void realrft (
  double *in,
  unsigned n,
  double *out
	COMPLEX *c_in, *c_out;
	unsigned i;

	if (n == 0 ||
	    (c_in = (COMPLEX *) malloc (n * sizeof (COMPLEX))) == 0 ||
	    (c_out = (COMPLEX *) malloc (n * sizeof (COMPLEX))) == 0)
	c_re (c_in [0]) = in [0];		/* dc */
	c_im (c_in [0]) = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < (n + 1) / 2; i++) {	/* geconj. symm. harmonischen */
		c_re (c_in [i]) = in [2 * i - 1] / 2;
		c_im (c_in [i]) = in [2 * i] / -2;
		c_re (c_in [n - i]) = in [2 * i - 1] / 2;
		c_im (c_in [n - i]) = in [2 * i] / 2;
	if (n % 2 == 0) {			/* Nyquist */
		c_re (c_in [n / 2]) = in [n - 1];
		c_im (c_in [n / 2]) = 0;

	rft (c_in, n, c_out);

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		out [i] = c_re (c_out [i]);

	free ((char *) c_in);
	free ((char *) c_out);
文件: ff_fft.c 项目: robwink/davinci
Var* ff_fft(vfuncptr func, Var* arg)
	Var *real = NULL, *img = NULL;
	double* data;
	int i, j, n, x, y, z;
	COMPLEX *in, *out;

	Alist alist[4];
	alist[0]      = make_alist("real", ID_VAL, NULL, &real);
	alist[1]      = make_alist("img", ID_VAL, NULL, &img);
	alist[2].name = NULL;

	if (parse_args(func, arg, alist) == 0) return (NULL);

	if (real == NULL && img == NULL) {
		parse_error("%s: No real or imaginary objects specified\n", func->name);
		return (NULL);
	x = GetSamples(V_SIZE(real), V_ORG(real));
	y = GetLines(V_SIZE(real), V_ORG(real));
	z = GetBands(V_SIZE(real), V_ORG(real));

	if (img == NULL && x == 2) {
		n   = y * z;
		in  = (COMPLEX*)calloc(n, sizeof(COMPLEX));
		out = (COMPLEX*)calloc(n, sizeof(COMPLEX));
		for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < z; j++) {
				in[i].re = extract_double(real, cpos(0, i, j, real));
				in[i].im = extract_double(real, cpos(1, i, j, real));
	} else {
		n   = V_DSIZE(real);
		in  = (COMPLEX*)calloc(n, sizeof(COMPLEX));
		out = (COMPLEX*)calloc(n, sizeof(COMPLEX));
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			in[i].re = extract_double(real, i);
			in[i].im = (img == NULL ? 0.0 : extract_double(img, i));

	if (func->fdata == (void*)1) {
		fft(in, n, out);
	} else {
		rft(in, n, out);

	data = (double*)calloc(n * 2, sizeof(double));

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		data[i * 2]     = out[i].re;
		data[i * 2 + 1] = out[i].im;
	return (newVal(BSQ, 2, n, 1, DV_DOUBLE, data));
///Basic test for ReferenceFilterTask class. Tests the whole pipeline.
TEST ( HifstReferenceFilter, basic_test ) {
  //Create test fst file expecto.fst.
  typedef fst::LexicographicArc< fst::StdArc::Weight, fst::StdArc::Weight> Arc;
  typedef fst::LexicographicWeight<fst::StdArc::Weight, fst::StdArc::Weight>
  fst::VectorFst<Arc> aux;
  fst::MakeWeight<Arc> mw;
  aux.SetStart ( 0 );
  aux.SetFinal ( 2, Arc::Weight::One() );
  aux.AddArc ( 0, Arc ( 10, 10, mw ( 0 ), 1 ) );
  aux.AddArc ( 1, Arc ( 100, 100, mw ( 0 ), 2 ) );
  fst::FstWrite ( aux, "expecto.fst" );
  //Prepare RegistryPO object.
  unordered_map<std::string, boost::any> v;
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterLoad] = std::string ( "expecto.fst" );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterWrite] = std::string ( "" );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterSubstring] = std::string ("yes");
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterPrunereferenceweight] = float (
        std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterPrunereferenceshortestpath] = unsigned (
        std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() );
  DataForReferenceFilter d;
  d.sidx = 0;
  const uu::RegistryPO rg ( v );
  uh::ReferenceFilterTask<DataForReferenceFilter>  rft ( rg );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getBuilt(), false );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getDisableSubString(), false );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getWeight(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getShortestPath(), std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getVocabulary().size(), 0 );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getTranslationLatticeFile(), "expecto.fst" );
  rft.run ( d );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getBuilt(), true );
  ASSERT_EQ ( d.tvcb.size(), 2 );
  EXPECT_TRUE ( d.tvcb.find ( "10" ) != d.tvcb.end() );
  EXPECT_TRUE ( d.tvcb.find ( "100" ) != d.tvcb.end() );
  ASSERT_EQ ( d.filters.size(), 1 );
  EXPECT_EQ ( d.filters[0]->NumStates(), 3 );
  std::stringstream ss;
  fst::PrintFst ( *d.filters[0], &ss );
  EXPECT_EQ ( ss.str(),
              "0\t1\t10\t10\n0\t2\t100\t100\n0\n1\t2\t100\t100\n1\n2\n" );
  bfs::remove ( bfs::path ( "expecto.fst" ) );
///Basic test for ReferenceFilterTask class. Tests the whole pipeline.
TEST ( HifstReferenceFilter, empty ) {
  //Prepare RegistryPO object.
  unordered_map<std::string, boost::any> v;
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterLoad] = std::string ( "" );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterWrite] = std::string ( "" );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterSubstring] = std::string ("yes");
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterPrunereferenceweight] = float (
        std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
  v[HifstConstants::kReferencefilterPrunereferenceshortestpath] = unsigned (
        std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() );
  DataForReferenceFilter d;
  d.sidx = 0;
  const uu::RegistryPO rg ( v );
  uh::ReferenceFilterTask<DataForReferenceFilter>  rft ( rg );
  rft.run ( d );
  EXPECT_EQ ( rft.getBuilt(), false );
  ASSERT_EQ ( d.filters.size(), 0 );
	inline std::complex<T> GetRF (const double t) const {
		std::complex<T> rft (0.,0.);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _rfs.size(); ++i)
			rft += (*_rfs[i])(t);
		return rft;