static status_t add_menubar(http_response page, int pageid)
static struct {
    int pageid;
    const char *id;
    const char *href;
    const char *text;
    const char *title;
} items[] = {
    { PAGE_CACHE,	"id",  "/cache", "cache", "Show cache info" },
    { PAGE_DISK,	"id",  "/disk", "disk", "Show disk info" },
    { PAGE_STATS, 	"id",  "/stats", "statistics", "Show statistics about the web cache" },
    { PAGE_CONFIGFILE,"id",  "/configuration", "Configuration", "View the configuration file in use" },

    size_t i, nelem = sizeof items / sizeof *items;
    const char *formatstring =
        "<li id='%s' class='%s'>\n\t<a href='%s' title='%s'>%s</a>\n</li>\n";

    if (!response_add(page, "<ul id='menulist'>\n"))
        return failure;

    for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
        const char *sel = "plain";
        if (items[i].pageid == pageid)
            sel = "selected";

        if (!response_printf(page, formatstring, items[i].id,
            sel, items[i].href, items[i].title, items[i].text, items[i].id))
            return failure;

        if (!response_add_char(page, '\n'))
            return failure;


    if (!response_add(page, "</ul>\n"))
        return failure;

    /* That's the main tabs. Now throw in a second ul with one item, /about,
     * and place it on the line below.

    const char *about = "<ul id='aboutline'><li><a href='/about' title='About the Highlander Web Cache'>about</a></li></ul>";
    if (!response_add(page, about))
        return failure;

    return success;
int show_about(http_request req, http_response page)
    const char* html =
        "<p>So what's a web cache good for anyway? The objective"
        " for this web cache is to offload high traffic web sites"
        " by moving static data to a separate web server and"
        " serve the requests for the static data as fast as possible,"
        " so that the original web server can focus on its main tasks."
        "<p>The Highlander web cache loads data from disk at startup"
        " and never reads from disk again, unless asked to do so."
        " This way the data(images, files, anything static) is always"
        " available in memory and can be sent to the client with"
        " zero disk access and zero system calls except for the network"
        " write() calls."
        "<p>The Highlander web cache is very portable between POSIX"
        " systems, meaning that you can scale both up and down as"
        " your needs changes."

    if (!add_page_start(page, PAGE_ABOUT))

    if (!response_add(page, html))

    if (!add_page_end(page, NULL))

    return 0;
status_t show_file_list(http_response page, const char *desc, list lst)
    list_iterator i;
    char buf[100];
    struct tm t;

    const char *table_start =
        "<table columns='2' border='1' borderwidth='2'>\n"
        "<th>File name</th>\n"
        "<th>Last modified</th>\n";

    const char *table_end =

    if (!response_p(page, desc))
        return failure;

    if (!response_add(page, table_start))
        return failure;

    for (i = list_first(lst); !list_end(i); i = list_next(i)) {
        fileinfo fi = list_get(i);
        const struct stat *pst = fileinfo_stat(fi);

        verbose(3, "Adding table td for file %s\n", fileinfo_alias(fi));
        if (!response_add(page, "<tr>\n")
        || !response_td(page, fileinfo_name(fi))
        || !response_td(page, fileinfo_alias(fi)))
            return failure;

        sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)pst->st_size);
        if (!response_td(page, buf))
            return failure;

        localtime_r(&pst->st_mtime, &t);
        asctime_r(&t, buf);
        if (!response_td(page, buf) || !response_add(page, "</tr>\n"))
            return failure;

    if (!response_add(page, table_end))
        return failure;

    return success;
/* All pages have a common end so call this function for all page handlers.
 * It will add "</body></html>" so don't add html to the page after calling
 * this function. */
status_t add_page_end(http_response page, const char *msg)
    const char *html =
    "The Highlander Web Cache, version " PACKAGE_VERSION ".\n"

    const char*tail = "</html>\n";

    if (!response_add(page, html))
        return failure;

    if (msg != NULL && *msg != '\0' && !response_js_messagebox(page, msg))
        return failure;

    return response_add(page, tail);
 * Adds everything from <HTML> to <BODY>. title will be added
 * between <title> and </title>
status_t add_page_start(http_response page, int pageid)
    const char *html =
        "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN\">\n"
        "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html'>\n"
        "<link href='/webcache_styles.css' rel=stylesheet type='text/css'>"
        "<title>The Highlander web cache\n</title>\n"
        "<a href='http://www.metasystems.no'>"
        "<img border=0 src='/webcache_logo.gif'>"

    if (!response_add(page, html))
        return failure;

    if (!add_menubar(page, pageid))
        return failure;

    return success;
文件: file.c 项目: jtsymon/cws
void run (int worker_id, int sock_fd, struct sockaddr addr, socklen_t addr_len) {
    headers_parse (sock_fd);
    if (headers_is_error (headers_get_state ()) || !headers_has_request()) {
        goto hangup;
    char *name = get_request (1);
    char *strip = name;
    char response_buffer[255];
    while (*strip == '.' || *strip == '/') strip++;
    if (!*strip) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such file or directory\n", name);
        goto _404;
    int len = strlen (strip);
    int file_fd;
    char *file = malloc (2 + len + 1);
    file[0] = '.';
    file[1] = '/';
    memcpy (file + 2, strip, len);
    file[len + 2] = 0;
    file_fd = open (file, O_RDONLY);
    free (file);

    struct stat info;
    if (file_fd == -1 || fstat (file_fd, &info)) {
        if (file_fd > 0) {
            close (file_fd);
        file_fd = 0;
        perror (name);
        goto _404;

    response_init (200);
    char content_length[25];
    sprintf (content_length, "%d", info.st_size);
    response_add ("Content-Length", content_length);
    if (write_headers (sock_fd)) {
        close (file_fd);
        goto _404;
    len = read (file_fd, response_buffer, 255);
    while (len > 0) {
        if (write (sock_fd, response_buffer, len) < 0) {
            perror ("write");
        len = read (file_fd, response_buffer, 255);

    if (file_fd > 0) {
        close (file_fd);
    goto hangup;

    response_init (404);
    write_headers (sock_fd);
    snprintf (response_buffer, 255, "File not found: '%s'\n", name);
    if (write (sock_fd, response_buffer, strlen (response_buffer)) < 0) {
        goto hangup;
    goto hangup;

    headers_cleanup ();
    hangup (sock_fd);