static int select_video_lcd(const struct menu_opt *menu) { #ifdef CONFIG_DISPLAY_LVDS_ENABLE int ret; ret = run_menu(select_lcd_type_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_lcd_type_menu)); if (ret != 0) return ret; #else #endif return run_menu(select_lcd_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_lcd_menu)); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (!bm_init()) return EXIT_FAILURE; parse_args(&client, &argc, &argv); struct bm_menu *menu; if (!(menu = menu_with_options(&client))) return EXIT_FAILURE; read_items_to_menu_from_stdin(menu); bm_menu_set_highlighted_index(menu, client.selected); enum bm_run_result status = run_menu(menu); if (status == BM_RUN_RESULT_SELECTED) { uint32_t i, count; struct bm_item **items = bm_menu_get_selected_items(menu, &count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const char *text = bm_item_get_text(items[i]); printf("%s\n", (text ? text : "")); } if (!count && bm_menu_get_filter(menu)) printf("%s\n", bm_menu_get_filter(menu)); } bm_menu_free(menu); return (status == BM_RUN_RESULT_SELECTED ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }
int main(void){ menu_t *games_list; int selected; PICvision_init(); games_list=create_menu("SELECT GAME"); add_menu_item("snake",1,games_list); add_menu_item("2048",2,games_list); //add_menu_item("game 3",3,games_list); //add_menu_item("etc...",4,games_list); while(1){ clear_screen(); selected=run_menu(games_list,10,(27-5)/2,PADDLE1); clear_screen(); switch(selected){ case 1: snake_game(); break; case 2: gc_2048_game(); break; case 3: set_curpos(0,0); print("game 3"); wait_n_frame(60); break; case 4: set_curpos(0,0); print("autre jeux"); wait_n_frame(60); break; }//switch }//while return 0; }//main()
/*! \return 1 on failure otherwise 0 */ static int do_video(cmd_tbl_t* cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char* argv[]) { int ret = 1; const char *s; if (argc != 1) return ret; ret = run_menu(select_vif_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_vif_menu)); if (!ret) { puts("\n"); #ifdef CONFIG_DISPLAY1_ENABLE if ((s = GetEnvVar(VIDEO_VAR, 1)) != NULL) printf("%s=%s\n", VIDEO_VAR, s); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DISPLAY2_ENABLE if ((s = GetEnvVar(VIDEO2_VAR, 1)) != NULL) printf("%s=%s\n", VIDEO2_VAR, s); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DISPLAY_LVDS_ENABLE if ((s = GetEnvVar(LDB_VAR, 1)) != NULL) printf("%s=%s\n", LDB_VAR, s); #endif #if defined(CONFIG_DISPLAY1_ENABLE) && defined(CONFIG_DISPLAY2_ENABLE) if ((s = GetEnvVar(FBPRIMARY_VAR, 1)) != NULL) printf("%s=%s\n", FBPRIMARY_VAR, s); #endif puts("\nRemember to save the configuration with 'saveenv'\n\n"); } else if (ret == USER_CANCEL) ret = 0; /* Selection cancelled by user, not error */ return ret; }
int main(void) { t_env env; init(&env); if(run_menu(&env)) erreur_menu(&env); run(&env); return 0; }
static int select_datamap_ldb(const struct menu_opt *menu) { if (!menu->param) return 0; if (!strcmp(menu->param, "off")) { setenv(LDB_VAR, menu->param); return 0; } strcpy(ldbvar, menu->param); return run_menu(select_ldb_datamap_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_ldb_datamap_menu)); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /*X10I BOARD*/ void *xBoard; Authenticate x15Authenticate; BYTE fittedBoard; /* initialise the firefly device */ xBoard = XlineInitBoard(); if (xBoard == NULL) { return ( XlineExit("initialisation failed.", xBoard, &x15Authenticate, 1)); } /* Determine which board type is fitted, and unlock the IO security accordingly */ XlineGetFittedBoard(xBoard, &fittedBoard); if (fittedBoard == X10I_BOARD) UnlockX10c(xBoard); else return ( XlineExit("unknown board fitted.", xBoard, &x15Authenticate, 1)); printf("success.\n\n"); #ifdef X10_LINUX_BUILD InitialiseConsole(); #endif printf("Bismillah start X10i jogging. \n\n"); int charkey = 0; run_menu(); init_keyboard(); for (;;) { if (keyboard_hit()) { charkey = read_charkey(); printf("You hit keyboard key: char = %c or int = %d \n", charkey, charkey); cmd_interpreter(xBoard,charkey); } //END IF } // END FOR close_keyboard(); printf("Alhamdulillah. finish Raspberry Pi jogging. \n\n"); return ( XlineExit("Leaving program.", xBoard, &x15Authenticate, 0)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; err = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO); if(err){ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } scaled = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREENX * 2, SCREENY * 2, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_SWSURFACE); main_screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, SCREENX, SCREENY, scaled->format->BitsPerPixel, scaled->format->Rmask, scaled->format->Gmask, scaled->format->Bmask, scaled->format->Amask ); if (!main_screen){ fprintf(stderr, "SDL failed screen init: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } err = Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048); if (err){ fprintf(stderr, "SDL audio failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } init_font(); key_state = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); game_state = 1; srand(time(NULL)); load_game_resources(); while(game_state != QUIT){ run_menu(); if(game_state != QUIT){ run_game(); } } return 0; }
void restart_level(t_env* env) { t_wall *walls; t_wall *tmp; walls = &env->wall; while (walls->next != 0) { tmp = walls->next; walls = tmp->next; if (tmp->next == 0) break; free(tmp->next); } free(env->; sleep(5); init(env); if(run_menu(env)) erreur_menu(env); run(env); }
int main(){ int option = 0; int main_loop_var = 1; //seed the random number generator srand(time(0)); while(main_loop_var){ option = run_menu(); int error = 0; switch (option) { case SINGLE_CHIP: error = single_chip(); break; case MULTIPLE_CHIPS: error = multiple_chips(); break; case QUIT_PRGM: printf("GOODBYE!\n"); return 0; break; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *rom_name; #ifdef __AMIGA__ BPTR file_lock = GetProgramDir(); SetProgramDir(file_lock); #endif signal(SIGSEGV, catch_me); #ifdef WII // SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE); fatInitDefault(); #endif cf_init(); /* must be the first thing to do */ cf_init_cmd_line(); cf_open_file(NULL); /* Open Default configuration file */ rom_name=cf_parse_cmd_line(argc,argv); /* print effect/blitter list if asked by user */ if (!strcmp(CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("effect")),"help")) { print_effect_list(); exit(0); } if (!strcmp(CF_STR(cf_get_item_by_name("blitter")),"help")) { print_blitter_list(); exit(0); } init_sdl(); /* GP2X stuff */ #ifdef GP2X gp2x_init(); #endif if (gn_init_skin()!=SDL_TRUE) { printf("Can't load skin...\n"); exit(1); } reset_frame_skip(); if (conf.debug) conf.sound=0; /* Launch the specified game, or the rom browser if no game was specified*/ if (!rom_name) { // rom_browser_menu(); run_menu(); printf("GAME %s\n",; if ( return 0; } else { if (init_game(rom_name)!=SDL_TRUE) { printf("Can't init %s...\n",rom_name); exit(1); } } /* If asked, do a .gno dump and exit*/ if (CF_BOOL(cf_get_item_by_name("dump"))) { char dump[8+4+1]; sprintf(dump,"%s.gno",rom_name); dr_save_gno(&memory.rom,dump); close_game(); return 0; } if (conf.debug) debug_loop(); else main_loop(); close_game(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *cmdline; struct menu *m; int rows, cols; int i; (void)argc; parse_configs(argv + 1); /* * We don't start the console until we have parsed the configuration * file, since the configuration file might impact the console * configuration, e.g. MENU RESOLUTION. */ start_console(); if (getscreensize(1, &rows, &cols)) { /* Unknown screen size? */ rows = 24; cols = 80; } /* Some postprocessing for all menus */ for (m = menu_list; m; m = m->next) { if (!m->mparm[P_WIDTH]) m->mparm[P_WIDTH] = cols; /* If anyone has specified negative parameters, consider them relative to the bottom row of the screen. */ for (i = 0; i < NPARAMS; i++) if (m->mparm[i] < 0) m->mparm[i] = max(m->mparm[i] + rows, 0); } cm = start_menu; if (!cm->nentries) { fputs("Initial menu has no LABEL entries!\n", stdout); return 1; /* Error! */ } for (;;) { local_cursor_enable(true); cmdline = run_menu(); if (clearmenu) clear_screen(); local_cursor_enable(false); printf("\033[?25h\033[%d;1H\033[0m", END_ROW); if (cmdline) { uint32_t type = parse_image_type(cmdline); execute(cmdline, type, false); if (cm->onerror) { type = parse_image_type(cm->onerror); execute(cm->onerror, type, true); } } else { return 0; /* Exit */ } } }
static int select_primary_disp(const struct menu_opt *menu) { return run_menu(select_primary_disp_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_primary_disp_menu)); }
static int select_video_ldb_config(const struct menu_opt *menu) { return run_menu(select_ldb_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_ldb_menu)); }
static int select_video_hdmi(const struct menu_opt *menu) { return run_menu(select_hdmi_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_hdmi_menu)); }
static int select_video_if2(const struct menu_opt *menu) { active_vif = 1; return run_menu(select_if2_menu, ARRAY_SIZE(select_if2_menu)); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //puzzletube setup srand(time(NULL)); settings_load(); highscore_load(); //Language setup spReadPossibleLanguages("./translations/languages.txt"); spBundlePointer translation = spLoadBundle("./translations/translations.txt",1); /* //counting all hashes: spTextPointer mom = translation->firstText; int mesh[257]; memset(mesh,0,257*4); int count = 0; while (mom) { if (mom->hash >= 0 && mom->hash < 256) { mesh[mom->hash]++; } else mesh[256]++; count++; mom = mom->next; } int i,j; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { printf(" %3i",mesh[i+j*16]); } printf("\n"); } printf("Invalid hash: %i\n",mesh[256]); printf("Total hash: %i\n",count);*/ settings_set_translation(translation); //sparrow3D Init //spSetDefaultWindowSize( 800, 480 ); spInitCore(); spInitNet(); spSetAffineTextureHack(0); //We don't need it :) spInitMath(); //Setup screen = spCreateDefaultWindow(); resize(screen->w,screen->h); run_splashscreen(resize); spSetCulling(0); init_music(); prepare_game_objects(1); change_music("Midnight Mediation","Nick May"); highscore_save(); init_c4a(); run_menu(resize); quit_c4a(); delete_game_objects(); spDeleteBundle(translation,0); spFontDelete(font); spFontDelete(small_font); spFontDelete(middle_font); quit_music(); spQuitNet(); spQuitCore(); return 0; }