//TOOD: This function can be moved to ProviderCore and used immediately, instead of ImageDownloaded signal
void NatGeoProvider::onImageDownloaded()
    qDebug() << "NatGeo: Image downloaded";


    // Finish
    emit newPhotoAvailable(m_data);
//TOOD: This function can be moved to ProviderCore and used immediately, instead of ImageDownloaded signal
void BonjourMadameProvider::onImageDownloaded()
    qDebug() << "BM: Image downloaded";


    // Finish
    emit newPhotoAvailable(m_data);
void QUnsortedModelEngine::filterOnDemand(int n)
    if (!curMatch.partial)
    Q_ASSERT(n >= -1);
    const QAbstractItemModel *model = c->proxy->sourceModel();
    int lastRow = model->rowCount(curParent) - 1;
    QIndexMapper im(curMatch.indices.last() + 1, lastRow);
    int lastIndex = buildIndices(curParts.last(), curParent, n, im, &curMatch);
    curMatch.partial = (lastRow != lastIndex);
    saveInCache(curParts.last(), curParent, curMatch);
QMatchData QUnsortedModelEngine::filter(const QString& part, const QModelIndex& parent, int n)
    QMatchData hint;

    QVector<int> v;
    QIndexMapper im(v);
    QMatchData m(im, -1, true);

    const QAbstractItemModel *model = c->proxy->sourceModel();
    bool foundInCache = lookupCache(part, parent, &m);

    if (!foundInCache) {
        if (matchHint(part, parent, &hint) && !hint.isValid())
            return QMatchData();

    if (!foundInCache && !hint.isValid()) {
        const int lastRow = model->rowCount(parent) - 1;
        QIndexMapper all(0, lastRow);
        int lastIndex = buildIndices(part, parent, n, all, &m);
        m.partial = (lastIndex != lastRow);
    } else {
        if (!foundInCache) { // build from hint as much as we can
            buildIndices(part, parent, INT_MAX, hint.indices, &m);
            m.partial = hint.partial;
        if (m.partial && ((n == -1 && m.exactMatchIndex == -1) || (m.indices.count() < n))) {
            // need more and have more
            const int lastRow = model->rowCount(parent) - 1;
            QIndexMapper rest(hint.indices.last() + 1, lastRow);
            int want = n == -1 ? -1 : n - m.indices.count();
            int lastIndex = buildIndices(part, parent, want, rest, &m);
            m.partial = (lastRow != lastIndex);

    saveInCache(part, parent, m);
    return m;
QMatchData QSortedModelEngine::filter(const QString& part, const QModelIndex& parent, int)
    const QAbstractItemModel *model = c->proxy->sourceModel();

    QMatchData hint;
    if (lookupCache(part, parent, &hint))
        return hint;

    QIndexMapper indices;
    Qt::SortOrder order = sortOrder(parent);

    if (matchHint(part, parent, &hint)) {
        if (!hint.isValid())
            return QMatchData();
        indices = hint.indices;
    } else {
        indices = indexHint(part, parent, order);

    // binary search the model within 'indices' for 'part' under 'parent'
    int high = indices.to() + 1;
    int low = indices.from() - 1;
    int probe;
    QModelIndex probeIndex;
    QString probeData;

    while (high - low > 1)
        probe = (high + low) / 2;
        probeIndex = model->index(probe, c->column, parent);
        probeData = model->data(probeIndex, c->role).toString();
        const int cmp = QString::compare(probeData, part, c->cs);
        if ((order == Qt::AscendingOrder && cmp >= 0)
            || (order == Qt::DescendingOrder && cmp < 0)) {
            high = probe;
        } else {
            low = probe;

    if ((order == Qt::AscendingOrder && low == indices.to())
        || (order == Qt::DescendingOrder && high == indices.from())) { // not found
        saveInCache(part, parent, QMatchData());
        return QMatchData();

    probeIndex = model->index(order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? low+1 : high-1, c->column, parent);
    probeData = model->data(probeIndex, c->role).toString();
    if (!probeData.startsWith(part, c->cs)) {
        saveInCache(part, parent, QMatchData());
        return QMatchData();

    const bool exactMatch = QString::compare(probeData, part, c->cs) == 0;
    int emi =  exactMatch ? (order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? low+1 : high-1) : -1;

    int from = 0;
    int to = 0;
    if (order == Qt::AscendingOrder) {
        from = low + 1;
        high = indices.to() + 1;
        low = from;
    } else {
        to = high - 1;
        low = indices.from() - 1;
        high = to;

    while (high - low > 1)
        probe = (high + low) / 2;
        probeIndex = model->index(probe, c->column, parent);
        probeData = model->data(probeIndex, c->role).toString();
        const bool startsWith = probeData.startsWith(part, c->cs);
        if ((order == Qt::AscendingOrder && startsWith)
            || (order == Qt::DescendingOrder && !startsWith)) {
            low = probe;
        } else {
            high = probe;

    QMatchData m(order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? QIndexMapper(from, high - 1) : QIndexMapper(low+1, to), emi, false);
    saveInCache(part, parent, m);
    return m;