JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_librealsense_Native_rs2GetStreamProfileCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong streamProfileListAddr) { rs2_error *error = NULL; rs2_stream_profile_list* streamProfileList = (rs2_stream_profile_list*) streamProfileListAddr; int count = rs2_get_stream_profiles_count(streamProfileList, &error); checkErrors(env, error); return (jint)count; }
/** * Return the selected streams profiles, which are enabled in this profile. * * \return Vector of stream profiles */ std::vector<stream_profile> get_streams() const { std::vector<stream_profile> results; rs2_error* e = nullptr; std::shared_ptr<rs2_stream_profile_list> list( rs2_pipeline_profile_get_streams(_pipeline_profile.get(), &e), rs2_delete_stream_profiles_list); error::handle(e); auto size = rs2_get_stream_profiles_count(list.get(), &e); error::handle(e); for (auto i = 0; i < size; i++) { stream_profile profile(rs2_get_stream_profile(list.get(), i, &e)); error::handle(e); results.push_back(profile); } return results; }