static void rp_warning(const char *err, ...) { va_list params; va_start(params, err); report_message("warning: ", err, params); va_end(params); }
static void rp_error(const char *err, ...) { va_list params; va_start(params, err); report_message("error: ", err, params); va_end(params); }
static void dump_screenshot(int write_file) { mame_file *fp; char buf[128]; mame_bitmap *bitmap; int x, y, is_blank; pen_t color; extern mame_bitmap *scrbitmap[8]; bitmap = artwork_get_ui_bitmap(); if (write_file) { /* dump a screenshot */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), (screenshot_num >= 0) ? "_%s_%d.png" : "_%s.png",, screenshot_num); fp = mame_fopen(Machine->gamedrv->name, buf, FILETYPE_SCREENSHOT, 1); if (fp) { save_screen_snapshot_as(fp, bitmap); mame_fclose(fp); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Saved screenshot as %s", buf); } if (screenshot_num >= 0) screenshot_num++; } /* check to see if bitmap is blank */ bitmap = scrbitmap[0]; is_blank = 1; color = bitmap->read(bitmap, 0, 0); for (y = 0; is_blank && (y < bitmap->height); y++) { for (x = 0; is_blank && (x < bitmap->width); x++) { if (bitmap->read(bitmap, x, y) != color) is_blank = 0; } } if (is_blank) { had_failure = TRUE; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Screenshot is blank"); } }
static void node_checkfreespace(struct imgtooltest_state *state, xml_data_node *node) { imgtoolerr_t err; UINT64 current_freespace; INT64 leaked_space; const char *verb; if (!state->m_partition) { state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Partition not loaded"); return; } err = imgtool_partition_get_free_space(state->m_partition, ¤t_freespace); if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); return; } if (state->m_recorded_freespace != current_freespace) { leaked_space = state->m_recorded_freespace - current_freespace; if (leaked_space > 0) { verb = "Leaked"; } else { leaked_space = -leaked_space; verb = "Reverse leaked"; } state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "%s %u bytes of space", verb, (unsigned int) leaked_space); } }
static void node_recordfreespace(struct imgtooltest_state *state, xml_data_node *node) { imgtoolerr_t err; if (!state->m_partition) { state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Partition not loaded"); return; } err = imgtool_partition_get_free_space(state->m_partition, &state->m_recorded_freespace); if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); return; } }
void CLIB_DECL osd_die(const char *text,...) { va_list va; char buf[256]; char *s; /* format the die message */ va_start(va, text); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), text, va); va_end(va); /* strip out \n */ s = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (s) *s = '\0'; /* report the failure */ report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Die: %s", buf); state = STATE_ABORTED; longjmp(die_jmpbuf, -1); }
static void command_input(void) { /* post a set of characters to the emulation */ if (state == STATE_READY) { if (!inputx_can_post()) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Natural keyboard input not supported for this driver"); return; } /* input_chars can be NULL, so we should check for that */ if (current_command->u.input_args.input_chars) { inputx_post_utf8_rate(current_command->u.input_args.input_chars, current_command->u.input_args.rate); } } state = inputx_is_posting() ? STATE_INCOMMAND : STATE_READY; }
static device_image_interface *find_device_by_identity(running_machine &machine, const messtest_device_identity *ident) { device_image_interface *device = NULL; /* look up the image slot */ if (ident->type == IO_UNKNOWN) { /* no device_type was specified; use the new preferred mechanism */ device = dynamic_cast<device_image_interface *>(machine.device(ident->tag)); } /* did the image slot lookup fail? */ if (device == NULL) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Device '%s %i' does not exist", device_config_image_interface::device_typename(ident->type), ident->slot); } return device; }
static void node_checkattr(struct imgtooltest_state *state, xml_data_node *node) { imgtoolerr_t err; xml_attribute_node *attr_node; UINT32 attribute; imgtool_attribute value; imgtool_attribute expected_value; memset(&value, 0, sizeof(value)); memset(&expected_value, 0, sizeof(expected_value)); attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "path"); if (!attr_node) { state->m_failed = 1; error_missingattribute("path"); return; } attribute = identify_attribute(state, node, &expected_value); if (!attribute) return; err = imgtool_partition_get_file_attribute(state->m_partition, attr_node->value, attribute, &value); if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); return; } if (memcmp(&value, &expected_value, sizeof(value))) { state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Comparison failed"); return; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int r; int broadcast = 1; if (argc < 2) barf("need a hostname"); if (argc >= 3) { service = strdup(argv[2]); } ctx.sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (ctx.sockfd < 0) barf(strerror(errno)); if (lookup(argv[1]) < 0) barf("bad lookup"); /* request broadcast permissions if possible */ setsockopt(ctx.sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &broadcast, sizeof(broadcast)); /* trasmit query */ r = sendto(ctx.sockfd, query, 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&ctx.saddr, sizeof(ctx.saddr)); if (r<0) barf(strerror(errno)); while (collect_response()) { message *m; m = decode_message(inmsg, inlen); report_message(m); printf ("\n"); } return 0; }
static void dump_screenshot(int write_file) { mame_file_error filerr; mame_file *fp; char buf[128]; int is_blank = 0; int scrnum; UINT32 screenmask; if (write_file) { /* dump a screenshot */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), (screenshot_num >= 0) ? "_%s_%d.png" : "_%s.png",, screenshot_num); filerr = mame_fopen(SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, buf, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &fp); if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { screenmask = render_get_live_screens_mask(); if (screenmask != 0) { /* choose a screen */ for (scrnum = 0; scrnum < MAX_SCREENS; scrnum++) { if (screenmask & (1 << scrnum)) break; } video_screen_save_snapshot(fp, scrnum); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Saved screenshot as %s", buf); } else { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Could not save screenshot; no live screen"); } mame_fclose(fp); } else { /* report the error */ report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Could not save screenshot; error #%d", filerr); } if (screenshot_num >= 0) screenshot_num++; } #if 0 /* check to see if bitmap is blank */ bitmap = scrbitmap[0]; is_blank = 1; color = bitmap->read(bitmap, 0, 0); for (y = 0; is_blank && (y < bitmap->height); y++) { for (x = 0; is_blank && (x < bitmap->width); x++) { if (bitmap->read(bitmap, x, y) != color) is_blank = 0; } } #endif if (is_blank) { had_failure = TRUE; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Screenshot is blank"); } }
static messtest_result_t run_test(int flags, struct messtest_results *results) { int driver_num; messtest_result_t rc; clock_t begin_time; double real_run_time; char *fullpath = NULL; /* lookup driver */ for (driver_num = 0; drivers[driver_num]; driver_num++) { if (!mame_stricmp(current_testcase.driver, drivers[driver_num]->name)) break; } /* cannot find driver? */ if (!drivers[driver_num]) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot find driver '%s'", current_testcase.driver); return MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; } /* prepare testing state */ current_command = current_testcase.commands; state = STATE_READY; test_flags = flags; screenshot_num = 0; runtime_hash = 0; had_failure = FALSE; seen_first_update = FALSE; videoram = NULL; videoram_size = 0; dirtybuffer = NULL; /* set up options */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.skip_disclaimer = 1; options.skip_gameinfo = 1; options.skip_warnings = 1; options.disable_normal_ui = 1; options.ram = current_testcase.ram; options.samplerate = 44100; options.mame_debug = 1; options.brightness = 1.0; options.contrast = 1.0; options.gamma = 1.0; /* preload any needed images */ while(current_command->command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_PRELOAD) { fullpath = assemble_software_path(drivers[driver_num], current_command->u.image_args.filename); options.image_files[options.image_count].name = fullpath; options.image_files[options.image_count].device_type = current_command->u.image_args.device_type; options.image_files[options.image_count].device_index = -1; options.image_count++; current_command++; } /* perform the test */ report_message(MSG_INFO, "Beginning test (driver '%s')", current_testcase.driver); begin_time = clock(); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, messtest_output_error, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_WARNING, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_INFO, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_DEBUG, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_LOG, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); run_game(driver_num); real_run_time = ((double) (clock() - begin_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* what happened? */ switch(state) { case STATE_ABORTED: report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test aborted"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; break; case STATE_DONE: if (had_failure) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test failed (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time, (int) ((final_time / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; } else { report_message(MSG_INFO, "Test succeeded (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time, (int) ((final_time / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_SUCCESS; } break; default: state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Abnormal termination"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; break; } if (results) { results->rc = rc; results->runtime_hash = runtime_hash; } if (fullpath) free(fullpath); return rc; }
static messtest_result_t run_test(int flags, struct messtest_results *results) { int driver_num; messtest_result_t rc; clock_t begin_time; double real_run_time; /* lookup driver */ for (driver_num = 0; drivers[driver_num]; driver_num++) { if (!mame_stricmp(current_testcase.driver, drivers[driver_num]->name)) break; } /* cannot find driver? */ if (!drivers[driver_num]) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot find driver '%s'", current_testcase.driver); return MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; } /* prepare testing state */ current_command = current_testcase.commands; state = STATE_READY; test_flags = flags; screenshot_num = 0; runtime_hash = 0; had_failure = FALSE; seen_first_update = FALSE; /* set up options */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.skip_disclaimer = 1; options.skip_gameinfo = 1; options.skip_warnings = 1; options.disable_normal_ui = 1; options.ram = current_testcase.ram; options.vector_intensity = 1.5; options.use_artwork = 1; options.samplerate = 44100; options.mame_debug = 1; /* preload any needed images */ while(current_command->command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_PRELOAD) { options.image_files[options.image_count].name = current_command->u.image_args.filename; options.image_files[options.image_count].type = current_command->u.image_args.device_type; options.image_count++; current_command++; } /* perform the test */ report_message(MSG_INFO, "Beginning test (driver '%s')", current_testcase.driver); begin_time = clock(); if (setjmp(die_jmpbuf) == 0) run_game(driver_num); real_run_time = ((double) (clock() - begin_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* what happened? */ switch(state) { case STATE_ABORTED: report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test aborted"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; break; case STATE_DONE: if (had_failure) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test failed (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time, (int) ((final_time / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; } else { report_message(MSG_INFO, "Test succeeded (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time, (int) ((final_time / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_SUCCESS; } break; default: state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Abnormal termination"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; break; } if (results) { results->rc = rc; results->runtime_hash = runtime_hash; } return rc; }
static void node_createimage(struct imgtooltest_state *state, xml_data_node *node) { imgtoolerr_t err; xml_data_node *child_node; xml_attribute_node *attr_node; option_resolution *opts = NULL; const imgtool_module *module; const char *driver; const char *param_name; const char *param_value; attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "driver"); if (!attr_node) { error_missingattribute("driver"); return; } driver = attr_node->value; /* does image creation support options? */ module = imgtool_find_module(attr_node->value); if (module && module->createimage_optguide && module->createimage_optspec) opts = option_resolution_create(module->createimage_optguide, module->createimage_optspec); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Creating image (module '%s')", driver); for (child_node = xml_get_sibling(node->child, "param"); child_node; child_node = xml_get_sibling(child_node->next, "param")) { if (!opts) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify creation options with this module"); return; } attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "name"); if (!attr_node) { error_missingattribute("name"); return; } param_name = attr_node->value; attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "value"); if (!attr_node) { error_missingattribute("value"); return; } param_value = attr_node->value; option_resolution_add_param(opts, param_name, param_value); } err = imgtool_image_create_byname(driver, tempfile_name(), opts, &state->m_image); if (opts) { option_resolution_close(opts); opts = NULL; } if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); return; } err = imgtool_partition_open(state->m_image, 0, &state->m_partition); if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); return; } }
static void messtest_warn(const char *message) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "%s", message); }
static void dump_screenshot(running_machine &machine, int write_file) { file_error filerr; char buf[128]; int is_blank = 0; if (write_file) { /* dump a screenshot */ snprintf(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), (screenshot_num >= 0) ? "_%s_%d.png" : "_%s.png",, screenshot_num); emu_file fp(machine.options(), SEARCHPATH_SCREENSHOT, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE); filerr =; if (filerr == FILERR_NONE) { /* choose a screen */ screen_device *screen = machine.first_screen(); while((screen != NULL) && !machine.render().is_live(*screen)) { screen = screen->next_screen(); } /* did we find a live screen? */ if (screen != NULL) { screen->machine().video().save_snapshot(screen, fp); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Saved screenshot as %s", buf); } else { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Could not save screenshot; no live screen"); } } else { /* report the error */ report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Could not save screenshot; error #%d", filerr); } if (screenshot_num >= 0) screenshot_num++; } #if 0 /* check to see if bitmap is blank */ bitmap = scrbitmap[0]; is_blank = 1; color = bitmap->read(bitmap, 0, 0); for (y = 0; is_blank && (y < bitmap->height); y++) { for (x = 0; is_blank && (x < bitmap->width); x++) { if (bitmap->read(bitmap, x, y) != color) is_blank = 0; } } #endif if (is_blank) { had_failure = TRUE; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Screenshot is blank"); } }
static void command_image_loadcreate(void) { mess_image *image; int device_type; int device_slot; const char *device_tag; int i, format_index = 0; const char *filename; const char *format; char buf[128]; const struct IODevice *dev; const char *file_extensions; char *filepath; int success; const game_driver *gamedrv; device_slot = current_command->u.image_args.device_slot; device_type = current_command->u.image_args.device_type; device_tag = current_command->u.image_args.device_tag; /* look up the image slot */ if (device_tag) image = image_from_devtag_and_index(device_tag, device_slot); else image = image_from_devtype_and_index(device_type, device_slot); if (!image) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Image slot '%s %i' does not exist", device_typename(device_type), device_slot); return; } dev = image_device(image); file_extensions = dev->file_extensions; /* is an image format specified? */ format = current_command->u.image_args.format; if (format) { if (current_command->command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format unless creating"); return; } if (!dev->createimage_options) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format for device"); return; } for (i = 0; dev->createimage_options[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp(format, dev->createimage_options[i].name)) break; } if (!dev->createimage_options[i].name) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Unknown device '%s'", format); return; } format_index = i; file_extensions = dev->createimage_options[i].extensions; } /* figure out the filename */ filename = current_command->u.image_args.filename; if (!filename) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), "%s.%s",, file_extensions); osd_get_temp_filename(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), buf); filename = buf; } success = FALSE; for (gamedrv = Machine->gamedrv; !success && gamedrv; gamedrv = mess_next_compatible_driver(gamedrv)) { /* assemble the full path */ filepath = assemble_software_path(gamedrv, filename); /* actually create or load the image */ switch(current_command->command_type) { case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE: success = (image_create(image, filepath, format_index, NULL) == INIT_PASS); break; case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_LOAD: success = (image_load(image, filepath) == INIT_PASS); break; default: fatalerror("Unexpected error"); break; } free(filepath); } if (!success) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to load/create image '%s': %s", filename, image_error(image)); return; } }
static void report_imgtoolerr(imgtoolerr_t err) { const char *msg; msg = imgtool_error(err); report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "%s", msg); }
void osd_update(running_machine &machine, int skip_redraw) { int i; attotime time_limit; attotime current_time; target->get_primitives(); /* don't do anything if we are initializing! */ switch(machine.phase()) { case MACHINE_PHASE_PREINIT: case MACHINE_PHASE_INIT: case MACHINE_PHASE_RESET: return; default: break; } /* if we have already aborted or completed, our work is done */ if ((state == STATE_ABORTED) || (state == STATE_DONE)) { machine.schedule_exit(); return; } /* have we hit the time limit? */ current_time = machine.time(); time_limit = (current_testcase.time_limit != attotime::zero) ? current_testcase.time_limit : attotime::from_seconds(600); if (current_time > time_limit) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Time limit of %s attoseconds exceeded", time_limit.as_string(9)); return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(commands); i++) { if (current_command->command_type == commands[i].command_type) { commands[i].proc(machine); break; } } /* if we are ready for the next command, advance to it */ if (state == STATE_READY) { /* if we are at the end, and we are dumping screenshots, and we didn't * just dump a screenshot, dump one now */ if ((test_flags & MESSTEST_ALWAYS_DUMP_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[0].command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[1].command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_END)) { dump_screenshot(machine, TRUE); } current_command++; } }
void node_testmess(xml_data_node *node) { xml_data_node *child_node; xml_attribute_node *attr_node; int result; pile_init(&command_pile); command_pool = pool_alloc_lib(NULL); memset(&new_command, 0, sizeof(new_command)); command_count = 0; /* 'driver' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "driver"); if (!attr_node) { error_missingattribute("driver"); return; } current_testcase.driver = attr_node->value; /* 'name' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "name"); = attr_node ? attr_node->value : current_testcase.driver; /* 'bios' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "bios"); current_testcase.bios = attr_node ? attr_node->value : NULL; /* 'ramsize' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "ramsize"); current_testcase.ram = attr_node ? ram_parse_string(attr_node->value) : 0; /* 'wavwrite' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "wavwrite"); current_testcase.wavwrite = attr_node && (atoi(attr_node->value) != 0); /* 'enabled' attribute */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "enabled"); current_testcase.enabled = (!attr_node || atoi(attr_node->value)) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* report the beginning of the test case */ report_testcase_begin(; if (current_testcase.enabled) { current_testcase.commands = NULL; for (child_node = node->child; child_node; child_node = child_node->next) { if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "wait")) node_wait(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "input")) node_input(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "rawinput")) node_rawinput(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "switch")) node_switch(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "screenshot")) node_screenshot(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "checkblank")) node_checkblank(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "imagecreate")) node_imagecreate(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "imageload")) node_imageload(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "memverify")) node_memverify(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "imageverify")) node_imageverify(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "trace")) node_trace(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "reset")) node_soft_reset(child_node); else if (!strcmp(child_node->name, "hardreset")) node_hard_reset(child_node); } memset(&new_command, 0, sizeof(new_command)); new_command.command_type = MESSTEST_COMMAND_END; if (!append_command()) { error_outofmemory(); return; } result = run_test(0, NULL); } else { /* report that the test case was skipped */ report_message(MSG_INFO, "Test case skipped"); result = 0; } report_testcase_ran(result); pile_delete(&command_pile); pool_free_lib(command_pool); }
static void node_checkdirectory(struct imgtooltest_state *state, xml_data_node *node) { imgtoolerr_t err = IMGTOOLERR_SUCCESS; imgtool_directory *imageenum; imgtool_dirent ent; char expected_listing[1024]; char actual_listing[1024]; int i/*, actual_count*/; int mismatch; xml_attribute_node *attr_node; xml_data_node *child_node; const char *filename; expected_dirent *entry; expected_dirent entries[256]; int entry_count; if (!state->m_partition) { state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Partition not loaded"); return; } attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "path"); filename = attr_node ? attr_node->value : ""; memset(&entries, 0, sizeof(entries)); entry_count = 0; for (child_node = xml_get_sibling(node->child, "entry"); child_node; child_node = xml_get_sibling(child_node->next, "entry")) { if (entry_count >= ARRAY_LENGTH(entries)) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Too many directory entries"); return; } entry = &entries[entry_count++]; attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "name"); entry->filename = attr_node ? attr_node->value : NULL; attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "size"); entry->size = attr_node ? atoi(attr_node->value) : -1; } /* build expected listing string */ expected_listing[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < entry_count; i++) { append_to_list(expected_listing, ARRAY_LENGTH(expected_listing), entries[i].filename); } /* now enumerate though listing */ //actual_count = 0; actual_listing[0] = '\0'; mismatch = FALSE; memset(&ent, 0, sizeof(ent)); err = imgtool_directory_open(state->m_partition, filename, &imageenum); if (err) goto done; i = 0; do { err = imgtool_directory_get_next(imageenum, &ent); if (err) goto done; if (!ent.eof) { append_to_list(actual_listing, ARRAY_LENGTH(actual_listing), ent.filename); if (i < entry_count && (strcmp(ent.filename, entries[i].filename))) mismatch = TRUE; i++; } } while(!ent.eof); if (i != entry_count) mismatch = TRUE; if (mismatch) { state->m_failed = 1; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "File listing mismatch: {%s} expected {%s}", actual_listing, expected_listing); goto done; } done: if (imageenum) imgtool_directory_close(imageenum); if (err) { state->m_failed = 1; report_imgtoolerr(err); } }
static void command_verify_memory(void) { int i = 0; offs_t offset, offset_start, offset_end; const UINT8 *verify_data; size_t verify_data_size; const UINT8 *target_data; size_t target_data_size; int region; offset_start = current_command->u.verify_args.start; offset_end = current_command->u.verify_args.end; verify_data = (const UINT8 *) current_command->u.verify_args.verify_data; verify_data_size = current_command->u.verify_args.verify_data_size; if (offset_end == 0) offset_end = offset_start + verify_data_size - 1; region = current_command->u.verify_args.mem_region; if (region) { target_data = memory_region(region); target_data_size = memory_region_length(region); } else { target_data = mess_ram; target_data_size = mess_ram_size; } /* sanity check the ranges */ if (!verify_data || (verify_data_size <= 0)) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Invalid memory region during verify"); return; } if (offset_start > offset_end) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Invalid verify offset range (0x%x-0x%x)", offset_start, offset_end); return; } if (offset_end >= target_data_size) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Verify memory range out of bounds"); return; } for (offset = offset_start; offset <= offset_end; offset++) { if (verify_data[i] != target_data[offset]) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed verification step (REGION_%s; 0x%x-0x%x)", memory_region_to_string(region), offset_start, offset_end); break; } i = (i + 1) % verify_data_size; } }
static void command_verify_memory(running_machine &machine) { int i = 0; offs_t offset, offset_start, offset_end; const UINT8 *verify_data; size_t verify_data_size; const UINT8 *target_data = NULL; size_t target_data_size = 0; const char *region; const char *cpu_name; offset_start = current_command->u.verify_args.start; offset_end = current_command->u.verify_args.end; verify_data = (const UINT8 *) current_command->u.verify_args.verify_data; verify_data_size = current_command->u.verify_args.verify_data_size; if (offset_end == 0) offset_end = offset_start + verify_data_size - 1; cpu_name = current_command->u.verify_args.cpu_name; /* what type of memory are we validating? */ region = current_command->u.verify_args.mem_region; if (region) { /* we're validating a conventional memory region */ target_data = machine.region(region)->base(); target_data_size = machine.region(region)->bytes(); } /* sanity check the ranges */ if (!verify_data || (verify_data_size <= 0)) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Invalid memory region during verify"); return; } if (offset_start > offset_end) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Invalid verify offset range (0x%x-0x%x)", offset_start, offset_end); return; } if (region) { if (offset_end >= target_data_size) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Verify memory range out of bounds"); return; } } else { if (cpu_name==NULL) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "If region is not defined then cpu must be"); return; } } /* loop through the memory, verifying it byte by byte */ for (offset = offset_start; offset <= offset_end; offset++) { if (region) { if (verify_data[i] != target_data[offset]) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed verification step (region %s; 0x%x-0x%x)", region, offset_start, offset_end); break; } } else { address_space *space = machine.device(cpu_name)->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM); if (verify_data[i] != space->read_byte(offset)) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed verification step (0x%x-0x%x)", offset_start, offset_end); break; } } i = (i + 1) % verify_data_size; } }
static void command_image_loadcreate(running_machine &machine) { device_image_interface *image; const char *filename; const char *format_name; char buf[128]; const char *file_extensions; astring *filepath; int success; const game_driver *gamedrv; const image_device_format *format = NULL; /* look up the image slot */ image = find_device_by_identity(machine, ¤t_command->u.image_args.device_ident); if (image == NULL) return; file_extensions = image->image_config().file_extensions(); /* is an image format specified? */ format_name = current_command->u.image_args.format; if (format_name != NULL) { if (current_command->command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format unless creating"); return; } /* look up the format name */ format = image->device_get_named_creatable_format(format_name); if (format == NULL) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Unknown device format '%s'", format_name); return; } } /* figure out the filename */ filename = current_command->u.image_args.filename; if (!filename) { snprintf(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), "%s.%s",, file_extensions); //osd_get_temp_filename(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), buf); filename = buf; } success = FALSE; for (gamedrv = machine.system(); !success && gamedrv; gamedrv = driver_get_compatible(gamedrv)) { /* assemble the full path */ filepath = assemble_software_path(astring_alloc(), gamedrv, filename); /* actually create or load the image */ switch(current_command->command_type) { case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE: success = (image->create(astring_c(filepath), format, NULL) == IMAGE_INIT_PASS); break; case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_LOAD: success = (image->load(astring_c(filepath)) == IMAGE_INIT_PASS); break; default: fatalerror("Unexpected error"); break; } astring_free(filepath); } if (!success) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to load/create image '%s': %s", filename, image->error()); return; } }
static void command_image_preload(void) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Image preloads must be at the beginning"); }
int osd_update(mame_time emutime) { int i; double time_limit; double current_time; int cpunum; render_target_get_primitives(target); /* is this the first update? if so, eat it */ if (!seen_first_update) { seen_first_update = TRUE; goto done; } /* if we have already aborted or completed, our work is done */ if ((state == STATE_ABORTED) || (state == STATE_DONE)) { mame_schedule_exit(Machine); goto done; } /* have we hit the time limit? */ current_time = timer_get_time(); time_limit = (current_testcase.time_limit != 0.0) ? current_testcase.time_limit : TIME_IN_SEC(600); if (current_time > time_limit) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Time limit of %.2f seconds exceeded", time_limit); goto done; } /* update the runtime hash */ if (0) { for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu(); cpunum++) { runtime_hash *= 57; runtime_hash ^= cpunum_get_reg(cpunum, REG_PC); /* TODO - Add more registers? */ } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(commands) / sizeof(commands[i]); i++) { if (current_command->command_type == commands[i].command_type) { commands[i].proc(); break; } } /* if we are ready for the next command, advance to it */ if (state == STATE_READY) { /* if we are at the end, and we are dumping screenshots, and we didn't * just dump a screenshot, dump one now */ if ((test_flags & MESSTEST_ALWAYS_DUMP_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[0].command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[1].command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_END)) { dump_screenshot(TRUE); } current_command++; } done: return FALSE; }
static void command_image_loadcreate(void) { mess_image *image; int device_type; int device_slot; const char *device_tag; int i, format_index = 0; const char *filename; const char *format; char buf[128]; const struct IODevice *dev; const char *file_extensions; device_slot = current_command->u.image_args.device_slot; device_type = current_command->u.image_args.device_type; device_tag = current_command->u.image_args.device_tag; /* look up the image slot */ if (device_tag) image = image_from_devtag_and_index(device_tag, device_slot); else image = image_from_devtype_and_index(device_type, device_slot); if (!image) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Image slot '%s %i' does not exist", device_typename(device_type), device_slot); return; } dev = image_device(image); file_extensions = dev->file_extensions; /* is an image format specified? */ format = current_command->u.image_args.format; if (format) { if (current_command->command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format unless creating"); return; } if (!dev->createimage_options) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot specify format for device"); return; } for (i = 0; dev->createimage_options[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp(format, dev->createimage_options[i].name)) break; } if (!dev->createimage_options[i].name) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Unknown device '%s'", format); return; } format_index = i; file_extensions = dev->createimage_options[i].extensions; } /* figure out the filename */ filename = current_command->u.image_args.filename; if (!filename) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]), "%s.%s",, file_extensions); make_filename_temporary(buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0])); filename = buf; } /* actually create or load the image */ switch(current_command->command_type) { case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_CREATE: if (image_create(image, filename, format_index, NULL)) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to create image '%s': %s", filename, image_error(image)); return; } break; case MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_LOAD: if (image_load(image, filename)) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Failed to load image '%s': %s", filename, image_error(image)); return; } break; default: break; } }
static messtest_result_t run_test(int flags, messtest_results *results) { const game_driver *driver; messtest_result_t rc; clock_t begin_time; double real_run_time; astring *fullpath = NULL; const char *device_opt; const char *fake_argv[2]; core_options *opts; /* lookup driver */ driver = driver_get_name(current_testcase.driver); /* cannot find driver? */ if (driver == NULL) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Cannot find driver '%s'", current_testcase.driver); return MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; } /* prepare testing state */ current_command = current_testcase.commands; state = STATE_READY; test_flags = flags; screenshot_num = 0; runtime_hash = 0; had_failure = FALSE; //videoram = NULL; //videoram_size = 0; /* set up options */ opts = mame_options_init(win_mess_opts); options_set_string(opts, OPTION_GAMENAME, driver->name, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); if( current_testcase.bios ) options_set_string(opts, OPTION_BIOS, current_testcase.bios, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); options_set_bool(opts, OPTION_SKIP_GAMEINFO, TRUE, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); options_set_bool(opts, OPTION_THROTTLE, FALSE, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); options_set_bool(opts, OPTION_DEBUG, FALSE, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); options_set_bool(opts, OPTION_DEBUG_INTERNAL, FALSE, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); options_set_bool(opts, OPTION_WRITECONFIG, FALSE, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); if (current_testcase.ram != 0) { options_set_int(opts, OPTION_RAMSIZE, current_testcase.ram, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); } /* ugh... hideous ugly fake arguments */ fake_argv[0] = "MESSTEST"; fake_argv[1] = driver->name; options_parse_command_line(opts, ARRAY_LENGTH(fake_argv), (char **) fake_argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE,TRUE); /* preload any needed images */ while(current_command->command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_IMAGE_PRELOAD) { /* get the path */ fullpath = assemble_software_path(astring_alloc(), driver, current_command->u.image_args.filename); /* get the option name */ device_opt = device_config_image_interface::device_typename(current_command->u.image_args.device_ident.type); /* set the option */ options_set_string(opts, device_opt, astring_c(fullpath), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE); /* cleanup */ astring_free(fullpath); fullpath = NULL; /* next command */ current_command++; } /* perform the test */ report_message(MSG_INFO, "Beginning test (driver '%s')", current_testcase.driver); begin_time = clock(); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ERROR, messtest_output_error, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_WARNING, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_INFO, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_DEBUG, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); mame_set_output_channel(OUTPUT_CHANNEL_LOG, mame_null_output_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL); test_osd_interface osd; mame_execute(osd, opts); real_run_time = ((double) (clock() - begin_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* what happened? */ switch(state) { case STATE_ABORTED: report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test aborted"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; break; case STATE_DONE: if (had_failure) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Test failed (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time.as_double(), (int) ((final_time.as_double() / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_RUNTIMEFAILURE; } else { report_message(MSG_INFO, "Test succeeded (real time %.2f; emu time %.2f [%i%%])", real_run_time, final_time.as_double(), (int) ((final_time.as_double() / real_run_time) * 100)); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_SUCCESS; } break; default: state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Abnormal termination"); rc = MESSTEST_RESULT_STARTFAILURE; break; } if (results) { results->rc = rc; results->runtime_hash = runtime_hash; } options_free(opts); return rc; }
void osd_update_video_and_audio(mame_display *display) { int i; double time_limit; double current_time; int cpunum; /* if the visible area has changed, update it */ if (display->changed_flags & GAME_VISIBLE_AREA_CHANGED) { ui_set_visible_area(display->game_visible_area.min_x, display->game_visible_area.min_y, display->game_visible_area.max_x, display->game_visible_area.max_y); } /* is this the first update? if so, eat it */ if (!seen_first_update) { seen_first_update = TRUE; return; } /* if we have already aborted or completed, our work is done */ if ((state == STATE_ABORTED) || (state == STATE_DONE)) return; /* have we hit the time limit? */ current_time = timer_get_time(); time_limit = (current_testcase.time_limit != 0.0) ? current_testcase.time_limit : TIME_IN_SEC(600); if (current_time > time_limit) { state = STATE_ABORTED; report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Time limit of %.2f seconds exceeded", time_limit); return; } /* update the runtime hash */ if (0) { for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu(); cpunum++) { runtime_hash *= 57; runtime_hash ^= cpunum_get_reg(cpunum, REG_PC); /* TODO - Add more registers? */ } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(commands) / sizeof(commands[i]); i++) { if (current_command->command_type == commands[i].command_type) { commands[i].proc(); break; } } /* if we are ready for the next command, advance to it */ if (state == STATE_READY) { /* if we are at the end, and we are dumping screenshots, and we didn't * just dump a screenshot, dump one now */ if ((test_flags & MESSTEST_ALWAYS_DUMP_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[0].command_type != MESSTEST_COMMAND_SCREENSHOT) && (current_command[1].command_type == MESSTEST_COMMAND_END)) { dump_screenshot(TRUE); } current_command++; } }
void node_testzippath(xml_data_node *node) { xml_attribute_node *attr_node; xml_data_node *first_child_node; xml_data_node *child_node; const char *path; const char *plus; astring *apath = NULL; zippath_directory *directory = NULL; const osd_directory_entry *dirent; const char *type_string; file_error err; UINT64 size; mess_pile pile; core_file *file = NULL; pile_init(&pile); /* name the test case */ report_testcase_begin("zippath"); /* retrieve path */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "path"); path = (attr_node != NULL) ? attr_node->value : ""; /* retrieve 'plus' - for testing zippath_combine */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(node, "plus"); if (attr_node != NULL) { plus = attr_node->value; apath = zippath_combine(astring_alloc(), path, plus); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Testing ZIP Path '%s' + '%s' ==> '%s'", path, plus, astring_c(apath)); } else { apath = astring_cpyc(astring_alloc(), path); report_message(MSG_INFO, "Testing ZIP Path '%s'", astring_c(apath)); } /* try doing a file compare */ messtest_get_data(node, &pile); if (pile_size(&pile) > 0) { err = zippath_fopen(astring_c(apath), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &file, NULL); if (err != FILERR_NONE) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Error %d opening file", (int) err); goto done; } if (pile_size(&pile) != core_fsize(file)) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Expected file to be of length %d, instead got %d", (int) pile_size(&pile), (int) core_fsize(file)); goto done; } if (memcmp(pile_getptr(&pile), core_fbuffer(file), pile_size(&pile))) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "File sizes match, but contents do not"); goto done; } } /* try doing a directory listing */ first_child_node = xml_get_sibling(node->child, "entry"); if (first_child_node != NULL) { err = zippath_opendir(astring_c(apath), &directory); if (err != FILERR_NONE) { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Error %d opening directory", (int) err); goto done; } /* read each directory entry */ while((dirent = zippath_readdir(directory)) != NULL) { /* find it in the list */ for (child_node = first_child_node; child_node != NULL; child_node = xml_get_sibling(child_node->next, "entry")) { attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "name"); if ((attr_node != NULL) && !strcmp(attr_node->value, dirent->name)) break; } /* did we find the node? */ if (child_node != NULL) { /* check dirent type */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "type"); if (attr_node != NULL) { type_string = dir_entry_type_string(dirent->type); if (mame_stricmp(attr_node->value, type_string)) report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Expected '%s' to be '%s', but instead got '%s'", dirent->name, attr_node->value, type_string); } /* check size */ attr_node = xml_get_attribute(child_node, "size"); if (attr_node != NULL) { size = atoi(attr_node->value); if (size != dirent->size) report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Expected '%s' to be of size '%ld', but instead got '%ld'", dirent->name, (long) size, (long) dirent->size); } } else { report_message(MSG_FAILURE, "Unexpected directory entry '%s'", dirent->name); } } } done: pile_delete(&pile); if (apath != NULL) astring_free(apath); if (file != NULL) core_fclose(file); if (directory != NULL) zippath_closedir(directory); }