dataObjUnlinkS (rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjUnlinkInp,
dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo)
    int status;
    unregDataObj_t unregDataObjInp;

    if (dataObjInfo->specColl == NULL) {
	if (dataObjUnlinkInp->oprType == UNREG_OPR && 
	  rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag != LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH) {
	    ruleExecInfo_t rei;

            initReiWithDataObjInp (&rei, rsComm, dataObjUnlinkInp);
            rei.doi = dataObjInfo;
            rei.status = DO_CHK_PATH_PERM;         /* default */
            applyRule ("acSetChkFilePathPerm", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
            if (rei.status != NO_CHK_PATH_PERM) {
                char *outVaultPath;
                rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost;
	        status = resolveHostByRescInfo (dataObjInfo->rescInfo, 
	        if (status < 0) return status;
	        /* unregistering but not an admin user */
	        status = matchVaultPath (rsComm, dataObjInfo->filePath, 
	          rodsServerHost, &outVaultPath);
	        if (status != 0) {
		    /* in the vault */
                    rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG,
                      "dataObjUnlinkS: unregistering in vault file %s",
                    return CANT_UNREG_IN_VAULT_FILE;
#if 0	/* don't need this since we are doing orphan */
	} else if (RescTypeDef[dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescTypeInx].driverType 
	  == WOS_FILE_TYPE && dataObjUnlinkInp->oprType != UNREG_OPR) {
	    /* WOS_FILE_TYPE, unlink first before unreg because orphan files
	     * cannot be reclaimed */
            status = l3Unlink (rsComm, dataObjInfo);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
                  "dataObjUnlinkS: l3Unlink error for WOS file %s. status = %d",
                  dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status);
		return status;
            unregDataObjInp.dataObjInfo = dataObjInfo;
            unregDataObjInp.condInput = &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput;
            status = rsUnregDataObj (rsComm, &unregDataObjInp);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
                  "dataObjUnlinkS: rsUnregDataObj error for %s. status = %d",
                  dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status);
            return status;
        unregDataObjInp.dataObjInfo = dataObjInfo;
        unregDataObjInp.condInput = &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput;
        status = rsUnregDataObj (rsComm, &unregDataObjInp);

        if (status < 0) {
            rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
              "dataObjUnlinkS: rsUnregDataObj error for %s. status = %d",
              dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status);
	    return status;
    if (dataObjUnlinkInp->oprType != UNREG_OPR) {
        status = l3Unlink (rsComm, dataObjInfo);
        if (status < 0) {
	    int myError = getErrno (status);
            rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
              "dataObjUnlinkS: l3Unlink error for %s. status = %d",
              dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status);
	    /* allow ENOENT to go on and unregister */
	    if (myError != ENOENT && myError != EACCES) {
		char orphanPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
		int status1 = 0;
                rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
                  "dataObjUnlinkS: orphan file %s", dataObjInfo->filePath);
		while (1) { 
		    if (isOrphanPath (dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath) == 
		      NOT_ORPHAN_PATH) {
			/* don't rename orphan path */
		        status1 = rsMkOrphanPath (rsComm, dataObjInfo->objPath,
		        if (status1 < 0) break;
		        /* reg the orphan path */
		        rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->objPath, orphanPath,MAX_NAME_LEN);
		    status1 = svrRegDataObj (rsComm, dataObjInfo);
		    if (status1 == CAT_NAME_EXISTS_AS_DATAOBJ ||
		    } else if (status1 < 0) {
			rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status1,
			  "dataObjUnlinkS: svrRegDataObj of orphan %s error",
	        return (status);
	    } else {
	        status = 0;

    return (status);
dataObjUnlinkS( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjUnlinkInp,
                dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) {
    int status = 0;
    unregDataObj_t unregDataObjInp;

    if ( dataObjInfo->specColl == NULL ) {
        if ( dataObjUnlinkInp->oprType            == UNREG_OPR &&
                rsComm->clientUser.authInfo.authFlag != LOCAL_PRIV_USER_AUTH ) {
            ruleExecInfo_t rei;

            initReiWithDataObjInp( &rei, rsComm, dataObjUnlinkInp );
            rei.doi = dataObjInfo;
            rei.status = DO_CHK_PATH_PERM;         /* default */ // JMC - backport 4758

            // make resource properties available as rule session variables
            rei.condInputData = (keyValPair_t *)malloc(sizeof(keyValPair_t));
            memset(rei.condInputData, 0, sizeof(keyValPair_t));
            irods::get_resc_properties_as_kvp(rei.doi->rescHier, rei.condInputData);

            applyRule( "acSetChkFilePathPerm", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI );
            if ( rei.status != NO_CHK_PATH_PERM ) {
                // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy
                std::string location;
                irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location );
                if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                    irods::log( PASSMSG( "dataObjUnlinkS - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) );
                    return ret.code();

                rodsHostAddr_t addr;
                rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost = 0;

                memset( &addr, 0, sizeof( addr ) );
                rstrcpy( addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );
                int remoteFlag = resolveHost( &addr, &rodsServerHost );
                if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) {
                    // error condition?

                /* unregistering but not an admin user */
                std::string out_path;
                ret = resc_mgr.validate_vault_path( dataObjInfo->filePath, rodsServerHost, out_path );
                if ( !ret.ok() ) {
                    /* in the vault */
                    std::stringstream msg;
                    msg << "unregistering a data object which is in a vault [";
                    msg << dataObjInfo->filePath << "]";
                    irods::log( PASSMSG( msg.str(), ret ) );
                    return CANT_UNREG_IN_VAULT_FILE;

        unregDataObjInp.dataObjInfo = dataObjInfo;
        unregDataObjInp.condInput = &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput;
        status = rsUnregDataObj( rsComm, &unregDataObjInp );

        if ( status < 0 ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                     "dataObjUnlinkS: rsUnregDataObj error for %s. status = %d",
                     dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status );
            return status;

    if ( dataObjUnlinkInp->oprType != UNREG_OPR ) {

        // Set the in_pdmo flag
        char* in_pdmo = getValByKey( &dataObjUnlinkInp->condInput, IN_PDMO_KW );
        if ( in_pdmo != NULL ) {
            rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->in_pdmo, in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        else {
            dataObjInfo->in_pdmo[0] = '\0';

        status = l3Unlink( rsComm, dataObjInfo );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            int myError = getErrno( status );
            rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                     "dataObjUnlinkS: l3Unlink error for %s. status = %d",
                     dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath, status );
            /* allow ENOENT to go on and unregister */
            if ( myError != ENOENT && myError != EACCES ) {
                char orphanPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
                int status1 = 0;
                rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE,
                         "dataObjUnlinkS: orphan file %s", dataObjInfo->filePath );
                while ( 1 ) {
                    if ( isOrphanPath( dataObjUnlinkInp->objPath ) ==
                            NOT_ORPHAN_PATH ) {
                        /* don't rename orphan path */
                        status1 = rsMkOrphanPath( rsComm, dataObjInfo->objPath,
                                                  orphanPath );
                        if ( status1 < 0 ) {
                        /* reg the orphan path */
                        rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->objPath, orphanPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
                    status1 = svrRegDataObj( rsComm, dataObjInfo );
                    if ( status1 == CAT_NAME_EXISTS_AS_DATAOBJ ||
                            status1 == CATALOG_ALREADY_HAS_ITEM_BY_THAT_NAME ) {
                    else if ( status1 < 0 ) {
                        rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status1,
                                      "dataObjUnlinkS: svrRegDataObj of orphan %s error",
                                      dataObjInfo->objPath );
                return status;
            else {
                status = 0;

    return status;