int main(int argc, char **argv)
    signal(SIGSEGV, handler);
    signal(SIGABRT, handler);


    std::string worldFilename;
    std::string robotFilename;
    std::string objectFilename;
    std::string outputDirectory;
    bool saveSeparate;
    Eigen::Vector3d objPos;
    int maxPlanningSteps = 50000;

    if (!loadParams(argc, argv, worldFilename, robotFilename, objectFilename, outputDirectory, saveSeparate, objPos, maxPlanningSteps))
        PRINTERROR("Could not read arguments");
        return 1;

    PRINTMSG("Creating planner");

    std::string name = "EigenGraspPlanner1";  // TODO make parameter
    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::GraspItSceneManager> graspitMgr(new GraspIt::GraspItSceneManagerHeadless());

    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt(name, graspitMgr));
    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner(name, graspitMgr));

    // TODO parameterize:
    // Names for robot and object if not loaded from a world file.
    // If loaded from a world file, will be overwritten.
    std::string useRobotName="Robot1";
    std::string useObjectName="Object1";

    if (!worldFilename.empty())
        PRINTMSG("Loading world");
        std::vector<std::string> robs = graspitMgr->getRobotNames();       
        std::vector<std::string> objs = graspitMgr->getObjectNames(true);
        if (robs.empty())
            PRINTERROR("No robots loaded");
            return 1;
        if (objs.empty())
            PRINTERROR("No graspable objects loaded");
            return 1;
        if (robs.size()!=1)
            PRINTERROR("Exactly 1 robot should have been loaded");
            return 1;
        if (objs.size()!=1)
            PRINTERROR("Exactly 1 graspable object should have been loaded");
            return 1;
        PRINTMSG("Using robot "<<useRobotName<<" and object "<<useObjectName);
        // TODO add an option to set the transforms.
        // For now, they're put in the origin. For the planning, this should not really matter...
        GraspIt::EigenTransform robotTransform;
        GraspIt::EigenTransform objectTransform;
        // objectTransform.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(100,0,0));
        std::string robotName(useRobotName); 
        std::string objectName(useObjectName);
        if ((graspitMgr->loadRobot(robotFilename, robotName, robotTransform) != 0) ||
                (graspitMgr->loadObject(objectFilename, objectName, true, objectTransform)))
            PRINTERROR("Could not load robot or object");
            return 1;
    bool createDir = true;
    bool saveIV = true;
    bool forceWrite = createDir;  // only enforce if creating dir is also allowed
    // in case one wants to view the initial world before planning, save it:
    graspitMgr->saveGraspItWorld(outputDirectory + "/startWorld.xml", createDir);
    graspitMgr->saveInventorWorld(outputDirectory + "/startWorld.iv", createDir);

    if (saveSeparate)
        graspitMgr->saveRobotAsInventor(outputDirectory + "/robotStartpose.iv", useRobotName, createDir, forceWrite);
        graspitMgr->saveObjectAsInventor(outputDirectory + "/object.iv", useObjectName, createDir, forceWrite);

    int repeatPlanning = 1;
    int keepMaxPlanningResults = 3;
    bool finishWithAutograsp = false;
    p->plan(maxPlanningSteps, repeatPlanning, keepMaxPlanningResults, finishWithAutograsp);

    PRINTMSG("Saving results as world files");

    bool saveWorld = true;

    std::string resultsWorldDirectory = outputDirectory;
    std::string filenamePrefix = "world";
    p->saveResultsAsWorldFiles(resultsWorldDirectory, filenamePrefix, saveWorld, saveIV, createDir, saveSeparate);

    std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult> allGrasps;

    PRINTMSG("Grasp results:");
    std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult>::iterator it;
    for (it = allGrasps.begin(); it != allGrasps.end(); ++it)

    PRINTMSG("Quitting program.");
    return 1;
int run(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 4)
        PRINTMSG("Usage: " << argv[0] << " <outputDir> <robotFile> <objectFile>");
        return 0;

    std::string outputDirectory(argv[1]);
    std::string robotFilename(argv[2]);
    std::string objectFilename(argv[3]);

    PRINTMSG("Creating database");
    std::string name = "Database1";
    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::GraspItSceneManager> graspitMgr(new GraspIt::GraspItSceneManagerHeadless());

    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::GraspItSimpleDBManager> mgr(new GraspIt::GraspItSimpleDBManager(name, graspitMgr));

    std::string robotName("Robot1");
    std::string objectName("Object1");

    PRINTMSG("Now loading robot");

    int robotID = -1;
    int objectID = -1;

    // here we'd have to put the robot joint names, we'll leave this empty for this test fle
    std::vector<std::string> jointNames;
    if ((robotID = mgr->loadRobotToDatabase(robotFilename, robotName, jointNames)) < 0)
        PRINTERROR("Could not load robot");
        return 0;

    PRINTMSG("Now loading object");

    if ((objectID = mgr->loadObjectToDatabase(objectFilename, objectName, true)) < 0)
        PRINTERROR("Could not load object");
        return 0;

    // Now objects should be in the database only, but not in the world.
    // Re-add them to test if the world still workds afterwards:
    PRINTMSG("Now loading robot to world");
    if (mgr->loadToWorld(robotID, GraspIt::EigenTransform::Identity()) != 0)
        PRINTERROR("Could not add the robot to the graspit world");
        return 0;

    PRINTMSG("Now loading object to world");
    if (mgr->loadToWorld(objectID, GraspIt::EigenTransform::Identity()) != 0)
        PRINTERROR("Could not add the object to the graspit world");
        return 0;

    PRINTMSG("Saving world files");

    // test to see if it worked: save as world
    bool createDir = true;  // if true, the directory will be created, if it doesn't exist.
    graspitMgr->saveGraspItWorld(outputDirectory + "/dbtest/world.xml", createDir);
    graspitMgr->saveInventorWorld(outputDirectory + "/dbtest/world.iv", createDir);

    PRINTMSG("Quitting program.");
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    signal(SIGSEGV, handler);
    signal(SIGABRT, handler);


    std::string worldFilename;
    std::string robotFilename;
    std::string objectFilename;
    std::string outputDirectory;

    if (!loadParams(argc, argv, worldFilename, robotFilename, objectFilename, outputDirectory))
        return 1;

    PRINTMSG("Creating planner");

    std::string name = "EigenGraspPlanner1";  // TODO make parameter
    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::GraspItSceneManager> graspitMgr(new GraspIt::GraspItSceneManagerNoGui());

    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt(name, graspitMgr));
    SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner(name, graspitMgr));

    if (!worldFilename.empty())
        PRINTMSG("Loading world");
        // TODO add an option to set the transforms.
        // For now, they're put in the origin. For the planning, this should not really matter...
        GraspIt::EigenTransform robotTransform;
        GraspIt::EigenTransform objectTransform;
        // objectTransform.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(100,0,0));
        std::string robotName("Robot1");  // TODO parameterize
        std::string objectName("Object1");
        if ((graspitMgr->loadRobot(robotFilename, robotName, robotTransform) != 0) ||
                (graspitMgr->loadObject(objectFilename, objectName, true, objectTransform)))
            PRINTERROR("Could not load robot or object");
            return 1;

        // in case one wants to view the initial world before planning, save it:
        graspitMgr->saveGraspItWorld(outputDirectory + "/worlds/startWorld.xml");
        graspitMgr->saveInventorWorld(outputDirectory + "/worlds/startWorld.iv");

    // now save the world again as inventor file, to test
    // p->saveIVWorld("test.iv");

    int maxPlanningSteps = 50000;
    int repeatPlanning = 1;
    int keepMaxPlanningResults = 3;
    bool finishWithAutograsp = false;
    p->plan(maxPlanningSteps, repeatPlanning, keepMaxPlanningResults, finishWithAutograsp);

    PRINTMSG("Saving results as world files");

    bool createDir = true;
    bool saveIV = true;
    bool saveWorld = true;

    std::string resultsWorldDirectory = outputDirectory;
    std::string filenamePrefix = "world";
    p->saveResultsAsWorldFiles(resultsWorldDirectory, filenamePrefix, saveWorld, saveIV, createDir);

    std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult> allGrasps;

    PRINTMSG("Grasp results:");
    std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult>::iterator it;
    for (it = allGrasps.begin(); it != allGrasps.end(); ++it)

    PRINTMSG("Quitting program.");
    return 1;