文件: proxy.c 项目: John-Chan/robovm
 * Implements all abstract methods in {@code proxyClass}. This should be called after
 * {@link #addProxyMethods()} which will override all methods defined by the proxy's
 * ancestor classes (abstract or concrete).
static jboolean implementAbstractInterfaceMethods(Env* env, Class* proxyClass, Interface* interface, ProxyClassData* proxyClassData) {
    if (!interface) return TRUE;

    Method* method = rvmGetMethods(env, interface->interface);
    if (rvmExceptionOccurred(env)) return FALSE;
    for (; method != NULL; method = method->next) {
        if (!METHOD_IS_CLASS_INITIALIZER(method)) {
            ProxyMethod* proxyMethod = hasMethod(env, proxyClass, method->name, method->desc);
            if (rvmExceptionOccurred(env)) return FALSE;
            if (!proxyMethod) { 
                jint access = (method->access & (~ACC_ABSTRACT)) | ACC_FINAL;
                proxyMethod = addProxyMethod(env, proxyClass, method, access, _proxy0);
                if (!proxyMethod) return FALSE;
            // Record the lookup function in proxyClassData
            LookupEntry* entry = rvmAllocateMemory(env, sizeof(LookupEntry));
            if (!entry) return FALSE;
            entry->key.name = method->name;
            entry->key.desc = method->desc;
            entry->method = proxyMethod;
            HASH_ADD(hh, proxyClassData->lookupsHash, key, sizeof(LookupKey), entry);

    if (!implementAbstractInterfaceMethods(env, proxyClass, interface->next, proxyClassData)) return FALSE;
    Interface* interfaceInterfaces = rvmGetInterfaces(env, interface->interface);
    if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return FALSE;
    if (!implementAbstractInterfaceMethods(env, proxyClass, interfaceInterfaces, proxyClassData)) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
文件: proxy.c 项目: John-Chan/robovm
Class* rvmProxyCreateProxyClass(Env* env, Class* superclass, ClassLoader* classLoader, char* className, jint interfacesCount, Class** interfaces, 
        jint instanceDataSize, jint instanceDataOffset, unsigned short instanceRefCount, ProxyHandler handler) {

    // Allocate the proxy class.
    Class* proxyClass = rvmAllocateClass(env, className, superclass, classLoader, CLASS_TYPE_PROXY | ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL, 
        offsetof(Class, data) + sizeof(ProxyClassData), instanceDataSize, instanceDataOffset, 1, instanceRefCount, NULL, NULL);
    if (!proxyClass) return NULL;

    ProxyClassData* proxyClassData = (ProxyClassData*) proxyClass->data;
    proxyClassData->handler = handler;

    // Add interfaces
    jint i;
    for (i = 0; i < interfacesCount; i++) {
        if (!rvmAddInterface(env, proxyClass, (Class*) interfaces[i])) return NULL;

    // Initialize methods to NULL to prevent rvmGetMethods() from trying to load the methods if called with this proxy class
    proxyClass->_methods = NULL;

    Class* c = proxyClass;
    while (c) {
        Interface* interface = rvmGetInterfaces(env, c);
        if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
        if (!implementAbstractInterfaceMethods(env, proxyClass, interface, proxyClassData)) return NULL;
        c = c->superclass;

    if (!addProxyMethods(env, proxyClass, superclass, proxyClassData)) return NULL;

    if (!rvmRegisterClass(env, proxyClass)) return NULL;

    return proxyClass;
ObjectArray* Java_java_lang_Class_getInterfaces(Env* env, Class* thiz) {
    Interface* interfaces = rvmGetInterfaces(env, thiz);
    if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
    Interface* interfaze;
    jint length = 0;
    LL_FOREACH(interfaces, interfaze) {
    ObjectArray* result = rvmNewObjectArray(env, length, java_lang_Class, NULL, NULL);
    if (!result) return NULL;
    jint i = 0;
    LL_FOREACH(interfaces, interfaze) {
        result->values[i++] = (Object*) interfaze->interfaze;
    return result;
文件: class.c 项目: John-Chan/robovm
jboolean rvmIsAssignableFrom(Env* env, Class* s, Class* t) {
    // TODO: What if s or t are NULL?
    if (s == t || t == java_lang_Object) {
        return TRUE;

    if (CLASS_IS_ARRAY(s)) {
        if (t == java_io_Serializable) {
            return TRUE;
        if (t == java_lang_Cloneable) {
            return TRUE;
        if (!CLASS_IS_ARRAY(t)) {
            return FALSE;
        Class* componentType = s->componentType;
        if (CLASS_IS_PRIMITIVE(componentType)) {
            // s is a primitive array and can only be assigned to 
            // class t if s == t or t == (Object|Serializable|Cloneable). But we 
            // already know that s != t and t != (Object|Serializable|Cloneable)
            return FALSE;
        return rvmIsAssignableFrom(env, componentType, t->componentType);

    if (CLASS_IS_INTERFACE(t)) {
        // s or any of its parents must implement the interface t
        for (; s; s = s->superclass) {
            Interface* interface = rvmGetInterfaces(env, s);
            if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return FALSE;
            for (; interface != NULL; interface = interface->next) {
                if (rvmIsAssignableFrom(env, interface->interface, t)) {
                    return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    while (s && s != t) {
        s = s->superclass;
    return s ? TRUE : FALSE;
static Method* getMethod(Env* env, Class* clazz, const char* name, const char* desc) {
    if (!strcmp("<init>", name) || !strcmp("<clinit>", name)) {
        // Constructors and static initializers are not inherited so we shouldn't check with the superclasses.
        return findMethod(env, clazz, name, desc);

    Class* c = clazz;
    for (c = clazz; c != NULL; c = c->superclass) {
        Method* method = findMethod(env, c, name, desc);
        if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
        if (method) return method;

     * Check with interfaces.
     * TODO: Should we really do this? Does the JNI GetMethodID() function do this?
    for (c = clazz; c != NULL; c = c->superclass) {
        Interface* interfaze = rvmGetInterfaces(env, c);
        if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
        for (; interfaze != NULL; interfaze = interfaze->next) {
            Method* method = getMethod(env, interfaze->interfaze, name, desc);
            if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
            if (method) return method;

    if (CLASS_IS_INTERFACE(clazz)) {
         * Class is an interface so check with java.lang.Object.
         * TODO: Should we really do this? Does the JNI GetMethodID() function do this?
        return getMethod(env, java_lang_Object, name, desc);

    return NULL;