static oslFileError osl_setup_base_directory_impl_( rtl_uString* pustrDirectoryURL, rtl_uString** ppustr_base_dir) { rtl_uString* dir_url = 0; rtl_uString* dir = 0; oslFileError error = osl_File_E_None; if (pustrDirectoryURL) rtl_uString_assign(&dir_url, pustrDirectoryURL); else error = osl_getTempDirURL(&dir_url); if (osl_File_E_None == error) { error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_Ex(dir_url, &dir); rtl_uString_release(dir_url); } if (osl_File_E_None == error) { rtl_uString_assign(ppustr_base_dir, dir); rtl_uString_release(dir); } return error; }
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_createTempFile( rtl_uString* pustrDirectoryURL, oslFileHandle* pHandle, rtl_uString** ppustrTempFileURL) { rtl_uString* base_directory = 0; rtl_uString* temp_file_name = 0; oslFileHandle temp_file_handle; sal_Bool b_delete_on_close; oslFileError osl_error; osl_error = osl_setup_createTempFile_impl_( pustrDirectoryURL, pHandle, ppustrTempFileURL, &base_directory, &b_delete_on_close); if (osl_File_E_None != osl_error) return osl_error; osl_error = osl_create_temp_file_impl_( base_directory, &temp_file_handle, &temp_file_name); if (osl_File_E_None == osl_error) { rtl_uString* temp_file_url = 0; /* assuming this works */ osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(temp_file_name, &temp_file_url); if (b_delete_on_close) { osl_error = osl_removeFile(temp_file_url); if (osl_File_E_None == osl_error) *pHandle = temp_file_handle; else osl_closeFile(temp_file_handle); } else { if (pHandle) *pHandle = temp_file_handle; else osl_closeFile(temp_file_handle); rtl_uString_assign(ppustrTempFileURL, temp_file_url); } if (temp_file_url) rtl_uString_release(temp_file_url); if (temp_file_name) rtl_uString_release(temp_file_name); } if (base_directory) rtl_uString_release(base_directory); return osl_error; }
static oslFileError osl_create_temp_file_impl_( const rtl_uString* pustr_base_directory, oslFileHandle* file_handle, rtl_uString** ppustr_temp_file_name) { rtl_uString* rand_name = 0; sal_uInt32 len_base_dir = 0; rtl_uString* tmp_file_path = 0; rtl_uString* tmp_file_url = 0; sal_Int32 capacity = 0; oslFileError osl_error = osl_File_E_None; sal_Int32 offset_file_name; const sal_Unicode* puchr; OSL_PRECOND(pustr_base_directory, "Invalid Parameter"); OSL_PRECOND(file_handle, "Invalid Parameter"); OSL_PRECOND(ppustr_temp_file_name, "Invalid Parameter"); len_base_dir = rtl_uString_getLength(pustr_base_directory); rtl_uStringbuffer_newFromStr_WithLength( &tmp_file_path, rtl_uString_getStr((rtl_uString*)pustr_base_directory), len_base_dir); rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity( &tmp_file_path, &capacity, (len_base_dir + 1 + RAND_NAME_LENGTH)); offset_file_name = len_base_dir; puchr = rtl_uString_getStr(tmp_file_path); /* ensure that the last character is a '/' */ if ((sal_Unicode)'/' != puchr[len_base_dir - 1]) { rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &tmp_file_path, &capacity, len_base_dir, "/", 1); offset_file_name++; } while(1) /* try until success */ { osl_gen_random_name_impl_(&rand_name); rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &tmp_file_path, &capacity, offset_file_name, rtl_uString_getStr(rand_name), rtl_uString_getLength(rand_name)); osl_error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( tmp_file_path, &tmp_file_url); if (osl_File_E_None == osl_error) { /* RW permission for the user only! */ mode_t old_mode = umask(077); osl_error = osl_openFile( tmp_file_url, file_handle, osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Create); umask(old_mode); } /* in case of error osl_File_E_EXIST we simply try again else we give up */ if ((osl_File_E_None == osl_error) || (osl_error != osl_File_E_EXIST)) { if (rand_name) rtl_uString_release(rand_name); if (tmp_file_url) rtl_uString_release(tmp_file_url); break; } } /* while(1) */ if (osl_File_E_None == osl_error) rtl_uString_assign(ppustr_temp_file_name, tmp_file_path); if (tmp_file_path) rtl_uString_release(tmp_file_path); return osl_error; }
oslPipe SAL_CALL osl_acceptPipe(oslPipe pPipe) { oslPipe pAcceptedPipe = NULL; HANDLE Event; OVERLAPPED os; OSL_ASSERT(pPipe); if (IS_NT) { DWORD nBytesTransfered; rtl_uString* path = NULL; rtl_uString* temp = NULL; OSL_ASSERT (pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Event = pPipe->m_AcceptEvent; rtl_zeroMemory(&os, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); os.hEvent = pPipe->m_AcceptEvent; ResetEvent(pPipe->m_AcceptEvent); if ( !ConnectNamedPipe(pPipe->m_File, &os)) { switch ( GetLastError() ) { case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: // Client already connected to pipe case ERROR_NO_DATA: // Client was connected but has already closed pipe end // should only appear in nonblocking mode but in fact does // in blocking asynchronous mode. break; case ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING: // Only for nonblocking mode but see ERROR_NO_DATA case ERROR_IO_PENDING: // This is normal if not client is connected yet case ERROR_MORE_DATA: // Should not happen // blocking call to accept if( !GetOverlappedResult( pPipe->m_File, &os, &nBytesTransfered, TRUE ) ) { // Possible error could be that between ConnectNamedPipe and GetOverlappedResult a connect // took place. switch ( GetLastError() ) { case ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: // Pipe was already connected case ERROR_NO_DATA: // Pipe was connected but client has already closed -> ver fast client ;-) break; // Everything's fine !!! default: // Something went wrong return 0; } } break; default: // All other error say that somethings going wrong. return 0; } } pAcceptedPipe = __osl_createPipeImpl(); OSL_ASSERT(pAcceptedPipe); osl_incrementInterlockedCount(&(pAcceptedPipe->m_Reference)); rtl_uString_assign(&pAcceptedPipe->m_Name, pPipe->m_Name); pAcceptedPipe->m_File = pPipe->m_File; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&temp, PIPESYSTEM); rtl_uString_newConcat(&path, temp, pPipe->m_Name); rtl_uString_release(temp); // prepare for next accept pPipe->m_File = CreateNamedPipeW(path->buffer, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 4096, 4096, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, pAcceptedPipe->m_Security); rtl_uString_release( path ); } else /* Win9x */ { pAcceptedPipe = __osl_createPipeImpl(); OSL_ASSERT(pAcceptedPipe); osl_incrementInterlockedCount(&(pAcceptedPipe->m_Reference)); rtl_uString_assign(&pAcceptedPipe->m_Name, pPipe->m_Name); pAcceptedPipe->m_File = pPipe->m_File; pAcceptedPipe->m_File = AcceptSimplePipeConnection( pPipe->m_File ); } return pAcceptedPipe; }
oslPipe SAL_CALL osl_createPipe(rtl_uString *strPipeName, oslPipeOptions Options, oslSecurity Security) { rtl_uString* name = NULL; rtl_uString* path = NULL; rtl_uString* temp = NULL; oslPipe pPipe; PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecAttr = NULL; rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&path, PIPESYSTEM); rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&name, PIPEPREFIX); if ( /*IS_NT &&*/ Security) { rtl_uString *Ident = NULL; rtl_uString *Delim = NULL; OSL_VERIFY(osl_getUserIdent(Security, &Ident)); rtl_uString_newFromAscii(&Delim, "_"); rtl_uString_newConcat(&temp, name, Ident); rtl_uString_newConcat(&name, temp, Delim); rtl_uString_release(Ident); rtl_uString_release(Delim); } else { if (Options & osl_Pipe_CREATE) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc; pSecDesc = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) rtl_allocateMemory(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); /* add a NULL disc. ACL to the security descriptor */ OSL_VERIFY(InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSecDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)); OSL_VERIFY(SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSecDesc, TRUE, (PACL) NULL, FALSE)); pSecAttr = rtl_allocateMemory(sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)); pSecAttr->nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); pSecAttr->lpSecurityDescriptor = pSecDesc; pSecAttr->bInheritHandle = TRUE; } } rtl_uString_assign(&temp, name); rtl_uString_newConcat(&name, temp, strPipeName); /* alloc memory */ pPipe= __osl_createPipeImpl(); osl_incrementInterlockedCount(&(pPipe->m_Reference)); /* build system pipe name */ rtl_uString_assign(&temp, path); rtl_uString_newConcat(&path, temp, name); rtl_uString_release(temp); temp = NULL; if (Options & osl_Pipe_CREATE) { SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); if ( IS_NT ) pPipe->m_NamedObject = CreateMutexW( NULL, FALSE, name->buffer ); else { LPSTR pszTempBuffer = NULL; int nCharsNeeded; nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, name->buffer, name->length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer = alloca( nCharsNeeded * sizeof(CHAR) ); nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, name->buffer, name->length, pszTempBuffer, nCharsNeeded, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer[nCharsNeeded-1] = 0; pPipe->m_NamedObject = CreateMutexA( NULL, FALSE, pszTempBuffer ); } if ( pPipe->m_NamedObject != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && pPipe->m_NamedObject != NULL ) { if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { pPipe->m_Security = pSecAttr; rtl_uString_assign(&pPipe->m_Name, name); if (IS_NT) { /* try to open system pipe */ pPipe->m_File = CreateNamedPipeW( path->buffer, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 4096, 4096, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, pPipe->m_Security); if (pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { rtl_uString_release( name ); rtl_uString_release( path ); return pPipe; } } else /* Win 9x */ { LPSTR pszTempBuffer = NULL; int nCharsNeeded; nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, path->buffer, path->length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer = alloca( nCharsNeeded * sizeof(CHAR) ); nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, path->buffer, path->length, pszTempBuffer, nCharsNeeded, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer[nCharsNeeded-1] = 0; pPipe->m_File = CreateSimplePipe( pszTempBuffer ); if ( IsValidHandle(pPipe->m_File) ) { rtl_uString_release( name ); rtl_uString_release( path ); return pPipe; } } } else { CloseHandle( pPipe->m_NamedObject ); pPipe->m_NamedObject = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } } else { if (IS_NT) { BOOL fPipeAvailable; do { /* free instance should be available first */ fPipeAvailable = WaitNamedPipeW(path->buffer, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER); /* first try to open system pipe */ if ( fPipeAvailable ) { pPipe->m_File = CreateFileW( path->buffer, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if ( pPipe->m_File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // We got it ! rtl_uString_release( name ); rtl_uString_release( path ); return (pPipe); } else { // Pipe instance maybe catched by another client -> try again } } } while ( fPipeAvailable ); } else /* Win 9x */ { LPSTR pszTempBuffer = NULL; int nCharsNeeded; nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, path->buffer, path->length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer = alloca( nCharsNeeded * sizeof(CHAR) ); nCharsNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, path->buffer, path->length, pszTempBuffer, nCharsNeeded, NULL, NULL ); pszTempBuffer[nCharsNeeded-1] = 0; pPipe->m_File = OpenSimplePipe( pszTempBuffer ); if ( IsValidHandle(pPipe->m_File) ) { // We got it ! rtl_uString_release( name ); rtl_uString_release( path ); return (pPipe); } } } /* if we reach here something went wrong */ __osl_destroyPipeImpl(pPipe); return NULL; }