double QgsComposerTableV2::totalHeight() const
  double height = 0;

  //loop through all existing frames to calculate how many rows are visible in each
  //as the entire height of a frame may not be utilised for content rows
  int rowsAlreadyShown = 0;
  int numberExistingFrames = frameCount();
  int rowsVisibleInLastFrame = 0;
  double heightOfLastFrame = 0;
  for ( int idx = 0; idx < numberExistingFrames; ++idx )
    bool hasHeader = (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && idx == 0 )
                      || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) );
    heightOfLastFrame = frame( idx )->rect().height();
    rowsVisibleInLastFrame = rowsVisible( heightOfLastFrame, hasHeader );
    rowsAlreadyShown += rowsVisibleInLastFrame;
    height += heightOfLastFrame;
    if ( rowsAlreadyShown >= mTableContents.length() )
      //shown entire contents of table, nothing remaining
      return height;

  if ( mResizeMode == QgsComposerMultiFrame::ExtendToNextPage )
    heightOfLastFrame = mComposition->paperHeight();
    bool hasHeader = (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && numberExistingFrames < 1 )
                      || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) );
    rowsVisibleInLastFrame = rowsVisible( heightOfLastFrame, hasHeader );

  //calculate how many rows left to show
  int remainingRows = mTableContents.length() - rowsAlreadyShown;

  if ( remainingRows <= 0 )
    //no remaining rows
    return height;

  if ( rowsVisibleInLastFrame < 1 )
    //if no rows are visible in the last frame, calculation of missing frames
    //is impossible. So just return total height of existing frames
    return height;

  //rows remain unshown -- how many extra frames would we need to complete the table?
  //assume all added frames are same size as final frame
  int numberFramesMissing = ceil(( double )remainingRows / ( double )rowsVisibleInLastFrame );
  height += heightOfLastFrame * numberFramesMissing;
  return height;
QPair<int, int> QgsLayoutTable::rowRange( const int frameIndex ) const
  //calculate row height
  if ( frameIndex >= frameCount() )
    //bad frame index
    return qMakePair( 0, 0 );

  //loop through all previous frames to calculate how many rows are visible in each
  //as the entire height of a frame may not be utilized for content rows
  int rowsAlreadyShown = 0;
  for ( int idx = 0; idx < frameIndex; ++idx )
    rowsAlreadyShown += rowsVisible( idx, rowsAlreadyShown, false );

  //using zero based indexes
  int firstVisible = std::min( rowsAlreadyShown, mTableContents.length() );
  int possibleRowsVisible = rowsVisible( frameIndex, rowsAlreadyShown, false );
  int lastVisible = std::min( firstVisible + possibleRowsVisible, mTableContents.length() );

  return qMakePair( firstVisible, lastVisible );
int QgsComposerTableV2::rowsVisible( const int frameIndex ) const
  //get frame extent
  if ( frameIndex >= frameCount() )
    return 0;
  QRectF frameExtent = frame( frameIndex )->extent();

  bool includeHeader = false;
  if (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
      || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) )
    includeHeader = true;
  return rowsVisible( frameExtent.height(), includeHeader );
int QgsLayoutTable::rowsVisible( int frameIndex, int firstRow, bool includeEmptyRows ) const
  //get frame extent
  if ( frameIndex >= frameCount() )
    return 0;
  QRectF frameExtent = frame( frameIndex )->extent();

  bool includeHeader = false;
  if ( ( mHeaderMode == QgsLayoutTable::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
       || ( mHeaderMode == QgsLayoutTable::AllFrames ) )
    includeHeader = true;
  return rowsVisible( frameExtent.height(), firstRow, includeHeader, includeEmptyRows );
QPair< int, int > QgsComposerTableV2::rowRange( const QRectF extent, const int frameIndex ) const
  //calculate row height
  if ( frameIndex >= frameCount() )
    //bad frame index
    return qMakePair( 0 , 0 );

  //loop through all previous frames to calculate how many rows are visible in each
  //as the entire height of a frame may not be utilised for content rows
  int rowsAlreadyShown = 0;
  for ( int idx = 0; idx < frameIndex; ++idx )
    rowsAlreadyShown += rowsVisible( idx );

  double headerHeight = 0;
  if (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
      || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) )
    //frame has a header
    headerHeight = 2 * ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 ) + 2 * mCellMargin +  QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mHeaderFont );
    headerHeight = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );

  //remaining height available for content rows
  double contentHeight = extent.height() - headerHeight;
  double rowHeight = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 ) + 2 * mCellMargin + QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mContentFont );

  //using zero based indexes
  int firstVisible = qMin( rowsAlreadyShown, mTableContents.length() );
  int rowsVisible = qMax( floor( contentHeight / rowHeight ), 0.0 );
  int lastVisible = qMin( firstVisible + rowsVisible, mTableContents.length() );

  return qMakePair( firstVisible, lastVisible );
void QgsComposerTableV2::render( QPainter *p, const QRectF &renderExtent, const int frameIndex )
  if ( !p )

  bool emptyTable = mTableContents.length() == 0;
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::HideTable )
    //empty table set to hide table mode, so don't draw anything

  //calculate which rows to show in this frame
  QPair< int, int > rowsToShow = rowRange( renderExtent, frameIndex );

  if ( mComposition->plotStyle() == QgsComposition::Print ||
       mComposition->plotStyle() == QgsComposition::Postscript )
    //exporting composition, so force an attribute refresh
    //we do this in case vector layer has changed via an external source (eg, another database user)

  //antialiasing on
  p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  p->setPen( Qt::SolidLine );

  //now draw the text
  double currentX = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );
  double currentY;

  QList<QgsComposerTableColumn*>::const_iterator columnIt = mColumns.constBegin();

  int col = 0;
  double cellHeaderHeight = QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mHeaderFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  double cellBodyHeight = QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mContentFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  QRectF cell;

  //calculate whether a header is required
  bool drawHeader = (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
                     || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) );
  //calculate whether drawing table contents is required
  bool drawContents = !( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::ShowMessage );

  for ( ; columnIt != mColumns.constEnd(); ++columnIt )
    currentY = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );
    currentX += mCellMargin;

    Qt::TextFlag textFlag = ( Qt::TextFlag )0;
    if (( *columnIt )->width() <= 0 )
      //automatic column width, so we use the Qt::TextDontClip flag when drawing contents, as this works nicer for italicised text
      //which may slightly exceed the calculated width
      //if column size was manually set then we do apply text clipping, to avoid painting text outside of columns width
      textFlag = Qt::TextDontClip;

    if ( drawHeader )
      //draw the header
      cell = QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col], cellHeaderHeight );

      //calculate alignment of header
      Qt::AlignmentFlag headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
      switch ( mHeaderHAlignment )
        case FollowColumn:
          headerAlign = ( *columnIt )->hAlignment();
        case HeaderLeft:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
        case HeaderCenter:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter;
        case HeaderRight:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignRight;

      QgsComposerUtils::drawText( p, cell, ( *columnIt )->heading(), mHeaderFont, mHeaderFontColor, headerAlign, Qt::AlignVCenter, textFlag );

      currentY += cellHeaderHeight;
      currentY += ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );

    if ( drawContents )
      //draw the attribute values
      for ( int row = rowsToShow.first; row < rowsToShow.second; ++row )
        cell = QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col], cellBodyHeight );

        QVariant cellContents = mTableContents.at( row ).at( col );
        QString str = cellContents.toString();

        QgsComposerUtils::drawText( p, cell, str, mContentFont, mContentFontColor, ( *columnIt )->hAlignment(), Qt::AlignVCenter, textFlag );

        currentY += cellBodyHeight;
        currentY += ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );

    currentX += mMaxColumnWidthMap[ col ];
    currentX += mCellMargin;
    currentX += ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 );

  //and the borders
  if ( mShowGrid )
    int numberRowsToDraw = rowsToShow.second - rowsToShow.first;
    if ( mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::DrawEmptyCells )
      numberRowsToDraw = rowsVisible( frameIndex );
    bool mergeCells = false;
    if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::ShowMessage )
      //draw a merged row for the empty table message
      mergeCells = true;

    QPen gridPen;
    gridPen.setWidthF( mGridStrokeWidth );
    gridPen.setColor( mGridColor );
    gridPen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
    p->setPen( gridPen );
    drawHorizontalGridLines( p, numberRowsToDraw, drawHeader );
    drawVerticalGridLines( p, mMaxColumnWidthMap, numberRowsToDraw, drawHeader, mergeCells );

  //special case - no records and table is set to ShowMessage mode
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::ShowMessage )
    double messageX = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 ) + mCellMargin;
    double messageY = ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 ) +
                      ( drawHeader ? cellHeaderHeight + ( mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0 ) : 0 );
    cell = QRectF( messageX, messageY, mTableSize.width() - messageX, cellBodyHeight );
    QgsComposerUtils::drawText( p, cell, mEmptyTableMessage, mContentFont, mContentFontColor, Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlignVCenter, ( Qt::TextFlag )0 );


void QgsLayoutTable::render( QgsLayoutItemRenderContext &context, const QRectF &, const int frameIndex )
  bool emptyTable = mTableContents.length() == 0;
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsLayoutTable::HideTable )
    //empty table set to hide table mode, so don't draw anything

  if ( !mLayout->renderContext().isPreviewRender() )
    //exporting composition, so force an attribute refresh
    //we do this in case vector layer has changed via an external source (e.g., another database user)

  //calculate which rows to show in this frame
  QPair< int, int > rowsToShow = rowRange( frameIndex );

  double gridSizeX = mShowGrid && mVerticalGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0;
  double gridSizeY = mShowGrid && mHorizontalGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0;
  double cellHeaderHeight = QgsLayoutUtils::fontAscentMM( mHeaderFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  double cellBodyHeight = QgsLayoutUtils::fontAscentMM( mContentFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  QRectF cell;

  //calculate whether a header is required
  bool drawHeader = ( ( mHeaderMode == QgsLayoutTable::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
                      || ( mHeaderMode == QgsLayoutTable::AllFrames ) );
  //calculate whether drawing table contents is required
  bool drawContents = !( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsLayoutTable::ShowMessage );

  int numberRowsToDraw = rowsToShow.second - rowsToShow.first;
  int numberEmptyRows = 0;
  if ( drawContents && mShowEmptyRows )
    numberRowsToDraw = rowsVisible( frameIndex, rowsToShow.first, true );
    numberEmptyRows = numberRowsToDraw - rowsToShow.second + rowsToShow.first;
  bool mergeCells = false;
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsLayoutTable::ShowMessage )
    //draw a merged row for the empty table message
    mergeCells = true;

  QPainter *p = context.renderContext().painter();
  // painter is scaled to dots, so scale back to layout units
  p->scale( context.renderContext().scaleFactor(), context.renderContext().scaleFactor() );

  //draw the text
  p->setPen( Qt::SolidLine );

  double currentX = gridSizeX;
  double currentY = gridSizeY;
  if ( drawHeader )
    //draw the headers
    int col = 0;
    for ( const QgsLayoutTableColumn *column : qgis::as_const( mColumns ) )
      //draw background
      p->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
      p->setBrush( backgroundColor( -1, col ) );
      p->drawRect( QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col] + 2 * mCellMargin, cellHeaderHeight ) );

      currentX += mCellMargin;

      Qt::TextFlag textFlag = static_cast< Qt::TextFlag >( 0 );
      if ( column->width() <= 0 )
        //automatic column width, so we use the Qt::TextDontClip flag when drawing contents, as this works nicer for italicised text
        //which may slightly exceed the calculated width
        //if column size was manually set then we do apply text clipping, to avoid painting text outside of columns width
        textFlag = Qt::TextDontClip;

      cell = QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col], cellHeaderHeight );

      //calculate alignment of header
      Qt::AlignmentFlag headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
      switch ( mHeaderHAlignment )
        case FollowColumn:
          headerAlign = column->hAlignment();
        case HeaderLeft:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
        case HeaderCenter:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter;
        case HeaderRight:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignRight;

      QgsLayoutUtils::drawText( p, cell, column->heading(), mHeaderFont, mHeaderFontColor, headerAlign, Qt::AlignVCenter, textFlag );

      currentX += mMaxColumnWidthMap[ col ];
      currentX += mCellMargin;
      currentX += gridSizeX;

    currentY += cellHeaderHeight;
    currentY += gridSizeY;

  //now draw the body cells
  int rowsDrawn = 0;
  if ( drawContents )
    //draw the attribute values
    for ( int row = rowsToShow.first; row < rowsToShow.second; ++row )
      currentX = gridSizeX;
      int col = 0;

      //calculate row height
      double rowHeight = mMaxRowHeightMap[row + 1] + 2 * mCellMargin;

      for ( const QgsLayoutTableColumn *column : qgis::as_const( mColumns ) )
        //draw background
        p->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        p->setBrush( backgroundColor( row, col ) );
        p->drawRect( QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col] + 2 * mCellMargin, rowHeight ) );

        // currentY = gridSize;
        currentX += mCellMargin;

        QVariant cellContents = mTableContents.at( row ).at( col );
        QString str = cellContents.toString();

        Qt::TextFlag textFlag = static_cast< Qt::TextFlag >( 0 );
        if ( column->width() <= 0 && mWrapBehavior == TruncateText )
          //automatic column width, so we use the Qt::TextDontClip flag when drawing contents, as this works nicer for italicised text
          //which may slightly exceed the calculated width
          //if column size was manually set then we do apply text clipping, to avoid painting text outside of columns width
          textFlag = Qt::TextDontClip;
        else if ( textRequiresWrapping( str, column->width(), mContentFont ) )
          str = wrappedText( str, column->width(), mContentFont );

        cell = QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col], rowHeight );
        QgsLayoutUtils::drawText( p, cell, str, mContentFont, mContentFontColor, column->hAlignment(), column->vAlignment(), textFlag );

        currentX += mMaxColumnWidthMap[ col ];
        currentX += mCellMargin;
        currentX += gridSizeX;
      currentY += rowHeight;
      currentY += gridSizeY;

  if ( numberRowsToDraw > rowsDrawn )
    p->setPen( Qt::NoPen );

    //draw background of empty rows
    for ( int row = rowsDrawn; row < numberRowsToDraw; ++row )
      currentX = gridSizeX;
      int col = 0;

      if ( mergeCells )
        p->setBrush( backgroundColor( row + 10000, 0 ) );
        p->drawRect( QRectF( gridSizeX, currentY, mTableSize.width() - 2 * gridSizeX, cellBodyHeight ) );
        for ( QgsLayoutTableColumn *column : qgis::as_const( mColumns ) )
          Q_UNUSED( column );

          //draw background

          //we use a bit of a hack here - since we don't want these extra blank rows to match the firstrow/lastrow rule, add 10000 to row number
          p->setBrush( backgroundColor( row + 10000, col ) );
          p->drawRect( QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col] + 2 * mCellMargin, cellBodyHeight ) );

          // currentY = gridSize;
          currentX += mMaxColumnWidthMap[ col ] + 2 * mCellMargin;
          currentX += gridSizeX;
      currentY += cellBodyHeight + gridSizeY;

  //and the borders
  if ( mShowGrid )
    QPen gridPen;
    gridPen.setWidthF( mGridStrokeWidth );
    gridPen.setColor( mGridColor );
    gridPen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
    p->setPen( gridPen );
    if ( mHorizontalGrid )
      drawHorizontalGridLines( p, rowsToShow.first, rowsToShow.second + numberEmptyRows, drawHeader );
    if ( mVerticalGrid )
      drawVerticalGridLines( p, mMaxColumnWidthMap, rowsToShow.first, rowsToShow.second + numberEmptyRows, drawHeader, mergeCells );

  //special case - no records and table is set to ShowMessage mode
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsLayoutTable::ShowMessage )
    double messageX = gridSizeX + mCellMargin;
    double messageY = gridSizeY + ( drawHeader ? cellHeaderHeight + gridSizeY : 0 );
    cell = QRectF( messageX, messageY, mTableSize.width() - messageX, cellBodyHeight );
    QgsLayoutUtils::drawText( p, cell, mEmptyTableMessage, mContentFont, mContentFontColor, Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::AlignVCenter, static_cast< Qt::TextFlag >( 0 ) );


void QgsComposerTableV2::render( QPainter *p, const QRectF &, const int frameIndex )
  if ( !p )

  bool emptyTable = mTableContents.length() == 0;
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::HideTable )
    //empty table set to hide table mode, so don't draw anything

  if ( mComposition->plotStyle() == QgsComposition::Print ||
       mComposition->plotStyle() == QgsComposition::Postscript )
    //exporting composition, so force an attribute refresh
    //we do this in case vector layer has changed via an external source (eg, another database user)

  //calculate which rows to show in this frame
  QPair< int, int > rowsToShow = rowRange( frameIndex );

  double gridSize = mShowGrid ? mGridStrokeWidth : 0;
  double cellHeaderHeight = QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mHeaderFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  double cellBodyHeight = QgsComposerUtils::fontAscentMM( mContentFont ) + 2 * mCellMargin;
  QRectF cell;

  //calculate whether a header is required
  bool drawHeader = (( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::FirstFrame && frameIndex < 1 )
                     || ( mHeaderMode == QgsComposerTableV2::AllFrames ) );
  //calculate whether drawing table contents is required
  bool drawContents = !( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::ShowMessage );

  int numberRowsToDraw = rowsToShow.second - rowsToShow.first;
  int numberEmptyRows = 0;
  if ( drawContents && mShowEmptyRows )
    numberRowsToDraw = rowsVisible( frameIndex, rowsToShow.first, true );
    numberEmptyRows = numberRowsToDraw - rowsToShow.second + rowsToShow.first;
  bool mergeCells = false;
  if ( emptyTable && mEmptyTableMode == QgsComposerTableV2::ShowMessage )
    //draw a merged row for the empty table message
    mergeCells = true;

  //antialiasing on
  p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  //draw the text
  p->setPen( Qt::SolidLine );

  double currentX = gridSize;
  double currentY = gridSize;
  if ( drawHeader )
    //draw the headers
    int col = 0;
    Q_FOREACH ( const QgsComposerTableColumn* column, mColumns )
      //draw background
      p->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
      p->setBrush( backgroundColor( -1, col ) );
      p->drawRect( QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col] + 2 * mCellMargin, cellHeaderHeight ) );

      currentX += mCellMargin;

      Qt::TextFlag textFlag = static_cast< Qt::TextFlag >( 0 );
      if ( column->width() <= 0 )
        //automatic column width, so we use the Qt::TextDontClip flag when drawing contents, as this works nicer for italicised text
        //which may slightly exceed the calculated width
        //if column size was manually set then we do apply text clipping, to avoid painting text outside of columns width
        textFlag = Qt::TextDontClip;

      cell = QRectF( currentX, currentY, mMaxColumnWidthMap[col], cellHeaderHeight );

      //calculate alignment of header
      Qt::AlignmentFlag headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
      switch ( mHeaderHAlignment )
        case FollowColumn:
          headerAlign = column->hAlignment();
        case HeaderLeft:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
        case HeaderCenter:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter;
        case HeaderRight:
          headerAlign = Qt::AlignRight;

      QgsComposerUtils::drawText( p, cell, column->heading(), mHeaderFont, mHeaderFontColor, headerAlign, Qt::AlignVCenter, textFlag );

      currentX += mMaxColumnWidthMap[ col ];
      currentX += mCellMargin;
      currentX += gridSize;

    currentY += cellHeaderHeight;
    currentY += gridSize;