get_min_bounds(win_window_info *window, RECT *bounds, int constrain)
	INT32 minwidth, minheight;

	assert(GetCurrentThreadId() == window_threadid);

	// get the minimum target size
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// expand to our minimum dimensions
	if (minwidth < MIN_WINDOW_DIM)
		minwidth = MIN_WINDOW_DIM;
	if (minheight < MIN_WINDOW_DIM)
		minheight = MIN_WINDOW_DIM;

	// account for extra window stuff
	minwidth += wnd_extra_width(window);
	minheight += wnd_extra_height(window);

	// if we want it constrained, figure out which one is larger
	if (constrain)
		RECT test1, test2;

		// first constrain with no height limit
		test1.top = test1.left = 0;
		test1.right = minwidth;
		test1.bottom = 10000;
		constrain_to_aspect_ratio(window, &test1, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT);

		// then constrain with no width limit
		test2.top = test2.left = 0;
		test2.right = 10000;
		test2.bottom = minheight;
		constrain_to_aspect_ratio(window, &test2, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT);

		// pick the larger
		if (rect_width(&test1) > rect_width(&test2))
			minwidth = rect_width(&test1);
			minheight = rect_height(&test1);
			minwidth = rect_width(&test2);
			minheight = rect_height(&test2);

	// get the window rect
	GetWindowRect(window->hwnd, bounds);

	// now adjust
	bounds->right = bounds->left + minwidth;
	bounds->bottom = bounds->top + minheight;
void sdlwindow_video_window_update(running_machine *machine, sdl_window_info *window)


	// adjust the cursor state
	sdlwindow_update_cursor_state(machine, window);

	// if we're visible and running and not in the middle of a resize, draw
	if (window->target != NULL)
		int tempwidth, tempheight;

		// see if the games video mode has changed
		render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &tempwidth, &tempheight);
		if (tempwidth != window->minwidth || tempheight != window->minheight)
			window->minwidth = tempwidth;
			window->minheight = tempheight;
			if (!window->fullscreen)
				sdlwindow_blit_surface_size(window, window->width, window->height);
				sdlwindow_resize(window, window->blitwidth, window->blitheight);
			else if (video_config.switchres)
				pick_best_mode(window, &tempwidth, &tempheight);
				sdlwindow_resize(window, tempwidth, tempheight);

		// only render if we have been signalled
		if (osd_event_wait(window->rendered_event, 0))
			worker_param wp;
			const render_primitive_list *primlist;


			// ensure the target bounds are up-to-date, and then get the primitives
			primlist = window->get_primitives(window);

			// and redraw now

			wp.list = primlist;
			wp.window = window;
			wp.machine = machine;

			execute_async(&draw_video_contents_wt, &wp);
static void pick_best_mode(win_window_info *window)
	dd_info *dd = (dd_info *)window->drawdata;
	mode_enum_info einfo;
	HRESULT result;

	// determine the minimum width/height for the selected target
	// note: technically we should not be calling this from an alternate window
	// thread; however, it is only done during init time, and the init code on
	// the main thread is waiting for us to finish, so it is safe to do so here
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &einfo.minimum_width, &einfo.minimum_height);

	// use those as the target for now
	einfo.target_width = einfo.minimum_width * MAX(1, video_config.prescale);
	einfo.target_height = einfo.minimum_height * MAX(1, video_config.prescale);

	// determine the refresh rate of the primary screen
	einfo.target_refresh = 60.0;
	const screen_device_config *primary_screen = screen_first(*window->machine->config);
	if (primary_screen != NULL)
		einfo.target_refresh = ATTOSECONDS_TO_HZ(primary_screen->refresh());
	printf("Target refresh = %f\n", einfo.target_refresh);

	// if we're not stretching, allow some slop on the minimum since we can handle it
	if (!video_config.hwstretch)
		einfo.minimum_width -= 4;
		einfo.minimum_height -= 4;

	// if we are stretching, aim for a mode approximately 2x the game's resolution
	else if (video_config.prescale <= 1)
		einfo.target_width *= 2;
		einfo.target_height *= 2;

	// fill in the rest of the data
	einfo.window = window;
	einfo.best_score = 0.0f;

	// enumerate the modes
	mame_printf_verbose(_WINDOWS("DirectDraw: Selecting video mode...\n"));
	result = IDirectDraw7_EnumDisplayModes(dd->ddraw, DDEDM_REFRESHRATES, NULL, &einfo, enum_modes_callback);
	if (result != DD_OK) mame_printf_verbose(_WINDOWS("DirectDraw: Error %08X during EnumDisplayModes call\n"), (int)result);
	mame_printf_verbose(_WINDOWS("DirectDraw: Mode selected = %4dx%4d@%3dHz\n"), dd->width, dd->height, dd->refresh);
static void get_min_bounds(sdl_window_info *window, int *window_width, int *window_height, int constrain)
	INT32 minwidth, minheight;

	// get the minimum target size
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// expand to our minimum dimensions
	if (minwidth < MIN_WINDOW_DIM)
		minwidth = MIN_WINDOW_DIM;
	if (minheight < MIN_WINDOW_DIM)
		minheight = MIN_WINDOW_DIM;

	// if we want it constrained, figure out which one is larger
	if (constrain)
		int test1w, test1h;
		int test2w, test2h;

		// first constrain with no height limit
		test1w = minwidth; test1h = 10000;
		constrain_to_aspect_ratio(window, &test1w, &test1h, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT);

		// then constrain with no width limit
		test2w = 10000; test2h = minheight;
		constrain_to_aspect_ratio(window, &test2w, &test2h, WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT);

		// pick the larger
		if ( test1w > test2w )
			minwidth = test1w;
			minheight = test1h;
			minwidth = test2w;
			minheight = test2h;

	*window_width = minwidth;
	*window_height = minheight;
static void save_frame_with(mame_file *fp, int scrnum, png_error (*write_handler)(mame_file *, mame_bitmap *))
	const render_primitive_list *primlist;
	INT32 width, height;
	int error;

	assert(scrnum >= 0 && scrnum < MAX_SCREENS);

	/* if no screens, do nothing */
	if (snap_target == NULL)

	/* select the appropriate view in our dummy target */
	render_target_set_view(snap_target, scrnum);

	/* get the minimum width/height and set it on the target */
	render_target_get_minimum_size(snap_target, &width, &height);
	render_target_set_bounds(snap_target, width, height, 0);

	/* if we don't have a bitmap, or if it's not the right size, allocate a new one */
	if (snap_bitmap == NULL || width != snap_bitmap->width || height != snap_bitmap->height)
		if (snap_bitmap != NULL)
		snap_bitmap = bitmap_alloc_format(width, height, BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32);
		assert(snap_bitmap != NULL);

	/* render the screen there */
	primlist = render_target_get_primitives(snap_target);
	rgb888_draw_primitives(primlist->head, snap_bitmap->base, width, height, snap_bitmap->rowpixels);

	/* now do the actual work */
	error = (*write_handler)(fp, snap_bitmap);
static void compute_blit_surface_size(win_window_info *window)
	dd_info *dd = window->drawdata;
	INT32 newwidth, newheight;
	int xscale, yscale;
	RECT client;

	// start with the minimum size
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &newwidth, &newheight);

	// get the window's client rectangle
	GetClientRect(window->hwnd, &client);

	// hardware stretch case: apply prescale
	if (video_config.hwstretch)
		int prescale = (video_config.prescale < 1) ? 1 : video_config.prescale;

		// clamp the prescale to something smaller than the target bounds
		xscale = prescale;
		while (xscale > 1 && newwidth * xscale > rect_width(&client))
		yscale = prescale;
		while (yscale > 1 && newheight * yscale > rect_height(&client))

	// non stretch case
		INT32 target_width = rect_width(&client);
		INT32 target_height = rect_height(&client);
		float desired_aspect = 1.0f;

		// compute the appropriate visible area if we're trying to keepaspect
		if (video_config.keepaspect)
			win_monitor_info *monitor = winwindow_video_window_monitor(window, NULL);
			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, target_width, target_height, winvideo_monitor_get_aspect(monitor), render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &target_width, &target_height);
			desired_aspect = (float)target_width / (float)target_height;

		// compute maximum integral scaling to fit the window
		xscale = (target_width + 2) / newwidth;
		yscale = (target_height + 2) / newheight;

		// try a little harder to keep the aspect ratio if desired
		if (video_config.keepaspect)
			// if we could stretch more in the X direction, and that makes a better fit, bump the xscale
			while (newwidth * (xscale + 1) <= rect_width(&client) &&
				better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * (xscale + 1), newheight * yscale, desired_aspect))

			// if we could stretch more in the Y direction, and that makes a better fit, bump the yscale
			while (newheight * (yscale + 1) <= rect_height(&client) &&
				better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * xscale, newheight * (yscale + 1), desired_aspect))

			// now that we've maxed out, see if backing off the maximally stretched one makes a better fit
			if (rect_width(&client) - newwidth * xscale < rect_height(&client) - newheight * yscale)
				while (xscale > 1 && better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * (xscale - 1), newheight * yscale, desired_aspect))
				while (yscale > 1 && better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * xscale, newheight * (yscale - 1), desired_aspect))

	// ensure at least a scale factor of 1
	if (xscale == 0) xscale = 1;
	if (yscale == 0) yscale = 1;

	// apply the final scale
	newwidth *= xscale;
	newheight *= yscale;
	if (newwidth != dd->blitwidth || newheight != dd->blitheight)
		// force some updates
		mame_printf_verbose("DirectDraw: New blit size = %dx%d\n", newwidth, newheight);
	dd->blitwidth = newwidth;
	dd->blitheight = newheight;
文件: window.c 项目: broftkd/mess-cvs
static void constrain_to_aspect_ratio(win_window_info *window, RECT *rect, int adjustment)
	win_monitor_info *monitor = winwindow_video_window_monitor(window, rect);
	INT32 extrawidth = wnd_extra_width(window);
	INT32 extraheight = wnd_extra_height(window);
	INT32 propwidth, propheight;
	INT32 minwidth, minheight;
	INT32 maxwidth, maxheight;
	INT32 viswidth, visheight;
	INT32 adjwidth, adjheight;
	float pixel_aspect;

	assert(GetCurrentThreadId() == window_threadid);

	// get the pixel aspect ratio for the target monitor
	pixel_aspect = winvideo_monitor_get_aspect(monitor);

	// determine the proposed width/height
	propwidth = rect_width(rect) - extrawidth;
	propheight = rect_height(rect) - extraheight;

	// based on which edge we are adjusting, take either the width, height, or both as gospel
	// and scale to fit using that as our parameter
	switch (adjustment)
		case WMSZ_TOP:
			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, 10000, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

		case WMSZ_LEFT:
		case WMSZ_RIGHT:
			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, 10000, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

	// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// clamp against the absolute minimum
	propwidth = MAX(propwidth, MIN_WINDOW_DIM);
	propheight = MAX(propheight, MIN_WINDOW_DIM);

	// clamp against the minimum width and height
	propwidth = MAX(propwidth, minwidth);
	propheight = MAX(propheight, minheight);

	// clamp against the maximum (fit on one screen for full screen mode)
	if (window->fullscreen)
		maxwidth = rect_width(&monitor->info.rcMonitor) - extrawidth;
		maxheight = rect_height(&monitor->info.rcMonitor) - extraheight;
		maxwidth = rect_width(&monitor->info.rcWork) - extrawidth;
		maxheight = rect_height(&monitor->info.rcWork) - extraheight;

		// further clamp to the maximum width/height in the window
		if (window->maxwidth != 0)
			maxwidth = MIN(maxwidth, window->maxwidth + extrawidth);
		if (window->maxheight != 0)
			maxheight = MIN(maxheight, window->maxheight + extraheight);

	// clamp to the maximum
	propwidth = MIN(propwidth, maxwidth);
	propheight = MIN(propheight, maxheight);

	// compute the visible area based on the proposed rectangle
	render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &viswidth, &visheight);

	// compute the adjustments we need to make
	adjwidth = (viswidth + extrawidth) - rect_width(rect);
	adjheight = (visheight + extraheight) - rect_height(rect);

	// based on which corner we're adjusting, constrain in different ways
	switch (adjustment)
		case WMSZ_RIGHT:
			rect->right += adjwidth;
			rect->bottom += adjheight;

			rect->left -= adjwidth;
			rect->bottom += adjheight;

		case WMSZ_LEFT:
		case WMSZ_TOP:
			rect->left -= adjwidth;
			rect->top -= adjheight;

			rect->right += adjwidth;
			rect->top -= adjheight;
void droid_ios_video_render(render_target *our_target)
	int width, height;
        int minwidth, minheight;
	int viswidth, visheight;
        int aspect;

	   pthread_mutex_lock( &cond_mutex );

                    width  = viswidth = myosd_res_width;
                    height = visheight = myosd_res_height;
                    aspect = 0;
		else if(myosd_force_pxaspect == 1)
		    render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &minwidth, &minheight);   
                    width = minwidth;
                    height = minheight;
		    viswidth = minwidth;
		    visheight = minheight;

                    aspect = 0;
                else if(myosd_force_pxaspect==2)
		   render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &minwidth, &minheight);
                   width = minwidth;
                   height = minheight;

		   viswidth = minwidth;
		   visheight = minheight;
                   int w,h;
		   render_target_compute_visible_area(our_target,minwidth,minheight,1,render_target_get_orientation(our_target),&w, &h);

		   if(visheight > h &&  abs((float)w/(float)h - 4.0f/3.0f) < 0.001)// 4/3 minimum
		       viswidth = w;
	  	       visheight = h;

		   if(viswidth > h * 16.0f/9.0f &&  abs((float)w/(float)h - 4.0f/3.0f) < 0.001)// 16/9 maximun
		       viswidth = h * 16.0f/9.0f;
	  	       visheight = h;

		   if(viswidth < w &&  abs((float)w/(float)h - 3.0f/4.0f) < 0.001)// 3/4 minimum
		       viswidth = w;
	  	       visheight = h;
		   if(visheight > h && abs((float)w/(float)h - 3.0f/4.0f) < 0.001)// 3/4 maximun
		       viswidth = w ;
	  	       visheight = h;
                   aspect = 0;              
#ifdef ANDROID
//	__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "VIS","FIN %d, %d",viswidth,visheight);
		else //MAME standard
		      render_target_get_minimum_size(our_target, &width, &height);

                      if(width > 640)
                         if(myosd_res_width > 640)
                            width = myosd_res_width;
                            width = 640;

                      if(height > 480) 
                          if(myosd_res_height > 480)
                             height = myosd_res_height;
                             height = 480;
                      //calculate vis area to pass to GPU scaler instead MAME scaler. Performace and accurate!
		      render_target_compute_visible_area(our_target,width,height,1,render_target_get_orientation(our_target),&viswidth, &visheight);
                      aspect = 0;
                      width = myosd_res_width;
                      height = myosd_res_height; 			
                      viswidth = width ;
	              visheight = height;
                      aspect = width  / height;


		// make that the size of our target
		render_target_set_bounds(our_target, width, height, aspect);

		currlist = render_target_get_primitives(our_target);

		curr_screen_width = width;
		curr_screen_height = height;
		curr_vis_area_screen_width = viswidth;
		curr_vis_area_screen_height = visheight;

		    pthread_cond_signal( &condition_var );

	   pthread_mutex_unlock( &cond_mutex );
static void pick_best_mode(sdl_window_info *window, int *fswidth, int *fsheight)
	int minimum_width, minimum_height, target_width, target_height;
	int i;
	float size_score, best_score = 0.0f;
	SDL_Rect **modes;

	// determine the minimum width/height for the selected target
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minimum_width, &minimum_height);

	// use those as the target for now
	target_width = minimum_width * MAX(1, window->prescale);
	target_height = minimum_height * MAX(1, window->prescale);

	// if we're not stretching, allow some slop on the minimum since we can handle it
		minimum_width -= 4;
		minimum_height -= 4;

#if 1 // defined(SDLMAME_WIN32)
     *  We need to do this here. If SDL_ListModes is
     * called in init_monitors, the call will crash
     * on win32
	modes = window->monitor->modes;

	if (modes == (SDL_Rect **)0)
		mame_printf_error("SDL: No modes available?!\n");
	else if (modes == (SDL_Rect **)-1)	// all modes are possible
		*fswidth = window->maxwidth;
		*fsheight = window->maxheight;
		for (i = 0; modes[i]; ++i)
			// compute initial score based on difference between target and current
			size_score = 1.0f / (1.0f + fabsf((INT32)modes[i]->w - target_width) + fabsf((INT32)modes[i]->h - target_height));

			// if the mode is too small, give a big penalty
			if (modes[i]->w < minimum_width || modes[i]->h < minimum_height)
				size_score *= 0.01f;

			// if mode is smaller than we'd like, it only scores up to 0.1
			if (modes[i]->w < target_width || modes[i]->h < target_height)
				size_score *= 0.1f;

			// if we're looking for a particular mode, that's a winner
			if (modes[i]->w == window->maxwidth && modes[i]->h == window->maxheight)
				size_score = 2.0f;

			mame_printf_verbose("%4dx%4d -> %f\n", (int)modes[i]->w, (int)modes[i]->h, size_score);

			// best so far?
			if (size_score > best_score)
				best_score = size_score;
				*fswidth = modes[i]->w;
				*fsheight = modes[i]->h;

static void pick_best_mode(sdl_window_info *window, int *fswidth, int *fsheight)
	int minimum_width, minimum_height, target_width, target_height;
	int i;
	int num;
	float size_score, best_score = 0.0f;

	// determine the minimum width/height for the selected target
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minimum_width, &minimum_height);

	// use those as the target for now
	target_width = minimum_width * MAX(1, window->prescale);
	target_height = minimum_height * MAX(1, window->prescale);

	// if we're not stretching, allow some slop on the minimum since we can handle it
		minimum_width -= 4;
		minimum_height -= 4;

	num = SDL_GetNumDisplayModes();

	if (num == 0)
		mame_printf_error("SDL: No modes available?!\n");
		for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)
			SDL_DisplayMode mode;
			SDL_GetDisplayMode(i, &mode);

			// compute initial score based on difference between target and current
			size_score = 1.0f / (1.0f + fabsf((INT32)mode.w - target_width) + fabsf((INT32)mode.h - target_height));

			// if the mode is too small, give a big penalty
			if (mode.w < minimum_width || mode.h < minimum_height)
				size_score *= 0.01f;

			// if mode is smaller than we'd like, it only scores up to 0.1
			if (mode.w < target_width || mode.h < target_height)
				size_score *= 0.1f;

			// if we're looking for a particular mode, that's a winner
			if (mode.w == window->maxwidth && mode.h == window->maxheight)
				size_score = 2.0f;

			// refresh adds some points
			if (window->refresh)
				size_score *= 1.0f / (1.0f + fabsf(window->refresh - mode.refresh_rate) / 10.0f);

			mame_printf_verbose("%4dx%4d@%2d -> %f\n", (int)mode.w, (int)mode.h, (int) mode.refresh_rate, size_score);

			// best so far?
			if (size_score > best_score)
				best_score = size_score;
				*fswidth = mode.w;
				*fsheight = mode.h;

void sdlwindow_blit_surface_size(sdl_window_info *window, int window_width, int window_height)
	INT32 newwidth, newheight;
	int xscale = 1, yscale = 1;
	float desired_aspect = 1.0f;
	INT32 target_width = window_width;
	INT32 target_height = window_height;

	// start with the minimum size
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &newwidth, &newheight);

	// compute the appropriate visible area if we're trying to keepaspect
	if (video_config.keepaspect)
		// make sure the monitor is up-to-date
		render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, target_width, target_height, sdlvideo_monitor_get_aspect(window->monitor), render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &target_width, &target_height);
		desired_aspect = (float)target_width / (float)target_height;

    // non-integer scaling - often gives more pleasing results in full screen
    if (!video_config.fullstretch)
		// compute maximum integral scaling to fit the window
		xscale = (target_width + 2) / newwidth;
		yscale = (target_height + 2) / newheight;

		// try a little harder to keep the aspect ratio if desired
		if (video_config.keepaspect)
			// if we could stretch more in the X direction, and that makes a better fit, bump the xscale
			while (newwidth * (xscale + 1) <= window_width &&
				better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * (xscale + 1), newheight * yscale, desired_aspect))

			// if we could stretch more in the Y direction, and that makes a better fit, bump the yscale
			while (newheight * (yscale + 1) <= window_height &&
				better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * xscale, newheight * (yscale + 1), desired_aspect))

			// now that we've maxed out, see if backing off the maximally stretched one makes a better fit
			if (window_width - newwidth * xscale < window_height - newheight * yscale)
				while (better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * (xscale - 1), newheight * yscale, desired_aspect) && (xscale >= 0))
				while (better_mode(newwidth * xscale, newheight * yscale, newwidth * xscale, newheight * (yscale - 1), desired_aspect) && (yscale >= 0))

		// ensure at least a scale factor of 1
		if (xscale <= 0) xscale = 1;
		if (yscale <= 0) yscale = 1;

		// apply the final scale
		newwidth *= xscale;
		newheight *= yscale;
		newwidth = target_width;
		newheight = target_height;

    //FIXME: really necessary to distinguish for yuv_modes ?
	if ((render_target_get_layer_config(window->target) & LAYER_CONFIG_ZOOM_TO_SCREEN)
		&& (window->scale_mode == VIDEO_SCALE_MODE_NONE ))
		newwidth = window_width;

	if ((window->blitwidth != newwidth) || (window->blitheight != newheight))

	window->blitwidth = newwidth;
	window->blitheight = newheight;
static void constrain_to_aspect_ratio(sdl_window_info *window, int *window_width, int *window_height, int adjustment)
	INT32 extrawidth = 0;
	INT32 extraheight = 0;
	INT32 propwidth, propheight;
	INT32 minwidth, minheight;
	INT32 maxwidth, maxheight;
	INT32 viswidth, visheight;
	float pixel_aspect;

	// make sure the monitor is up-to-date

	// get the pixel aspect ratio for the target monitor
	pixel_aspect = sdlvideo_monitor_get_aspect(window->monitor);

	// determine the proposed width/height
	propwidth = *window_width - extrawidth;
	propheight = *window_height - extraheight;

	// based on which edge we are adjusting, take either the width, height, or both as gospel
	// and scale to fit using that as our parameter
	switch (adjustment)
		case WMSZ_TOP:
			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, 10000, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

		case WMSZ_LEFT:
		case WMSZ_RIGHT:
			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, 10000, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

			render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &propwidth, &propheight);

	// get the minimum width/height for the current layout
	render_target_get_minimum_size(window->target, &minwidth, &minheight);

	// clamp against the absolute minimum
	propwidth = MAX(propwidth, MIN_WINDOW_DIM);
	propheight = MAX(propheight, MIN_WINDOW_DIM);

	// clamp against the minimum width and height
	propwidth = MAX(propwidth, minwidth);
	propheight = MAX(propheight, minheight);

	// clamp against the maximum (fit on one screen for full screen mode)
	if (window->fullscreen)
		maxwidth = window->monitor->center_width - extrawidth;
		maxheight = window->monitor->center_height - extraheight;
		maxwidth = window->monitor->center_width - extrawidth;
		maxheight = window->monitor->center_height - extraheight;

		// further clamp to the maximum width/height in the window
		if (window->maxwidth != 0)
			maxwidth = MIN(maxwidth, window->maxwidth + extrawidth);
		if (window->maxheight != 0)
			maxheight = MIN(maxheight, window->maxheight + extraheight);

	// clamp to the maximum
	propwidth = MIN(propwidth, maxwidth);
	propheight = MIN(propheight, maxheight);

	// compute the visible area based on the proposed rectangle
	render_target_compute_visible_area(window->target, propwidth, propheight, pixel_aspect, render_target_get_orientation(window->target), &viswidth, &visheight);

	*window_width = viswidth;
	*window_height = visheight;