int main(int argc, char**argv) { /****************************** Inicializace ******************************/ exceptions_init(); if(argc!=2) { fprintf( stderr, "Chybny zpusob volani interpretru!\nPouziti: %s program.ifj\n\n", argv[0] ); exit( 99 ); } FILE* f=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(f==NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "Program k interpretaci (%s) se nepodarilo otevrit!\n\n", argv[1] ); exit( 99 ); } Scanner s; SyntaxContext syntaxcontext; Function mainFunction; int exitVal = 0; try { try { initScanner(&s,f); initDefaultSyntaxContext(&syntaxcontext); /***************************** Překlad do AST *****************************/ parseProgram(&s, &syntaxcontext, &mainFunction); } catch { on(ScannerError, e) { scannerErrorPrint(*e); fclose( f ); exitVal = 1; rethrow(); } on(SyntaxError, e) { syntaxErrorPrint(*e); fclose( f ); exitVal = 2; rethrow(); } on(UnexpectedToken, e) { UnexpectedTokenPrint(*e); fclose( f ); exitVal = 2; rethrow(); }
inline void exceptions_endCatchBlock() { if( !currentExceptionHandled ) { rethrow(); } }
static void _write_item(apr_file_t *file, nx_cc_item_t *item) { nx_value_t key; nx_string_t str; nx_exception_t e; ASSERT(file != NULL); ASSERT(item != NULL); ASSERT(item->key != NULL); ASSERT(item->value != NULL); nx_value_init(&key); key.type = NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING; nx_string_init_const(&str, item->key); key.string = &str; try { CHECKERR_MSG(nx_value_to_file(&key, file), "couldn't write key to cache file"); if ( item->value->type == NX_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER ) { // get offset for integer values so that updates can be done efficiently item->offs = 0; CHECKERR_MSG(apr_file_seek(file, APR_CUR, &(item->offs)), "failed to seek in cache file"); } CHECKERR_MSG(nx_value_to_file(item->value, file), "couldn't write value to cache file"); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&key); rethrow(e); } }
bool SessionImpl::nextReceiver(qpid::messaging::Receiver& receiver, qpid::messaging::Duration timeout) { while (true) { txError.raise(); try { std::string destination; if (incoming.getNextDestination(destination, adjust(timeout))) { qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock); Receivers::const_iterator i = receivers.find(destination); if (i == receivers.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::ReceiverError(QPID_MSG("Received message for unknown destination " << destination)); } else { receiver = i->second; } return true; } else { return false; } } catch (TransportFailure&) { reconnect(); } catch (const qpid::framing::ResourceLimitExceededException& e) { if (backoff()) return false; else throw qpid::messaging::TargetCapacityExceeded(e.what()); } catch (const qpid::SessionException& e) { rethrow(e); } catch (const qpid::ClosedException&) { throw qpid::messaging::SessionClosed(); } catch (const qpid::ConnectionException& e) { throw qpid::messaging::ConnectionError(e.what()); } catch (const qpid::ChannelException& e) { throw qpid::messaging::MessagingException(e.what()); } } }
static void nx_win32_svc_start(DWORD argc, LPCTSTR *argv) { SC_HANDLE service_manager = NULL; SC_HANDLE service_handle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS status; nx_exception_t e; // Connect to service manager service_manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if ( service_manager == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Cannot initialize access to the service manager"); } try { service_handle = OpenService(service_manager, "nxlog", SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ( service_handle == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Couldn't open nxlog service"); } else { if ( QueryServiceStatus(service_handle, &status) ) { if ( status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING ) { log_info("Service not running - starting service..."); if ( StartService(service_handle, argc, argv) == 0 ) { nx_win32_error("Failed to start nxlog service"); } } else { log_error("Service is already running"); } } // Close connection to service CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } // Close connection to service manager CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } catch(e) { if ( service_handle != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } if ( service_manager != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } rethrow(e); } }
on(MultipleFunctionDefinitions, value) { fprintf( stderr, "Nejednou definovana funkce \""); RCStringPrint(value, stderr); fprintf( stderr, "\"!\n"); fclose( f ); exitVal = 5; rethrow(); }
void java_context_run(java_context_t* j) { do { register u1 opcode = PC8; LOGF("[%d] (%2X) %s", PC, (int) opcode, j_opcodes[opcode].name); PB = PC; PC += 1; j_opcodes[opcode].handler (j); } while(j->flags == JAVACTX_FLAG_CONTINUE); if(unlikely(j->flags == JAVACTX_FLAG_EXCEPTION)) { register long i; for(i = 0; i < j->frame.method->code->code.exception_table_length; i++) { int spc = j->frame.method->code->code.exception_table[i].start_pc; int epc = j->frame.method->code->code.exception_table[i].end_pc; const char* exname = (const char*) j->assembly->java_this.jc_cp[j->assembly->java_this.jc_cp[j->frame.method->code->code.exception_table[i].catch_type].class_info.name_index].utf8_info.bytes; if(j->frame.regs.pb >= spc && j->frame.regs.pb <= epc) { if((strcmp(j->, exname) == 0) || (__check_exception(j->, exname) == J_OK)) { java_object_t* exobj = NULL; java_object_new(&exobj, j->; JPUSH(ptr, (void*) exobj); PC = PB = j->frame.method->code->code.exception_table[i].handler_pc; j-> = NULL; j->exception.message = NULL; j->exception.owner = NULL; j->flags = JAVACTX_FLAG_CONTINUE; return java_context_run(j); } } } rethrow(j, j->parent); return; } #if HAVE_GC_H //GC_gcollect(); #endif j->flags = JAVACTX_FLAG_SUCCESS; }
static void io_err_handler(nx_module_t *module, nx_exception_t *e) { ASSERT(e != NULL); ASSERT(module != NULL); nx_module_stop_self(module); om_kafka_stop(module); rethrow(*e); }
str SABgetLocalConnectionURI(str *ret) { str tmp, con; rethrow("sabaoth.getLocalConnectionURI", tmp, SABAOTHgetLocalConnection(&con)); *ret = con; return(MAL_SUCCEED); }
static void im_ssl_listen(nx_module_t *module) { nx_im_ssl_conf_t *imconf; nx_exception_t e; imconf = (nx_im_ssl_conf_t *) module->config; try { if ( imconf->listensock == NULL ) { apr_sockaddr_t *sa; CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_create(&(imconf->listensock), APR_INET, SOCK_STREAM, APR_PROTO_TCP, module->input.pool), "couldn't create tcp socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_sockaddr_info_get(&sa, imconf->host, APR_INET, imconf->port, 0, module->input.pool), "apr_sockaddr_info failed for %s:%d", imconf->host, imconf->port); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_opt_set(imconf->listensock, APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1), "couldn't set SO_NONBLOCK on listen socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_timeout_set(imconf->listensock, 0), "couldn't set socket timeout on listen socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_opt_set(imconf->listensock, APR_SO_REUSEADDR, 1), "couldn't set SO_REUSEADDR on listen socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_opt_set(imconf->listensock, APR_TCP_NODELAY, 1), "couldn't set TCP_NODELAY on listen socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_bind(imconf->listensock, sa), "couldn't bind ssl socket to %s:%d", imconf->host, imconf->port); } else { log_debug("ssl socket already initialized"); } CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_listen(imconf->listensock, SOMAXCONN), "couldn't listen to ssl socket on %s:%d", imconf->host, imconf->port); nx_module_pollset_add_socket(module, imconf->listensock, APR_POLLIN | APR_POLLHUP); } catch(e) { if ( imconf->listensock != NULL ) { apr_socket_close(imconf->listensock); imconf->listensock = NULL; } apr_pool_clear(module->input.pool); rethrow(e); } }
static void funcMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 1)) { throwMinimumArityTypeErrorForMethod("func", "TestInterfaceGarbageCollected", 1, info.Length(), info.GetIsolate()); return; } TestInterfaceGarbageCollected* impl = V8TestInterfaceGarbageCollected::toNative(info.Holder()); TestInterfaceGarbageCollected* arg; { v8::TryCatch block; V8RethrowTryCatchScope rethrow(block); TONATIVE_VOID_INTERNAL(arg, V8TestInterfaceGarbageCollected::toNativeWithTypeCheck(info.GetIsolate(), info[0])); } impl->func(arg); }
static void voidMethodArrayOfLongsArgMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { TestTypedefs* impl = V8TestTypedefs::toNative(info.Holder()); Vector<int> arrayOfLongsArg; { v8::TryCatch block; V8RethrowTryCatchScope rethrow(block); if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() <= 0)) { impl->voidMethodArrayOfLongsArg(); return; } TONATIVE_VOID_INTERNAL(arrayOfLongsArg, toNativeArray<int>(info[0], 1, info.GetIsolate())); } impl->voidMethodArrayOfLongsArg(arrayOfLongsArg); }
static void stringArrayMethodStringArrayArgMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 1)) { throwMinimumArityTypeErrorForMethod("stringArrayMethodStringArrayArg", "TestTypedefs", 1, info.Length(), info.GetIsolate()); return; } TestTypedefs* impl = V8TestTypedefs::toNative(info.Holder()); Vector<String> stringArrayArg; { v8::TryCatch block; V8RethrowTryCatchScope rethrow(block); TONATIVE_VOID_INTERNAL(stringArrayArg, toNativeArray<String>(info[0], 1, info.GetIsolate())); } v8SetReturnValue(info, v8Array(impl->stringArrayMethodStringArrayArg(stringArrayArg), info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate())); }
static void uLongLongMethodTestInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArgMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 1)) { throwMinimumArityTypeErrorForMethod("uLongLongMethodTestInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArg", "TestTypedefs", 1, info.Length(), info.GetIsolate()); return; } TestTypedefs* impl = V8TestTypedefs::toNative(info.Holder()); Vector<RefPtr<TestInterfaceEmpty> > testInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArg; { v8::TryCatch block; V8RethrowTryCatchScope rethrow(block); TONATIVE_VOID_INTERNAL(testInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArg, (toRefPtrNativeArray<TestInterfaceEmpty, V8TestInterfaceEmpty>(info[0], 1, info.GetIsolate()))); } v8SetReturnValue(info, static_cast<double>(impl->uLongLongMethodTestInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArg(testInterfaceEmptyTypeSequenceArg))); }
str SABgetLocalConnectionPort(int *ret) { str tmp, con, p; rethrow("sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost", tmp, SABAOTHgetLocalConnection(&con)); /* this happens if no connection is available */ if (strcmp(con, (str)str_nil) == 0) { *ret = 0; GDKfree(con); return(MAL_SUCCEED); } /* con looks like mapi:monetdb://hostname:port */ /* do some poor man's parsing */ tmp = con; if ((p = strchr(con, ':')) == NULL) { p = createException(MAL, "sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost", "invalid local connection string: %s", tmp); GDKfree(tmp); return(p); } if ((p = strchr(p + 1, ':')) == NULL) { p = createException(MAL, "sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost", "invalid local connection string: %s", tmp); GDKfree(tmp); return(p); } if ((con = strchr(p + 1, ':')) == NULL) { p = createException(MAL, "sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost", "invalid local connection string: %s", tmp); GDKfree(tmp); return(p); } if ((p = strchr(con + 1, '/')) == NULL) { p = createException(MAL, "sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost", "invalid local connection string: %s", tmp); GDKfree(tmp); return(p); } *p = '\0'; *ret = atoi(con + 1); GDKfree(tmp); return(MAL_SUCCEED); }
static void voidMethodFloatArgStringArgMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 2)) { throwMinimumArityTypeErrorForMethod("voidMethodFloatArgStringArg", "TestTypedefs", 2, info.Length(), info.GetIsolate()); return; } TestTypedefs* impl = V8TestTypedefs::toNative(info.Holder()); float floatArg; V8StringResource<> stringArg; { v8::TryCatch block; V8RethrowTryCatchScope rethrow(block); TONATIVE_VOID_INTERNAL(floatArg, static_cast<float>(info[0]->NumberValue())); TOSTRING_VOID_INTERNAL(stringArg, info[1]); } impl->voidMethodFloatArgStringArg(floatArg, stringArg); }
static void _update_item(nx_cc_item_t *item) { nx_ctx_t *ctx; apr_off_t offs; nx_exception_t e; ASSERT(item->value != NULL); ctx = nx_ctx_get(); CHECKERR(apr_thread_mutex_lock(ctx->config_cache_mutex)); try { if ( ctx->ccfile == NULL ) { CHECKERR_MSG(apr_file_open(&(ctx->ccfile), ctx->ccfilename, APR_READ | APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_TRUNCATE, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ctx->pool), "couldn't open config cache '%s' for writing", ctx->ccfilename); } // only integers are supported for now, string modifications trigger a whole rewrite if ( (item->offs > 0) && (item->value->type == NX_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER) ) { offs = item->offs; CHECKERR_MSG(apr_file_seek(ctx->ccfile, APR_SET, &offs), "failed to seek in %s file", ctx->ccfilename); CHECKERR_MSG(nx_value_to_file(item->value, ctx->ccfile), "failed to update config cache item"); } else { // write the whole file, not very efficient nx_config_cache_write(); } item->needflush = FALSE; } catch(e) { CHECKERR(apr_thread_mutex_unlock(ctx->config_cache_mutex)); rethrow(e); } CHECKERR(apr_thread_mutex_unlock(ctx->config_cache_mutex)); }
static void parse_kvp(nx_logdata_t *logdata, nx_kvp_ctx_t *ctx, const char *src, size_t len) { nx_string_t *valuestr = NULL; nx_exception_t e; nx_kvp_state_t state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START; char keyname[256]; int keylen = 0; volatile boolean got_keyquote = FALSE; try { int pos = 0; boolean got_valquote = FALSE; for ( pos = 0; pos < (int) len; pos++ ) { // log_info("parse [%c] state: %d", src[pos], state); switch ( state ) { case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY: if ( src[pos] == ctx->keyquotechar ) { if ( got_keyquote == TRUE ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KV_DELIMITER; } else { throw_msg("invalid key quotation in key-value pair"); } } else if ( (ctx->kvdelimiter == '\0') && IS_KVDELIMITERCHAR(src[pos]) ) { ctx->kvdelimiter = src[pos]; state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->kvdelimiter ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->escapechar ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_ESCAPE; } /* Unquoted keys containing space don't work with this, so instead we trim the space at the end else if ( (src[pos] == ' ') && (got_keyquote != TRUE) ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KV_DELIMITER; } */ else { if ( keylen < (int) sizeof(keyname) - 1 ) { keyname[keylen] = src[pos]; keylen++; } } break; case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START: if ( src[pos] == ' ' ) { // skip leading space break; } got_valquote = FALSE; ASSERT(valuestr == NULL); valuestr = nx_string_new(); if ( (ctx->valquotechar == '\0') && IS_QUOTECHAR(src[pos]) ) { // auto-detected quotechar ctx->valquotechar = src[pos]; got_valquote = TRUE; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->valquotechar ) { got_valquote = TRUE; } else { pos--; // handle character in STATE_VALUE } state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE; break; case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE: if ( src[pos] == ctx->valquotechar ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KVP_DELIMITER; if ( got_valquote == TRUE ) { } else { if ( valuestr->len > 0) { throw_msg("invalid value quotation in key-value pair: %s", valuestr->buf); } } } else if ( (ctx->kvpdelimiter == '\0') && IS_KVPDELIMITERCHAR(src[pos]) && (got_valquote == FALSE) ) { ctx->kvpdelimiter = src[pos]; // add field-value add_logdata_field(logdata, keyname, keylen, got_keyquote, valuestr); valuestr = NULL; state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START; } else if ( (src[pos] == ctx->kvpdelimiter) && (got_valquote == FALSE) ) { // add field-value add_logdata_field(logdata, keyname, keylen, got_keyquote, valuestr); valuestr = NULL; state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->escapechar ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_ESCAPE; } else { // append character to value nx_string_append(valuestr, src + pos, 1); } break; case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_ESCAPE: unescape_value(ctx, src[pos], valuestr, got_valquote); state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE; break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KV_DELIMITER: if ( src[pos] == ' ' ) { // skip space break; } if ( (ctx->kvdelimiter == '\0') && IS_KVDELIMITERCHAR(src[pos]) ) { ctx->kvdelimiter = src[pos]; state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->kvdelimiter ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START; } break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KVP_DELIMITER: if ( (ctx->kvpdelimiter == '\0') && IS_KVPDELIMITERCHAR(src[pos]) ) { ctx->kvpdelimiter = src[pos]; state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START; add_logdata_field(logdata, keyname, keylen, got_keyquote, valuestr); valuestr = NULL; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->kvpdelimiter ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START; add_logdata_field(logdata, keyname, keylen, got_keyquote, valuestr); valuestr = NULL; } break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START: keylen = 0; got_keyquote = FALSE; if ( src[pos] == ' ' ) { // skip space break; } else if ( (ctx->keyquotechar == '\0') && IS_QUOTECHAR(src[pos]) ) { // auto-detected quotechar ctx->keyquotechar = src[pos]; got_keyquote = TRUE; state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->keyquotechar ) { got_keyquote = TRUE; state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->escapechar ) { state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_ESCAPE; } else if ( src[pos] == ctx->kvpdelimiter ) { // double delimiter, no value for kvp, skip } else { // first character of unquoted key state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY; if ( keylen < (int) sizeof(keyname) - 1 ) { keyname[keylen] = src[pos]; keylen++; } } break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_ESCAPE: if ( (src[pos] == ctx->escapechar) || (src[pos] == ctx->keyquotechar) ) { if ( keylen < (int) sizeof(keyname) - 1 ) { keyname[keylen] = src[pos]; keylen++; } } else { if ( keylen < (int) sizeof(keyname) - 2 ) { keyname[keylen] = ctx->escapechar; keylen++; keyname[keylen] = src[pos]; keylen++; } } state = NX_KVP_STATE_KEY; break; default: nx_panic("invalid state %d", state); } } } catch(e) { if ( valuestr != NULL ) { nx_string_free(valuestr); } rethrow(e); } switch ( state ) { case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE: case NX_KVP_STATE_KVP_DELIMITER: add_logdata_field(logdata, keyname, keylen, got_keyquote, valuestr); break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_START: ASSERT(valuestr == NULL); break; case NX_KVP_STATE_KV_DELIMITER: case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY: case NX_KVP_STATE_KEY_ESCAPE: case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_START: case NX_KVP_STATE_VALUE_ESCAPE: if ( valuestr != NULL ) { nx_string_free(valuestr); } throw_msg("invalid KVP input: '%s' [state: %d]", src, state); break; default: nx_panic("invalid state %d", state); } }
nx_string_t *nx_logdata_to_kvp(nx_kvp_ctx_t *ctx, nx_logdata_t *logdata) { nx_string_t *retval = NULL; char *string = NULL; nx_string_t *tmp = NULL; nx_exception_t e; nx_logdata_field_t *field = NULL; char kvpdelimiter = ';'; char kvdelimiter = '='; ASSERT(ctx != NULL); ASSERT(logdata != NULL); if ( ctx->kvdelimiter != '\0' ) { kvdelimiter = ctx->kvdelimiter; } if ( ctx->kvpdelimiter != '\0' ) { kvpdelimiter = ctx->kvpdelimiter; } retval = nx_string_new_size(150); try { for ( field = NX_DLIST_FIRST(&(logdata->fields)); field != NULL; field = NX_DLIST_NEXT(field, link) ) { if ( strcmp(field->key, "raw_event") == 0 ) { // don't write raw event continue; } if ( (field->key[0] == '.') || (field->key[0] == '_') ) { continue; } nx_string_append(retval, field->key, -1); nx_string_append(retval, &kvdelimiter, 1); ASSERT(field->value != NULL); if ( field->value->defined == FALSE ) { // don't write undef } else { if ( field->value->type == NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { if ( field->value->string->len > 0 ) { tmp = nx_string_clone(field->value->string); escape_value(tmp, ctx); nx_string_append(retval, tmp->buf, (int) tmp->len); nx_string_free(tmp); } } else { string = nx_value_to_string(field->value); if ( string != NULL ) { nx_string_append(retval, string, -1); } } } nx_string_append(retval, &kvpdelimiter, 1); } } catch(e) { if ( string != NULL ) { free(string); } if ( tmp != NULL ) { nx_string_free(tmp); } if ( retval != NULL ) { nx_string_free(retval); } rethrow(e); } return ( retval ); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_file_truncate(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *arg; nx_value_t file; nx_expr_arg_t *offset; nx_value_t offsetval; nx_exception_t e; apr_off_t offs = 0; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; apr_file_t *fd; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); arg = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(arg != NULL); ASSERT(arg->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &file, arg->expr); if ( file.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'file' is undef"); } if ( file.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("string type required for 'file'"); } if ( (offset = NX_DLIST_NEXT(arg, link)) != NULL ) { ASSERT(offset->expr != NULL); try { nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &offsetval, offset->expr); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&file); rethrow(e); } if ( offsetval.defined != TRUE ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("'offset' is undef"); } if ( offsetval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER ) { nx_value_kill(&offsetval); nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("integer type required for 'offset'"); } offs = (apr_off_t) offsetval.integer; } pool = nx_pool_create_core(); if ( (rv = apr_file_open(&fd, file.string->buf, APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to open file '%s' when trying to truncate", file.string->buf); } if ( rv == APR_SUCCESS ) { if ( (rv = apr_file_trunc(fd, offs)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to truncate file '%s' to length %lu", file.string->buf, (long unsigned int) offs); } apr_file_close(fd); } apr_pool_destroy(pool); nx_value_kill(&file); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_file_chmod(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *arg; nx_value_t file; nx_expr_arg_t *mode; nx_value_t modeval; nx_exception_t e; int rv; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); arg = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(arg != NULL); ASSERT(arg->expr != NULL); mode = NX_DLIST_NEXT(arg, link); ASSERT(mode != NULL); ASSERT(mode->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &file, arg->expr); if ( file.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'file' is undef"); } if ( file.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("string type required for 'file'"); } try { nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &modeval, mode->expr); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&file); rethrow(e); } if ( modeval.defined != TRUE ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("'mode' is undef"); } if ( modeval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("integer type required for 'mode'"); } #ifdef HAVE_CHMOD if ( (rv = chmod(file.string->buf, (mode_t) modeval.integer)) != 0 ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to change file ownership on '%s'", file.string->buf); } #else log_error("This platform does not support the file_chown() function"); #endif nx_value_kill(&file); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_file_append(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *src, *dst; nx_value_t srcval, dstval; nx_exception_t e; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); src = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(src != NULL); ASSERT(src->expr != NULL); dst = NX_DLIST_NEXT(src, link); ASSERT(dst != NULL); ASSERT(dst->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &srcval, src->expr); if ( srcval.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'src' is undef"); } if ( srcval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("string type required for 'src'"); } try { nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &dstval, dst->expr); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); rethrow(e); } if ( dstval.defined != TRUE ) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("'dst' is undef"); } if ( dstval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&dstval); nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("string type required for 'dst'"); } pool = nx_pool_create_core(); if ( (rv = apr_file_append(srcval.string->buf, dstval.string->buf, APR_FILE_SOURCE_PERMS, pool)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to append file from '%s' to '%s'", srcval.string->buf, dstval.string->buf); } apr_pool_destroy(pool); nx_value_kill(&srcval); nx_value_kill(&dstval); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_file_write(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { nx_expr_arg_t *arg; nx_value_t file; nx_expr_arg_t *val; nx_value_t value; nx_exception_t e; apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; apr_file_t *fd; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); arg = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(arg != NULL); ASSERT(arg->expr != NULL); val = NX_DLIST_NEXT(arg, link); ASSERT(val != NULL); ASSERT(val->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &file, arg->expr); if ( file.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'file' is undef"); } if ( file.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&file); throw_msg("string type required for 'file'"); } try { nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &value, val->expr); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&file); rethrow(e); } if ( value.defined != TRUE ) { nx_value_kill(&file); // do not write anything return; } if ( value.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&file); nx_value_kill(&value); throw_msg("string type required for 'value'"); } pool = nx_pool_create_core(); if ( (rv = apr_file_open(&fd, file.string->buf, APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_APPEND, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to open file '%s' when trying to write", file.string->buf); } if ( rv == APR_SUCCESS ) { if ( (rv = apr_file_write_full(fd, value.string->buf, value.string->len, NULL)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to write value to file '%s'", file.string->buf); } apr_file_close(fd); } apr_pool_destroy(pool); nx_value_kill(&file); nx_value_kill(&value); }
on(UnexpectedKeyWord, e) { UnexpectedKeyWordPrint(*e); fclose( f ); exitVal = 2; rethrow(); }
void nx_expr_proc__xm_fileop_file_link(nx_expr_eval_ctx_t *eval_ctx, nx_module_t *module, nx_expr_arg_list_t *args) { #ifdef HAVE_APR_FILE_LINK nx_expr_arg_t *src, *dst; nx_value_t srcval, dstval; nx_exception_t e; apr_status_t rv; ASSERT(module != NULL); ASSERT(args != NULL); src = NX_DLIST_FIRST(args); ASSERT(src != NULL); ASSERT(src->expr != NULL); dst = NX_DLIST_NEXT(src, link); ASSERT(dst != NULL); ASSERT(dst->expr != NULL); nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &srcval, src->expr); if ( srcval.defined != TRUE ) { throw_msg("'src' is undef"); } if ( srcval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("string type required for 'src'"); } try { nx_expr_evaluate(eval_ctx, &dstval, dst->expr); } catch(e) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); rethrow(e); } if ( dstval.defined != TRUE ) { nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("'dst' is undef"); } if ( dstval.type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { nx_value_kill(&dstval); nx_value_kill(&srcval); throw_msg("string type required for 'dst'"); } if ( (rv = apr_file_link(srcval.string->buf, dstval.string->buf)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { log_aprerror(rv, "failed to link file from '%s' to '%s'", srcval.string->buf, dstval.string->buf); } nx_value_kill(&srcval); nx_value_kill(&dstval); #else throw_msg("file_link() is not available because apr_file_link is not provided by the linked apr library. Recompile with a newer apr version"); #endif }
static void im_ssl_accept(nx_module_t *module) { nx_im_ssl_conf_t *imconf; apr_socket_t *sock; apr_sockaddr_t *sa; char *ipstr; nx_module_input_t *input; SSL *ssl; apr_pool_t *pool = NULL; apr_status_t rv; nx_exception_t e; log_debug("im_ssl_accept"); imconf = (nx_im_ssl_conf_t *) module->config; pool = nx_pool_create_child(module->pool); try { if ( (rv = apr_socket_accept(&sock, imconf->listensock, pool)) != APR_SUCCESS ) { if ( APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv) ) { nx_module_add_poll_event(module); apr_pool_destroy(pool); } else { throw(rv, "couldn't accept connection on %s:%u (statuscode: %d)", imconf->host, imconf->port, rv); } } if ( rv == APR_SUCCESS ) { CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_opt_set(sock, APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1), "couldn't set SO_NONBLOCK on accepted socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_timeout_set(sock, 0), "couldn't set socket timeout on accepted socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_addr_get(&sa, APR_REMOTE, sock), "couldn't get info on accepted socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&ipstr, sa), "couldn't get IP of accepted socket"); nx_module_pollset_add_socket(module, imconf->listensock, APR_POLLIN | APR_POLLHUP); ssl = nx_ssl_from_socket(&(imconf->ssl_ctx), sock); ASSERT(ssl != NULL); SSL_set_accept_state(ssl); //SSL_accept(ssl); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_opt_set(sock, APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1), "couldn't set SO_NONBLOCK on accepted socket"); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_timeout_set(sock, 0), "couldn't set socket timeout on accepted socket"); input = nx_module_input_new(module, pool); input->desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; input->desc.s = sock; input->inputfunc = imconf->inputfunc; ASSERT(input->inputfunc != NULL); nx_module_input_data_set(input, "ssl", ssl); CHECKERR_MSG(apr_socket_data_set(sock, input, "input", NULL), "couldn't set data on socket"); NX_DLIST_INSERT_TAIL(imconf->connections, input, link); nx_module_input_data_set(input, "recv_from_str", ipstr); nx_module_pollset_add_socket(module, sock, APR_POLLIN | APR_POLLHUP); log_info("SSL connection accepted from %s:%u", ipstr, sa->port); } } catch(e) { apr_pool_destroy(pool); rethrow(e); } }
static void nx_win32_svc_uninstall() { SC_HANDLE service_manager = NULL; SC_HANDLE service_handle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS query_status; nx_exception_t e; // Connect to service manager service_manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if ( service_manager == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Cannot initialize access to the service manager"); } try { // Connect to service service_handle = OpenService(service_manager, "nxlog", SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS | DELETE); if ( service_handle == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Couldn't open nxlog service"); } else { // Check that the service is stopped if ( QueryServiceStatus(service_handle, &query_status) && (query_status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) ) { throw_msg("Service is running, please stop it first."); } else { // we can remove if ( DeleteService(service_handle) == FALSE ) { nx_win32_error("Couldn't delete service"); } else { log_info("Service successfully uninstalled"); } } // Close connection to service CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } // Close connection to service manager CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } catch(e) { if ( service_handle != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } if ( service_manager != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } rethrow(e); } }
static void nx_win32_svc_stop() { SC_HANDLE service_manager = NULL; SC_HANDLE service_handle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS status; nx_exception_t e; // Connect to service manager service_manager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if ( service_manager == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Cannot initialize access to the service manager"); } try { service_handle = OpenService(service_manager, "nxlog", SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ( service_handle == NULL ) { nx_win32_error("Couldn't open nxlog service"); } else { if ( QueryServiceStatus(service_handle, &status) ) { if ( status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED ) { log_info("Service currenty active - stopping service..."); if ( !ControlService(service_handle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status) ) { nx_win32_error("Couldn't stop service"); } else { Sleep(500); } } else { log_error("Service is already stopped"); } } // Close connection to service CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } // Close connection to service manager CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } catch(e) { if ( service_handle != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_handle); } if ( service_manager != NULL ) { CloseServiceHandle(service_manager); } rethrow(e); } }
static void _read_item(char * volatile buf, apr_size_t volatile bufsize, apr_hash_t *cache, apr_size_t *bytesread) { nx_cc_item_t *item = NULL; nx_cc_item_t *tmpitem = NULL; nx_value_t * volatile key = NULL; nx_value_t *value = NULL; apr_size_t readsize; nx_exception_t e; ASSERT(buf != NULL); ASSERT(cache != NULL); item = malloc(sizeof(nx_cc_item_t)); memset(item, 0, sizeof(nx_cc_item_t)); try { key = nx_value_from_membuf(buf, bufsize, &readsize); if ( (key == NULL) || (key->type != NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) ) { throw_msg("failed to read key from config cache"); } buf = buf + readsize; *bytesread = readsize; bufsize -= readsize; item->key = strdup(key->string->buf); nx_value_free(key); key = NULL; value = nx_value_from_membuf(buf, bufsize, &readsize); if ( value == NULL ) { throw_msg("failed to read value from config cache"); } item->value = value; if ( item->value->type == NX_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER ) { log_debug("read config cache item: %s=%ld", item->key, item->value->integer); } else if ( item->value->type == NX_VALUE_TYPE_STRING ) { log_debug("read config cache item: %s=%s", item->key, item->value->string->buf); } else { log_debug("read config cache item: %s", item->key); } *bytesread += readsize; } catch(e) { if ( item != NULL ) { _free_item(item); } if ( key != NULL ) { nx_value_free(key); } if ( value != NULL ) { nx_value_free(value); } rethrow(e); } tmpitem = (nx_cc_item_t *) apr_hash_get(cache, item->key, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING); ASSERT(tmpitem == NULL); apr_hash_set(cache, item->key, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (void *) item); }
/** * This is not thread safe, must ensure that modules are not running, * otherwise lock config_cache_mutex */ void nx_config_cache_write() { nx_ctx_t *ctx; nx_cc_item_t *item; nx_value_t *version = NULL; nx_exception_t e; apr_hash_index_t *idx; const char *key; apr_ssize_t keylen; ctx = nx_ctx_get(); ASSERT(ctx != NULL); if ( ctx->nocache == TRUE ) { log_debug("NoCache is TRUE, not writing config cache"); return; } if ( apr_hash_count(ctx->config_cache) == 0 ) { // no items to write log_debug("no entries found, not writing configcache.dat"); return; } log_debug("nx_config_cache_write()"); if ( ctx->ccfile == NULL ) { CHECKERR_MSG(apr_file_open(&(ctx->ccfile), ctx->ccfilename, APR_READ | APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_TRUNCATE, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ctx->pool), "couldn't open config cache '%s' for writing", ctx->ccfilename); } else { CHECKERR_MSG(apr_file_trunc(ctx->ccfile, 0), "failed to truncate '%s'", ctx->ccfilename); } version = nx_value_new_string(NX_CONFIG_CACHE_VERSION); try { CHECKERR_MSG(nx_value_to_file(version, ctx->ccfile), "couldn't write version to cache file"); idx = apr_hash_first(NULL, ctx->config_cache); while ( idx != NULL ) { apr_hash_this(idx, (const void **) &key, &keylen, (void **) &item); idx = apr_hash_next(idx); if ( item->used == FALSE ) { // only write items which have been read or written continue; } _write_item(ctx->ccfile, item); item->needflush = FALSE; } } catch(e) { nx_value_free(version); rethrow(e); } log_debug("config cache written to %s", ctx->ccfilename); }