/* cycle-dectection - This algorithm uses two lists, one for node color and
 * the * other for node parent of all nodes at the beginning are white. Each 
 * * node is its own parent. algorithm starts from the first node and runs a
 * * depth-first-search and creates the connection between nodes. Every node
 * that * is checked becomes gray. The breaking condition is when algorithm
 * meet a node* that is gray but not based on algorithm sequence that is, its 
 * parent differs * from the node that called the algorithm ---Order =
 * O(|E|+|V|) */
static void net_routing_table_cycle_detection(struct net_routing_table_t
	int i, j, buffer_count = 0;
	struct net_t *net = routing_table->net;

	struct list_t *color_list;
	struct list_t *parent_list;
	struct list_t *buffer_list;
	struct net_node_t *buffer_color;
	struct net_buffer_t *buffer_i;
	struct net_node_t *node_i;

	buffer_list = list_create();
	color_list = list_create();
	parent_list = list_create();

	for (i = 0; i < routing_table->dim; i++)
		node_i = list_get(net->node_list, i);
		if (node_i->kind != net_node_bus && node_i->kind != net_node_photonic)
			for (j = 0; j < list_count(node_i->output_buffer_list); j++)

				buffer_i = list_get(node_i->output_buffer_list,j);

				list_add(color_list, NET_NODE_COLOR_WHITE);
				list_add(parent_list, buffer_i);
				list_add(buffer_list, buffer_i);

	buffer_count = list_count(color_list);

	for (i = 0; i < buffer_count && !routing_table->has_cycle; i++)
		buffer_color = list_get(color_list, i);
		if (buffer_color == NET_NODE_COLOR_WHITE)
				buffer_list, color_list, parent_list, i,
/* This algorithm will be recursively called to do the backtracking of DFS algorithm. */
static void routing_table_cycle_detection_dfs_visit(struct net_routing_table_t *routing_table, struct list_t *buffer_list,
	struct list_t *color_list, struct list_t *parent_list, int list_elem, int buffer_count)
	int j;

	struct net_t *net = routing_table->net;
	struct net_buffer_t *parent_index;
	struct net_node_t *buffer_color;
	struct net_node_t *node_elem;
	struct net_buffer_t *buffer_elem;

	list_set(color_list, list_elem, NET_NODE_COLOR_GRAY);

	buffer_elem = list_get(buffer_list, list_elem);

	node_elem = buffer_elem->node;

	for (j = 0; j < routing_table->dim && !routing_table->has_cycle; j++)

		struct net_node_t *node_adj;
		struct net_routing_table_entry_t *entry;

		node_adj = list_get(net->node_list, j);
		entry = net_routing_table_lookup(routing_table, node_elem, node_adj);

		if (entry->output_buffer == buffer_elem)

			struct net_routing_table_entry_t *entry_adj;
			entry_adj = net_routing_table_lookup(routing_table, entry->next_node, node_adj);

			for (int i = 0; i < buffer_count; i++)
				struct net_buffer_t *buffer_adj;
				buffer_adj = list_get(buffer_list, i);

				if (buffer_adj == entry_adj->output_buffer)

					buffer_color = list_get(color_list, i);
					if(buffer_color == NET_NODE_COLOR_WHITE)
						list_set(parent_list, i, buffer_elem);
						routing_table_cycle_detection_dfs_visit(routing_table, buffer_list, color_list, parent_list, i, buffer_count);

					buffer_color = list_get(color_list, i);
					parent_index = list_get(parent_list, i);

					if (buffer_color == NET_NODE_COLOR_GRAY  && parent_index != buffer_elem)
						warning("network %s: cycle found in routing table.\n%s",
							net->name, err_net_cycle);
						routing_table->has_cycle = 1;
	list_set(color_list, list_elem, NET_NODE_COLOR_BLACK);