Window* errorwin1(Rune *dir, int ndir, Rune **incl, int nincl) { Window *w; Rune *r; int i, n; r = runemalloc(ndir+8); if(n = ndir){ /* assign = */ runemove(r, dir, ndir); r[n++] = L'/'; } runemove(r+n, L"+Errors", 7); n += 7; w = lookfile(r, n); if(w == nil){ if(row.ncol == 0) if(rowadd(&row, nil, -1) == nil) error("can't create column to make error window"); w = coladd(row.col[row.ncol-1], nil, nil, -1); w->filemenu = FALSE; winsetname(w, r, n); } free(r); for(i=nincl; --i>=0; ){ n = runestrlen(incl[i]); r = runemalloc(n); runemove(r, incl[i], n); winaddincl(w, r, n); } w->autoindent = globalautoindent; return w; }
/* * Heuristic city. */ Window* makenewwindow(Text *t) { Column *c; Window *w, *bigw, *emptyw; Text *emptyb; int i, y, el; if(activecol) c = activecol; else if(seltext && seltext->col) c = seltext->col; else if(t && t->col) c = t->col; else{ if(row.ncol==0 && rowadd(&row, nil, -1)==nil) error("can't make column"); c = row.col[row.ncol-1]; } activecol = c; if(t==nil || t->w==nil || c->nw==0) return coladd(c, nil, nil, -1); /* find biggest window and biggest blank spot */ emptyw = c->w[0]; bigw = emptyw; for(i=1; i<c->nw; i++){ w = c->w[i]; /* use >= to choose one near bottom of screen */ if(w->body.maxlines >= bigw->body.maxlines) bigw = w; if(w->body.maxlines-w->body.nlines >= emptyw->body.maxlines-emptyw->body.nlines) emptyw = w; } emptyb = &emptyw->body; el = emptyb->maxlines-emptyb->nlines; /* if empty space is big, use it */ if(el>15 || (el>3 && el>(bigw->body.maxlines-1)/2)) y = emptyb->r.min.y+emptyb->nlines*font->height; else{ /* if this window is in column and isn't much smaller, split it */ if(t->col==c && Dy(t->w->r)>2*Dy(bigw->r)/3) bigw = t->w; y = (bigw->r.min.y + bigw->r.max.y)/2; } w = coladd(c, nil, nil, y); if(w->body.maxlines < 2) colgrow(w->col, w, 1); return w; }
/* * Heuristic city. */ Window* makenewwindow(Page *p) { Column *c; Window *w, *bigw, *emptyw; Page *emptyp; int i, y, el; if(activecol) c = activecol; else if(selpage && selpage->col) c = selpage->col; else if(p && p->col) c = p->col; else { if(row.ncol==0 && rowadd(&row, nil, -1)==nil) error("can't make column"); c = row.col[row.ncol-1]; } activecol = c; if(p==nil || p->w==nil || c->nw==0) return coladd(c, nil, nil, -1); /* find biggest window and biggest blank spot */ emptyw = c->w[0]; bigw = emptyw; for(i=1; i<c->nw; i++) { w = c->w[i]; /* use >= to choose one near bottom of screen */ if(Dy(w->page.all) >= Dy(bigw->page.all)) bigw = w; if(w->page.lay==nil && Dy(w->page.all) >= Dy(emptyw->page.all)) emptyw = w; } emptyp = &emptyw->page; el = Dy(emptyp->all); /* if empty space is big, use it */ if(el>15 || (el>3 && el>(Dy(bigw->page.all)-1)/2)) y = emptyp->all.max.y; else { /* if this window is in column and isn't much smaller, split it */ if(p->col==c && Dy(p->w->r)>2*Dy(bigw->r)/3) bigw = p->w; y = (bigw->r.min.y + bigw->r.max.y)/2; } w = coladd(c, nil, nil, y); colgrow(w->col, w, 1); return w; }
int main() { int a,n,x,o,i,j=0,max=0; char c[10],rc[10]="RowAdd",cc[10]="ColAdd"; scanf("%d%d",&n,&i); while(j<(n*n)) { a[j]=0; j++; } j=0; while(j<i) { scanf("%s",&c); if(!strcmp(c,rc)) { scanf("%d",&o); scanf("%d",&x); rowadd(a,o,x,n); } else if(!strcmp(c,cc)) { scanf("%d",&o); scanf("%d",&x); coladd(a,o,x,n); } j++; } for(j=0;j<n;j++) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(max<a[i][j])) max=a[i][j]; } } printf("%d\n",max); return 0; }
void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *p, *loadfile; Column *c; int ncol; Display *d; rfork(RFENVG|RFNAMEG); ncol = -1; loadfile = nil; ARGBEGIN{ case 'D': {extern int _threaddebuglevel; _threaddebuglevel = ~0; } break; case 'a': globalautoindent = TRUE; break; case 'b': bartflag = TRUE; break; case 'c': p = ARGF(); if(p == nil) goto Usage; ncol = atoi(p); if(ncol <= 0) goto Usage; break; case 'f': fontnames[0] = ARGF(); if(fontnames[0] == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'F': fontnames[1] = ARGF(); if(fontnames[1] == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'l': loadfile = ARGF(); if(loadfile == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'm': mtpt = ARGF(); if(mtpt == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'r': swapscrollbuttons = TRUE; break; case 'W': winsize = ARGF(); if(winsize == nil) goto Usage; break; default: Usage: fprint(2, "usage: acme -a -c ncol -f fontname -F fixedwidthfontname -l loadfile -W winsize\n"); threadexitsall("usage"); }ARGEND fontnames[0] = estrdup(fontnames[0]); fontnames[1] = estrdup(fontnames[1]); quotefmtinstall(); fmtinstall('t', timefmt); cputype = getenv("cputype"); objtype = getenv("objtype"); home = getenv("HOME"); acmeshell = getenv("acmeshell"); if(acmeshell && *acmeshell == '\0') acmeshell = nil; p = getenv("tabstop"); if(p != nil){ maxtab = strtoul(p, nil, 0); free(p); } if(maxtab == 0) maxtab = 4; if(loadfile) rowloadfonts(loadfile); putenv("font", fontnames[0]); snarffd = open("/dev/snarf", OREAD|OCEXEC); /* if(cputype){ sprint(buf, "/acme/bin/%s", cputype); bind(buf, "/bin", MBEFORE); } bind("/acme/bin", "/bin", MBEFORE); */ getwd(wdir, sizeof wdir); /* if(geninitdraw(nil, derror, fontnames[0], "acme", nil, Refnone) < 0){ fprint(2, "acme: can't open display: %r\n"); threadexitsall("geninitdraw"); } */ if(initdraw(derror, fontnames[0], "acme") < 0){ fprint(2, "acme: can't open display: %r\n"); threadexitsall("initdraw"); } d = display; font = d->defaultfont; /*assert(font); */ reffont.f = font; reffonts[0] = &reffont; incref(&reffont.ref); /* one to hold up 'font' variable */ incref(&reffont.ref); /* one to hold up reffonts[0] */ fontcache = emalloc(sizeof(Reffont*)); nfontcache = 1; fontcache[0] = &reffont; iconinit(); timerinit(); rxinit(); cwait = threadwaitchan(); ccommand = chancreate(sizeof(Command**), 0); ckill = chancreate(sizeof(Rune*), 0); cxfidalloc = chancreate(sizeof(Xfid*), 0); cxfidfree = chancreate(sizeof(Xfid*), 0); cnewwindow = chancreate(sizeof(Channel*), 0); cerr = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 0); cedit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0); cexit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0); cwarn = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1); if(cwait==nil || ccommand==nil || ckill==nil || cxfidalloc==nil || cxfidfree==nil || cerr==nil || cexit==nil || cwarn==nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't create initial channels: %r\n"); threadexitsall("channels"); } chansetname(ccommand, "ccommand"); chansetname(ckill, "ckill"); chansetname(cxfidalloc, "cxfidalloc"); chansetname(cxfidfree, "cxfidfree"); chansetname(cnewwindow, "cnewwindow"); chansetname(cerr, "cerr"); chansetname(cedit, "cedit"); chansetname(cexit, "cexit"); chansetname(cwarn, "cwarn"); mousectl = initmouse(nil, screen); if(mousectl == nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize mouse: %r\n"); threadexitsall("mouse"); } mouse = &mousectl->m; keyboardctl = initkeyboard(nil); if(keyboardctl == nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize keyboard: %r\n"); threadexitsall("keyboard"); } mainpid = getpid(); startplumbing(); /* plumbeditfd = plumbopen("edit", OREAD|OCEXEC); if(plumbeditfd < 0) fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize plumber: %r\n"); else{ cplumb = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0); threadcreate(plumbproc, nil, STACK); } plumbsendfd = plumbopen("send", OWRITE|OCEXEC); */ fsysinit(); #define WPERCOL 8 disk = diskinit(); if(!loadfile || !rowload(&row, loadfile, TRUE)){ rowinit(&row, screen->clipr); if(ncol < 0){ if(argc == 0) ncol = 2; else{ ncol = (argc+(WPERCOL-1))/WPERCOL; if(ncol < 2) ncol = 2; } } if(ncol == 0) ncol = 2; for(i=0; i<ncol; i++){ c = rowadd(&row, nil, -1); if(c==nil && i==0) error("initializing columns"); } c = row.col[row.ncol-1]; if(argc == 0) readfile(c, wdir); else for(i=0; i<argc; i++){ p = utfrrune(argv[i], '/'); if((p!=nil && strcmp(p, "/guide")==0) || i/WPERCOL>=row.ncol) readfile(c, argv[i]); else readfile(row.col[i/WPERCOL], argv[i]); } } flushimage(display, 1); acmeerrorinit(); threadcreate(keyboardthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(mousethread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(waitthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(xfidallocthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(newwindowthread, nil, STACK); /* threadcreate(shutdownthread, nil, STACK); */ threadnotify(shutdown, 1); recvul(cexit); killprocs(); threadexitsall(nil); }
void rowdragcol(Row *row, Column *c, int) { Rectangle r; int i, b, x; Point p, op; Column *d; clearmouse(); setcursor(mousectl, &boxcursor); b = mouse->buttons; op = mouse->xy; while(mouse->buttons == b) readmouse(mousectl); setcursor(mousectl, nil); if(mouse->buttons){ while(mouse->buttons) readmouse(mousectl); return; } for(i=0; i<row->ncol; i++) if(row->col[i] == c) goto Found; error("can't find column"); Found: if(i == 0) return; p = mouse->xy; if((abs(p.x-op.x)<5 && abs(p.y-op.y)<5)) return; if((i>0 && p.x<row->col[i-1]->r.min.x) || (i<row->ncol-1 && p.x>c->r.max.x)){ /* shuffle */ x = c->r.min.x; rowclose(row, c, FALSE); if(rowadd(row, c, p.x) == nil) /* whoops! */ if(rowadd(row, c, x) == nil) /* WHOOPS! */ if(rowadd(row, c, -1)==nil){ /* shit! */ rowclose(row, c, TRUE); return; } colmousebut(c); return; } d = row->col[i-1]; if(p.x < d->r.min.x+80+Scrollsize) p.x = d->r.min.x+80+Scrollsize; if(p.x > c->r.max.x-80-Scrollsize) p.x = c->r.max.x-80-Scrollsize; r = d->r; r.max.x = c->r.max.x; draw(screen, r, display->white, nil, ZP); r.max.x = p.x; colresize(d, r); r = c->r; r.min.x = p.x; r.max.x = r.min.x; r.max.x += Border; draw(screen, r, display->black, nil, ZP); r.min.x = r.max.x; r.max.x = c->r.max.x; colresize(c, r); colmousebut(c); }
int rowload(Row *row, char *file, int initing) { int i, j, line, percent, y, nr, nfontr, n, ns, ndumped, dumpid, x, fd; Biobuf *b, *bout; char *buf, *l, *t, *fontname; Rune *r, rune, *fontr; Column *c, *c1, *c2; uint q0, q1; Rectangle r1, r2; Window *w; buf = fbufalloc(); if(file == nil){ if(home == nil){ warning(nil, "can't find file for load: $home not defined\n"); goto Rescue1; } sprint(buf, "%s/acme.dump", home); file = buf; } b = Bopen(file, OREAD); if(b == nil){ warning(nil, "can't open load file %s: %r\n", file); goto Rescue1; } /* current directory */ line = 0; l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(chdir(l) < 0){ warning(nil, "can't chdir %s\n", l); goto Rescue2; } /* global fonts */ for(i=0; i<2; i++){ l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(*l && strcmp(l, fontnames[i])!=0) rfget(i, TRUE, i==0 && initing, l); } if(initing && row->ncol==0) rowinit(row, screen->clipr); l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; j = Blinelen(b)/12; if(j<=0 || j>10) goto Rescue2; for(i=0; i<j; i++){ percent = atoi(l+i*12); if(percent<0 || percent>=100) goto Rescue2; x = row->r.min.x+percent*Dx(row->r)/100; if(i < row->ncol){ if(i == 0) continue; c1 = row->col[i-1]; c2 = row->col[i]; r1 = c1->r; r2 = c2->r; r1.max.x = x; r2.min.x = x+Border; if(Dx(r1) < 50 || Dx(r2) < 50) continue; draw(screen, Rpt(r1.min, r2.max), display->white, nil, ZP); colresize(c1, r1); colresize(c2, r2); r2.min.x = x; r2.max.x = x+Border; draw(screen, r2, display->black, nil, ZP); } if(i >= row->ncol) rowadd(row, nil, x); } for(;;){ l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) break; dumpid = 0; switch(l[0]){ case 'e': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; l = rdline(b, &line); /* ctl line; ignored */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l = rdline(b, &line); /* directory */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(*l == '\0'){ if(home == nil) r = bytetorune("./", &nr); else{ t = emalloc(strlen(home)+1+1); sprint(t, "%s/", home); r = bytetorune(t, &nr); free(t); } }else r = bytetorune(l, &nr); l = rdline(b, &line); /* command */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; t = emalloc(Blinelen(b)+1); memmove(t, l, Blinelen(b)); run(nil, t, r, nr, TRUE, nil, nil, FALSE); /* r is freed in run() */ continue; case 'f': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+5*12; ndumped = -1; break; case 'F': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+6*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+6*12; ndumped = atoi(l+1+5*12+1); break; case 'x': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+5*12; ndumped = -1; dumpid = atoi(l+1+1*12); break; default: goto Rescue2; } l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; fontr = nil; nfontr = 0; if(*fontname) fontr = bytetorune(fontname, &nfontr); i = atoi(l+1+0*12); j = atoi(l+1+1*12); q0 = atoi(l+1+2*12); q1 = atoi(l+1+3*12); percent = atoi(l+1+4*12); if(i<0 || i>10) goto Rescue2; if(i > row->ncol) i = row->ncol; c = row->col[i]; y = c->r.min.y+(percent*Dy(c->r))/100; if(y<c->r.min.y || y>=c->r.max.y) y = -1; if(dumpid == 0) w = coladd(c, nil, nil, y); else w = coladd(c, nil, lookid(dumpid, TRUE), y); if(w == nil) continue; w->dumpid = j; l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; r = bytetorune(l+5*12, &nr); ns = -1; for(n=0; n<nr; n++){ if(r[n] == '/') ns = n; if(r[n] == ' ') break; } if(dumpid == 0) winsetname(w, r, n); for(; n<nr; n++) if(r[n] == '|') break; wincleartag(w); textinsert(&w->tag, w->tag.file->nc, r+n+1, nr-(n+1), TRUE); if(ndumped >= 0){ /* simplest thing is to put it in a file and load that */ sprint(buf, "/tmp/d%d.%.4sacme", getpid(), getuser()); fd = create(buf, OWRITE|ORCLOSE, 0600); if(fd < 0){ free(r); warning(nil, "can't create temp file: %r\n"); goto Rescue2; } bout = emalloc(sizeof(Biobuf)); Binit(bout, fd, OWRITE); for(n=0; n<ndumped; n++){ rune = Bgetrune(b); if(rune == '\n') line++; if(rune == (Rune)Beof){ free(r); Bterm(bout); free(bout); close(fd); goto Rescue2; } Bputrune(bout, rune); } Bterm(bout); free(bout); textload(&w->body, 0, buf, 1); close(fd); w->body.file->mod = TRUE; for(n=0; n<w->body.file->ntext; n++) w->body.file->text[n]->w->dirty = TRUE; winsettag(w); }else if(dumpid==0 && r[ns+1]!='+' && r[ns+1]!='-') get(&w->body, nil, nil, FALSE, XXX, nil, 0); if(fontr){ fontx(&w->body, nil, nil, 0, 0, fontr, nfontr); free(fontr); } free(r); if(q0>w->body.file->nc || q1>w->body.file->nc || q0>q1) q0 = q1 = 0; textshow(&w->body, q0, q1, 1); w->maxlines = min(w->body.nlines, max(w->maxlines, w->body.maxlines)); } Bterm(b); fbuffree(buf); return TRUE; Rescue2: warning(nil, "bad load file %s:%d\n", file, line); Bterm(b); Rescue1: fbuffree(buf); return FALSE; }
void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { Column *c; char buf[256]; int i, ncol; rfork(RFENVG|RFNAMEG); ncol = 1; ARGBEGIN{ case 'c': ncol = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if(ncol <= 0) usage(); break; case 'm': webmountpt = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'p': procstderr++; break; case 't': charset = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); break; }ARGEND snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/ctl", webmountpt); webctlfd = open(buf, ORDWR); if(webctlfd < 0) sysfatal("can't initialize webfs: %r"); snarffd = open("/dev/snarf", OREAD|OCEXEC); if(initdraw(derror, fontnames[0], "abaco") < 0) sysfatal("can't open display: %r"); memimageinit(); iconinit(); timerinit(); initfontpaths(); cexit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0); crefresh = chancreate(sizeof(Page *), 0); if(cexit==nil || crefresh==nil) sysfatal("can't create initial channels: %r"); mousectl = initmouse(nil, screen); if(mousectl == nil) sysfatal("can't initialize mouse: %r"); mouse = mousectl; keyboardctl = initkeyboard(nil); if(keyboardctl == nil) sysfatal("can't initialize keyboard: %r"); mainpid = getpid(); plumbwebfd = plumbopen("web", OREAD|OCEXEC); if(plumbwebfd >= 0){ cplumb = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0); proccreate(plumbproc, nil, STACK); } plumbsendfd = plumbopen("send", OWRITE|OCEXEC); rowinit(&row, screen->clipr); for(i=0; i<ncol; i++){ c = rowadd(&row, nil, -1); if(c==nil && i==0) error("initializing columns"); } c = row.col[row.ncol-1]; for(i=0; i<argc; i++) if(i/WPERCOL >= row.ncol) readpage(c, argv[i]); else readpage(row.col[i/WPERCOL], argv[i]); flushimage(display, 1); threadcreate(keyboardthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(mousethread, nil, STACK); threadnotify(shutdown, 1); recvul(cexit); threadexitsall(nil); }
void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *p, *loadfile; char buf[256]; Column *c; int ncol; Display *d; static void *arg[1]; rfork(RFENVG|RFNAMEG); ncol = -1; loadfile = nil; ARGBEGIN{ case 'a': globalautoindent = TRUE; break; case 'b': bartflag = TRUE; break; case 'c': p = ARGF(); if(p == nil) goto Usage; ncol = atoi(p); if(ncol <= 0) goto Usage; break; case 'f': fontnames[0] = ARGF(); if(fontnames[0] == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'F': fontnames[1] = ARGF(); if(fontnames[1] == nil) goto Usage; break; case 'l': loadfile = ARGF(); if(loadfile == nil) goto Usage; break; default: Usage: fprint(2, "usage: acme [-ab] [-c ncol] [-f font] [-F fixedfont] [-l loadfile | file...]\n"); exits("usage"); }ARGEND if(fontnames[0] == nil) fontnames[0] = getenv("font"); if(fontnames[0] == nil) fontnames[0] = "/lib/font/bit/vga/unicode.font"; if(access(fontnames[0], 0) < 0){ fprint(2, "acme: can't access %s: %r\n", fontnames[0]); exits("font open"); } if(fontnames[1] == nil) fontnames[1] = fontnames[0]; fontnames[0] = estrdup(fontnames[0]); fontnames[1] = estrdup(fontnames[1]); quotefmtinstall(); cputype = getenv("cputype"); objtype = getenv("objtype"); home = getenv("home"); p = getenv("tabstop"); if(p != nil){ maxtab = strtoul(p, nil, 0); free(p); } if(maxtab == 0) maxtab = 4; if(loadfile) rowloadfonts(loadfile); putenv("font", fontnames[0]); snarffd = open("/dev/snarf", OREAD|OCEXEC); if(cputype){ sprint(buf, "/acme/bin/%s", cputype); bind(buf, "/bin", MBEFORE); } bind("/acme/bin", "/bin", MBEFORE); getwd(wdir, sizeof wdir); if(geninitdraw(nil, derror, fontnames[0], "acme", nil, Refnone) < 0){ fprint(2, "acme: can't open display: %r\n"); exits("geninitdraw"); } d = display; font = d->defaultfont; reffont.f = font; reffonts[0] = &reffont; incref(&reffont); /* one to hold up 'font' variable */ incref(&reffont); /* one to hold up reffonts[0] */ fontcache = emalloc(sizeof(Reffont*)); nfontcache = 1; fontcache[0] = &reffont; iconinit(); timerinit(); rxinit(); cwait = threadwaitchan(); ccommand = chancreate(sizeof(Command**), 0); ckill = chancreate(sizeof(Rune*), 0); cxfidalloc = chancreate(sizeof(Xfid*), 0); cxfidfree = chancreate(sizeof(Xfid*), 0); cnewwindow = chancreate(sizeof(Channel*), 0); cerr = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 0); cedit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0); cexit = chancreate(sizeof(int), 0); cwarn = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1); if(cwait==nil || ccommand==nil || ckill==nil || cxfidalloc==nil || cxfidfree==nil || cerr==nil || cexit==nil || cwarn==nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't create initial channels: %r\n"); threadexitsall("channels"); } mousectl = initmouse(nil, screen); if(mousectl == nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize mouse: %r\n"); threadexitsall("mouse"); } mouse = mousectl; keyboardctl = initkeyboard(nil); if(keyboardctl == nil){ fprint(2, "acme: can't initialize keyboard: %r\n"); threadexitsall("keyboard"); } mainpid = getpid(); plumbeditfd = plumbopen("edit", OREAD|OCEXEC); if(plumbeditfd >= 0){ cplumb = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0); proccreate(plumbproc, nil, STACK); } plumbsendfd = plumbopen("send", OWRITE|OCEXEC); fsysinit(); #define WPERCOL 8 disk = diskinit(); if(!loadfile || !rowload(&row, loadfile, TRUE)){ rowinit(&row, screen->clipr); if(ncol < 0){ if(argc == 0) ncol = 2; else{ ncol = (argc+(WPERCOL-1))/WPERCOL; if(ncol < 2) ncol = 2; } } if(ncol == 0) ncol = 2; for(i=0; i<ncol; i++){ c = rowadd(&row, nil, -1); if(c==nil && i==0) error("initializing columns"); } c = row.col[row.ncol-1]; if(argc == 0) readfile(c, wdir); else for(i=0; i<argc; i++){ p = utfrrune(argv[i], '/'); if((p!=nil && strcmp(p, "/guide")==0) || i/WPERCOL>=row.ncol) readfile(c, argv[i]); else readfile(row.col[i/WPERCOL], argv[i]); } } flushimage(display, 1); acmeerrorinit(); threadcreate(keyboardthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(mousethread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(waitthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(xfidallocthread, nil, STACK); threadcreate(newwindowthread, nil, STACK); threadnotify(shutdown, 1); recvul(cexit); killprocs(); threadexitsall(nil); }