static void
netlink_shunt_expire(struct xfrm_userpolicy_info *pol)
    const xfrm_address_t *srcx, *dstx;
    ip_address src, dst;
    unsigned family;
    unsigned transport_proto;
    err_t ugh = NULL;
    srcx = &pol->sel.saddr;
    dstx = &pol->sel.daddr;
    family = pol->sel.family;
    transport_proto = pol->sel.proto;

    if ((ugh = xfrm_to_ip_address(family, srcx, &src))
    || (ugh = xfrm_to_ip_address(family, dstx, &dst)))
	openswan_log("XFRM_MSG_POLEXPIRE message from kernel malformed: %s", ugh);

    replace_bare_shunt(&src, &dst
		       , BOTTOM_PRIO
		       , SPI_PASS
		       , FALSE
		       , transport_proto
		       , "delete expired bare shunt");
static void
cannot_oppo(struct connection *c
	    , struct find_oppo_bundle *b
	    , err_t ughmsg)
    char pcb[ADDRTOT_BUF];
    char ocb[ADDRTOT_BUF];

    addrtot(&b->peer_client, 0, pcb, sizeof(pcb));
    addrtot(&b->our_client, 0, ocb, sizeof(ocb));

	openswan_log("Can not opportunistically initiate for %s to %s: %s"
		     , ocb, pcb, ughmsg));

	, "Can not opportunistically initiate for %s to %s: %s"
	, ocb, pcb, ughmsg);

    if (c != NULL && c->policy_next != NULL)
	/* there is some policy that comes afterwards */
	struct spd_route *shunt_spd;
	struct connection *nc = c->policy_next;
	struct state *st;

	passert(c->kind == CK_TEMPLATE);
	passert(nc->kind == CK_PERMANENT);

	DBG(DBG_OPPO, DBG_log("OE failed for %s to %s, but %s overrides shunt"
			      , ocb, pcb, nc->name));

	 * okay, here we need add to the "next" policy, which is ought
	 * to be an instance.
	 * We will add another entry to the spd_route list for the specific
	 * situation that we have.

	shunt_spd = clone_thing(nc->spd, "shunt eroute policy");

	shunt_spd->next = nc->spd.next;
	nc->spd.next = shunt_spd;

	happy(addrtosubnet(&b->peer_client, &shunt_spd->that.client));

	if (sameaddr(&b->peer_client, &shunt_spd->that.host_addr))
	    shunt_spd->that.has_client = FALSE;

	 * override the tunnel destination with the one from the secondaried
	 * policy
	shunt_spd->that.host_addr = nc->spd.that.host_addr;

	/* now, lookup the state, and poke it up.

	st = state_with_serialno(nc->newest_ipsec_sa);

	/* XXX what to do if the IPSEC SA has died? */
	passert(st != NULL);

	/* link the new connection instance to the state's list of
	 * connections

	DBG(DBG_OPPO, DBG_log("installing state: %ld for %s to %s"
			      , nc->newest_ipsec_sa
			      , ocb, pcb));

#ifdef DEBUG
	    char state_buf[LOG_WIDTH];
	    char state_buf2[LOG_WIDTH];
	    const time_t n = now();

	    fmt_state(st, n, state_buf, sizeof(state_buf)
		      , state_buf2, sizeof(state_buf2));
	    DBG_log("cannot_oppo, failure SA1: %s", state_buf);
	    DBG_log("cannot_oppo, failure SA2: %s", state_buf2);
#endif /* DEBUG */

	if (!route_and_eroute(c, shunt_spd, st))
		      , "failed to instantiate shunt policy %s for %s to %s"
		      , c->name
		      , ocb, pcb);

     * NETKEY default for level param in tmpl is required, so no traffic will
     * transmitted until an SA is fully up
    if (b->held && kern_interface != USE_NETKEY)
	int failure_shunt = b->failure_shunt;

	/* Replace HOLD with b->failure_shunt.
	 * If no failure_shunt specified, use SPI_PASS -- THIS MAY CHANGE.
	if (failure_shunt == 0)
	    DBG(DBG_OPPO, DBG_log("no explicit failure shunt for %s to %s; removing spurious hold shunt"
				  , ocb, pcb));
	(void) replace_bare_shunt(&b->our_client, &b->peer_client
	    , b->policy_prio
	    , failure_shunt
	    , failure_shunt != 0
	    , b->transport_proto
	    , ughmsg);