int run_com_general(const char *buffer) { int scan_count; scan_count = sscanf(buffer, PROC_STRING, PROC_SCANF_LIST); if( scan_count != LIST_LEN) { printk("eth proc bad format %x != %x\n", scan_count, LIST_LEN ); return 1; } #ifndef INCLUDE_MULTI_QUEUE printk("\n Be carefull eth is compiled without MULTI Q!! \n"); #endif switch(command){ case COM_SRQ: DP(" Port %x: Got SRQ command Q %x and packet type is %x <bpdu/arp/tcp/udp> \n",port,q,packett); run_com_srq(); break; case COM_SQ: DP(" Port %x: Got SQ command Q %x direction %x <Rx/Tx> mac %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\n",port, q, direct, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); run_com_sq(); break; #ifdef INCLUDE_MULTI_QUEUE case COM_SRP: DP(" Port %x: Got SRP command Q %x policy %x <Fixed/WRR> \n",port,q,policy); run_com_srp(); break; case COM_SRQW: DP(" Port %x: Got SQRW command Q %x weight %x \n",port,q,weight); run_com_srqw(); break; case COM_STP: DP("STP cmd - Unsupported: Port %x Q %x policy %x <WRR/FIXED> weight %x\n",port,q,policy,weight); break; #endif /* INCLUDE_MULTI_QUEUE */ case COM_STS: DP(" Port %x: Got STS command status %x\n",port,status); run_com_statis(); break; default: printk("eth proc unknown command.\n"); } return 0; }
int run_com_general(const char *buffer) { int scan_count; scan_count = sscanf(buffer, PROC_STRING, PROC_SCANF_LIST); if( scan_count != LIST_LEN) { printk("eth proc bad format %x != %x\n", scan_count, LIST_LEN ); return 1; } switch(command){ case COM_SRQ: DP(" Port %x: Got SRQ command Q %x and packet type is %x <bpdu/arp/tcp/udp> \n",port,q,packet); run_com_srq(); break; case COM_SQ: DP(" Port %x: Got SQ command Q %x mac %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\n",port, q, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); run_com_sq(); break; #if (MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM > 1) case COM_SRP: DP(" Port %x: Got SRP command Q %x policy %x <Fixed/WRR> \n",port,q,policy); printk("Not supported\n"); break; case COM_SRQW: DP(" Port %x: Got SQRW command Q %x weight %x \n",port,q,weight); printk("Not supported\n"); break; case COM_STP: DP("STP cmd - Unsupported: Port %x Q %x policy %x <WRR/FIXED> weight %x\n",port,q,policy,weight); break; #endif /* MV_ETH_RX_Q_NUM > 1 */ case COM_STS: DP(" Port %x: Got STS command status %x\n",port,status); run_com_stats(); break; default: printk("eth proc unknown command.\n"); } return 0; }