  Returns the desktop file corresponding to this AppLnk.

  \sa file() exec() name()
QString AppLnk::linkFile() const
    if ( mLinkFile.isNull() ) {
  AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this;
  if ( type().contains('/') ) {
      StorageInfo storage;
      const FileSystem *fs = storage.fileSystemOf( that->mFile );
            /* tmpfs + and ramfs are available too but not removable
             * either we fix storage or add this
      if ( fs && ( fs->isRemovable() || fs->disk() == "/dev/mtdblock6" || fs->disk() == "tmpfs") ) {
    that->mLinkFile = fs->path();
      } else
    that->mLinkFile = getenv( "HOME" );
      that->mLinkFile += "/Documents/"+type()+"/"+safeFileName(that->mName);

            /* the desktop file exists make sure we don't point to the same file */
      if ( QFile::exists(that->mLinkFile+".desktop") ) {
                AppLnk lnk( that->mLinkFile + ".desktop" );

                /* the linked is different */
                if(that->file() != lnk.file() ) {
                    int n = 1;
                    QString nn;
                    while (QFile::exists((nn=that->mLinkFile+"_"+QString::number(n))+".desktop")) {
                        /* just to be sure */
                        AppLnk lnk(nn );
                        if (lnk.file() == that->file() )
                    that->mLinkFile = nn;
      that->mLinkFile += ".desktop";
  return that->mLinkFile;
    return mLinkFile;
  Returns the file associated with the AppLnk.

  \sa exec() name()
QString AppLnk::file() const
    if ( mExec.isEmpty ( ) && mFile.isNull() ) {
  AppLnk* that = (AppLnk*)this;
  QString ext = MimeType(mType).extension();
  if ( !ext.isEmpty() )
      ext = "." + ext;
  if ( !mLinkFile.isEmpty() ) {
      that->mFile =
    mLinkFile.right(8)==".desktop" // 8 = strlen(".desktop")
        ? mLinkFile.left(mLinkFile.length()-8) : mLinkFile;
  qDebug("mFile now == %s", mFile.latin1());
  } else if ( mType.contains('/') ) {
      that->mFile =
             * A file with the same name or a .desktop file already exists
      if ( QFile::exists(that->mFile+ext) || QFile::exists(that->mFile+".desktop") ) {
    int n=1;
    QString nn;
    while (QFile::exists((nn=(that->mFile+"_"+QString::number(n)))+ext)
      || QFile::exists(nn+".desktop"))
    that->mFile = nn;
      that->mLinkFile = that->mFile+".desktop";
      that->mFile += ext;
  if ( !that->mFile.isEmpty() ) {
      QFile f(that->mFile);
      if ( !f.open(IO_WriteOnly) )
    that->mFile = QString::null;
      return that->mFile;
    return mFile;
///	removes previous state machine mapping to file and adds new one
///	\param	stateMachine - pointer to state machine to map
///	\param	fileName - current file name for state machine
///	\param	oldFileName - old mapping file name. This value may be NULL
void CQHStateMachineManager::MapStateMachineToFileName( IObject *stateMachine, 
														IHashString *fileName, 
														IHashString *oldFileName )
	if( oldFileName != NULL && !oldFileName->IsEmpty() && oldFileName->GetString() != NULL )
		StdString oldFile = oldFileName->GetString();
		CHashString safeOldFileName( oldFile );

		m_StateMachineToFileName.erase( stateMachine->GetName()->GetUniqueID() );
		m_FilenameToStateMachine.erase( safeOldFileName.GetUniqueID() );

	StdString file = fileName->GetString();
	CHashString safeFileName( file );

	// Map file unique IDs to corresponding state machines and vice versa
	// TODO: There seems to be a problem calling GetUniqueID() from the hash string returned from CQHStateMachine::GetFileName
	m_StateMachineToFileName[stateMachine->GetName()->GetUniqueID()] = safeFileName.GetUniqueID();
	m_FilenameToStateMachine[safeFileName.GetUniqueID()] = stateMachine;