文件: OGFILEA.cpp 项目: cleeus/7kaa
//------- Begin of function GameFileArray::process_action ------//
// [int] saveNew - save on a new game file
//                 (default : 0)
// return : <int> 1 - process ok
//                0 - process cancelled
//               -1 - save/load failed
int GameFileArray::process_action(int saveNew)
	//------------ save game --------------//

	if( action_mode == 1 )
		if( saveNew || browse_recno==0 )   // save on empty slot
			if ( !save_new_game())
				return -1;
		else           // save on existing slot
			if( !box.ask( _("It will overwrite the existing saved game, proceed ?") ) )
				return 0;

			GameFile* gameFile = game_file_array[browse_recno];

			if( !gameFile->save_game())
				return -1;

			strcpy( last_file_name, gameFile->file_name );

		return 1;

	//----------- load game -------------//

		GameFile* gameFile = game_file_array[browse_recno];

		int rc = gameFile->load_game((const char*)sys.dir_config, NULL);
		if( rc > 0 )
			strcpy( last_file_name, gameFile->file_name );
		return rc;

	return 0;
文件: ogfilea.cpp 项目: mecirt/7k2
//------- Begin of function GameFileArray::process_action ------//
// [int] saveNew - save on a new game file
//                 (default : 0)
// return : <int> 1 - process ok
//                0 - process cancelled
//               -1 - save/load failed
int GameFileArray::process_action(int saveNew)
	//------------ save game --------------//

	if( action_mode == 1 )
		if( saveNew || browse_recno==0 )   // save on empty slot
			// #### begin Gilbert 20/1 ######//
			return save_new_game(NULL);
			// #### end Gilbert 20/1 ######//
		else           // save on existing slot
			if( !box.ask(text_game_menu.str_ask_overwrite()) )// "It will overwrite the existing saved game, proceed ?" ) )
				return 0;

			GameFile* gameFile = game_file_array[browse_recno];

			// ###### begin Gilbert 20/1 ########//
			if( !gameFile->ask_desc() )
				return 0;
			// ###### end Gilbert 20/1 ########//

			if( !gameFile->save_game(save_default_dir, NULL, NULL))
				return -1;

			strcpy( last_file_name, gameFile->file_name );

		return 1;

	//----------- load game -------------//

		GameFile* gameFile = game_file_array[browse_recno];

		// check gameFile->campaign_id. Campaign save game can be loaded
		// if and only if in campaign mode

		if( !sys.debug_session && gameFile->scenario_cheat_flag < sys.scenario_cheat_flag )
			box.msg( text_game_menu.str_editor_cant_load() );// "Cannot load in scenario editor" );
			return 0;

		// ###### begin Gilbert 9/4 ########//

		if( !pre_game && (game.is_campaign_mode() || gameFile->campaign_id) )
			sys.signal_exit_flag = 2;		// quit to main menu and it will load game automatically
			return 1;
		// ###### end Gilbert 9/4 ########//

		int rc = gameFile->load_game(save_default_dir, NULL);
		if( rc > 0 )
			strcpy( last_file_name, gameFile->file_name );
		return rc;

	return 0;