void report_failure(int status) { logdump(); if (fsxgoodfd) { if (good_buf) { save_buffer(good_buf, file_size, fsxgoodfd); prt("Correct content saved for comparison\n"); prt("(maybe hexdump \"%s\" vs \"%s.fsxgood\")\n", iname, iname); } close(fsxgoodfd); } sleep(3); // so the log can flush to disk. KLUDGEY! exit(status); }
static void report_failure(int status) { logdump(); if (fsxgoodfd) { if (good_buf) { save_buffer(good_buf, file_size, fsxgoodfd); prt("Correct content saved for comparison\n"); prt("(maybe hexdump \"%s\" vs \"%s.fsxgood\")\n", fname, fname); } close(fsxgoodfd); } exit(status); }
static void break_line() { buff_pos = buff_end; save_buffer(); }
int do_parse(request_t* request) { int started = 0; int status; char* buffer; size_t length; char* p; char* pe; int cs; int gensaved = 0; int urisaved = 0; do { // Get a chunk of data to parse. status = fill_buffer(request, &buffer, &length); if(status < 0 || (status == 0 && started)) return -1; if(status == 0) return 0; started = 1; // If we saved some state in the buffers we need // to reinitialize them before resuming parsing. if(gensaved) reinit_buffer(request->genbuf, buffer); gensaved = 0; if(urisaved) reinit_buffer(request->uribuf, buffer); urisaved = 0; // Setup and run the main parse loop saving the // parse state afterwards. cs = request->cs; p = buffer; pe = buffer + length; #line 219 "./c_src/request.c" { if ( p == pe ) goto _test_eof; switch ( cs ) { case 1: switch( (*p) ) { case 36: goto tr0; case 95: goto tr0; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto tr0; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto tr0; } else goto tr0; goto st0; st0: cs = 0; goto _out; tr0: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st2; st2: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof2; case 2: #line 253 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st48; case 95: goto st48; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st48; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st48; } else goto st48; goto st0; tr2: #line 44 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->method = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->method == NULL) {p++; cs = 3; goto _out;} } goto st3; st3: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof3; case 3: #line 280 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr4; case 32: goto tr4; case 35: goto tr5; case 42: goto tr6; case 43: goto tr7; case 47: goto tr8; case 63: goto tr9; } if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr7; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr7; } else goto tr7; goto st0; tr4: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 4; goto _out;} } goto st4; st4: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof4; case 4: #line 315 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr4; case 32: goto tr4; case 35: goto tr5; case 42: goto tr6; case 43: goto tr7; case 47: goto tr8; case 63: goto tr9; case 72: goto tr10; } if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr7; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr7; } else goto tr7; goto st0; tr5: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } goto st5; tr51: #line 54 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;} } goto st5; tr57: #line 67 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;} } goto st5; tr63: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } #line 72 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;} } goto st5; tr67: #line 72 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;} } goto st5; tr71: #line 59 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = 0; } goto st5; st5: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof5; case 5: #line 385 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr11; case 32: goto tr11; case 37: goto tr13; case 61: goto tr12; case 95: goto tr12; } if ( (*p) < 44 ) { if ( (*p) > 34 ) { if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 ) goto tr12; } else if ( (*p) >= 33 ) goto tr12; } else if ( (*p) > 59 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr12; } else if ( (*p) >= 64 ) goto tr12; } else goto tr12; goto st0; tr11: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } #line 77 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->fragment = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr39: #line 77 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->fragment = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr43: #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr50: #line 54 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr55: #line 67 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr61: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } #line 72 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr65: #line 72 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; tr70: #line 59 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = 0; } #line 87 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p); if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;} } goto st6; st6: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof6; case 6: #line 512 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto st6; case 32: goto st6; case 72: goto st7; } goto st0; st7: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof7; case 7: if ( (*p) == 84 ) goto st8; goto st0; st8: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof8; case 8: if ( (*p) == 84 ) goto st9; goto st0; st9: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof9; case 9: if ( (*p) == 80 ) goto st10; goto st0; st10: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof10; case 10: if ( (*p) == 47 ) goto st11; goto st0; st11: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof11; case 11: if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr20; goto st0; tr20: #line 92 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_major = 0; } #line 96 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_major = request->vsn_major*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st12; tr22: #line 96 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_major = request->vsn_major*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st12; st12: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof12; case 12: #line 574 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) == 46 ) goto st13; if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr22; goto st0; st13: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof13; case 13: if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr23; goto st0; tr23: #line 100 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_minor = 0; } #line 104 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_minor = request->vsn_minor*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st14; tr26: #line 104 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->vsn_minor = request->vsn_minor*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st14; st14: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof14; case 14: #line 607 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto st15; case 13: goto st16; case 32: goto st15; } if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr26; goto st0; st15: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof15; case 15: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto st15; case 13: goto st16; case 32: goto st15; } goto st0; st16: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof16; case 16: if ( (*p) == 10 ) goto st17; goto st0; tr38: #line 134 "./c_src/request.rl" { if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { request->continued = 1; p--; {goto st20;} } else if(*p == '\r') { if(!append_header(request, p)) {p++; cs = 17; goto _out;} p--; {goto st68;} } else { if(!append_header(request, p)) {p++; cs = 17; goto _out;} p--; {goto st67;} } } goto st17; st17: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof17; case 17: #line 660 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 13: goto st18; case 33: goto tr29; case 124: goto tr29; case 126: goto tr29; } if ( (*p) < 45 ) { if ( (*p) > 39 ) { if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) >= 35 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) > 46 ) { if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr29; } else goto tr29; } else goto tr29; goto st0; st18: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof18; case 18: if ( (*p) == 10 ) goto tr30; goto st0; tr30: #line 155 "./c_src/request.rl" { build_version(request); {p++; cs = 69; goto _out;} } goto st69; st69: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof69; case 69: #line 703 "./c_src/request.c" goto st0; tr29: #line 108 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->hdr_name == NULL && "header name already marked"); assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark"); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st19; st19: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof19; case 19: #line 717 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 33: goto st19; case 58: goto tr32; case 124: goto st19; case 126: goto st19; } if ( (*p) < 45 ) { if ( (*p) > 39 ) { if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 ) goto st19; } else if ( (*p) >= 35 ) goto st19; } else if ( (*p) > 46 ) { if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st19; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st19; } else goto st19; } else goto st19; goto st0; tr32: #line 114 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->hdr_name = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->hdr_name == NULL) {p++; cs = 20; goto _out;} } goto st20; st20: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof20; case 20: #line 753 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) == 13 ) goto tr34; goto tr33; tr33: #line 119 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->hdr_name != NULL && "value must have a name"); assert(request->continued || (request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark")); if(request->continued) { request->continued = 1; } else { request->genbuf->pos = p; } } goto st21; st21: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof21; case 21: #line 778 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) == 13 ) goto st22; goto st21; tr34: #line 119 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->hdr_name != NULL && "value must have a name"); assert(request->continued || (request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark")); if(request->continued) { request->continued = 1; } else { request->genbuf->pos = p; } } goto st22; st22: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof22; case 22: #line 803 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) == 10 ) goto st23; goto st0; st23: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof23; case 23: goto tr38; tr12: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st24; st24: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof24; case 24: #line 823 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr39; case 32: goto tr39; case 37: goto st25; case 61: goto st24; case 95: goto st24; } if ( (*p) < 44 ) { if ( (*p) > 34 ) { if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 ) goto st24; } else if ( (*p) >= 33 ) goto st24; } else if ( (*p) > 59 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st24; } else if ( (*p) >= 64 ) goto st24; } else goto st24; goto st0; tr13: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st25; st25: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof25; case 25: #line 857 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st26; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st26; } else goto st26; goto st0; st26: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof26; case 26: if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st24; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st24; } else goto st24; goto st0; tr6: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } goto st27; st27: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof27; case 27: #line 891 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr43; case 32: goto tr43; } goto st0; tr7: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st28; st28: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof28; case 28: #line 913 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 43: goto st28; case 58: goto tr45; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) >= 65 ) goto st28; } else goto st28; goto st0; tr45: #line 49 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->scheme = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->scheme == NULL) {p++; cs = 29; goto _out;} } goto st29; st29: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof29; case 29: #line 941 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) == 47 ) goto st30; goto st0; st30: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof30; case 30: if ( (*p) == 47 ) goto st31; goto st0; st31: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof31; case 31: switch( (*p) ) { case 33: goto tr48; case 37: goto tr49; case 59: goto tr48; case 61: goto tr48; case 63: goto tr48; case 95: goto tr48; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( (*p) > 42 ) { if ( 44 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto tr48; } else if ( (*p) >= 36 ) goto tr48; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr48; } else if ( (*p) >= 65 ) goto tr48; } else goto tr48; goto st0; tr48: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st32; st32: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof32; case 32: #line 990 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr50; case 32: goto tr50; case 35: goto tr51; case 47: goto tr52; case 58: goto tr53; case 63: goto tr54; } goto st0; tr76: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st33; tr8: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st33; tr52: #line 54 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 33; goto _out;} } #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st33; tr72: #line 59 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = 0; } #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st33; st33: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof33; case 33: #line 1046 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr55; case 32: goto tr55; case 35: goto tr57; case 37: goto st34; case 61: goto st33; case 63: goto tr59; case 95: goto st33; } if ( (*p) < 44 ) { if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 ) goto st33; } else if ( (*p) > 59 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st33; } else if ( (*p) >= 64 ) goto st33; } else goto st33; goto st0; st34: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof34; case 34: if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st35; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st35; } else goto st35; goto st0; st35: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof35; case 35: if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st33; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st33; } else goto st33; goto st0; tr9: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } goto st36; tr54: #line 54 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 36; goto _out;} } goto st36; tr59: #line 67 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 36; goto _out;} } goto st36; tr74: #line 59 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = 0; } goto st36; st36: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof36; case 36: #line 1125 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr61; case 32: goto tr61; case 35: goto tr63; case 37: goto tr64; case 61: goto tr62; case 95: goto tr62; } if ( (*p) < 44 ) { if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 ) goto tr62; } else if ( (*p) > 59 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr62; } else if ( (*p) >= 64 ) goto tr62; } else goto tr62; goto st0; tr62: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st37; st37: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof37; case 37: #line 1157 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr65; case 32: goto tr65; case 35: goto tr67; case 37: goto st38; case 61: goto st37; case 95: goto st37; } if ( (*p) < 44 ) { if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 ) goto st37; } else if ( (*p) > 59 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st37; } else if ( (*p) >= 64 ) goto st37; } else goto st37; goto st0; tr64: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st38; st38: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof38; case 38: #line 1189 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st39; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st39; } else goto st39; goto st0; st39: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof39; case 39: if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st37; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st37; } else goto st37; goto st0; tr53: #line 54 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p); if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 40; goto _out;} } goto st40; st40: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof40; case 40: #line 1223 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr70; case 32: goto tr70; case 35: goto tr71; case 47: goto tr72; case 63: goto tr74; } if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr73; goto st0; tr73: #line 59 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = 0; } #line 63 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = request->port*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st41; tr77: #line 63 "./c_src/request.rl" { request->port = request->port*10 + ((*p)-'0'); } goto st41; st41: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof41; case 41: #line 1254 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr43; case 32: goto tr43; case 35: goto st5; case 47: goto tr76; case 63: goto st36; } if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr77; goto st0; tr49: #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st42; st42: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof42; case 42: #line 1276 "./c_src/request.c" if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st43; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st43; } else goto st43; goto st0; st43: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof43; case 43: if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st32; } else if ( (*p) > 70 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 ) goto st32; } else goto st32; goto st0; tr10: #line 82 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark"); request->uribuf->pos = p; } #line 39 "./c_src/request.rl" { assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark."); request->genbuf->pos = p; } goto st44; st44: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof44; case 44: #line 1315 "./c_src/request.c" switch( (*p) ) { case 43: goto st28; case 58: goto tr45; case 84: goto st45; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) >= 65 ) goto st28; } else goto st28; goto st0; st45: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof45; case 45: switch( (*p) ) { case 43: goto st28; case 58: goto tr45; case 84: goto st46; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) >= 65 ) goto st28; } else goto st28; goto st0; st46: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof46; case 46: switch( (*p) ) { case 43: goto st28; case 58: goto tr45; case 80: goto st47; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) >= 65 ) goto st28; } else goto st28; goto st0; st47: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof47; case 47: switch( (*p) ) { case 43: goto st28; case 47: goto st11; case 58: goto tr45; } if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto st28; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto st28; } else goto st28; goto st0; st48: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof48; case 48: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st49; case 95: goto st49; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st49; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st49; } else goto st49; goto st0; st49: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof49; case 49: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st50; case 95: goto st50; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st50; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st50; } else goto st50; goto st0; st50: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof50; case 50: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st51; case 95: goto st51; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st51; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st51; } else goto st51; goto st0; st51: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof51; case 51: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st52; case 95: goto st52; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st52; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st52; } else goto st52; goto st0; st52: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof52; case 52: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st53; case 95: goto st53; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st53; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st53; } else goto st53; goto st0; st53: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof53; case 53: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st54; case 95: goto st54; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st54; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st54; } else goto st54; goto st0; st54: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof54; case 54: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st55; case 95: goto st55; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st55; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st55; } else goto st55; goto st0; st55: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof55; case 55: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st56; case 95: goto st56; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st56; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st56; } else goto st56; goto st0; st56: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof56; case 56: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st57; case 95: goto st57; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st57; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st57; } else goto st57; goto st0; st57: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof57; case 57: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st58; case 95: goto st58; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st58; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st58; } else goto st58; goto st0; st58: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof58; case 58: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st59; case 95: goto st59; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st59; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st59; } else goto st59; goto st0; st59: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof59; case 59: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st60; case 95: goto st60; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st60; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st60; } else goto st60; goto st0; st60: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof60; case 60: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st61; case 95: goto st61; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st61; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st61; } else goto st61; goto st0; st61: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof61; case 61: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st62; case 95: goto st62; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st62; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st62; } else goto st62; goto st0; st62: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof62; case 62: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st63; case 95: goto st63; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st63; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st63; } else goto st63; goto st0; st63: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof63; case 63: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st64; case 95: goto st64; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st64; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st64; } else goto st64; goto st0; st64: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof64; case 64: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st65; case 95: goto st65; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st65; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st65; } else goto st65; goto st0; st65: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof65; case 65: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; case 36: goto st66; case 95: goto st66; } if ( (*p) < 48 ) { if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 ) goto st66; } else if ( (*p) > 57 ) { if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 ) goto st66; } else goto st66; goto st0; st66: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof66; case 66: switch( (*p) ) { case 9: goto tr2; case 32: goto tr2; } goto st0; st67: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof67; case 67: switch( (*p) ) { case 33: goto tr29; case 124: goto tr29; case 126: goto tr29; } if ( (*p) < 45 ) { if ( (*p) > 39 ) { if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) >= 35 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) > 46 ) { if ( (*p) < 65 ) { if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 ) goto tr29; } else if ( (*p) > 90 ) { if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 ) goto tr29; } else goto tr29; } else goto tr29; goto st0; st68: if ( ++p == pe ) goto _test_eof68; case 68: if ( (*p) == 13 ) goto st18; goto st0; } _test_eof2: cs = 2; goto _test_eof; _test_eof3: cs = 3; goto _test_eof; _test_eof4: cs = 4; goto _test_eof; _test_eof5: cs = 5; goto _test_eof; _test_eof6: cs = 6; goto _test_eof; _test_eof7: cs = 7; goto _test_eof; _test_eof8: cs = 8; goto _test_eof; _test_eof9: cs = 9; goto _test_eof; _test_eof10: cs = 10; goto _test_eof; _test_eof11: cs = 11; goto _test_eof; _test_eof12: cs = 12; goto _test_eof; _test_eof13: cs = 13; goto _test_eof; _test_eof14: cs = 14; goto _test_eof; _test_eof15: cs = 15; goto _test_eof; _test_eof16: cs = 16; goto _test_eof; _test_eof17: cs = 17; goto _test_eof; _test_eof18: cs = 18; goto _test_eof; _test_eof69: cs = 69; goto _test_eof; _test_eof19: cs = 19; goto _test_eof; _test_eof20: cs = 20; goto _test_eof; _test_eof21: cs = 21; goto _test_eof; _test_eof22: cs = 22; goto _test_eof; _test_eof23: cs = 23; goto _test_eof; _test_eof24: cs = 24; goto _test_eof; _test_eof25: cs = 25; goto _test_eof; _test_eof26: cs = 26; goto _test_eof; _test_eof27: cs = 27; goto _test_eof; _test_eof28: cs = 28; goto _test_eof; _test_eof29: cs = 29; goto _test_eof; _test_eof30: cs = 30; goto _test_eof; _test_eof31: cs = 31; goto _test_eof; _test_eof32: cs = 32; goto _test_eof; _test_eof33: cs = 33; goto _test_eof; _test_eof34: cs = 34; goto _test_eof; _test_eof35: cs = 35; goto _test_eof; _test_eof36: cs = 36; goto _test_eof; _test_eof37: cs = 37; goto _test_eof; _test_eof38: cs = 38; goto _test_eof; _test_eof39: cs = 39; goto _test_eof; _test_eof40: cs = 40; goto _test_eof; _test_eof41: cs = 41; goto _test_eof; _test_eof42: cs = 42; goto _test_eof; _test_eof43: cs = 43; goto _test_eof; _test_eof44: cs = 44; goto _test_eof; _test_eof45: cs = 45; goto _test_eof; _test_eof46: cs = 46; goto _test_eof; _test_eof47: cs = 47; goto _test_eof; _test_eof48: cs = 48; goto _test_eof; _test_eof49: cs = 49; goto _test_eof; _test_eof50: cs = 50; goto _test_eof; _test_eof51: cs = 51; goto _test_eof; _test_eof52: cs = 52; goto _test_eof; _test_eof53: cs = 53; goto _test_eof; _test_eof54: cs = 54; goto _test_eof; _test_eof55: cs = 55; goto _test_eof; _test_eof56: cs = 56; goto _test_eof; _test_eof57: cs = 57; goto _test_eof; _test_eof58: cs = 58; goto _test_eof; _test_eof59: cs = 59; goto _test_eof; _test_eof60: cs = 60; goto _test_eof; _test_eof61: cs = 61; goto _test_eof; _test_eof62: cs = 62; goto _test_eof; _test_eof63: cs = 63; goto _test_eof; _test_eof64: cs = 64; goto _test_eof; _test_eof65: cs = 65; goto _test_eof; _test_eof66: cs = 66; goto _test_eof; _test_eof67: cs = 67; goto _test_eof; _test_eof68: cs = 68; goto _test_eof; _test_eof: {} _out: {} } #line 329 "./c_src/request.rl" if(PyErr_Occurred()) { return -1; } request->cs = cs; request->nread += p - buffer; if(p < pe) save_chunk(request, p, pe-p); // Parsing stopped in the middle of a buffer // state. Save the current data and prepare // for reinitialization. gensaved = request->genbuf->pos ? 1 : 0; if(gensaved) save_buffer(request->genbuf, p); urisaved = request->uribuf->pos ? 1 : 0; if(urisaved) save_buffer(request->uribuf, p); } while(cs != http_req_parser_error && cs < http_req_parser_first_final); if(cs == http_req_parser_error) { if(!PyErr_Occurred()) { // MAKE MOAR BUTTAH PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Failed to parse data stream."); return -1; } } return 1; }
void do_clone() { char filename[1024]; char imagename[1024]; char lastimagename[1024]; int ret, fd; int order = 0, stripe_unit = 0, stripe_count = 0; uint64_t newsize = file_size; log4(OP_CLONE, 0, 0, 0); ++num_clones; if (randomize_striping) { order = 18 + get_random() % 8; stripe_unit = 1ull << (order - 1 - (get_random() % 8)); stripe_count = 2 + get_random() % 14; } prt("%lu clone\t%d order %d su %d sc %d\n", testcalls, num_clones, order, stripe_unit, stripe_count); clone_imagename(imagename, sizeof(imagename), num_clones); clone_imagename(lastimagename, sizeof(lastimagename), num_clones - 1); assert(strcmp(lastimagename, ctx.name) == 0); ret = ops->clone(&ctx, "snap", imagename, &order, stripe_unit, stripe_count); if (ret < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: ops->clone", ret); exit(165); } if (randomize_parent_overlap && rbd_image_has_parent(&ctx)) { int rand = get_random() % 16 + 1; // [1..16] if (rand < 13) { uint64_t overlap; ret = rbd_get_overlap(ctx.image, &overlap); if (ret < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: rbd_get_overlap", ret); exit(1); } if (rand < 10) { // 9/16 newsize = overlap * ((double)rand / 10); newsize -= newsize % truncbdy; } else { // 3/16 newsize = 0; } assert(newsize != (uint64_t)file_size); prt("truncating image %s from 0x%llx (overlap 0x%llx) to 0x%llx\n", ctx.name, file_size, overlap, newsize); ret = ops->resize(&ctx, newsize); if (ret < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: ops->resize", ret); exit(1); } } else if (rand < 15) { // 2/16 prt("flattening image %s\n", ctx.name); ret = ops->flatten(&ctx); if (ret < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: ops->flatten", ret); exit(1); } } else { // 2/16 prt("leaving image %s intact\n", ctx.name); } } clone_filename(filename, sizeof(filename), num_clones); if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0) { simple_err("do_clone: open", -errno); exit(162); } save_buffer(good_buf, newsize, fd); if ((ret = close(fd)) < 0) { simple_err("do_clone: close", -errno); exit(163); } /* * Close parent. */ if ((ret = ops->close(&ctx)) < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: ops->close", ret); exit(174); } /* * Open freshly made clone. */ if ((ret = ops->open(imagename, &ctx)) < 0) { prterrcode("do_clone: ops->open", ret); exit(166); } if (num_clones > 1) check_clone(num_clones - 2); }
/* chain function * this function does the actual processing */ static GstFlowReturn audio_trim_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf) { AudioTrim *filter; g_assert(GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf) != GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE); g_assert(GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END(buf) != GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE); filter = AUDIO_TRIM (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad)); while(buf) { g_assert(GST_IS_BUFFER(buf)); switch(filter->trim_state) { case AUDIO_TRIM_NOT_STARTED: filter->ref_time = (GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf) + time_to_sample(filter, filter->start_skip)); if (filter->empty_start_packet) { GstFlowReturn ret; GstBuffer *first; first = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (sizeof(gfloat)); *(gfloat*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(first) = 0.0; GST_BUFFER_SIZE(first) = 4; GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(first) = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf); GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END(first) = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf); GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(first) = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf); GST_BUFFER_DURATION(first) = 0; GST_BUFFER_CAPS(first) = gst_caps_ref(GST_BUFFER_CAPS(buf)); ret = gst_pad_push(filter->srcpad, first); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } } filter->trim_state = AUDIO_TRIM_START_SKIP; break; case AUDIO_TRIM_START_SKIP: if (GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END(buf) <= filter->ref_time) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); /* Ignore buffer completely */ } else { GstBuffer *tail = buffer_tail(filter, buf, filter->ref_time); if (buf) gst_buffer_unref(buf); buf = tail; filter->trim_state = AUDIO_TRIM_START_SILENCE; } break; case AUDIO_TRIM_START_SILENCE: { guint64 offset = find_not_silence(filter, buf); if (offset == GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE) { while(filter->buffered > filter->pre_silence) { GstBuffer *old = filter->buffers->data; filter->buffered -= GST_BUFFER_DURATION(old); gst_buffer_unref(old); filter->buffers = g_list_delete_link(filter->buffers, filter->buffers); } save_buffer(filter, buf); buf = NULL; } else { GstBuffer *head; GstBuffer *tail; GstFlowReturn ret; gint64 clip_start; clip_start = offset - time_to_sample(filter, filter->pre_silence); ret = send_buffers_after(filter, clip_start); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } head = buffer_slice(filter, buf, clip_start, offset); if (head) { ret = gst_pad_push(filter->srcpad, head); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } } tail = buffer_tail(filter, buf, offset); filter->sound_duration = sample_to_time(filter, GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END(buf) - clip_start); filter->ref_time = clip_start; gst_buffer_unref(buf); buf = tail; filter->trim_state = AUDIO_TRIM_NOT_SILENCE; g_debug("Got sound"); } } break; case AUDIO_TRIM_NOT_SILENCE: { GstFlowReturn ret; filter->sound_duration += GST_BUFFER_DURATION(buf); while(filter->buffered > filter->max_silence_duration) { GstBuffer *old = filter->buffers->data; filter->buffered -= GST_BUFFER_DURATION(old); filter->buffers = g_list_delete_link(filter->buffers,filter->buffers); ret = gst_pad_push(filter->srcpad, old); if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); return ret; } } save_buffer(filter, buf); buf = 0; } break; default: gst_buffer_unref(buf); buf = NULL; } } return GST_FLOW_OK; }
/******************************************************************************\ Pre-renders tiles for transition between base tile types. \******************************************************************************/ static void prerender_transitions(void) { r_texture_t *trans_mask, *inverted_mask, *large_mask, *masked_terrain; int x, y, tiles_a[] = {0, 1, 1, 2}, tiles_b[] = {1, 0, 2, 1}; trans_mask = R_texture_load("models/globe/trans_mask.png", FALSE); if (!trans_mask || !r_terrain_tex) C_error("Failed to load essential prerendering assets"); /* Render an inverted version of the mask */ inverted_mask = R_texture_clone(trans_mask); R_surface_flip_v(inverted_mask->surface); R_surface_invert(inverted_mask->surface, TRUE, FALSE); R_texture_upload(inverted_mask); R_texture_select(inverted_mask); setup_tile_uv_mask(); render_tile(0, 0); R_texture_free(inverted_mask); inverted_mask = save_buffer((int)tile.x, (int)tile.y); R_texture_upload(inverted_mask); finish_buffer(); /* Render the transition mask to tile size */ R_texture_select(trans_mask); setup_tile_uv_mask(); render_tile(0, 0); R_texture_free(trans_mask); trans_mask = save_buffer((int)tile.x, (int)tile.y); R_texture_upload(trans_mask); finish_buffer(); /* Render the transition mask tile sheet */ for (y = 0; y < R_T_BASES - 1; y++) { R_texture_select(trans_mask); for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { setup_tile_uv(x, -1, -1, -1); render_tile(x, y + 1); } R_texture_select(inverted_mask); for (x = 3; x < 6; x++) { setup_tile_uv(x - 3, -1, -1, -1); render_tile(x, y + 1); } } large_mask = save_buffer((int)sheet.x, (int)sheet.y); R_texture_free(trans_mask); R_texture_free(inverted_mask); finish_buffer(); /* Render the masked layer of the terrain and read it back in */ R_texture_select(r_terrain_tex); for (y = 0; y < R_T_BASES - 1; y++) for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { setup_tile_uv(0, -1, tiles_b[2 * y], 0); render_tile(x, y + 1); setup_tile_uv(0, -1, tiles_b[2 * y + 1], 0); render_tile(x + 3, y + 1); } masked_terrain = save_buffer((int)sheet.x, (int)sheet.y); R_surface_mask(masked_terrain->surface, large_mask->surface); R_texture_free(large_mask); R_texture_upload(masked_terrain); finish_buffer(); if (r_test_prerender.value.n) R_texture_render(masked_terrain, (int)sheet.x, 0); /* Render the base layer of the terrain */ R_texture_render(r_terrain_tex, 0, 0); R_texture_select(r_terrain_tex); for (y = 0; y < R_T_BASES - 1; y++) for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { setup_tile_uv(0, -1, tiles_a[2 * y], 0); render_tile(x, y + 1); setup_tile_uv(0, -1, tiles_a[2 * y + 1], 0); render_tile(x + 3, y + 1); } /* Render the masked terrain over the tile sheet and read it back in */ R_texture_render(masked_terrain, 0, 0); R_texture_free(masked_terrain); R_texture_free(r_terrain_tex); r_terrain_tex = save_buffer((int)sheet.x, (int)sheet.y); r_terrain_tex->mipmaps = TRUE; R_texture_upload(r_terrain_tex); finish_buffer(); }
static int save_frame(struct v4l2_camera *cam, struct buffer buffer, void * priv_data) { (void) priv_data; return save_buffer(buffer, fmt2desc(cam->fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat)); }