void rigControl::disable() { if(rigControlEnabled) { rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); rigControlEnabled=false; } }
void RigThread::run() { int retcode, status; std::cout << "Rig thread starting." << std::endl; rig = rig_init(rigModel); strncpy(rig->state.rigport.pathname, rigFile.c_str(), FILPATHLEN - 1); rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.rate = serialRate; retcode = rig_open(rig); if (retcode != 0) { std::cout << "Rig failed to init. " << std::endl; terminated.store(true); return; } char *info_buf = (char *)rig_get_info(rig); std::cout << "Rig info: " << info_buf << std::endl; while (!terminated.load()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(150)); if (freqChanged.load()) { status = rig_get_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); if (freq != newFreq) { freq = newFreq; rig_set_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, freq); // std::cout << "Set Rig Freq: %f" << newFreq << std::endl; } freqChanged.store(false); } else { freq_t checkFreq; status = rig_get_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &checkFreq); if (checkFreq != freq) { freq = checkFreq; wxGetApp().setFrequency((long long)checkFreq); } else if (wxGetApp().getFrequency() != freq) { freq = wxGetApp().getFrequency(); rig_set_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, freq); } } // std::cout << "Rig Freq: " << freq << std::endl; } rig_close(rig); rig_cleanup(rig); std::cout << "Rig thread exiting." << std::endl; };
void Hamlib::setFrequency(Session::ref session, Request::ref request, Reply::ref reply) { Config *config = m_server->getConfig(); if (config->getUnregistered().find("hamlib.device") == config->getUnregistered().end()) { LOG_ERROR(logger, "Set '[hamlib] device' in config file."); } std::string device = config->getUnregistered().find("hamlib.device")->second; RIG *my_rig; freq_t freq; int retcode; std::string f = request->getContent(); if (sscanf(f.c_str(), "%lf", &freq) != 1) { LOG_WARN(logger, "Unable to read freq " << f) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to read freq.\n"); } std::cout << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((double) freq) << "\n"; rig_set_debug(RIG_DEBUG_NONE); // rig_set_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE); rig_model_t myrig_model = RIG_MODEL_IC706MKIIG; my_rig = rig_init(myrig_model); my_rig->state.rigport.type.rig = RIG_PORT_SERIAL; my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.rate = 19200; my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.data_bits = 8; my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.stop_bits = 1; my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.parity = RIG_PARITY_NONE; my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.handshake = RIG_HANDSHAKE_NONE; strncpy(my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, device.c_str(), FILPATHLEN - 1); if ((retcode = rig_open(my_rig)) != RIG_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "rig_open: error = %s\n", rigerror(retcode)); LOG_ERROR(logger, "rig_open: error " << rigerror(retcode)); } if ((retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, freq) != RIG_OK)) { LOG_ERROR(logger, "rig_set_freq: error " << rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_close(my_rig); rig_cleanup(my_rig); }
void hamlib_close(void) { if (rig == NULL) return; /* tell the hamlib thread to kill it self */ hamlib_exit = TRUE; /* and the wait for it to die */ pthread_join(hamlib_thread, NULL); hamlib_exit = FALSE; G_LOCK(hamlib_mutex); rig_close(rig); rig_cleanup(rig); rig = NULL; G_UNLOCK(hamlib_mutex); }
void __fastcall TRigCtlMain::RigSelectButtonClick( TObject *Sender ) { if ( my_rig ) { rig_cleanup( my_rig ); my_rig = 0; } int rig_model = ( int ) RigCombo->Items->Objects[ RigCombo->ItemIndex ]; std::string port = PortCombo->Text.t_str(); // my_rig = rig_init(RIG_MODEL_FT1000MP); my_rig = rig_init( rig_model ); if ( !my_rig ) { Label1->Caption = "rig_init failed"; return ; } strncpy( my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, port.c_str(), FILPATHLEN ); int retcode = rig_open( my_rig ); char buff[ 1024 ]; if ( retcode != RIG_OK ) { sprintf( buff, "rig_open: error = %s \n", rigerror( retcode ) ); Label1->Caption = buff; my_rig = 0; } else { sprintf( buff, "Opened rig model %d, '%s'\n", my_rig->caps->rig_model, my_rig->caps->model_name ); TIniFile *t = new TIniFile( ".\\Configuration\\RigSelect.ini" ); t->WriteString( "RigControl", "Manufacturer", my_rig->caps->mfg_name ); t->WriteString( "RigControl", "Model", my_rig->caps->model_name ); delete t; Label1->Caption = buff; trace( std::string( "Rig selected: " ) + buff ); ChangeButtonClick( Sender ); } }
void __fastcall TTestRigMain::RigSelectButtonClick( TObject */*Sender*/ ) { if ( my_rig ) { rig_cleanup( my_rig ); my_rig = 0; } int rig_model = ( int ) RigCombo->Items->Objects[ RigCombo->ItemIndex ]; String port = PortCombo->Text; my_rig = rig_init( rig_model ); if ( !my_rig ) { Label1->Caption = "rig_init failed"; return ; } strncpy( my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, port.t_str(), FILPATHLEN ); int retcode = rig_open( my_rig ); char buff[ 1024 ]; if ( retcode != RIG_OK ) { sprintf( buff, "rig_open: error = %s \n", rigerror( retcode ) ); Label1->Caption = buff; my_rig = 0; } else { sprintf( buff, "Opened rig model %d, %s '%s'\n", my_rig->caps->rig_model, my_rig->caps->mfg_name, my_rig->caps->model_name ); TIniFile *t = new TIniFile( ".\\Configuration\\RigSelect.ini" ); t->WriteString( "TestRig", "Manufacturer", my_rig->caps->mfg_name ); t->WriteString( "TestRig", "Model", my_rig->caps->model_name ); delete t; Label1->Caption = buff; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RIG *my_rig; /* handle to rig (nstance) */ freq_t freq; /* frequency */ rmode_t rmode; /* radio mode of operation */ pbwidth_t width; vfo_t vfo; /* vfo selection */ int strength; /* S-Meter level */ int rit = 0; /* RIT status */ int xit = 0; /* XIT status */ int retcode; /* generic return code from functions */ rig_model_t myrig_model; printf("testrig: Hello, I am your main() !\n"); /* Turn off backend debugging ouput */ rig_set_debug_level(RIG_DEBUG_NONE); /* * allocate memory, setup & open port */ if (argc < 2) { hamlib_port_t myport; /* may be overriden by backend probe */ myport.type.rig = RIG_PORT_SERIAL; myport.parm.serial.rate = 9600; myport.parm.serial.data_bits = 8; myport.parm.serial.stop_bits = 1; myport.parm.serial.parity = RIG_PARITY_NONE; myport.parm.serial.handshake = RIG_HANDSHAKE_NONE; strncpy(myport.pathname, SERIAL_PORT, FILPATHLEN - 1); rig_load_all_backends(); myrig_model = rig_probe(&myport); } else { myrig_model = atoi(argv[1]); } my_rig = rig_init(myrig_model); if (!my_rig) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown rig num: %d\n", myrig_model); fprintf(stderr, "Please check riglist.h\n"); exit(1); /* whoops! something went wrong (mem alloc?) */ } strncpy(my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, SERIAL_PORT, FILPATHLEN - 1); retcode = rig_open(my_rig); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_open: error = %s\n", rigerror(retcode)); exit(2); } printf("Port %s opened ok\n", SERIAL_PORT); /* * Below are examples of set/get routines. * Must add checking of functionality map prior to command execution -- FS * */ /* * Example of setting rig paameters * and some error checking on the return code. */ retcode = rig_set_vfo(my_rig, RIG_VFO_B); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_vfo: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } /* * Lets try some frequencies and modes. Return code is not checked. * Examples of checking return code are further down. * */ /* 10m FM Narrow */ printf("\nSetting 10m FM Narrow...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 29620000); /* 10m */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_FM, rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, RIG_MODE_FM)); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %.3f kHz\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width / 1000.0); sleep(1); /* so you can see it -- FS */ /* 15m USB */ printf("Setting 15m USB...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 21235175); /* 15m */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_USB, rig_passband_normal(my_rig, RIG_MODE_USB)); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %.3f kHz\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width / 1000.0); sleep(1); /* 40m LSB */ printf("Setting 40m LSB...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 7250100); /* 40m */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_LSB, RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %.3f kHz\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width / 1000.0); sleep(1); /* 80m AM Narrow */ printf("Setting 80m AM Narrow...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 3885000); /* 80m */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_AM, rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, RIG_MODE_AM)); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %.3f kHz\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width / 1000.0); sleep(1); /* 160m CW Normal */ printf("Setting 160m CW...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 1875000); /* 160m */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_CW, RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.3f kHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %li Hz\n\n", freq / 1000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width); sleep(1); /* 160m CW Narrow -- The band is noisy tonight -- FS*/ printf("Setting 160m CW Narrow...\n"); retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_CW, rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, RIG_MODE_CW)); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.3f kHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %li Hz\n\n", freq / 1000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width); sleep(1); /* AM Broadcast band */ printf("Setting Medium Wave AM...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 770000); /* KAAM */ retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_AM, RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); printf(" Freq: %.3f kHz, Mode: %s, Passband: %.3f kHz\n\n", freq / 1000, rig_strrmode(rmode), width / 1000.0); sleep(1); /* 20m USB on VFO_A */ printf("Setting 20m on VFO A with two functions...\n"); retcode = rig_set_vfo(my_rig, RIG_VFO_A); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 14250375); /* cq de vk3fcs */ if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_vfo(my_rig, &vfo); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, VFO: %s\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strvfo(vfo)); sleep(1); /* 20m USB on VFO_A , with only 1 call */ printf("Setting 20m on VFO A with one function...\n"); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_A, 14295125); /* cq de vk3fcs */ if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); rig_get_vfo(my_rig, &vfo); printf(" Freq: %.6f MHz, VFO: %s\n\n", freq / 1000000, rig_strvfo(vfo)); sleep(1); #if 0 retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 145100000); /* 2m */ sleep(2); retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 435125000); /* 70cm */ sleep(2); #endif printf("Setting rig Mode to LSB.\n"); retcode = rig_set_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_MODE_LSB, RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_mode: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } sleep(1); printf("Setting rig PTT ON.\n"); retcode = rig_set_ptt(my_rig, RIG_VFO_A, RIG_PTT_ON); /* stand back ! */ if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_ptt: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } sleep(1); printf("Setting rig PTT OFF.\n"); retcode = rig_set_ptt(my_rig, RIG_VFO_A, RIG_PTT_OFF); /* phew ! */ if (retcode != RIG_OK) { printf("rig_set_ptt: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } sleep(1); /* * Simple examples of getting rig information -- FS * */ printf("\nGet various raw rig values:\n"); retcode = rig_get_vfo(my_rig, &vfo); /* try to get vfo info */ if (retcode == RIG_OK) { printf("rig_get_vfo: vfo = %i \n", vfo); } else { printf("rig_get_vfo: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } retcode = rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); if (retcode == RIG_OK) { printf("rig_get_freq: freq = %"PRIfreq"\n", freq); } else { printf("rig_get_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } retcode = rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rmode, &width); if (retcode == RIG_OK) { printf("rig_get_mode: mode = %"PRIll"\n", rmode); } else { printf("rig_get_mode: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } retcode = rig_get_strength(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &strength); if (retcode == RIG_OK) { printf("rig_get_strength: strength = %i \n", strength); } else { printf("rig_get_strength: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_RIT)) { retcode = rig_set_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_RIT, 1); printf("rig_set_func: Setting RIT ON\n"); } if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_RIT)) { retcode = rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_RIT, &rit); printf("rig_get_func: RIT: %d\n", rit); } if (rig_has_set_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_XIT)) { retcode = rig_set_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_XIT, 1); printf("rig_set_func: Setting XIT ON\n"); } if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_XIT)) { retcode = rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_XIT, &xit); printf("rig_get_func: XIT: %d\n", xit); } rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ printf("port %s closed ok \n", SERIAL_PORT); return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TTestRigMain::FormClose( TObject */*Sender*/, TCloseAction &/*Action*/ ) { saveResize = false; rig_cleanup( my_rig ); my_rig = 0; }
rigControl::~rigControl() { rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { RIG *my_rig; /* handle to rig (instance) */ rig_model_t my_model = RIG_MODEL_DUMMY; int retcode; /* generic return code from functions */ int verbose = 0; int show_conf = 0; int dump_caps_opt = 0; const char *rig_file=NULL, *ptt_file=NULL, *dcd_file=NULL; ptt_type_t ptt_type = RIG_PTT_NONE; dcd_type_t dcd_type = RIG_DCD_NONE; int serial_rate = 0; char *civaddr = NULL; /* NULL means no need to set conf */ char conf_parms[MAXCONFLEN] = ""; struct addrinfo hints, *result, *saved_result; int sock_listen; int reuseaddr = 1; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; char serv[NI_MAXSERV]; while(1) { int c; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, SHORT_OPTIONS, long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'V': version(); exit(0); case 'm': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } my_model = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } rig_file = optarg; break; case 'p': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } ptt_file = optarg; break; case 'd': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } dcd_file = optarg; break; case 'P': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (!strcmp(optarg, "RIG")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_RIG; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "DTR")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "RTS")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "PARALLEL")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_PARALLEL; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CM108")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_CM108; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "NONE")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_NONE; else ptt_type = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (!strcmp(optarg, "RIG")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_RIG; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "DSR")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_DSR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CTS")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_CTS; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CD")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_CAR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "PARALLEL")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_PARALLEL; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "NONE")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_NONE; else dcd_type = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } civaddr = optarg; break; case 's': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } serial_rate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (*conf_parms != '\0') strcat(conf_parms, ","); strncat(conf_parms, optarg, MAXCONFLEN-strlen(conf_parms)); break; case 't': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } portno = optarg; break; case 'T': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } src_addr = optarg; break; case 'o': vfo_mode++; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'L': show_conf++; break; case 'l': list_models(); exit(0); case 'u': dump_caps_opt++; break; default: usage(); /* unknown option? */ exit(1); } } rig_set_debug(verbose); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "rigctld, %s\n", hamlib_version); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Report bugs to " "<*****@*****.**>\n\n"); my_rig = rig_init(my_model); if (!my_rig) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown rig num %d, or initialization error.\n", my_model); fprintf(stderr, "Please check with --list option.\n"); exit(2); } retcode = set_conf(my_rig, conf_parms); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Config parameter error: %s\n", rigerror(retcode)); exit(2); } if (rig_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, rig_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); /* * ex: RIG_PTT_PARALLEL and /dev/parport0 */ if (ptt_type != RIG_PTT_NONE) my_rig->state.pttport.type.ptt = ptt_type; if (dcd_type != RIG_DCD_NONE) my_rig->state.dcdport.type.dcd = dcd_type; if (ptt_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.pttport.pathname, ptt_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); if (dcd_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.dcdport.pathname, dcd_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); /* FIXME: bound checking and port type == serial */ if (serial_rate != 0) my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.rate = serial_rate; if (civaddr) rig_set_conf(my_rig, rig_token_lookup(my_rig, "civaddr"), civaddr); /* * print out conf parameters */ if (show_conf) { rig_token_foreach(my_rig, print_conf_list, (rig_ptr_t)my_rig); } /* * print out conf parameters, and exits immediately * We may be interested only in only caps, and rig_open may fail. */ if (dump_caps_opt) { dumpcaps(my_rig, stdout); rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ exit(0); } retcode = rig_open(my_rig); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"rig_open: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); exit(2); } if (verbose > 0) printf("Opened rig model %d, '%s'\n", my_rig->caps->rig_model, my_rig->caps->model_name); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Backend version: %s, Status: %s\n", my_rig->caps->version, rig_strstatus(my_rig->caps->status)); #ifdef __MINGW32__ # ifndef SO_OPENTYPE # define SO_OPENTYPE 0x7008 # endif # ifndef SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT # define SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT 0x20 # endif # ifndef INVALID_SOCKET # define INVALID_SOCKET -1 # endif WSADATA wsadata; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsadata) == SOCKET_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup socket error\n"); exit(1); } int sockopt = SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT; setsockopt(INVALID_SOCKET, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OPENTYPE, (char *)&sockopt, sizeof(sockopt)); #endif /* * Prepare listening socket */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* Allow IPv4 or IPv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;/* TCP socket */ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; /* For wildcard IP address */ hints.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any protocol */ retcode = getaddrinfo(src_addr, portno, &hints, &result); if (retcode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(retcode)); exit(2); } saved_result = result; do { sock_listen = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol); if (sock_listen < 0) { handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "socket"); freeaddrinfo(saved_result); /* No longer needed */ exit(2); } if (setsockopt(sock_listen, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuseaddr, sizeof(reuseaddr)) < 0) { handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "setsockopt"); freeaddrinfo(saved_result); /* No longer needed */ exit (1); } #ifdef __MINGW32__ /* allow IPv4 mapped to IPv6 clients, MS default this to 1! */ sockopt = 0; if (setsockopt(sock_listen, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&sockopt, sizeof(sockopt)) < 0) { handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "setsockopt"); freeaddrinfo(saved_result); /* No longer needed */ exit (1); } #endif if (0 == bind(sock_listen, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen)) { break; } handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_WARN, "binding failed (trying next interface)"); #ifdef __MINGW32__ closesocket (sock_listen); #else close (sock_listen); #endif } while ((result = result->ai_next) != NULL); freeaddrinfo(saved_result); /* No longer needed */ if (NULL == result) { rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "bind error - no available interface\n"); exit (1); } if (listen(sock_listen, 4) < 0) { handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "listening"); exit (1); } /* * main loop accepting connections */ do { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD pthread_t thread; pthread_attr_t attr; #endif struct handle_data *arg; arg = malloc(sizeof(struct handle_data)); if (!arg) { rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "malloc: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit (1); } arg->rig = my_rig; arg->clilen = sizeof (arg->cli_addr); arg->sock = accept(sock_listen, (struct sockaddr *)&arg->cli_addr, &arg->clilen); if (arg->sock < 0) { handle_error (RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "accept"); break; } if ((retcode = getnameinfo ((struct sockaddr const *)&arg->cli_addr, arg->clilen, host, sizeof (host) , serv, sizeof (serv), NI_NOFQDN)) < 0) { rig_debug (RIG_DEBUG_WARN, "Peer lookup error: %s", gai_strerror (retcode)); } rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Connection opened from %s:%s\n", host, serv); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); retcode = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, handle_socket, arg); if (retcode != 0) { rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "pthread_create: %s\n", strerror(retcode)); break; } #else handle_socket(arg); #endif } while (retcode == 0); rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TRigCtlMain::FormClose( TObject */*Sender*/, TCloseAction &/*Action*/ ) { rig_cleanup( my_rig ); my_rig = 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { RIG *my_rig; /* handle to rig (nstance) */ int retcode; /* generic return code from functions */ int i, count = 0; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"%s <rig_num>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } printf("testrig:hello, I am your main() !\n"); /* * allocate memory, setup & open port */ my_rig = rig_init(atoi(argv[1])); if (!my_rig) { fprintf(stderr,"Unknown rig num: %d\n",atoi(argv[1])); fprintf(stderr,"Please check riglist.h\n"); exit(1); /* whoops! something went wrong (mem alloc?) */ } strncpy(my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, SERIAL_PORT, FILPATHLEN - 1); if (rig_open(my_rig)) exit(2); printf("Port %s opened ok\n", SERIAL_PORT); /* * Below are examples of set/get routines. * Must add checking of functionality map prior to command execution -- FS * */ retcode = rig_set_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, 439700000); if (retcode != RIG_OK ) { printf("rig_set_freq: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } rig_set_freq_callback(my_rig, myfreq_event, (rig_ptr_t)&count); retcode = rig_set_trn(my_rig, RIG_TRN_RIG); if (retcode != RIG_OK ) { printf("rig_set_trn: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); } for (i=0;i<12;i++) { printf("Loop count: %d\n", i); sleep(10); /* or anything smarter */ } printf("Frequency changed %d times\n", count); rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ printf("port %s closed ok \n",SERIAL_PORT); return 0; }
void hamlib_init(void) { rig_model_t model; struct timespec sleep; freq_t freq; rmode_t mode; pbwidth_t width; gboolean enable; gchar *port, *conf, *spd; gint ret, speed; if (rig != NULL) return; enable = conf_get_bool("hamlib/enable"); model = conf_get_int("hamlib/rig"); port = conf_get_filename("hamlib/port"); speed = conf_get_int("hamlib/speed"); conf = conf_get_string("hamlib/conf"); if (!enable || !model || port[0] == 0) return; rig_set_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR); rig = rig_init(model); if (rig == NULL) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: rig_init failed (model=%d)"), model); return; } g_strstrip(conf); if (conf[0]) { gchar **v, **p, *q; v = g_strsplit(conf, ",", 0); for (p = v; *p; p++) { if ((q = strchr(*p, '=')) == NULL) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: Bad param=value pair: '%s'"), *p); break; } *q++ = 0; g_strstrip(*p); g_strstrip(q); if (hamlib_set_param(*p, q) == FALSE) break; } g_strfreev(v); } g_free(conf); hamlib_set_param("rig_pathname", port); g_free(port); spd = g_strdup_printf("%d", speed); hamlib_set_param("serial_speed", spd); g_free(spd); ret = rig_open(rig); if (ret != RIG_OK) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: rig_open failed: %s"), rigerror(ret)); rig_cleanup(rig); rig = NULL; return; } /* Polling the rig sometimes fails right after opening it */ sleep.tv_sec = 0; sleep.tv_nsec = 100000000L; /* 100ms */ nanosleep(&sleep, NULL); if (need_freq == TRUE && \ (ret = rig_get_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq)) != RIG_OK) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: rig_get_freq failed: %s"), rigerror(ret)); hamlib_waterfall = FALSE; hamlib_qsodata = FALSE; need_freq = FALSE; need_mode = FALSE; } if (need_mode == TRUE && (ret = rig_get_mode(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &mode, &width)) != RIG_OK) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: rig_get_mode failed: %s.\nAssuming USB mode."), rigerror(ret)); need_mode = FALSE; } if (hamlib_ptt == TRUE && (ret = rig_set_ptt(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_PTT_OFF)) != RIG_OK) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: rig_set_ptt failed: %s.\nHamlib PTT disabled"), rigerror(ret)); hamlib_ptt = FALSE; } /* Don't create the thread if frequency data is not needed */ if (need_freq == FALSE) { // g_warning("Freq data not needed, thread not started."); /* If PTT isn't needed either then close everything */ if (hamlib_ptt == FALSE) { // g_warning("PTT not needed, closing rig."); rig_close(rig); rig_cleanup(rig); rig = NULL; } return; } if (pthread_create(&hamlib_thread, NULL, hamlib_loop, NULL) < 0) { errmsg(_("Hamlib init: pthread_create: %m")); rig_close(rig); rig_cleanup(rig); rig = NULL; } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { RIG *my_rig; /* handle to rig (nstance) */ rig_model_t my_model = RIG_MODEL_DUMMY; int retcode; /* generic return code from functions */ int exitcode; int verbose = 0; int show_conf = 0; int dump_caps_opt = 0; #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY int rd_hist = 0; int sv_hist = 0; const char *hist_dir = NULL; const char hist_file[] = "/.rigctl_history"; char *hist_path = NULL; struct stat hist_dir_stat; #endif const char *rig_file=NULL, *ptt_file=NULL, *dcd_file=NULL; ptt_type_t ptt_type = RIG_PTT_NONE; dcd_type_t dcd_type = RIG_DCD_NONE; int serial_rate = 0; char *civaddr = NULL; /* NULL means no need to set conf */ char conf_parms[MAXCONFLEN] = ""; while(1) { int c; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, SHORT_OPTIONS HST_SHRT_OPTS, long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'V': version(); exit(0); case 'm': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } my_model = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } rig_file = optarg; break; case 'p': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } ptt_file = optarg; break; case 'd': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } dcd_file = optarg; break; case 'P': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (!strcmp(optarg, "RIG")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_RIG; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "DTR")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_SERIAL_DTR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "RTS")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_SERIAL_RTS; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "PARALLEL")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_PARALLEL; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CM108")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_CM108; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "GPIO")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_GPIO; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "GPION")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_GPION; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "NONE")) ptt_type = RIG_PTT_NONE; else ptt_type = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (!strcmp(optarg, "RIG")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_RIG; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "DSR")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_DSR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CTS")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_CTS; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CD")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_SERIAL_CAR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "PARALLEL")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_PARALLEL; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "CM108")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_CM108; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "NONE")) dcd_type = RIG_DCD_NONE; else dcd_type = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } civaddr = optarg; break; case 't': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (strlen(optarg) > 1) send_cmd_term = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); else send_cmd_term = optarg[0]; break; case 's': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } serial_rate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': if (!optarg) { usage(); /* wrong arg count */ exit(1); } if (*conf_parms != '\0') strcat(conf_parms, ","); strncat(conf_parms, optarg, MAXCONFLEN-strlen(conf_parms)); break; case 'o': vfo_mode++; break; case 'n': rig_no_restore_ai(); break; #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY case 'i': rd_hist++; break; case 'I': sv_hist++; break; #endif case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'L': show_conf++; break; case 'l': rig_set_debug(verbose); list_models(); exit(0); case 'u': dump_caps_opt++; break; default: usage(); /* unknown option? */ exit(1); } } rig_set_debug(verbose); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "rigctl, %s\n", hamlib_version); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Report bugs to " "<*****@*****.**>\n\n"); /* * at least one command on command line, * disable interactive mode */ if (optind < argc) interactive = 0; my_rig = rig_init(my_model); if (!my_rig) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown rig num %d, or initialization error.\n", my_model); fprintf(stderr, "Please check with --list option.\n"); exit(2); } retcode = set_conf(my_rig, conf_parms); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Config parameter error: %s\n", rigerror(retcode)); exit(2); } if (rig_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.rigport.pathname, rig_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); /* * ex: RIG_PTT_PARALLEL and /dev/parport0 */ if (ptt_type != RIG_PTT_NONE) my_rig->state.pttport.type.ptt = ptt_type; if (dcd_type != RIG_DCD_NONE) my_rig->state.dcdport.type.dcd = dcd_type; if (ptt_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.pttport.pathname, ptt_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); if (dcd_file) strncpy(my_rig->state.dcdport.pathname, dcd_file, FILPATHLEN - 1); /* FIXME: bound checking and port type == serial */ if (serial_rate != 0) my_rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.rate = serial_rate; if (civaddr) rig_set_conf(my_rig, rig_token_lookup(my_rig, "civaddr"), civaddr); /* * print out conf parameters */ if (show_conf) { dumpconf(my_rig, stdout); } /* * print out capabilities, and exists immediately * We may be interested only in only caps, and rig_open may fail. */ if (dump_caps_opt) { dumpcaps(my_rig, stdout); rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ exit(0); } retcode = rig_open(my_rig); if (retcode != RIG_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"rig_open: error = %s \n", rigerror(retcode)); exit(2); } if (verbose > 0) printf("Opened rig model %d, '%s'\n", my_rig->caps->rig_model, my_rig->caps->model_name); rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Backend version: %s, Status: %s\n", my_rig->caps->version, rig_strstatus(my_rig->caps->status)); exitcode = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE if (interactive && prompt && have_rl) { rl_readline_name = "rigctl"; #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY using_history(); /* Initialize Readline History */ if (rd_hist || sv_hist) { if (!(hist_dir = getenv("RIGCTL_HIST_DIR"))) hist_dir = getenv("HOME"); if (((stat(hist_dir, &hist_dir_stat) == -1) && (errno == ENOENT)) || !(S_ISDIR(hist_dir_stat.st_mode))) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s is not a directory!\n", hist_dir); } hist_path = (char *)calloc((sizeof(char) * (strlen(hist_dir) + strlen(hist_file) + 1)), sizeof(char)); strncpy(hist_path, hist_dir, strlen(hist_dir)); strncat(hist_path, hist_file, strlen(hist_file)); } if (rd_hist && hist_path) if (read_history(hist_path) == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not read history from %s\n", hist_path); #endif } #endif /* HAVE_LIBREADLINE */ do { retcode = rigctl_parse(my_rig, stdin, stdout, argv, argc); if (retcode == 2) exitcode = 2; } while (retcode == 0 || retcode == 2); #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE if (interactive && prompt && have_rl) { #ifdef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY if (sv_hist && hist_path) if (write_history(hist_path) == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: Could not write history to %s\n", hist_path); if ((rd_hist || sv_hist) && hist_path) { free(hist_path); hist_path = (char *)NULL; } #endif } #endif rig_close(my_rig); /* close port */ rig_cleanup(my_rig); /* if you care about memory */ return exitcode; }
void RigThread::run() { int retcode, status; termStatus = 0; std::cout << "Rig thread starting." << std::endl; rig = rig_init(rigModel); strncpy(rig->state.rigport.pathname, rigFile.c_str(), FILPATHLEN - 1); rig->state.rigport.parm.serial.rate = serialRate; retcode = rig_open(rig); if (retcode != 0) { std::cout << "Rig failed to init. " << std::endl; IOThread::terminate(); return; } char *info_buf = (char *)rig_get_info(rig); if (info_buf) { std::cout << "Rig info: " << info_buf << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Rig info was NULL." << std::endl; } while (!stopping) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(150)); auto activeDemod = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getActiveDemodulator(); auto lastDemod = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastActiveDemodulator(); if (freqChanged.load() && (controlMode.load() || setOneShot.load())) { status = rig_get_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &freq); if (status == 0 && !stopping) { if (freq != newFreq && setOneShot.load()) { freq = newFreq; rig_set_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, freq); // std::cout << "Set Rig Freq: %f" << newFreq << std::endl; } freqChanged.store(false); setOneShot.store(false); } else { termStatus = 0; break; } } else { freq_t checkFreq; status = rig_get_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &checkFreq); if (status == 0 && !stopping) { if (checkFreq != freq && followMode.load()) { freq = checkFreq; if (followModem.load()) { if (lastDemod) { lastDemod->setFrequency(freq); lastDemod->updateLabel(freq); lastDemod->setFollow(true); } } else { wxGetApp().setFrequency((long long)checkFreq); } } else if (wxGetApp().getFrequency() != freq && controlMode.load() && !centerLock.load() && !followModem.load()) { freq = wxGetApp().getFrequency(); rig_set_freq(rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, freq); } else if (followModem.load()) { if (lastDemod) { if (lastDemod->getFrequency() != freq) { lastDemod->setFrequency(freq); lastDemod->updateLabel(freq); lastDemod->setFollow(true); } } } } else { termStatus = 0; break; } } if (!centerLock.load() && followModem.load() && wxGetApp().getFrequency() != freq && (lastDemod && lastDemod != activeDemod)) { wxGetApp().setFrequency((long long)freq); } // std::cout << "Rig Freq: " << freq << std::endl; } rig_close(rig); rig_cleanup(rig); std::cout << "Rig thread exiting status " << termStatus << "." << std::endl; };