void eye(real_T n, real_T I_data[289], int32_T I_size[2])
  int32_T q;
  int32_T i;
  real_T d0;
  I_size[0] = (int32_T)n;
  I_size[1] = (int32_T)n;
  q = (int32_T)n * (int32_T)n - 1;
  for (i = 0; i <= q; i++) {
    I_data[i] = 0.0;

  d0 = rt_roundd_snf(n);
  if (d0 < 2.147483648E+9) {
    if (d0 >= -2.147483648E+9) {
      q = (int32_T)d0;
    } else {
      q = MIN_int32_T;
  } else if (d0 >= 2.147483648E+9) {
    q = MAX_int32_T;
  } else {
    q = 0;

  if (q > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i + 1 <= q; i++) {
      I_data[i + I_size[0] * i] = 1.0;
void eye(real_T n, emxArray_real_T *I)
  int32_T q;
  int32_T loop_ub;
  real_T d0;
  q = I->size[0] * I->size[1];
  I->size[0] = (int32_T)n;
  I->size[1] = (int32_T)n;
  emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)I, q, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T));
  loop_ub = (int32_T)n * (int32_T)n - 1;
  for (q = 0; q <= loop_ub; q++) {
    I->data[q] = 0.0;

  d0 = rt_roundd_snf(n);
  if (d0 < 2.147483648E+9) {
    if (d0 >= -2.147483648E+9) {
      q = (int32_T)d0;
    } else {
      q = MIN_int32_T;
  } else if (d0 >= 2.147483648E+9) {
    q = MAX_int32_T;
  } else {
    q = 0;

  if (q > 0) {
    for (loop_ub = 0; loop_ub + 1 <= q; loop_ub++) {
      I->data[loop_ub + I->size[0] * loop_ub] = 1.0;
/* Model output function */
void motor_io_position_output(void)
  real_T temp;
  ZCEventType zcEvent;
  real_T u1;
  real_T u2;
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* set solver stop time */
    if (!(motor_io_position_M->Timing.clockTick0+1)) {
                            ((motor_io_position_M->Timing.clockTickH0 + 1) *
        motor_io_position_M->Timing.stepSize0 * 4294967296.0));
    } else {
                            ((motor_io_position_M->Timing.clockTick0 + 1) *
        motor_io_position_M->Timing.stepSize0 +
        motor_io_position_M->Timing.clockTickH0 *
        motor_io_position_M->Timing.stepSize0 * 4294967296.0));
  }                                    /* end MajorTimeStep */

  /* Update absolute time of base rate at minor time step */
  if (rtmIsMinorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    motor_io_position_M->Timing.t[0] = rtsiGetT(&motor_io_position_M->solverInfo);

  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S13>/S-Function1' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* Gain: '<S5>/fi1_scaling' */
    motor_io_position_B.fi1_scaling = motor_io_position_P.fi1_scaling_Gain *

    /* DiscreteTransferFcn: '<Root>/Gfbreal' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.fi1_scaling;
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_DenCoef[1] *
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_DenCoef[2] *
    temp /= motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_DenCoef[0];
    motor_io_position_DW.Gfbreal_tmp = temp;
    temp = motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_NumCoef[0] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_NumCoef[1] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gfbreal_NumCoef[2] *
    motor_io_position_B.Gfbreal = temp;

  /* SignalGenerator: '<Root>/SinGenerator' */
  motor_io_position_B.SinGenerator = sin
    (motor_io_position_P.SinGenerator_Frequency * motor_io_position_M->Timing.t
     [0]) * motor_io_position_P.SinGenerator_Amplitude;

  /* SignalGenerator: '<Root>/SquareGenerator' */
  temp = motor_io_position_P.SquareGenerator_Frequency *
  if (temp - floor(temp) >= 0.5) {
    motor_io_position_B.SquareGenerator =
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.SquareGenerator =

  /* End of SignalGenerator: '<Root>/SquareGenerator' */

  /* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' incorporates:
   *  Constant: '<Root>/SignalSelector[0Square,1Sine]'
  if (motor_io_position_P.SignalSelector0Square1Sine_Valu != 0.0) {
    motor_io_position_B.ref = motor_io_position_B.SinGenerator;
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.ref = motor_io_position_B.SquareGenerator;

  /* End of Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* DiscreteTransferFcn: '<Root>/Gffreal' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.ref;
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_DenCoef[1] *
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_DenCoef[2] *
    temp /= motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_DenCoef[0];
    motor_io_position_DW.Gffreal_tmp = temp;
    temp = motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_NumCoef[0] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_NumCoef[1] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gffreal_NumCoef[2] *
    motor_io_position_B.Gffreal = temp;

    /* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' */
    motor_io_position_B.Sum = motor_io_position_B.Gffreal -

    /* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' */
    motor_io_position_B.Gain = motor_io_position_P.Gain_Gain *

    /* Saturate: '<S2>/Saturation' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.Gain;
    u1 = motor_io_position_P.Saturation_LowerSat;
    u2 = motor_io_position_P.Saturation_UpperSat;
    if (temp > u2) {
      motor_io_position_B.Volt = u2;
    } else if (temp < u1) {
      motor_io_position_B.Volt = u1;
    } else {
      motor_io_position_B.Volt = temp;

    /* End of Saturate: '<S2>/Saturation' */

    /* Gain: '<S2>/pwm_skalning' */
    motor_io_position_B.pwm_skalning = motor_io_position_P.pwm_skalning_Gain *

    /* Sum: '<S2>/Sum' incorporates:
     *  Constant: '<S2>/pwm_offstet'
    motor_io_position_B.Sum_f = motor_io_position_B.pwm_skalning +

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S9>/S-Function1' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* dSPACE I/O Board DS1104 #1 Unit:PWM Group:PWM */
    ds1104_slave_dsp_pwm_duty_write(0, rti_slv1104_fcn_index[6],

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S9>/S-Function2' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S9>/S-Function3' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S9>/S-Function4' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* DataTypeConversion: '<S2>/Data Type Conversion' incorporates:
     *  Constant: '<S2>/Enable[1_Off, 0_On]'
    motor_io_position_B.DataTypeConversion =
      (motor_io_position_P.Enable1_Off0_On_Value != 0.0);

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S8>/S-Function1' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* dSPACE I/O Board DS1104 #1 Unit:BIT_IO Group:BIT_OUT */
    if (motor_io_position_B.DataTypeConversion > 0) {
    } else {

    /* DiscreteTransferFcn: '<Root>/Gff' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.ref;
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gff_DenCoef[1] *
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gff_DenCoef[2] *
    temp /= motor_io_position_P.Gff_DenCoef[0];
    motor_io_position_DW.Gff_tmp = temp;
    temp = motor_io_position_P.Gff_NumCoef[0] * motor_io_position_DW.Gff_tmp;
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gff_NumCoef[1] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gff_NumCoef[2] *
    motor_io_position_B.Gff = temp;

  /* Integrator: '<S1>/Integrator1' */
  motor_io_position_B.Integrator1 = motor_io_position_X.Integrator1_CSTATE;

  /* Quantizer: '<S4>/Quantizer' */
  temp = motor_io_position_B.Integrator1;
  motor_io_position_B.Quantizer = rt_roundd_snf(temp / motor_io_position_P.quant)
    * motor_io_position_P.quant;
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* ZeroOrderHold: '<S4>/Zero-Order Hold' */
    motor_io_position_B.ZeroOrderHold = motor_io_position_B.Quantizer;

    /* DiscreteTransferFcn: '<Root>/Gfb' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.ZeroOrderHold;
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gfb_DenCoef[1] *
    temp -= motor_io_position_P.Gfb_DenCoef[2] *
    temp /= motor_io_position_P.Gfb_DenCoef[0];
    motor_io_position_DW.Gfb_tmp = temp;
    temp = motor_io_position_P.Gfb_NumCoef[0] * motor_io_position_DW.Gfb_tmp;
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gfb_NumCoef[1] *
    temp += motor_io_position_P.Gfb_NumCoef[2] *
    motor_io_position_B.Gfb = temp;

    /* Sum: '<Root>/Sum1' */
    motor_io_position_B.Sum1 = motor_io_position_B.Gff - motor_io_position_B.Gfb;

    /* Saturate: '<Root>/Saturation' */
    temp = motor_io_position_B.Sum1;
    u1 = motor_io_position_P.Saturation_LowerSat_c;
    u2 = motor_io_position_P.Saturation_UpperSat_p;
    if (temp > u2) {
      motor_io_position_B.Saturation = u2;
    } else if (temp < u1) {
      motor_io_position_B.Saturation = u1;
    } else {
      motor_io_position_B.Saturation = temp;

    /* End of Saturate: '<Root>/Saturation' */

  /* Integrator: '<S1>/Integrator' */
  motor_io_position_B.Integrator = motor_io_position_X.Integrator_CSTATE;

  /* Gain: '<S1>/Gain1' */
  motor_io_position_B.Gain1 = motor_io_position_P.Gain1_Gain *

  /* Sum: '<S1>/Add' */
  motor_io_position_B.Add = motor_io_position_B.Saturation -

  /* Gain: '<S1>/k//R ' */
  motor_io_position_B.kR = motor_io_position_P.kR_Gain * motor_io_position_B.Add;

  /* Saturate: '<S6>/Saturate to Fc' */
  temp = motor_io_position_B.kR;
  u1 = motor_io_position_P.SaturatetoFc_LowerSat;
  u2 = motor_io_position_P.F_c;
  if (temp > u2) {
    motor_io_position_B.Stickslipregion = u2;
  } else if (temp < u1) {
    motor_io_position_B.Stickslipregion = u1;
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.Stickslipregion = temp;

  /* End of Saturate: '<S6>/Saturate to Fc' */

  /* Abs: '<S6>/Abs' */
  motor_io_position_B.Abs = fabs(motor_io_position_B.Integrator);

  /* RelationalOperator: '<S7>/Compare' incorporates:
   *  Constant: '<S7>/Constant'
  motor_io_position_B.Compare = (motor_io_position_B.Abs <=

  /* Gain: '<S6>/Vicous friction' */
  motor_io_position_B.Vicousfriction = motor_io_position_P.Vicousfriction_Gain *

  /* Signum: '<S6>/Sign' */
  temp = motor_io_position_B.Integrator;
  if (temp < 0.0) {
    motor_io_position_B.Sign = -1.0;
  } else if (temp > 0.0) {
    motor_io_position_B.Sign = 1.0;
  } else if (temp == 0.0) {
    motor_io_position_B.Sign = 0.0;
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.Sign = temp;

  /* End of Signum: '<S6>/Sign' */

  /* Product: '<S6>/Product' incorporates:
   *  Constant: '<S6>/F_c'
  motor_io_position_B.Product = motor_io_position_P.F_c *

  /* Sum: '<S6>/Add' */
  motor_io_position_B.Viscousregion = motor_io_position_B.Vicousfriction +

  /* Switch: '<S6>/Switch' */
  if (motor_io_position_B.Compare) {
    motor_io_position_B.Friction = motor_io_position_B.Stickslipregion;
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.Friction = motor_io_position_B.Viscousregion;

  /* End of Switch: '<S6>/Switch' */

  /* Sum: '<S1>/Add1' */
  motor_io_position_B.Add1 = motor_io_position_B.kR -
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* Gain: '<S1>/Gain2' incorporates:
     *  Constant: '<S1>/Load inertia'
    motor_io_position_B.Gain2 = motor_io_position_P.Gain2_Gain *

    /* Sum: '<S1>/Add2' incorporates:
     *  Constant: '<S1>/Motor inertia'
    motor_io_position_B.Add2 = motor_io_position_B.Gain2 +

  /* Product: '<S1>/Inertias 1//J' */
  motor_io_position_B.Inertias1J = 1.0 / motor_io_position_B.Add2 *
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {

  /* Switch: '<S6>/Switch1' incorporates:
   *  Constant: '<S6>/Constant1'
   *  Constant: '<S6>/F_c'
  if (motor_io_position_B.Integrator > motor_io_position_P.Switch1_Threshold) {
    motor_io_position_B.Switch1 = motor_io_position_P.F_c;
  } else {
    motor_io_position_B.Switch1 = motor_io_position_P.Constant1_Value;

  /* End of Switch: '<S6>/Switch1' */
  if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S13>/S-Function2' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* Gain: '<S5>/w1_scaling' */
    motor_io_position_B.w1_scaling = motor_io_position_P.w1_scaling_Gain *

    /* Outputs for Triggered SubSystem: '<S5>/DS1104ENC_SET_POS_C1' incorporates:
     *  TriggerPort: '<S15>/Trigger'
    if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep(motor_io_position_M)) {
      /* Constant: '<S5>/Reset enc' */
      zcEvent = rt_ZCFcn(RISING_ZERO_CROSSING,
      if (zcEvent != NO_ZCEVENT) {
        /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S15>/S-Function1' */
        /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

        /* dSPACE I/O Board DS1104 Unit:ENC_SET */
        ds1104_inc_position_write(1, 0, DS1104_INC_LINE_SUBDIV_4);

    /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S5>/DS1104ENC_SET_POS_C1' */

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S14>/S-Function1' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */

    /* S-Function (rti_commonblock): '<S14>/S-Function2' */
    /* This comment workarounds a code generation problem */
// Model step function
void etasetget256Discretized2_step(void)
  real32_T DistanceTraveledX;
  real32_T DistanceTraveledY;
  real32_T Niterations;
  int32_T idx;
  int32_T ixstart;
  int32_T n;
  int32_T c_ix;
  boolean_T guard1;
  boolean_T varargout_1;
  int32_T DiscretizedPath_sizes[2];
  int32_T tmp_sizes[2];

  // Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'
  // Start for MATLABSystem: '<S4>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   MATLABSystem: '<S4>/SourceBlock'

  varargout_1 = Sub_etasetget256Discretized2_404.get_latest_msg

  // Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S4>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
  //   EnablePort: '<S9>/Enable'

  // MATLABSystem: '<S4>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   Inport: '<S9>/In1'

  if (varargout_1) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1 = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargout_2;

  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S4>/Enabled Subsystem'
  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe'

  // Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'
  // Start for MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock'

  varargout_1 = Sub_etasetget256Discretized2_370.get_latest_msg

  // Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
  //   EnablePort: '<S11>/Enable'

  // MATLABSystem: '<S6>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   Inport: '<S11>/In1'

  if (varargout_1) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_k = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargout_2_m;

  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S6>/Enabled Subsystem'
  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe2'

  // Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'
  // Start for MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SourceBlock'

  varargout_1 = Sub_etasetget256Discretized2_405.get_latest_msg

  // Outputs for Enabled SubSystem: '<S5>/Enabled Subsystem' incorporates:
  //   EnablePort: '<S10>/Enable'

  // MATLABSystem: '<S5>/SourceBlock' incorporates:
  //   Inport: '<S10>/In1'

  if (varargout_1) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_b = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargout_2_k;

  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S5>/Enabled Subsystem'
  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Subscribe1'

  // MATLAB Function: '<Root>/MATLAB Function1'
  // MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function1': '<S3>:1'
  // '<S3>:1:3'
  etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_b.Data;
  if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_b.Data == 0.0) {
    // '<S3>:1:5'
    // '<S3>:1:6'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = 0.25;

  // End of MATLAB Function: '<Root>/MATLAB Function1'

  // MATLAB Function: '<Root>/MATLAB Function' incorporates:
  //   SignalConversion: '<S2>/TmpSignal ConversionAt SFunction Inport2'

  // MATLAB Function 'MATLAB Function': '<S2>:1'
  // '<S2>:1:5'
  // save('TESTlist2Eta')
  // '<S2>:1:9'
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < 128; ixstart++) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart] =
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 128] =
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1.Data[128 + ixstart];

  // '<S2>:1:11'
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < 256; ixstart++) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.x[ixstart] =
      (etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart] == 1000.0F);

  idx = 0;
  ixstart = 1;
  varargout_1 = false;
  while ((!varargout_1) && (ixstart < 257)) {
    guard1 = false;
    if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.x[ixstart - 1]) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.ii_data[idx - 1] = (int16_T)ixstart;
      if (idx >= 256) {
        varargout_1 = true;
      } else {
        guard1 = true;
    } else {
      guard1 = true;

    if (guard1) {

  if (1 > idx) {
    idx = 0;

  n = idx + 1;
  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < idx; ixstart++) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart] =

  etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[idx] = 128;
  idx = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[0];
  if (n > 1) {
    for (ixstart = 1; ixstart + 1 <= n; ixstart++) {
      if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart] < idx) {
        idx = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart];

  for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < 256; ixstart++) {
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.x[ixstart] =
      (etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1.Data[ixstart] == 0.0F);

  if ((etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1.Data[0] == 0.0F) &&
      (etasetget256Discretized2_sum(etasetget256Discretized2_B.x) == 256.0)) {
    // '<S2>:1:13'
    // '<S2>:1:14'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter = 0.0;
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = 0.0;
  } else if (idx == 2) {
    // '<S2>:1:15'
    //     asl=1
    //     a=asl(2);
    // '<S2>:1:18'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter = etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[128];

    // '<S2>:1:19'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[0];
  } else {
    // DiscretizedPath
    // '<S2>:1:23'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter = 1.0;

    // '<S2>:1:24'
    memset(&etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath[0], 0, 10000U * sizeof

    // '<S2>:1:25'
    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart <= idx - 3; ixstart++) {
      // '<S2>:1:25'
      // '<S2>:1:26'
      // '<S2>:1:27'
      DistanceTraveledX = etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 1] -

      // '<S2>:1:28'
      DistanceTraveledY = etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 129] -
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 128];

      // '<S2>:1:29'
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values_c[0] =
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 1] -
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values_c[1] =
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 129] -
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 128];
      Niterations = (real32_T)floor((real_T)(etasetget256Discretized2_norm
        (etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values_c) / 0.01F));

      // '<S2>:1:30'
      for (n = 0; n < (int32_T)Niterations; n++) {
        // '<S2>:1:30'
        // '<S2>:1:31'
          etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter - 1] = (1.0F + (real32_T)n) *
          DistanceTraveledX / Niterations +

        // '<S2>:1:32'
          etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter + 4999] = (1.0F + (real32_T)n) *
          DistanceTraveledY / Niterations +
          etasetget256Discretized2_B.Values[ixstart + 128];

        // '<S2>:1:33'

        // '<S2>:1:30'

      // '<S2>:1:25'

    // '<S2>:1:36'
    idx = 0;
    ixstart = 1;
    varargout_1 = false;
    while ((!varargout_1) && (ixstart < 10001)) {
      guard1 = false;
      if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath[ixstart - 1] == (rtInf)) {
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.c_ii_data[idx - 1] = (int16_T)ixstart;
        if (idx >= 10000) {
          varargout_1 = true;
        } else {
          guard1 = true;
      } else {
        guard1 = true;

      if (guard1) {

    if (1 > idx) {
      idx = 0;

    n = idx + 1;
    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < idx; ixstart++) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart] =

    etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[idx] = 5000;
    idx = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[0];
    if (n > 1) {
      for (ixstart = 1; ixstart + 1 <= n; ixstart++) {
        if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart] < idx) {
          idx = etasetget256Discretized2_B.varargin_1_data[ixstart];

    if (1 > idx - 1) {
      idx = 0;
    } else {

    // '<S2>:1:37'
    // %a=asl
    // '<S2>:1:40'
    // Discretizing PathVector
    // for i=1:64
    // AvstandDummy=(eta(1)-Values(i,1))^2+(eta(2)-Values(i,2))^2;
    //  if AvstandDummy<AvstandSaved
    //      AvstandDummy=AvstandSaved;
    //  NearestPointPos=i;
    //  end
    // end
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.dv0[0] = etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_k.Y;
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.dv0[1] = etasetget256Discretized2_B.In1_k.X;
    etasetget256Discretized2_repmat(etasetget256Discretized2_B.dv0, (real_T)idx,
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_data, etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_sizes);
    DiscretizedPath_sizes[0] = idx;
    DiscretizedPath_sizes[1] = 2;
    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < idx; ixstart++) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath_data[ixstart] =
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath[ixstart] -

    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < idx; ixstart++) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath_data[ixstart + idx] =
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath[ixstart + 5000] -
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_data[ixstart +

      DiscretizedPath_sizes, etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_data,
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath_data, DiscretizedPath_sizes);
    tmp_sizes[0] = 2;
    tmp_sizes[1] = DiscretizedPath_sizes[0];
    idx = DiscretizedPath_sizes[0];
    for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < idx; ixstart++) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_data[ixstart << 1] =
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_data[1 + (ixstart << 1)] =
        etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath_data[ixstart +

      tmp_sizes, etasetget256Discretized2_B.b_varargin_1_data,
    ixstart = 1;
    n = etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_sizes[1];
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter =
    idx = 1;
    if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_sizes[1] > 1) {
      if (rtIsNaN(etasetget256Discretized2_B.b_varargin_1_data[0])) {
        c_ix = 2;
        varargout_1 = false;
        while ((!varargout_1) && (c_ix <= n)) {
          ixstart = c_ix;
          if (!rtIsNaN(etasetget256Discretized2_B.b_varargin_1_data[c_ix - 1]))
            etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter =
              etasetget256Discretized2_B.b_varargin_1_data[c_ix - 1];
            idx = c_ix;
            varargout_1 = true;
          } else {

      if (ixstart < etasetget256Discretized2_B.tmp_sizes[1]) {
        while (ixstart + 1 <= n) {
          if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.b_varargin_1_data[ixstart] <
              etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter) {
            etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter =
            idx = ixstart + 1;


    // '<S2>:1:62'
    // '<S2>:1:64'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter = (real_T)idx - rt_roundd_snf
      (etasetget256Discretized2_B.y / 0.01);
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = 1.0;
    if (etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter > 1.0) {
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter;

    // '<S2>:1:65'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.counter =
      etasetget256Discretized2_B.y + 4999];

    // '<S2>:1:66'
    etasetget256Discretized2_B.y = etasetget256Discretized2_B.DiscretizedPath
      [(int32_T)etasetget256Discretized2_B.y - 1];

    // etaset = u;11
    // HEADING:
    // end

  // End of MATLAB Function: '<Root>/MATLAB Function'

  // BusAssignment: '<S1>/Bus Assignment1' incorporates:
  //   Constant: '<S1>/Constant'

  // '<S2>:1:71'
  etasetget256Discretized2_B.BusAssignment1.X =
  etasetget256Discretized2_B.BusAssignment1.Y = etasetget256Discretized2_B.y;
  etasetget256Discretized2_B.BusAssignment1.Z =

  // Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S1>/Publish1'
  // MATLABSystem: '<S8>/SinkBlock'

  // End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/Publish1'
/* Function Definitions */
void meanfile(const char_T filename_data[200], const int32_T filename_size[2],
              real_T IRgf[3], real_T UVgf[3], real_T IRavg[2], real_T UVavg[2])
  int32_T i3;
  int32_T posA;
  char_T tmp_data[201];
  char_T cv6[2];
  static const char_T cv7[2] = { 'r', '\x00' };

  FILE * f;
  int32_T tempvar;
  static char_T bufline[1048576];
  int32_T nStep;
  uint8_T char100;
  int32_T posB;
  int32_T nSam;
  int32_T nFs;
  int32_T k4step;
  char_T cv8[51];
  static const char_T cv9[51] = { '%', 'c', 'S', 'W', 'N', ' ', 'p', 'o', 's',
    'A', '=', '%', 'd', ',', ' ', 'p', 'o', 's', 'B', '=', '%', 'd', ',', ' ',
    'n', 'S', 't', 'e', 'p', 's', '=', '%', 'd', ',', ' ', 'n', 'S', 'a', 'm',
    '=', '%', 'd', ',', ' ', 'F', 's', '=', '%', 'd', '\x0d', '\x0a' };

  emxArray_real_T *dataIR;
  emxArray_real_T *dataUV;
  char_T cv10[3];
  static const char_T cv11[3] = { '%', 'd', ' ' };

  int32_T q0;
  real_T dataIR_std;
  uint32_T qY;
  emxArray_real_T *dataIR_mean;
  emxArray_real_T *dataUV_mean;
  emxArray_real_T *b_dataIR;
  emxArray_real_T *b_dataUV;
  real_T dataUV_std;
  emxArray_real_T *c_dataIR;
  emxArray_real_T *c_dataUV;
  real_T aIR;
  real_T aUV;
  real_T muUV;
  real_T sigUV;

  /*  Calcuate stastistics of IR and UV signals */
  /*  */
  /*  version: .\work_gfit_rdfile\meanfile_v3.m */
  /*  Return values: IRgf=[muIR, sigIR, aIR] for mean, width and amplitude of */
  /*                        Gaussian fitting over hist(IR) */
  /*                 UVgf=[muUV, sigUV, aUV] for mean, width and amplitude of */
  /*                        Gaussian fitting over hist(IR) */
  /*          IRavg=[meanIR, stdIR] for mean and std of IR by mean() and std() */
  /*          UVavg=[meanUV, stdUV] for mean and std of UV by mean() and std() */
  /*   */
  /*  The 'fprintf' function will not be compiled and instead passed */
  /*  to the MATLAB runtime. If we choose to generate code for this example, */
  /*  all calls to extrinsic functions are automatically eliminated. */
  /*  Put class and size constraints on function input. */
  for (i3 = 0; i3 < 2; i3++) {
    IRavg[i3] = 0.0;
    UVavg[i3] = 0.0;

  /*  Define a new opaque variable 'f' which will be of type 'FILE *' */
  /*  in the generated C code initially with the value NULL. */
  /*  Call fopen(filename 'r'), but we need to convert the MATLAB */
  /*  string into a C type string (which is the same string with the */
  /*  NUL (\0) string terminator). */
  /*  Create a NUL terminated C string given a MATLAB string */
  posA = filename_size[1] - 1;
  for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
    tmp_data[i3] = filename_data[filename_size[0] * i3];

  tmp_data[filename_size[1]] = '\x00';
  for (i3 = 0; i3 < 2; i3++) {
    cv6[i3] = cv7[i3];

  f = fopen(&tmp_data[0], cv6);
  tempvar = (int)(f);
  if (tempvar == 0) {
    for (i3 = 0; i3 < 3; i3++) {
      IRgf[i3] = -1.0;
      UVgf[i3] = -1.0;
  } else {
    /*  Call fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) to set file position to the end of */
    /*  the file. */
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);

    /*  We need to initialize the variable 'filelen' to the proper type */
    /*  as custom C functions are not analyzed. */
    /*  Call ftell(f) which will return the length of the file in bytes */
    /*  (as current file position is at the end of the file). */

    /*  Reset current file position */
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);

    /*  Initialize a buffer */
    /*  buffer = zeros(1,bufSIZE,'uint8'); */
    memset(&bufline[0], 0, sizeof(uint8_T) << 20);

    /*  NOTE: bufline will be define as uint8_T type in generated C code */
    /*  manually change its type to char_T in the generated c codes,  */
    /*  like char_T bufline[65536]; */
    /*  strline=zeros(1,1024,'uint8'); */
    nStep = 0;

    /*  Remaining is the number of bytes to read (from the file) */
    /*  Index is the current position to read into the buffer */
    char100 = 0;
    posA = 0;
    posB = 0;
    nSam = 0;
    nFs = 0;
    k4step = 0;

    /*  a temp variable to keep the value of current steps */
    fgets(&bufline[0], 1024, f);
    for (i3 = 0; i3 < 51; i3++) {
      cv8[i3] = cv9[i3];

    tempvar = fscanf(f, cv8, &char100, &posA, &posB, &nStep, &nSam, &nFs);
    if (tempvar != 6) {
      for (i3 = 0; i3 < 3; i3++) {
        IRgf[i3] = -2.0;
        UVgf[i3] = -2.0;
    } else {
      for (tempvar = 0; tempvar < 3; tempvar++) {
        fgets(&bufline[0], 8192, f);

      b_emxInit_real_T(&dataIR, 2);

      /*  read data from 7-th line now */
      /*  k=nStep; */
      i3 = dataIR->size[0] * dataIR->size[1];
      dataIR->size[0] = nStep;
      dataIR->size[1] = nSam;
      emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)dataIR, i3, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T));
      posA = nStep * nSam - 1;
      for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
        dataIR->data[i3] = 0.0;

      b_emxInit_real_T(&dataUV, 2);
      i3 = dataUV->size[0] * dataUV->size[1];
      dataUV->size[0] = nStep;
      dataUV->size[1] = nSam;
      emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)dataUV, i3, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T));
      posA = nStep * nSam - 1;
      for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
        dataUV->data[i3] = 0.0;

      /*  read data line-by-line */
      if (nStep != 1) {
        /*  refir.txt, refuv.txt, wtrir.txt, wtruv.txt should contain */
        /*  ONE data line ONLY. */
        for (i3 = 0; i3 < 3; i3++) {
          IRgf[i3] = -3.0;
          UVgf[i3] = -3.0;
      } else {
        /*  fprintf('line %d, ',nline); */
        tempvar = mul_s32_s32_s32_sat(nSam, 10);
        posA = 7 + tempvar;
        if ((tempvar > 0) && (posA <= 0)) {
          posA = MAX_int32_T;

        tempvar = posA + 2;
        if ((posA > 0) && (tempvar <= 0)) {
          tempvar = MAX_int32_T;

        fgets(&bufline[0], tempvar, f);

        /*  to debug if fgets ok */
        /*   % read motor step data */
        for (i3 = 0; i3 < 3; i3++) {
          cv10[i3] = cv11[i3];

        sscanf(&bufline[0], cv10, &k4step);

        /*  fprintf(' nStep=%d \n', k4step); */

        /*   % read IR UV data */
        for (posB = 1; posB <= nSam; posB++) {
          /*  nVar=coder.ceval('sscanf',coder.ref(bufline(7+10*(i-1))), ['%d %d'],coder.ref(xir), coder.ref(xuv)); */
          posA = posB - 1;
          if ((posB < 0) && (posA >= 0)) {
            posA = MIN_int32_T;

          tempvar = mul_s32_s32_s32_sat(10, posA);
          nFs = 7 + tempvar;
          if ((tempvar > 0) && (nFs <= 0)) {
            nFs = MAX_int32_T;

          nStep = 0;
          posA = 0;

          /*  fprintf('bufline=%s,  ',bufline(kChar:kChar+9)); */
          for (k4step = 0; k4step < 4; k4step++) {
            /*  x4Char(ii)=bufline(kChar+ii-1)-30; */
            q0 = mul_s32_s32_s32_sat(nStep, 10);
            dataIR_std = rt_roundd_snf((real_T)nFs + (1.0 + (real_T)k4step));
            if (dataIR_std < 2.147483648E+9) {
              i3 = (int32_T)dataIR_std;
            } else {
              i3 = MAX_int32_T;

            tempvar = bufline[i3 - 2];
            qY = (uint32_T)tempvar - 48U;
            if (qY > (uint32_T)tempvar) {
              qY = 0U;

            tempvar = (int32_T)qY;
            nStep = q0 + tempvar;
            if ((q0 > 0) && ((tempvar > 0) && (nStep <= 0))) {
              nStep = MAX_int32_T;

            q0 = mul_s32_s32_s32_sat(posA, 10);
            posA = nFs + 5;
            if ((nFs > 0) && (posA <= 0)) {
              posA = MAX_int32_T;

            dataIR_std = rt_roundd_snf((real_T)posA + (1.0 + (real_T)k4step));
            if (dataIR_std < 2.147483648E+9) {
              i3 = (int32_T)dataIR_std;
            } else {
              i3 = MAX_int32_T;

            tempvar = bufline[i3 - 2];
            qY = (uint32_T)tempvar - 48U;
            if (qY > (uint32_T)tempvar) {
              qY = 0U;

            tempvar = (int32_T)qY;
            posA = q0 + tempvar;
            if ((q0 > 0) && ((tempvar > 0) && (posA <= 0))) {
              posA = MAX_int32_T;

          /*           if (i<5) */
          /*               fprintf ('xir=%04d xuv=%04d \r\n', xir, xuv); */
          /*           end; */
          /*          dataIR(k,i)=coder.ceval('(double)',xir); */
          /*          dataUV(k,i)=coder.ceval('(double)',xuv); */
          dataIR->data[dataIR->size[0] * (posB - 1)] = (real_T)nStep;
          dataUV->data[dataUV->size[0] * (posB - 1)] = (real_T)posA;

        emxInit_real_T(&dataIR_mean, 1);
        emxInit_real_T(&dataUV_mean, 1);
        b_emxInit_real_T(&b_dataIR, 2);

        /*  Close file */

        /* % data processing */
        /*  calculating by mean() and std()  */
        mean(dataIR, dataIR_mean);
        mean(dataUV, dataUV_mean);
        i3 = dataIR->size[1];
        tempvar = b_dataIR->size[0] * b_dataIR->size[1];
        b_dataIR->size[0] = 1;
        b_dataIR->size[1] = i3;
        emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_dataIR, tempvar, (int32_T)sizeof
        posA = i3 - 1;
        for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
          b_dataIR->data[b_dataIR->size[0] * i3] = dataIR->data[dataIR->size[0] *

        b_emxInit_real_T(&b_dataUV, 2);
        dataIR_std = b_std(b_dataIR);
        i3 = dataUV->size[1];
        tempvar = b_dataUV->size[0] * b_dataUV->size[1];
        b_dataUV->size[0] = 1;
        b_dataUV->size[1] = i3;
        emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_dataUV, tempvar, (int32_T)sizeof
        posA = i3 - 1;
        for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
          b_dataUV->data[b_dataUV->size[0] * i3] = dataUV->data[dataUV->size[0] *

        dataUV_std = b_std(b_dataUV);

        /*  set return values of IRavg, UVavg  */
        tempvar = dataIR_mean->size[0];
        i3 = 0;
        while (i3 <= 0) {
          posA = tempvar - 1;
          for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
            IRavg[i3] = dataIR_mean->data[i3];

          i3 = 1;

        IRavg[1] = dataIR_std;
        tempvar = dataUV_mean->size[0];
        i3 = 0;
        while (i3 <= 0) {
          posA = tempvar - 1;
          for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
            UVavg[i3] = dataUV_mean->data[i3];

          i3 = 1;

        b_emxInit_real_T(&c_dataIR, 2);
        UVavg[1] = dataUV_std;

        /*  calculalting by Gaussian fitting over hist() */
        i3 = dataIR->size[1];
        tempvar = c_dataIR->size[0] * c_dataIR->size[1];
        c_dataIR->size[0] = 1;
        c_dataIR->size[1] = i3;
        emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_dataIR, tempvar, (int32_T)sizeof
        posA = i3 - 1;
        for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
          c_dataIR->data[c_dataIR->size[0] * i3] = dataIR->data[dataIR->size[0] *

        b_emxInit_real_T(&c_dataUV, 2);
        b_gfitPDF(c_dataIR, &dataIR_std, &dataUV_std, &aIR);

        /*  sigUV=0; muUV=0; aUV=0; */
        i3 = dataUV->size[1];
        tempvar = c_dataUV->size[0] * c_dataUV->size[1];
        c_dataUV->size[0] = 1;
        c_dataUV->size[1] = i3;
        emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_dataUV, tempvar, (int32_T)sizeof
        posA = i3 - 1;
        for (i3 = 0; i3 <= posA; i3++) {
          c_dataUV->data[c_dataUV->size[0] * i3] = dataUV->data[dataUV->size[0] *

        b_gfitPDF(c_dataUV, &sigUV, &muUV, &aUV);

        /*  return the optimal step  */
        IRgf[0] = dataUV_std;
        IRgf[1] = dataIR_std;
        IRgf[2] = aIR;
        UVgf[0] = muUV;
        UVgf[1] = sigUV;
        UVgf[2] = aUV;

        /*    % % plot mean data  */
        /*  title(sprintf('IR/UV vs steps \n opt(UV)=%d, opt(IR)=%d',round(muUV), round(muIR)), 'fontsize', 14); */
        /*  save('instData', 'dataIR', 'dataUV','dataIR_mean','dataUV_mean'); */
