inline void _collisonInstrumentTissue(	//Input parameters:
    const bool hastopologychange,		//Topology change?
    const double &cur_time,				//current time, in mili-sec
	CSceneGraph &tissue,				//The scene graph with tissue objects in
	CSceneGraph &instrument,			//instruments
	const Vector3d*fortDeformedVert,//the deformed vertices, in fortran array (starting at 1, 0 is for omit the adding 1)
	const int BUFFERLIMIT,			//Output buffer size limit
	int &nBufferLength,				//
	int indexbuffer[],				//
	Vector3d dispbuffer[])			//
	int nTotalFace;
	if (objs.m_nObjects==0){
		const bool updateonly = false;
		const int ntool = addInstrumentObjects(instrument, objs, updateonly);
		if (ntool<=0) return;
		const int ntissue = addTissueObjects(fortDeformedVert, tissue, objs, hastopologychange, updateonly, nTotalFace);
		if (ntissue<=0) return;
		const bool updateonly = true;
		addInstrumentObjects(instrument, objs, updateonly);
		addTissueObjects(fortDeformedVert, tissue, objs, hastopologychange, updateonly, nTotalFace);

	//do collsion detection
	if (nTotalFace==0){//If there is no object boundary surface in the scene, no need 
		printf("SCENE EMPTY! HALT!\n");
		nBufferLength = 0;
		printf("Total %d triangles for CD!\n", nTotalFace);
		parseCollisionResults(objs, fortDeformedVert, BUFFERLIMIT, nBufferLength, indexbuffer, dispbuffer);

	//----report buffer info.
	//printf("Collision buffer size %d.\n", nBufferLength);
	for (int i=0; i<nBufferLength; i++){
		const int vv = indexbuffer[i];
		const double x = dispbuffer[i].x;
		const double y = dispbuffer[i].y;
		const double z = dispbuffer[i].z;
		printf("VID %d, %lg %lg %lg\n", vv, x, y, z);
	//nBufferLength = 0;
		const int nv=nBufferLength;
		const int *pVertexID = indexbuffer;
		const Vector3d *pVertexPos = dispbuffer;
		CSimuEngine *peng = CSimuEngine::getInstance();
		const double inputTimeInterval=200.00;   //33 milisec (30hz) impluse contraint
		peng->updateCollisionConstraint(pVertexPos, pVertexID, nv, cur_time, inputTimeInterval);
void display ( void )
  if ( debugOpt != DRAW_WITHOUT_SHADERS &&
       debugOpt != DRAW_WITHOUT_PHYSICS )
    runCollisionDetection () ;
    runPhysics            () ;

  /* Now render the scene using the results */

  glViewport ( 0, 0, win_width, win_height ) ;

  drawCubes () ;

  /* All done! */

  glutSwapBuffers   () ;
  glutPostRedisplay () ;