static void
entry_added_cb (RhythmDB *db,
		RhythmDBEntry *entry,
		RhythmDBImportJob *job)
	const char *uri;
	gboolean ours;

	uri = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_LOCATION);

	g_mutex_lock (&job->priv->lock);
	ours = g_hash_table_remove (job->priv->outstanding, uri);

	if (ours) {
		const char *details;

		rb_debug ("got entry %s; %d now imported", uri, job->priv->imported);
		g_signal_emit (job, signals[ENTRY_ADDED], 0, entry);

		/* if it's an import error with missing plugins, add it to the retry list */
		details = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_COMMENT);
		if (rhythmdb_entry_get_entry_type (entry) == job->priv->error_type &&
		    (details != NULL && details[0] != '\0')) {
			rb_debug ("entry %s is an import error with missing plugin details: %s", uri, details);
			job->priv->retry_entries = g_slist_prepend (job->priv->retry_entries, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry));

		if (job->priv->status_changed_id == 0) {
			job->priv->status_changed_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) emit_status_changed, job);
	g_mutex_unlock (&job->priv->lock);
static void
rb_static_playlist_source_add_location_internal (RBStaticPlaylistSource *source,
						 const char *location,
						 gint index)
	RhythmDB *db;
	RhythmDBEntry *entry;
	RBPlaylistSource *psource = RB_PLAYLIST_SOURCE (source);
	if (rb_playlist_source_location_in_map (psource, location))

	db = rb_playlist_source_get_db (psource);
	entry = rhythmdb_entry_lookup_by_location (db, location);
	if (entry) {
		RBStaticPlaylistSourcePrivate *priv = RB_STATIC_PLAYLIST_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (source);

		if (_rb_source_check_entry_type (RB_SOURCE (source), entry)) {
			rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry);
			rhythmdb_query_model_add_entry (priv->base_model, entry, index);
			rhythmdb_entry_unref (entry);

	rb_playlist_source_add_to_map (psource, location);

	rb_playlist_source_mark_dirty (psource);
_rb_media_player_source_add_to_map (GHashTable *map, RhythmDBEntry *entry)
	g_hash_table_insert (map,
			     rb_sync_state_make_track_uuid (entry),
			     rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry));
static gboolean
collect_entries (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, GList **list)
	RhythmDBEntry *entry;

	entry = rhythmdb_query_model_iter_to_entry (RHYTHMDB_QUERY_MODEL (model), iter);
	*list = g_list_prepend (*list, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry));
	return FALSE;
static void
entry_added_cb (RhythmDB *db,
		RhythmDBEntry *entry,
		RhythmDBImportJob *job)
	const char *uri;
	GList *link;

	uri = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_LOCATION);

	g_mutex_lock (&job->priv->lock);
	link = g_queue_find_custom (job->priv->processing, uri, (GCompareFunc) g_strcmp0);

	if (link != NULL) {
		const char *details;
		RhythmDBEntryType *entry_type;

		entry_type = rhythmdb_entry_get_entry_type (entry);


		if (entry_type == job->priv->entry_type) {
			g_signal_emit (job, signals[ENTRY_ADDED], 0, entry);
		rb_debug ("got entry %s; %d imported, %d processed", uri, job->priv->imported, job->priv->processed);

		/* if it's an import error with missing plugins, add it to the retry list */
		details = rhythmdb_entry_get_string (entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_COMMENT);
		if (entry_type == job->priv->error_type &&
		    (details != NULL && details[0] != '\0')) {
			rb_debug ("entry %s is an import error with missing plugin details: %s", uri, details);
			job->priv->retry_entries = g_slist_prepend (job->priv->retry_entries, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry));

		if (job->priv->status_changed_id == 0) {
			job->priv->status_changed_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) emit_status_changed, job);

		g_queue_delete_link (job->priv->processing, link);
		maybe_start_more (job);
	g_mutex_unlock (&job->priv->lock);

START_TEST (test_rhythmdb_modify_after_delete)
	RhythmDBEntry *entry;
	GValue val = {0,};

	entry = rhythmdb_entry_new (db, RHYTHMDB_ENTRY_TYPE_IGNORE, "file:///whee.ogg");
	fail_unless (entry != NULL, "failed to create entry");

	g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_static_string (&val, "Anything");
	rhythmdb_entry_set (db, entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_GENRE, &val);
	g_value_unset (&val);
	g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_static_string (&val, "Nothing");
	rhythmdb_entry_set (db, entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_ARTIST, &val);
	g_value_unset (&val);
	g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_static_string (&val, "Something");
	rhythmdb_entry_set (db, entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_ALBUM, &val);
	g_value_unset (&val);
	g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_static_string (&val, "Thing");
	rhythmdb_entry_set (db, entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_TITLE, &val);
	g_value_unset (&val);

	rhythmdb_commit (db);
	rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry);

	rhythmdb_entry_delete (db, entry);
	rhythmdb_commit (db);
	g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_static_string (&val, "Something Else");
	rhythmdb_entry_set (db, entry, RHYTHMDB_PROP_ALBUM, &val);
	g_value_unset (&val);
	rhythmdb_commit (db);
	rhythmdb_entry_unref (entry);
static gboolean
impl_track_added (RBRemovableMediaSource *source,
		  RhythmDBEntry *entry,
		  const char *dest,
		  guint64 filesize,
		  const char *mimetype)
	LIBMTP_track_t *track = NULL;
	RBMtpSourcePrivate *priv = MTP_SOURCE_GET_PRIVATE (source);
	RhythmDB *db;
	RhythmDBEntry *mtp_entry;

	track = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->track_transfer_map, dest);
	if (track == NULL) {
		rb_debug ("track-added called, but can't find a track for dest URI %s", dest);
		return FALSE;
	g_hash_table_remove (priv->track_transfer_map, dest);

	db = get_db_for_source (RB_MTP_SOURCE (source));
	/* entry_map takes ownership of the track here */
	mtp_entry = add_mtp_track_to_db (RB_MTP_SOURCE (source), db, track);
	g_object_unref (db);

	if (strcmp (track->album, _("Unknown")) != 0) {
		rb_mtp_thread_add_to_album (priv->device_thread, track, track->album);

	if (priv->album_art_supported) {
		RequestAlbumArtData *artdata;
		artdata = g_new0 (RequestAlbumArtData, 1);
		artdata->source = g_object_ref (source);
		artdata->entry = rhythmdb_entry_ref (mtp_entry);
		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) request_album_art_idle, artdata);
	queue_free_space_update (RB_MTP_SOURCE (source));

	/* chain up to parent class for sync */
	RB_REMOVABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE_CLASS (rb_mtp_source_parent_class)->impl_track_added (source, entry, dest, filesize, mimetype);
	return FALSE;
 * rb_track_transfer_batch_add:
 * @batch: a #RBTrackTransferBatch
 * @entry: the source #RhythmDBEntry to transfer
 * Adds an entry to be transferred.
rb_track_transfer_batch_add (RBTrackTransferBatch *batch, RhythmDBEntry *entry)
	batch->priv->entries = g_list_append (batch->priv->entries, rhythmdb_entry_ref (entry));