QString CleanSource::PreprocessSpecialCases(const QString &source)
    QString newsource = source;
    // For content files we want to retain the functionality offered by an
    // auto-correcting html parser, but this can only handle one namespace
    // in the <html> tag and simply strips tags with namespace prefixes it
    // doesn't understand. The solution used here is to embed the namespace
    // definition in the root tag itself.
    QRegularExpression root_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:\\s*svg");
    QString root_svg_embeddedNS = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"";
    newsource.replace(root_svg_tag_with_prefix, root_svg_embeddedNS);
    // Once the root tag has an embedded namespace, strip the prefix from all other tags
    QRegularExpression child_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:");
    QString child_tag_no_prefix = "<";
    newsource.replace(child_svg_tag_with_prefix, child_tag_no_prefix);
    return newsource;
// neither svg nor math tags need a namespace prefix defined
// especially as epub3 now includes them into the html5 spec
// So we need to remove the svg prefix from the tags before
// processing them with gumbo
QString CleanSource::PreprocessSpecialCases(const QString &source)
    QString newsource = source;
    // remove prefix from root tag and add unprefixed svg namespace to it
    QRegularExpression root_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:\\s*svg");
    QString root_svg_embeddedNS = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"";
    newsource.replace(root_svg_tag_with_prefix, root_svg_embeddedNS);
    // search for any prefixed svg namespace in that root tag and remove it
    QRegularExpression svg_nsprefix(SVG_NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
    QRegularExpressionMatch mo = svg_nsprefix.match(newsource);
    if (mo.hasMatch()) {
        newsource.replace(mo.capturedStart(1), mo.capturedLength(1), "");
    // now strip the prefix from all child starting tags
    QRegularExpression starting_child_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:");
    QString starting_child_tag_no_prefix = "<";
    newsource.replace(starting_child_svg_tag_with_prefix, starting_child_tag_no_prefix);
    // do the same for any child ending tags
    QRegularExpression ending_child_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*/\\s*svg\\s*:");
    QString ending_child_tag_no_prefix = "</";
    newsource.replace(ending_child_svg_tag_with_prefix, ending_child_tag_no_prefix);
    return newsource;