文件: cheat.cpp 项目: crazii/mameui
void cheat_manager::load_cheats(const char *filename)
	std::string searchstr(machine().options().cheat_path());
	std::string curpath;
	for (path_iterator path(searchstr); path.next(curpath); )
	emu_file cheatfile(std::move(searchstr), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
		// loop over all instrances of the files found in our search paths
		for (osd_file::error filerr = cheatfile.open(filename, ".xml"); filerr == osd_file::error::NONE; filerr = cheatfile.open_next())
			osd_printf_verbose("Loading cheats file from %s\n", cheatfile.fullpath());

			// read the XML file into internal data structures
			xml_parse_options options = { nullptr };
			xml_parse_error error;
			options.error = &error;
			std::unique_ptr<xml_data_node, void (*)(xml_data_node *)> rootnode(xml_data_node::file_read(cheatfile, &options), [] (xml_data_node *node) { node->file_free(); });

			// if unable to parse the file, just bail
			if (rootnode == nullptr)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml(%d): error parsing XML (%s)\n", filename, error.error_line, error.error_message);

			// find the layout node
			xml_data_node *mamecheatnode = rootnode->get_child("mamecheat");
			if (mamecheatnode == nullptr)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml: missing mamecheatnode node", filename);

			// validate the config data version
			int version = mamecheatnode->get_attribute_int("version", 0);
			if (version != CHEAT_VERSION)
				throw emu_fatalerror("%s.xml(%d): Invalid cheat XML file: unsupported version", filename, mamecheatnode->line);

			// parse all the elements
			for (xml_data_node const *cheatnode = mamecheatnode->get_child("cheat"); cheatnode != nullptr; cheatnode = cheatnode->get_next_sibling("cheat"))
				// load this entry
				auto curcheat = std::make_unique<cheat_entry>(*this, m_symtable, filename, *cheatnode);

				// make sure we're not a duplicate
				if (REMOVE_DUPLICATE_CHEATS && curcheat->is_duplicate())
					osd_printf_verbose("Ignoring duplicate cheat '%s' from file %s\n", curcheat->description(), cheatfile.fullpath());
				else // add to the end of the list

	// handle errors cleanly
	catch (emu_fatalerror &err)
		osd_printf_error("%s\n", err.string());
bool BTree::open(const char *filename, bool destruct) {
	if(!db.open(filename, destruct)) return false;
    if(destruct) {
        BTreeNode rootnode(numElements, elementSize);
        BTreeNode leafnode(numElements, elementSize);

        rootnode.insertElement(MAXKEY, 1);
        leafnode.insertElement(MAXKEY, 0);

        db.writeRecord(0, rootnode.getbuf());
        db.writeRecord(1, leafnode.getbuf());

    } else {
        int j = 2;
        char *buf = new char[elementSize];
        while(db.readRecord(j, buf)) j++;

	return true;
svgtiny_code svgtiny_parse(svgInfo &info,struct svgtiny_diagram *diagram, const char *buffer,int viewport_width, int viewport_height){
    Poco::XML::Document *document;
    Poco::XML::Element *svg;
	struct svgtiny_parse_state state;
	float x, y, width, height;
	svgtiny_code code;


    string rawXMLstring(buffer);
    //info.rawXML = rawXMLstring;
    //parser is statically allocated
    Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;
     Why does this upset the internal SVG parser?
    //parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::XMLReader::FEATURE_NAMESPACES, false);
    document = parser.parseString(rawXMLstring);

    svg = document->documentElement();
    //std::cout << svg->localName() << std::endl;
	if (!svg){
		code = svgtiny_NOT_SVG;
        return code;
    }else if(svg->localName().compare("svg") != 0){
		code= svgtiny_NOT_SVG;
        return code;
	/* get graphic dimensions */
	state.diagram = diagram;
	state.document = document;
	state.viewport_width = viewport_width;
	state.viewport_height = viewport_height;
	svgtiny_parse_position_attributes(svg, state, &x, &y, &width, &height);
	diagram->width = width;
	diagram->height = height;

	/* set up parsing state */
	state.viewport_width = width;
	state.viewport_height = height;
	state.ctm.a = 1; /*(float) viewport_width / (float) width;*/
	state.ctm.b = 0;
	state.ctm.c = 0;
	state.ctm.d = 1; /*(float) viewport_height / (float) height;*/
	state.ctm.e = 0; /*x;*/
	state.ctm.f = 0; /*y;*/
	/*state.style = css_base_style;
	state.style.font_size.value.length.value = option_font_size * 0.1;*/
	state.fill = 0x000000;
	state.stroke = svgtiny_TRANSPARENT;
	state.stroke_width = 1;
	state.linear_gradient_stop_count = 0;
    state.info = &info;

	/* parse tree */

    ofPtr<svgNode> rootnode(new svgNode());
    rootnode->type = SVG_TAG_TYPE_DOCUMENT;
    info.rootnode = rootnode;
        //store root svg info
        info.width = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("width").c_str());
        info.height = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("height").c_str());
        info.x = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("x").c_str());
        info.y = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("y").c_str());
        info.viewbox = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("viewBox").c_str());
        info.id = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("id").c_str());
        info.xmlns = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("xmlns").c_str());
        info.version = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("version").c_str());
        info.preserveAspectRatio = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("preserveAspectRatio").c_str());
	code = svgtiny_parse_svg(info,svg, state,rootnode);

	/* free XML tree */
    //return without namespace
    //parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::XMLReader::FEATURE_NAMESPACES, false);
    //document = parser.parseString(rawXMLstring);

	return code;