int execute_tool2(const wchar_t* script_path, IArray* pParameters)
  if (pParameters == 0)
    return 0;
  //gp_connect_impl connect;
  //if (!connect.init())
  //  return 1;

  if (pParameters == 0)
    return 0;

  _bstr_t file_path(script_path);
  long nParams = 0;

  bool ok = true;
  int errorOccurred = 0;

  if (file_path.length() && nParams)
    std::vector< CAdapt<CComPtr<IGPParameter> > > return_params;
    SEXP arc_env = Rf_findVar(Rf_install("arc"), R_GlobalEnv);

      std::vector<SEXP> in_params;
      std::vector<std::string> in_params_names;
      std::vector<SEXP> out_params;
      std::vector<std::string> out_params_names;
      tools::protect pt;

      for (int i = 0; i < nParams; i++)
        CComPtr<IUnknown> ipUnk;
        pParameters->get_Element(i, &ipUnk);
        CComQIPtr<IGPParameter> ipParam(ipUnk);
        esriGPParameterDirection eD;
        std::pair<SEXP, std::string> p = param2r(ipParam);
        if (eD == esriGPParameterDirectionInput)

      SEXP p1 = tools::newVal(in_params, pt);
      tools::nameIt(p1, in_params_names);
      SEXP p2 = tools::newVal(out_params, pt);
      tools::nameIt(p2, out_params_names);

      Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".file"), tools::newVal(file_path, pt), arc_env);
      Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".in"),  p1, arc_env);
      Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".out"), p2, arc_env);

    const static wchar_t eval_str[] = L"arc$.ret<-local({"
      L"eval(parse(file=arc$.file), envir=en);"
      L"tool_exec(in_param, out_param)"

    ok = current_connect->eval_one(eval_str) == 1;
    current_connect->print_out(NULL, -1);

    Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".file"), R_NilValue, arc_env);
    Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".in"), R_NilValue, arc_env);
    Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".out"), R_NilValue, arc_env);

    //TODO: handle ok
    if (ok)
      /*CComPtr<IGPMessages> ipMsgs;
      if (connect.m_ipGeoProcessor)
      if (ipMsgs)
        if (bErr != VARIANT_FALSE)
          ok = false;
      if (!return_params.empty())
        SEXP ret = Rf_findVar(Rf_install(".ret"), arc_env);
        tools::vectorGeneric ret_out(ret);
        //tools::vectorGeneric ret_out(ret.get());
        for (size_t i = 0, n = return_params.size(); i < n; i++)
          _bstr_t name;
          size_t idx = ret_out.idx(std::string(name));
          if (idx != (size_t)-1)
            if (!r2param(ret_out.at(idx), return_params[i].m_T))
              std::wstring msg(L"failed to set output parameter - ");
              msg += name;
              current_connect->print_out(msg.c_str(), 2);
        //TODO list
      Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".ret"), R_NilValue, arc_env);
  return ok ? 0 : 1;
  Function qpsol_nlp(const std::string& name, const std::string& solver,
                     const std::map<std::string, M>& qp, const Dict& opts) {
    // We have: minimize    f(x) = 1/2 * x' H x + c'x
    //          subject to  lbx <= x <= ubx
    //                      lbg <= g(x) = A x + b <= ubg
    M x, p, f, g;
    for (auto&& i : qp) {
      if (i.first=="x") {
        x = i.second;
      } else if (i.first=="p") {
        p = i.second;
      } else if (i.first=="f") {
        f = i.second;
      } else if (i.first=="g") {
        g = i.second;
      } else {
        casadi_error("No such field: " + i.first);
    if (g.is_empty(true)) g = M(0, 1); // workaround

    // Gradient of the objective: gf == Hx + g
    M gf = M::gradient(f, x);

    // Identify the linear term in the objective
    M c = substitute(gf, x, M::zeros(x.sparsity()));

    // Identify the quadratic term in the objective
    M H = M::jacobian(gf, x, true);

    // Identify the constant term in the constraints
    M b = substitute(g, x, M::zeros(x.sparsity()));

    // Identify the linear term in the constraints
    M A = M::jacobian(g, x);

    // Create a function for calculating the required matrices vectors
    Function prob(name + "_qp", {x, p}, {H, c, A, b});

    // Create the QP solver
    Function conic_f = conic(name + "_qpsol", solver,
                             {{"h", H.sparsity()}, {"a", A.sparsity()}}, opts);

    // Create an MXFunction with the right signature
    vector<MX> ret_in(NLPSOL_NUM_IN);
    ret_in[NLPSOL_X0] = MX::sym("x0", x.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_P] = MX::sym("p", p.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_LBX] = MX::sym("lbx", x.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_UBX] = MX::sym("ubx", x.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_LBG] = MX::sym("lbg", g.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_UBG] = MX::sym("ubg", g.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_LAM_X0] = MX::sym("lam_x0", x.sparsity());
    ret_in[NLPSOL_LAM_G0] = MX::sym("lam_g0", g.sparsity());
    vector<MX> ret_out(NLPSOL_NUM_OUT);

    // Get expressions for the QP matrices and vectors
    vector<MX> v(NL_NUM_IN);
    v[NL_X] = ret_in[NLPSOL_X0];
    v[NL_P] = ret_in[NLPSOL_P];
    v = prob(v);

    // Call the QP solver
    vector<MX> w(CONIC_NUM_IN);
    w[CONIC_H] = v.at(0);
    w[CONIC_G] = v.at(1);
    w[CONIC_A] = v.at(2);
    w[CONIC_LBX] = ret_in[NLPSOL_LBX];
    w[CONIC_UBX] = ret_in[NLPSOL_UBX];
    w[CONIC_LBA] = ret_in[NLPSOL_LBG] - v.at(3);
    w[CONIC_UBA] = ret_in[NLPSOL_UBG] - v.at(3);
    w[CONIC_X0] = ret_in[NLPSOL_X0];
    w[CONIC_LAM_X0] = ret_in[NLPSOL_LAM_X0];
    w[CONIC_LAM_A0] = ret_in[NLPSOL_LAM_G0];
    w = conic_f(w);

    // Get expressions for the solution
    ret_out[NLPSOL_X] = w[CONIC_X];
    ret_out[NLPSOL_F] = w[CONIC_COST];
    ret_out[NLPSOL_G] = mtimes(v.at(2), w[CONIC_X]) + v.at(3);
    ret_out[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = w[CONIC_LAM_X];
    ret_out[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = w[CONIC_LAM_A];
    ret_out[NLPSOL_LAM_P] = MX::nan(p.sparsity());
    return Function(name, ret_in, ret_out, nlpsol_in(), nlpsol_out(),
                    {{"default_in", nlpsol_default_in()}});