int main() { try { double a = 0; double b = 0; double c = 0; cout << "I solve quadratic equations (ax^2+bx+c)\n"; cout << "Enter a: "; cin >> a; cout << "Enter b: "; cin >> b; cout << "Enter c: "; cin >> c; if (root1(a,b,c) == root2(a,b,c)) { cout << "There is only one root, x = " << root1(a,b,c) << '\n'; } else { cout << "x = " << root1(a,b,c) << " or x = " << root2(a,b,c) << '\n'; } return 0; } catch (exception &e) { cerr << "Exception Caught: " << e.what() << '\n'; return 1; } catch (...) { cerr << "Unknown Exception\n"; return 2; } }
int main() { TreeNode root1(1); TreeNode root2(1); TreeNode t2(2); TreeNode t3(3); TreeNode t4(4); TreeNode t5(5); TreeNode t6(6); TreeNode t7(7); TreeNode t8(8); TreeNode t9(9); root1.left = &t2; root1.right = &t3; root2.left = &t2; root2.right = &t3; t2.left = &t4; t2.right = &t5; t3.right = &t6; t4.left = &t7; t4.right = &t8; t8.left = &t9; Solution s; std::cout << s.isSameTree(&root1, &root2) << std::endl; return 0; }
void run () { uint128 seed1, seed2; seed1.SetHex ("71ED064155FFADFA38782C5E0158CB26"); seed2.SetHex ("CF0C3BE4485961858C4198515AE5B965"); CKey root1 (seed1), root2 (seed2); uint256 priv1, priv2; root1.GetPrivateKeyU (priv1); root2.GetPrivateKeyU (priv2); unexpected (to_string (priv1) != "7CFBA64F771E93E817E15039215430B53F7401C34931D111EAB3510B22DBB0D8", "Incorrect private key for generator"); unexpected (to_string (priv2) != "98BC2EACB26EB021D1A6293C044D88BA2F0B6729A2772DEEBF2E21A263C1740B", "Incorrect private key for generator"); RippleAddress nSeed; nSeed.setSeed (seed1); unexpected (nSeed.humanSeed () != "shHM53KPZ87Gwdqarm1bAmPeXg8Tn", "Incorrect human seed"); unexpected (nSeed.humanSeed1751 () != "MAD BODY ACE MINT OKAY HUB WHAT DATA SACK FLAT DANA MATH", "Incorrect 1751 seed"); }
TEST_F(ExpressionTests, EqualityTest) { // First tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(A.a), const_expr(2)) std::tuple<oid_t, oid_t, oid_t> bound_oid1(1, 1, 1); auto left1 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("a", "A"); left1->SetBoundOid(bound_oid1); auto right1 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root1( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left1, right1)); // Second tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(A.b), const_expr(2)) std::tuple<oid_t, oid_t, oid_t> bound_oid2(1, 1, 0); auto left2 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("b", "A"); left2->SetBoundOid(bound_oid2); auto right2 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root2( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left2, right2)); EXPECT_FALSE(root1->Equals(root2.get())); // Third tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(a.a), const_expr(2)) auto left3 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("a", "a"); left3->SetBoundOid(bound_oid1); auto right3 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root3( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left3, right3)); EXPECT_TRUE(root1->Equals(root3.get())); }
void movePlanets( struct planet * thePlanets , double t , double dt ){ double TOL = 1e-8; double r0 = thePlanets[0].r + thePlanets[1].r; double phi0 = thePlanets[1].phi; double vr = thePlanets[0].vr + thePlanets[1].vr; double omega = thePlanets[1].omega; double l = r0*r0*omega; double en = 0.5*vr*vr - 1./r0 + 0.5*l*l/r0/r0; double a = 1./2./fabs(en); double b = l/sqrt(2.*fabs(en)); double f = sqrt(fabs(a*a-b*b)); double e = f/a; double x0 = r0*cos(phi0); double y0 = r0*sin(phi0); double E0 = atan2( y0/b , (x0+f)/a ); double M0 = E0 - e*sin(E0); double M = M0 + l*dt/a/b; //Newton-Rapheson to solve M = E - e*sin(E) double E = M; //Guess value for E is M. double ff = root0( E , e ) - M; while( fabs(ff) > TOL ){ double dfdE = root1( E , e ); double dE = -ff/dfdE; E += dE; ff = root0( E , e ) - M; } double x = a*cos(E)-f; double y = b*sin(E); double R = sqrt(x*x+y*y); double phi = atan2(y,x); vr = sqrt( fabs( 2.*en + 2./R - l*l/R/R ) ); if( y<0.0 ) vr *= -1.; double mu = q_planet/(1.+q_planet); thePlanets[1].r = R*(1.-mu); thePlanets[1].phi = phi; thePlanets[1].omega = l/R/R; thePlanets[1].vr = vr*(1.-mu); thePlanets[0].r = R*mu; thePlanets[0].phi = phi+M_PI; thePlanets[0].omega = l/R/R; thePlanets[0].vr = vr*mu; }
TEST(IntNode, saveLoadAndSkip) { DefinitionNode root1(NULL, "root"); IntNode testa1(&root1, "testa", 1); IntNode testb1(&root1, "testb", 4); PackStream stream1;; DefinitionNode root2(NULL, "root"); IntNode testb2(&root2, "testb"); PackStream stream2(&stream1); root2.load(&stream2); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4, testb2.getValue()); }
TEST_F(ExpressionTests, HashTest) { // First tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(A.a), const_expr(2)) auto left1 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("a", "A"); auto oids1 = std::make_tuple<oid_t, oid_t, oid_t>(0,0,0); left1->SetBoundOid(oids1); auto right1 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root1( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left1, right1)); LOG_INFO("Hash(tree1)=%ld", root1->Hash()); // Second tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(A.b), const_expr(2)) auto left2 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("b", "A"); auto oids2 = std::make_tuple<oid_t, oid_t, oid_t>(0,0,1); left2->SetBoundOid(oids2); auto right2 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root2( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left2, right2)); LOG_INFO("Hash(tree2)=%ld", root2->Hash()); EXPECT_NE(root1->Hash(), root2->Hash()); // Third tree operator_expr(-) -> (tup_expr(A.a), const_expr(2)) auto left3 = new expression::TupleValueExpression("a", "A"); auto oids3 = oids1; left3->SetBoundOid(oids3); auto right3 = new expression::ConstantValueExpression( type::ValueFactory::GetIntegerValue(2)); std::unique_ptr<expression::OperatorExpression> root3( new expression::OperatorExpression( ExpressionType::OPERATOR_MINUS, type::TypeId::INVALID, left3, right3)); LOG_INFO("Hash(tree3)=%ld", root3->Hash()); EXPECT_EQ(root1->Hash(), root3->Hash()); }
static Tree root1(Tree p) { if (p == NULL) return p; if (p->type == voidtype) warn++; switch (generic(p->op)) { case COND: { Tree q = p->kids[1]; assert(q && q->op == RIGHT); if (p->u.sym && q->kids[0] && generic(q->kids[0]->op) == ASGN) q->kids[0] = root1(q->kids[0]->kids[1]); else q->kids[0] = root1(q->kids[0]); if (p->u.sym && q->kids[1] && generic(q->kids[1]->op) == ASGN) q->kids[1] = root1(q->kids[1]->kids[1]); else q->kids[1] = root1(q->kids[1]); p->u.sym = 0; if (q->kids[0] == 0 && q->kids[1] == 0) p = root1(p->kids[0]); } break; case AND: case OR: if ((p->kids[1] = root1(p->kids[1])) == 0) p = root1(p->kids[0]); break; case NOT: if (warn++ == 0) warning("expression with no effect elided\n"); return root1(p->kids[0]); case RIGHT: if (p->kids[1] == 0) return root1(p->kids[0]); if (p->kids[0] && p->kids[0]->op == CALL+B && p->kids[1] && p->kids[1]->op == INDIR+B) /* avoid premature release of the CALL+B temporary */ return p->kids[0]; if (p->kids[0] && p->kids[0]->op == RIGHT && p->kids[1] == p->kids[0]->kids[0]) /* de-construct e++ construction */ return p->kids[0]->kids[1]; p = tree(RIGHT, p->type, root1(p->kids[0]), root1(p->kids[1])); return p->kids[0] || p->kids[1] ? p : (Tree)0; case EQ: case NE: case GT: case GE: case LE: case LT: case ADD: case SUB: case MUL: case DIV: case MOD: case LSH: case RSH: case BAND: case BOR: case BXOR: if (warn++ == 0) warning("expression with no effect elided\n"); p = tree(RIGHT, p->type, root1(p->kids[0]), root1(p->kids[1])); return p->kids[0] || p->kids[1] ? p : (Tree)0; case INDIR: if (p->type->size == 0 && unqual(p->type) != voidtype) warning("reference to `%t' elided\n", p->type); if (isptr(p->kids[0]->type) && isvolatile(p->kids[0]->type->type)) warning("reference to `volatile %t' elided\n", p->type); /* fall thru */ case CVI: case CVF: case CVU: case CVP: case NEG: case BCOM: case FIELD: if (warn++ == 0) warning("expression with no effect elided\n"); return root1(p->kids[0]); case ADDRL: case ADDRG: case ADDRF: case CNST: if (needconst) return p; if (warn++ == 0) warning("expression with no effect elided\n"); return NULL; case ARG: case ASGN: case CALL: case JUMP: case LABEL: break; default: assert(0); } return p; }
Tree root(Tree p) { warn = 0; return root1(p); }