int RunInstallConfig(const TCHAR* szCommandLine, TCHAR* szResult, size_t nMaxSize, InstallConfigMessageHandler* pMessageHandler) { int retCode; try { CStdString sCommandLine(szCommandLine); CStdString sResult; retCode = InstallAgentProcessController::Run(sCommandLine, sResult, pMessageHandler); ::memset( szResult, 0, nMaxSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); _tcsncpy( szResult, sResult, nMaxSize - 1 ); } // TODO : Add full exception handling including WsException. catch(...) { const TCHAR* msg = _T("Exception caught calling InstallAgentProcessController::Run"); ::memset( szResult, 0, nMaxSize ); _tcsncpy( szResult, msg, nMaxSize - 1 ); retCode = -1; } return retCode; }
bool CBrowserHelper::LaunchSafari(LPCTSTR pszCommandLine) { CString sPath; if (GetSafariPath(sPath) == false) { return false; } CString sCommandLine(pszCommandLine); if (_tcsstr(pszCommandLine, _T("http")) == pszCommandLine) { sCommandLine = _T("-url ") + sCommandLine; } HINSTANCE hInst = ::ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), sPath, sCommandLine, NULL, SW_SHOW); return hInst > (HINSTANCE) HINSTANCE_ERROR; }
static LRESULT CALLBACK GraphicsWindow_WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf("%p, %u, %08x, %08x", hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) ); // Suppress autorun. if( msg == g_iQueryCancelAutoPlayMessage ) return true; switch( msg ) { case WM_ACTIVATE: { const bool bInactive = (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE); const bool bMinimized = (HIWORD(wParam) != 0); const bool bHadFocus = g_bHasFocus; g_bHasFocus = !bInactive && !bMinimized; LOG->Trace( "WM_ACTIVATE (%i, %i): %s", bInactive, bMinimized, g_bHasFocus? "has focus":"doesn't have focus" ); if( !g_bHasFocus ) { RString sName = GetNewWindow(); static set<RString> sLostFocusTo; sLostFocusTo.insert( sName ); RString sStr; for( set<RString>::const_iterator it = sLostFocusTo.begin(); it != sLostFocusTo.end(); ++it ) sStr += (sStr.size()?", ":"") + *it; LOG->MapLog( "LOST_FOCUS", "Lost focus to: %s", sStr.c_str() ); } if( !g_bD3D && !g_CurrentParams.windowed && !g_bRecreatingVideoMode ) { /* In OpenGL (not D3D), it's our job to unset and reset the * full-screen video mode when we focus changes, and to hide * and show the window. Hiding is done in WM_KILLFOCUS, * because that's where most other apps seem to do it. */ if( g_bHasFocus && !bHadFocus ) { ChangeDisplaySettings( &g_FullScreenDevMode, CDS_FULLSCREEN ); ShowWindow( g_hWndMain, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } else if( !g_bHasFocus && bHadFocus ) { ChangeDisplaySettings( NULL, 0 ); } } return 0; } case WM_KILLFOCUS: if( !g_bD3D && !g_CurrentParams.windowed && !g_bRecreatingVideoMode ) ShowWindow( g_hWndMain, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE ); break; /* Is there any reason we should care what size the user resizes * the window to? (who? -aj) * Short answer: yes. -aj */ // case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: case WM_SETCURSOR: if( !g_CurrentParams.windowed ) { SetCursor( NULL ); return 1; } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch( wParam&0xFFF0 ) { case SC_MONITORPOWER: case SC_SCREENSAVE: return 0; } break; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); break; } case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: // might want to use this for GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam) -aj // We handle all input ourself, via DirectInput. return 0; case WM_CLOSE: LOG->Trace("WM_CLOSE: shutting down"); ArchHooks::SetUserQuit(); return 0; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { /* If we're fullscreen and don't have focus, our window is hidden, * so GetClientRect isn't meaningful. */ if( !g_CurrentParams.windowed && !g_bHasFocus ) break; RECT rect; GetClientRect( hWnd, &rect ); int iWidth = rect.right - rect.left; int iHeight = rect.bottom -; if( g_CurrentParams.width != iWidth || g_CurrentParams.height != iHeight ) { g_CurrentParams.width = iWidth; g_CurrentParams.height = iHeight; g_bResolutionChanged = true; } break; } case WM_COPYDATA: { PCOPYDATASTRUCT pMyCDS = (PCOPYDATASTRUCT) lParam; RString sCommandLine( (char*)pMyCDS->lpData, pMyCDS->cbData ); CommandLineActions::CommandLineArgs args; split( sCommandLine, "|", args.argv, false ); CommandLineActions::ToProcess.push_back( args ); break; } } CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf("%p, %u, %08x, %08x", hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) ); if( m_bWideWindowClass ) return DefWindowProcW( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); else return DefWindowProcA( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
HANDLE WINAPI EXP_NAME(OpenPlugin)(int openFrom, INT_PTR item) { PCTSTR filePath; auto_ptr<wchar_t> cmdLine; auto_ptr<PluginPanelItem> panelItem; switch(openFrom) { case OPEN_COMMANDLINE: { if(!item) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #ifdef FAR3 cmdLine.reset(_wcsdup(((OpenCommandLineInfo*)item)->CommandLine)); filePath = cmdLine.get(); #else filePath = (PCTSTR)item; #endif if(!filePath || !*filePath) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if(*filePath == '\"') { PTSTR p1 = const_cast<PTSTR>(filePath) + _tcslen(filePath) - 1; if(*p1 == '\"') *p1 = 0; memmove(const_cast<PTSTR>(filePath), filePath + 1, (p1 - filePath + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } } break; case OPEN_PLUGINSMENU: { //assert(item->) filePath = JsonPlugin::ClipboardName; /*panelItem.reset(GetCurrentItem()); panelItem->FileName; if(!filePath || !*filePath) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;*/ } break; #ifdef FAR3 case OPEN_SHORTCUT: if(!item) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; filePath = ((OpenShortcutInfo*)item)->HostFile; break; #endif default: return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } //SaveScreen ss; //PCTSTR Items[]={_T(""),GetMsg(MLoading)}; //Message(0,NULL,Items,_countof(Items),0); // These command lines are possible: // file.json // c:\dir\file.json //??? tstring sFilePath( #ifdef FAR3 openFrom == OPEN_SHORTCUT ? ((OpenShortcutInfo*)item)->HostFile : #endif filePath); tstring sSubDir; if(openFrom == OPEN_COMMANDLINE) { tstring sCommandLine(filePath); size_t colon = sCommandLine.find(':'); if(colon != tstring::npos) { tstring s1 = sCommandLine.substr(0, colon); if(GetFileAttributes(s1.c_str()) != 0xffffffff) { // file before 1st colon exists, get the rest sFilePath = s1; sSubDir = sCommandLine.substr(colon+1); } else { colon = sCommandLine.find(':', colon+1); sFilePath = sCommandLine.substr(0, colon); if(colon != tstring::npos) // second colon exists, get the rest sSubDir = sCommandLine.substr(colon+1); } } TCHAR absPath[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef UNICODE if(!wcschr(sFilePath.c_str(), ':')) // if rel path, convert it { StartupInfo.FSF->ConvertPath(CPM_FULL, sFilePath.c_str(), absPath, _countof(absPath)); #else if(GetFileAttributes(sFilePath.c_str()) != 0xffffffff) { // if local file exists, use its abs path _tfullpath(absPath, sFilePath.c_str(), _countof(absPath)); #endif sFilePath = absPath; } } JsonPlugin* plugin; try { plugin = new JsonPlugin(sFilePath.c_str()); } catch(WinExcept ex) { WinError(ex); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if(plugin->HasParseError()) { auto error = plugin->GetParseError(); auto eroffs = plugin->GetErrorOffset(); delete plugin; tstring err(GetMsg(error + MParseErrorNone - kParseErrorNone)); err += '\n'; LPCTSTR err2 = GetMsg(MParseOffset); vector<TCHAR> err3(_tcslen(err2) + 20); _sntprintf(&err3[0], err3.size()-1, err2, eroffs); err3[err3.size()-1] = 0; err += &err3[0]; WinError(err.c_str()); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if(!sSubDir.empty()) try { plugin->SetDirectory(sSubDir.c_str(),0); } catch(...) {} return plugin; } #ifdef FAR3 HANDLE WINAPI AnalyseW(const AnalyseInfo *info) { HANDLE h = OpenFilePluginW(info->FileName, (BYTE*)info->Buffer, (int)info->BufferSize, (int)info->OpMode); return h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? NULL : h; }
void GetOpenProcessData(HANDLE hProcess, wchar_t* pProcessName, DWORD cbProcessName, wchar_t* pFullPath, DWORD cbFullPath, wchar_t* pCommandLine, DWORD cbCommandLine, wchar_t** ppEnvStrings, CURDIR_STR_TYPE** psCurDir) { ModuleData Data={}; char *pEnd; PROCESS_PARAMETERS* pProcessParams = 0; if (GetInternalProcessData(hProcess, &Data, pProcessParams, pEnd)) { WCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH]; memset(szProcessName, 0, sizeof(szProcessName)); if (pProcessName) { SIZE_T sz = sizeof(szProcessName);//min(sizeof(szProcessName), Data.BaseDllName.MaximumLength*2); if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, Data.BaseDllName.Buffer, szProcessName, sz,0)) lstrcpyn(pProcessName, szProcessName, cbProcessName); else *pProcessName = 0; } if (pFullPath) { SIZE_T sz = sizeof(szProcessName);//min(sizeof(szProcessName), Data.FullDllName.MaximumLength*2); if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, Data.FullDllName.Buffer, szProcessName, sz,0)) lstrcpyn(pFullPath, szProcessName, cbFullPath); else *pFullPath = 0; } if (pCommandLine) { UNICODE_STRING pCmd; if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessParams->CommandLine, &pCmd, sizeof(pCmd), 0)) { SIZE_T sz = Min(cbCommandLine, (ULONG)pCmd.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) + 1); Array<WCHAR> sCommandLine((DWORD)sz); *pCommandLine = 0; if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pCmd.Buffer, sCommandLine, (sz-1)*sizeof(WCHAR),0)) { sCommandLine[sz-1] = 0; lstrcpyn(pCommandLine, sCommandLine, cbCommandLine); } } } if (ppEnvStrings) { wchar_t *pEnv; *ppEnvStrings = 0; if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessParams->EnvironmentBlock, &pEnv, sizeof(pEnv), 0)) { WCHAR* pwEnvStrings = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; while (1) { pwEnvStrings = new WCHAR[dwSize+=1024]; if (!ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pEnv, pwEnvStrings, dwSize*2,0)) { delete[] pwEnvStrings; pwEnvStrings = 0; break; } if (mwcslen(pwEnvStrings, dwSize)<dwSize) break; delete[] pwEnvStrings; } if (pwEnvStrings) { if (pwEnvStrings && *pwEnvStrings) *ppEnvStrings = pwEnvStrings; else delete[] pwEnvStrings; } } } if (psCurDir) { *psCurDir = 0; UNICODE_STRING CurDir; if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &pProcessParams->CurrentDirectoryPath, &CurDir, sizeof(CurDir), 0)) { wchar_t *wsCurDir = new wchar_t[(CurDir.Length+1)/2 + 1]; if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, CurDir.Buffer, wsCurDir, CurDir.Length,0)) { wsCurDir[(CurDir.Length+1)/2] = 0; *psCurDir = wsCurDir; } } } } }
bool ConsoleAdapter::consoleInputBox_KeyUp(const CEGUI::EventArgs& args) { const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs& keyargs = static_cast<const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs&>(args); if(keyargs.scancode != CEGUI::Key::Tab) { mTabPressed = false; } switch(keyargs.scancode) { case CEGUI::Key::ArrowUp: { if(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition() == 0) { mCommandLine = mInputBox->getText().c_str(); } else { // we are not at the command line but in the history // => write back the editing mBackend->getHistory().changeHistory(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition(), mInputBox->getText().c_str()); } mBackend->getHistory().moveBackwards(); if(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition() != 0) { mInputBox->setText(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryString()); } return true; } case CEGUI::Key::ArrowDown: { if(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition() > 0) { mBackend->getHistory().changeHistory(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition(), mInputBox->getText().c_str()); mBackend->getHistory().moveForwards(); if(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryPosition() == 0) { mInputBox->setText(mCommandLine); } else { mInputBox->setText(mBackend->getHistory().getHistoryString()); } } return true; } case CEGUI::Key::Tab: { std::string sCommand(mInputBox->getText().c_str()); // only process commands if(sCommand[0] != '/') { return true; } sCommand = sCommand.substr(1, mInputBox->getCaretIndex() - 1); if(mTabPressed == true) { const std::set< std::string > commands(mBackend->getPrefixes(sCommand)); if(commands.size() > 0) { std::set< std::string >::const_iterator iCommand(commands.begin()); std::string sMessage(""); mSelected = (mSelected + 1) % commands.size(); int select(0); while(iCommand != commands.end()) { if(select == mSelected) { std::string sCommandLine(mInputBox->getText().c_str()); // compose the new command line: old text before the caret + selected command mInputBox->setText(sCommandLine.substr(0, mInputBox->getCaretIndex()) + iCommand->substr(mInputBox->getCaretIndex() - 1)); mInputBox->setSelection(mInputBox->getCaretIndex(), 0xFFFFFFFF); } sMessage += *iCommand + ' '; ++iCommand; ++select; } mBackend->pushMessage(sMessage); } } else { mTabPressed = true; mSelected = 0; const std::set< std::string > commands(mBackend->getPrefixes(sCommand)); if(commands.size() == 0) { // TODO: Error reporting? } else { // if any command starts with the current prefix if(commands.size() == 1) { mInputBox->setText(std::string("/") + *(commands.begin()) + ' '); // this will be at the end of the text mInputBox->setCaretIndex(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { //If there are multiple matches we need to find the lowest common denominator. We'll do this by iterating through all characters and then checking with all the possible commands if they match that prefix, until we get a false. std::set< std::string >::const_iterator iSelected(commands.begin()); std::set< std::string >::const_iterator iCommand(commands.begin()); std::string sCommonPrefix(*iCommand); int select = 1; ++iCommand; while(iCommand != commands.end()) { if(select == mSelected) { iSelected = iCommand; } std::string::size_type i(0); while((i < sCommonPrefix.length()) && (i < (*iCommand).length())) { if(sCommonPrefix[i] != (*iCommand)[i]) { break; } ++i; } if(i < sCommonPrefix.length()) { sCommonPrefix = sCommonPrefix.substr(0, i); } ++select; ++iCommand; } mInputBox->setText(std::string("/") + sCommonPrefix + iSelected->substr(sCommonPrefix.length())); mInputBox->setCaretIndex(sCommonPrefix.length() + 1); mInputBox->setSelection(sCommonPrefix.length() + 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); } } } return true; } case CEGUI::Key::Return: case CEGUI::Key::NumpadEnter: { if (mReturnKeyDown) { mReturnKeyDown = false; if(mInputBox->getSelectionLength() > 0) { unsigned long ulSelectionEnd(mInputBox->getSelectionEndIndex()); mInputBox->setText(mInputBox->getText() + ' '); mInputBox->setCaretIndex(ulSelectionEnd + 1); mInputBox->setSelection(mInputBox->getCaretIndex(), mInputBox->getCaretIndex()); } else { const CEGUI::String consoleText(mInputBox->getText()); mInputBox->setText(CEGUI::String("")); mBackend->pushMessage(("> " + consoleText).c_str()); // run the command mBackend->runCommand(consoleText.c_str()); EventCommandExecuted.emit(consoleText.c_str()); } } return true; } default: { break; } } return false; }