/*Diese Methode ist fuer das eigentliche schedulen einr Methode zustaendig die die
angegebene Signatur hat.Als Argumente erhaelt sie einen Zeiger auf die verkettete
Prozessliste,die auszufuehrenden Prozess und einen Zeiger auf die auszufuehrende Funktion
void schedule(LINK head,int processes[PMAX][2] ,LINK (*sAlgo) (LINK,LINK,int))

 LINK current=head;
 int nextPrcs=0;
 int tStep=0;//aktueller Zeitschritt,der nach jeder Iteration erhoeht wird

 /*Fuehre das scheduling durch,solange noch Prozesse kommen werden oder
   noch Prozesse laufen


   /*Hole alle Prozesse ab,die im aktuellen Zeitschritt starten*/

	AlphaReal SingleStumpLearner::run( int colIdx )
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (AlphaReal)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );
		vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<AlphaReal> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
		AlphaReal tmpAlpha;
		AlphaReal bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::max();
		StumpAlgorithm<FeatureReal> sAlgo(numClasses);
		AlphaReal halfTheta;
		if ( _abstention == ABST_REAL || _abstention == ABST_CLASSWISE )
			halfTheta = _theta/2.0;
			halfTheta = 0;
		int numOfDimensions = _maxNumOfDimensions;
		const pair<vpIterator,vpIterator> dataBeginEnd = 
		static_cast<SortedData*>(_pTrainingData)->getFileteredBeginEnd( colIdx );
		const vpIterator dataBegin = dataBeginEnd.first;
		const vpIterator dataEnd = dataBeginEnd.second;
		// also sets mu, tmpV, and bestHalfEdge
		_threshold = sAlgo.findSingleThresholdWithInit(dataBegin, dataEnd, _pTrainingData, 
													   halfTheta, &mu, &tmpV);
		bestEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
		_alpha = tmpAlpha;
		_v = tmpV;
		_selectedColumn = colIdx;
		if ( _selectedColumn != -1 )
			stringstream thresholdString;
			thresholdString << _threshold;
			_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn) + thresholdString.str();	
		} else {
			bestEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
		return bestEnergy;
AlphaReal MultiThresholdStumpLearner::run() {
	const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
	const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();

	// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
	// when theta=0.
	setSmoothingVal(1.0 / (AlphaReal) _pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01);

	vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.

	vector<AlphaReal> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
	vector<FeatureReal> tmpThresholds(numClasses);
	AlphaReal tmpAlpha;

	AlphaReal bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::max();
	AlphaReal tmpEnergy;

	StumpAlgorithm<FeatureReal> sAlgo(numClasses);

	int numOfDimensions = _maxNumOfDimensions;
	for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j) {
		// Tricky way to select numOfDimensions columns randomly out of numColumns
		int rest = numColumns - j;
		float r = rand() / static_cast<float> (RAND_MAX);

		if (static_cast<float> (numOfDimensions) / rest > r) {
			const pair<vpIterator, vpIterator>
					dataBeginEnd =
							static_cast<SortedData*> (_pTrainingData)->getFileteredBeginEnd(

			const vpIterator dataBegin = dataBeginEnd.first;
			const vpIterator dataEnd = dataBeginEnd.second;

			sAlgo.findMultiThresholdsWithInit(dataBegin, dataEnd,
					_pTrainingData, tmpThresholds, &mu, &tmpV);

			tmpEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
			if (tmpEnergy < bestEnergy && tmpAlpha > 0) {
				// Store it in the current algorithm
				// note: I don't really like having so many temp variables
				// but the alternative would be a structure, which would need
				// to be inheritable to make things more consistent. But this would
				// make it less flexible. Therefore, I am still undecided. This
				// might change!

				_alpha = tmpAlpha;
				_v = tmpV;
				_selectedColumn = j;
				_thresholds = tmpThresholds;

				bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;

	return bestEnergy;

float UCBVHaarSingleStumpLearner::run()
    if ( UCBVHaarSingleStumpLearner::_numOfCalling == 0 ) {

    //cout << "Num of iter:\t" << UCBVHaarSingleStumpLearner::_numOfCalling << " " << this->getTthSeriesElement( UCBVHaarSingleStumpLearner::_numOfCalling ) << flush << endl;
    const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();

    // set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
    // when theta=0.
    setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (float)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );

    vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
    vector<float> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions

    float tmpThreshold;
    float tmpAlpha;

    float bestEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::max();
    float tmpEnergy;

    HaarData* pHaarData = static_cast<HaarData*>(_pTrainingData);

    // get the whole data matrix
    //const vector<int*>& intImages = pHaarData->getIntImageVector();

    // The data matrix transformed into the feature's space
    vector< pair<int, float> > processedHaarData(_pTrainingData->getNumExamples());

    // I need to prepare both type of sampling

    StumpAlgorithm<float> sAlgo(numClasses);

    float halfTheta;
    if ( _abstention == ABST_REAL || _abstention == ABST_CLASSWISE )
        halfTheta = _theta/2.0;
        halfTheta = 0;

    // The declared features types
    vector<HaarFeature*>& loadedFeatures = pHaarData->getLoadedFeatures();

    // for every feature type
    vector<HaarFeature*>::iterator ftIt;
    //vector<HaarFeature*>::iterator maxftIt;

    vector<float> maxV( loadedFeatures.size() );
    vector<int> maxKey( loadedFeatures.size() );
    vector<int> maxNum( loadedFeatures.size() );

    //claculate the Bk,s,t of the randomly chosen features
    int key = getKeyOfMaximalElement();
    int featureIdx = (int) (key / 10);
    int featureType = (key % 10);

    //for (i = 0, ftIt = loadedFeatures.begin(); ftIt != loadedFeatures.end(); i++ ++ftIt)
    //*ftIt = loadedFeatures[ featureType ];

    // just for readability
    //HaarFeature* pCurrFeature = *ftIt;
    HaarFeature* pCurrFeature = loadedFeatures[ featureType ];
    if (_samplingType != ST_NO_SAMPLING)

    // Reset the iterator on the configurations. For random sampling
    // this clear the visited list
    pCurrFeature->loadConfigByNum( featureIdx );

    if (_verbose > 1)
        cout << "Learning type " << pCurrFeature->getName() << ".." << flush;

    // transform the data from intImages to the feature's space
    pCurrFeature->fillHaarData( _pTrainingData->getExamples(), processedHaarData );
    //pCurrFeature->fillHaarData(intImages, processedHaarData);

    // sort the examples in the new space by their coordinate
    sort( processedHaarData.begin(), processedHaarData.end(),
          nor_utils::comparePair<2, int, float, less<float> >() );

    // find the optimal threshold
    tmpThreshold = sAlgo.findSingleThresholdWithInit(processedHaarData.begin(),
                   _pTrainingData, halfTheta, &mu, &tmpV);

    tmpEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);

    // Store it in the current weak hypothesis.
    // note: I don't really like having so many temp variables
    // but the alternative would be a structure, which would need
    // to be inheritable to make things more consistent. But this would
    // make it less flexible. Therefore, I am still undecided. This
    // might change!
    _alpha = tmpAlpha;
    _v = tmpV;

    // I need to save the configuration because it changes within the object
    _selectedConfig = pCurrFeature->getCurrentConfig();
    // I save the object because it contains the informations about the type,
    // the name, etc..
    _pSelectedFeature = pCurrFeature;
    _threshold = tmpThreshold;

    bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;

    float edge = 0.0;
    for( vector<sRates>::iterator itR = mu.begin(); itR != mu.end(); itR++ ) edge += ( itR->rPls - itR->rMin );
    //need to set the X value
    updateKeys( key, edge * edge );

    if (!_pSelectedFeature)
        cerr << "ERROR: No Haar Feature found. Something must be wrong!" << endl;
        if (_verbose > 1)
            cout << "Selected type: " << _pSelectedFeature->getName() << endl;

    return bestEnergy;
	AlphaReal SingleStumpLearner::run()
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (AlphaReal)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );
		vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<AlphaReal> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
		FeatureReal tmpThreshold;
		AlphaReal tmpAlpha;
		AlphaReal bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::max();
		AlphaReal tmpEnergy;
		StumpAlgorithm<FeatureReal> sAlgo(numClasses);
		AlphaReal halfTheta;
		if ( _abstention == ABST_REAL || _abstention == ABST_CLASSWISE )
			halfTheta = _theta/2.0;
			halfTheta = 0;
		int numOfDimensions = _maxNumOfDimensions;
		for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
			// Tricky way to select numOfDimensions columns randomly out of numColumns
			int rest = numColumns - j;
			float r = rand()/static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX);
			if ( static_cast<float>(numOfDimensions) / rest > r ) 
				//if ( static_cast<SortedData*>(_pTrainingData)->isAttributeEmpty( j ) ) continue;
				const pair<vpIterator,vpIterator> dataBeginEnd = 
				const vpIterator dataBegin = dataBeginEnd.first;
				const vpIterator dataEnd = dataBeginEnd.second;
				// also sets mu, tmpV, and bestHalfEdge
				tmpThreshold = sAlgo.findSingleThresholdWithInit(dataBegin, dataEnd, _pTrainingData, 
																 halfTheta, &mu, &tmpV);
				if (tmpThreshold == tmpThreshold) // tricky way to test Nan
					// small inconsistency compared to the standard algo (but a good
					// trade-off): in findThreshold we maximize the edge (suboptimal but
					// fast) but here (among dimensions) we minimize the energy.
					tmpEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
					if (tmpEnergy < bestEnergy && tmpAlpha > 0)
						// Store it in the current weak hypothesis.
						// note: I don't really like having so many temp variables
						// but the alternative would be a structure, which would need
						// to be inheritable to make things more consistent. But this would
						// make it less flexible. Therefore, I am still undecided. This
						// might change!
						_alpha = tmpAlpha;
						_v = tmpV;
						_selectedColumn = j;
						_threshold = tmpThreshold;
						bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;
				} // tmpThreshold == tmpThreshold
		if ( _selectedColumn != -1 )
			stringstream thresholdString;
			thresholdString << _threshold;
			_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn) + thresholdString.str();	
		} else {
			bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::signaling_NaN();
		return bestEnergy;
	AlphaReal HaarMultiStumpLearner::run()
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (AlphaReal)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );
		vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<AlphaReal> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
		vector<FeatureReal> tmpThresholds(numClasses);
		AlphaReal tmpAlpha;
		AlphaReal bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::max();
		AlphaReal tmpEnergy;
		HaarData* pHaarData = static_cast<HaarData*>(_pTrainingData);
		// get the whole data matrix
		//   const vector<int*>& intImages = pHaarData->getIntImageVector();
		// The data matrix transformed into the feature's space
		vector< pair<int, FeatureReal> > processedHaarData(_pTrainingData->getNumExamples());
		// I need to prepare both type of sampling
		int numConf; // for ST_NUM
		time_t startTime, currentTime; // for ST_TIME
		long numProcessed;
		bool quitConfiguration;
		StumpAlgorithm<FeatureReal> sAlgo(numClasses);
		// The declared features types
		vector<HaarFeature*>& loadedFeatures = pHaarData->getLoadedFeatures();
		// for every feature type
		vector<HaarFeature*>::iterator ftIt;
		for (ftIt = loadedFeatures.begin(); ftIt != loadedFeatures.end(); ++ftIt)
			// just for readability
			HaarFeature* pCurrFeature = *ftIt;
			if (_samplingType != ST_NO_SAMPLING)
			// Reset the iterator on the configurations. For random sampling
			// this shuffles the configurations.
			quitConfiguration = false;
			numProcessed = 0;
			numConf = 0;
			time( &startTime );
			if (_verbose > 1)
				cout << "Learning type " << pCurrFeature->getName() << ".." << flush;
			// While there is a configuration available
			while ( pCurrFeature->hasConfigs() ) 
				// transform the data from intImages to the feature's space
				pCurrFeature->fillHaarData(_pTrainingData->getExamples(), processedHaarData);
				// sort the examples in the new space by their coordinate
				sort( processedHaarData.begin(), processedHaarData.end(), 
					 nor_utils::comparePair<2, int, float, less<float> >() );
				// find the optimal threshold
				sAlgo.findMultiThresholdsWithInit(processedHaarData.begin(), processedHaarData.end(), 
												  _pTrainingData, tmpThresholds, &mu, &tmpV);
				tmpEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
				if (tmpEnergy < bestEnergy)
					// Store it in the current weak hypothesis.
					// note: I don't really like having so many temp variables
					// but the alternative would be a structure, which would need
					// to be inheritable to make things more consistent. But this would
					// make it less flexible. Therefore, I am still undecided. This
					// might change!
					_alpha = tmpAlpha;
					_v = tmpV;
					// I need to save the configuration because it changes within the object
					_selectedConfig = pCurrFeature->getCurrentConfig();
					// I save the object because it contains the informations about the type,
					// the name, etc..
					_pSelectedFeature = pCurrFeature;
					_thresholds = tmpThresholds;
					bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;
				// Move to the next configuration
				// check stopping criterion for random configurations
				switch (_samplingType)
					case ST_NUM:
						if (numConf >= _samplingVal)
							quitConfiguration = true;
					case ST_TIME:            
						time( &currentTime );
						float diff = difftime(currentTime, startTime); // difftime is in seconds
						if (diff >= _samplingVal)
							quitConfiguration = true;
					case ST_NO_SAMPLING:
						perror("ERROR: st no sampling... not sure what this means");
				} // end switch
				if (quitConfiguration)
			} // end while
			if (_verbose > 1)
				time( &currentTime );
				float diff = difftime(currentTime, startTime); // difftime is in seconds
				cout << "done! "
				<< "(processed: " << numProcessed
				<< " - elapsed: " << diff << " sec)" 
				<< endl;
		if (!_pSelectedFeature)
			cerr << "ERROR: No Haar Feature found. Something must be wrong!" << endl;
			if (_verbose > 1)
				cout << "Selected type: " << _pSelectedFeature->getName() << endl;
		return bestEnergy;
	AlphaReal BanditSingleSparseStump::run()

		if ( ! this->_banditAlgo->isInitialized() ) {

		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();

		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( (AlphaReal) 1.0 / (AlphaReal)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * (AlphaReal)0.01 );

		vector<sRates> mu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<AlphaReal> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions

		FeatureReal tmpThreshold;
		AlphaReal tmpAlpha;

		AlphaReal bestEnergy = numeric_limits<AlphaReal>::max();
		AlphaReal tmpEnergy;

		StumpAlgorithmLSHTC<FeatureReal> sAlgo(numClasses);

		AlphaReal halfTheta;
		if ( _abstention == ABST_REAL || _abstention == ABST_CLASSWISE )
			halfTheta = _theta/(AlphaReal)2.0;
			halfTheta = 0;
		AlphaReal bestReward = 0.0;

		_banditAlgo->getKBestAction( _K, _armsForPulling );
		_rewards.resize( _armsForPulling.size() );

		if ( this->_armsForPulling.size() == 0 )
			cout << "error" << endl;

		for( int i = 0; i < (int)_armsForPulling.size(); i++ ) {
			//columnIndices[i] = p.second;			

			const pair<vpReverseIterator,vpReverseIterator> dataBeginEnd = 
				static_cast<SortedData*>(_pTrainingData)->getFileteredReverseBeginEnd( _armsForPulling[i] );

			const pair<vpIterator,vpIterator> dataBeginEnd = 
			static_cast<SortedData*>(_pTrainingData)->getFileteredBeginEnd( _armsForPulling[i] );

			const vpReverseIterator dataBegin = dataBeginEnd.first;
			const vpReverseIterator dataEnd = dataBeginEnd.second;

			const vpIterator dataBegin = dataBeginEnd.first;
			const vpIterator dataEnd = dataBeginEnd.second;

			// also sets mu, tmpV, and bestHalfEdge
			tmpThreshold = sAlgo.findSingleThresholdWithInit(dataBegin, dataEnd, _pTrainingData, 
				halfTheta, &mu, &tmpV);

			tmpEnergy = getEnergy(mu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
			//update the weights in the UCT tree

			AlphaReal edge = 0.0;
			for ( vector<sRates>::iterator itR = mu.begin(); itR != mu.end(); itR++ ) edge += ( itR->rPls - itR->rMin );
			AlphaReal reward = this->getRewardFromEdge( edge );
			_rewards[i] = reward;

			if ( _verbose > 3 ) {
				//cout << "\tK = " <<i << endl;
				cout << "\tTempAlpha: " << tmpAlpha << endl;
				cout << "\tTempEnergy: " << tmpEnergy << endl;
				cout << "\tUpdate weight: " << reward << endl;

			if ( (i==0) || (tmpEnergy < bestEnergy && tmpAlpha > 0) )
				// Store it in the current weak hypothesis.
				// note: I don't really like having so many temp variables
				// but the alternative would be a structure, which would need
				// to be inheritable to make things more consistent. But this would
				// make it less flexible. Therefore, I am still undecided. This
				// might change!

				_alpha = tmpAlpha;
				_v = tmpV;
				_selectedColumn = _armsForPulling[i];
				_threshold = tmpThreshold;

				bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;
				bestReward = reward;

		if ( _banditAlgoName == BA_EXP3G2 )
			vector<AlphaReal> ePayoffs( numColumns );			
			fill( ePayoffs.begin(), ePayoffs.end(), 0.0 );

			for( int i=0; i<_armsForPulling.size(); i++ )
				ePayoffs[_armsForPulling[i]] = _rewards[i];
			estimatePayoffs( ePayoffs );

			(dynamic_cast<Exp3G2*>(_banditAlgo))->receiveReward( ePayoffs );
		} else {
			for( int i=0; i<_armsForPulling.size(); i++ )
				_banditAlgo->receiveReward( _armsForPulling[i], _rewards[i] );

		if ( _verbose > 2 ) cout << "Column has been selected: " << _selectedColumn << endl;

		stringstream thresholdString;
		thresholdString << _threshold;
		_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn) + thresholdString.str();

		_reward = bestReward;

		return bestEnergy;