Sass_Import_List custom_importer(const char* cur_path, Sass_Importer_Entry cb, struct Sass_Compiler* comp)
  // get the cookie from importer descriptor
  void* cookie = sass_importer_get_cookie(cb);
  // create a list to hold our import entries
  Sass_Import_List incs = sass_make_import_list(1);
  // create our only import entry (route path back)
  incs[0] = sass_make_import_entry(cur_path, 0, 0);
  // return imports
  return incs;
Sass_Import_List sass_importer(const char* cur_path, Sass_Importer_Entry cb, struct Sass_Compiler* comp)
  void* cookie = sass_importer_get_cookie(cb);
  struct Sass_Import* previous = sass_compiler_get_last_import(comp);
  const char* prev_path = sass_import_get_imp_path(previous);
  CustomImporterBridge& bridge = *(static_cast<CustomImporterBridge*>(cookie));

  std::vector<void*> argv;

  return bridge(argv);
// create a custom header to define to variables
Sass_Import_List custom_header(const char* cur_path, Sass_Importer_Entry cb, struct Sass_Compiler* comp)
    // get the cookie from importer descriptor
    void* cookie = sass_importer_get_cookie(cb);
    // create a list to hold our import entries
    Sass_Import_List incs = sass_make_import_list(1);
    // create our only import entry (must make copy)
    incs[0] = sass_make_import_entry("[math]", strdup(
                                         "$E: 2.718281828459045235360287471352 !global;\n"
                                         "$PI: 3.141592653589793238462643383275 !global;\n"
                                         "$TAU: 6.283185307179586476925286766559 !global;\n"
                                     ), 0);
    // return imports
    return incs;