BoolInterval PdcHansenFeasibility::test(const IntervalVector& box) { int n=f.nb_var(); int m=f.image_dim(); IntervalVector mid=box.mid(); /* Determine the "most influencing" variable thanks to * the pivoting of Gauss elimination */ // ============================================================== Matrix A=f.jacobian(mid).mid(); Matrix LU(m,n); int pr[m]; int pc[n]; // the interesting output: the variables permutation try { real_LU(A,LU,pr,pc); } catch(SingularMatrixException&) { // means in particular that we could not extract an // invertible m*m submatrix return MAYBE; } // ============================================================== PartialFnc pf(f,pc,m,mid); IntervalVector box2(pf.chop(box)); IntervalVector savebox(box2); if (inflating) { if (inflating_newton(pf,box2)) { _solution = pf.extend(box2); return YES; } } else { try { newton(pf,box2); if (box2.is_strict_subset(savebox)) { _solution = pf.extend(box2); return YES; } } catch (EmptyBoxException& ) { } } _solution.set_empty(); return MAYBE; }
void CtcUnion::contract(IntervalVector& box) { IntervalVector savebox(box); IntervalVector result(IntervalVector::empty(box.size())); for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if (i>0) box=savebox; try { list[i].contract(box); result |= box; } catch(EmptyBoxException&) { } } box = result; if (box.is_empty()) throw EmptyBoxException(); } // end namespace ibex
void SepUnion::separate(IntervalVector &x_in, IntervalVector &x_out){ assert(x_in==x_out); IntervalVector result_x_out(IntervalVector::empty(x_out.size())); IntervalVector savebox(x_out); for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if (i>0) x_out=savebox; try { x_out &= x_in; list[i].separate(x_in,x_out); result_x_out |= x_out; } catch(EmptyBoxException&) { } } x_out = result_x_out; }
void CtcNotIn::contract(IntervalVector& box) { // it's simpler here to use direct computation, but // we could also have used CtCunion of two CtcFwdBwd IntervalVector savebox(box); try { HC4Revise().proj(f,d1,box); } catch (EmptyBoxException& ) {box.set_empty(); } try { HC4Revise().proj(f,d2,savebox); } catch (EmptyBoxException& ) {savebox.set_empty(); } box |= savebox; if (box.is_empty()) throw EmptyBoxException(); }
void CtcUnion::contract(IntervalVector& box) { IntervalVector savebox(box); IntervalVector result(IntervalVector::empty(box.size())); BitSet flags(BitSet::empty(Ctc::NB_OUTPUT_FLAGS)); BitSet impact(BitSet::all(nb_var)); // always set to "all" for the moment (to be improved later) for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if (i>0) box=savebox; flags.clear(); list[i].contract(box,impact,flags); result |= box; if (flags[INACTIVE]) { set_flag(INACTIVE); break; } } box = result; } // end namespace ibex
int LinearRelaxXTaylor::X_Linearization(IntervalVector& box, int ctr, corner_point cpoint, CmpOp op, IntervalVector& G2, int id_point, int& nb_nonlinear_vars, LinearSolver *mysolver) { IntervalVector G = G2; int n = sys.nb_var; int nonlinear_var = 0; if (id_point != 0 && linear_ctr[ctr]) return 0; // only one corner for a linear constraint /* bool* corner=NULL; if(!linear[ctr]){ // best not implemented in version 2.0 BNE if(cpoint==BEST){ corner= new bool[n]; best_corner(ctr, op, G, corner); } } */ IntervalVector savebox(box); Interval ev(0.0); Interval tot_ev(0.0); Vector row1(n); for (int j=0; j< n; j++) { //cout << "[LinearRelaxXTaylor] variable n°" << j << endl; if (sys.ctrs[ctr].f.used(j)) { if (lmode == HANSEN && !linear[ctr][j]) // get the partial derivative of ctr w.r.t. var n°j G[j]=df[ctr*n+j].eval(box); } else continue; //cout << "[LinearRelaxXTaylor] coeffs=" << G[j] << endl; if (G[j].diam() > max_diam_deriv) { box = savebox; // [gch] where box has been modified? at the end of the loop (for Hansen computation) [bne] return 0; // To avoid problems with SoPleX } if (linear[ctr][j]) cpoint = INF_X; else if (G[j].diam() > 1e-10) nonlinear_var++; bool inf_x; /* for GREEDY heuristics :not implemented in v2 IntervalVector save; double fh_inf, fh_sup; double D; */ switch (cpoint) { /* case BEST: inf_x=corner[j]; last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1; break; */ case INF_X: inf_x = true; break; case SUP_X: inf_x = false; break; case RANDOM: last_rnd[j] = rand(); inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 == 0); break; case K4: if (id_point == 0) { inf_x = (rand() % 2 == 0); base_coin[j] = inf_x; } else if (nb_nonlinear_vars < 3) { if (id_point == 1) inf_x = !base_coin[j]; else return 0; } else if (G[j].diam() <= 1e-10) { inf_x = (rand() % 2 == 0); } else if (id_point == 1) { if (((double) nonlinear_var) <= (((double) nb_nonlinear_vars)/ 3.0)) inf_x = base_coin[j]; else inf_x = !base_coin[j]; } else if (id_point == 2) { if (((double) nonlinear_var )> ((double) nb_nonlinear_vars)/ 3.0 && (double) nonlinear_var <= 2 * (double) nb_nonlinear_vars / 3.0) inf_x = base_coin[j]; else inf_x = !base_coin[j]; } else if (id_point == 3) { if (((double) nonlinear_var) > 2 * ((double) nb_nonlinear_vars) / 3.0) inf_x = base_coin[j]; else inf_x = !base_coin[j]; } break; case RANDOM_INV: inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 != 0); break; case NEG: inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 != 0); break; /* not implemented in v2.0 case GREEDY1: inf_x=((abs(Inf(G(j+1))) < abs(Sup(G(j+1))) && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (abs(Inf(G(j+1))) >= abs(Sup(G(j+1))) && (op == GEQ || op== GT)) )? true:false; break; case MONO: if (ctr==goal_ctr && ((Inf(G(j+1)) >0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (Sup (G(j+1)) < 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT)))) inf_x = true; else if (ctr == goal_ctr && ((Sup(G(j+1)) <0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (Inf(G(j+1)) > 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT)))) inf_x=false; else inf_x = (rand()%2==0); last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1; break; case NEGMONO: if ((Inf(G(j+1)) >0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (Sup (G(j+1)) < 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT))) inf_x = false; else if ((Sup(G(j+1)) <0 && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (Inf(G(j+1)) > 0 && (op == GEQ || op== GT))) inf_x=true; else inf_x = (rand()%2==0); last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1; break; */ /* case GREEDY7: //select the coin nearest to the loup if(goal_ctr!=-1 && Dimension(Optimizer::global_optimizer())>0){ // if(j==0)cout<< Optimizer::global_optimizer()<<end; inf_x=(abs(Optimizer::global_optimizer()(j+1)-Inf(savebox(j+1))) < abs(Optimizer::global_optimizer()(j+1)-Sup(savebox(j+1))))? true:false; }else{ inf_x=(rand()%2==0); } break; */ /* case GREEDY6:; fh_inf, fh_sup; D=Diam(savebox(j+1));;; fh_inf=Mid(sys.ctr(ctr).eval(space));; fh_sup=Mid(sys.ctr(ctr).eval(space)); if (op == LEQ || op== LT) inf_x=((fh_sup-fh_inf)/(REAL)(n-1) - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) > 0)? false:true; else inf_x=((fh_sup-fh_inf)/(REAL)(n-1) - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) < 0)? false:true; last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;; break; case GREEDY5:; fh_inf, fh_sup; D=Diam(savebox(j+1));;; fh_inf=Mid(sys.ctr(ctr).eval(space));; fh_sup=Mid(sys.ctr(ctr).eval(space)); if (op == LEQ || op== LT) inf_x=(fh_sup-fh_inf - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) > 0)? false:true; else inf_x=(fh_sup-fh_inf - 0.5*D*(Inf(G(j+1))+Sup(G(j+1))) < 0)? false:true; last_rnd[j]=inf_x? 0:1;; break; */ default: last_rnd[j] = rand(); inf_x = (last_rnd[j] % 2 == 0); break; } // cout << " j " << j << " " << savebox[j] << G[j] << endl; box[j]=inf_x? savebox[j].lb():savebox[j].ub(); Interval a = ((inf_x && (op == LEQ || op== LT)) || (!inf_x && (op == GEQ || op== GT))) ? G[j].lb() : G[j].ub(); row1[j] = a.mid(); ev -= a*box[j]; } // cout << " ev " << ev << endl; /* used in BEST not implemented in v2.0 if(corner) delete[] corner; */ ev+= sys.ctrs[ctr].f.eval(box); if(id_point==0) nb_nonlinear_vars=nonlinear_var; for(int j=0;j<n;j++) tot_ev+=row1[j]*savebox[j]; //natural evaluation of the left side of the linear constraint bool added=false; if (op == LEQ || op == LT) { //g(xb) + a1' x1 + ... + an xn <= 0 if(>(-ev).ub()) throw EmptyBoxException(); // the constraint is not satisfied if((-ev).ub()<tot_ev.ub()) { // otherwise the constraint is satisfied for any point in the box mysolver->addConstraint( row1, LEQ, (-ev).ub()); added=true; } } else { if(tot_ev.ub()<(-ev).lb()) throw EmptyBoxException(); if ((-ev).lb()> { mysolver->addConstraint( row1, GEQ, (-ev).lb() ); added=true; } } box=savebox; return (added)? 1:0; }
BoolInterval PdcHansenFeasibility::test(const IntervalVector& box) { int n=f.nb_var(); int m=f.image_dim(); IntervalVector mid=box.mid(); /* Determine the "most influencing" variable thanks to * the pivoting of Gauss elimination */ // ============================================================== Matrix A=f.jacobian(mid).mid(); Matrix LU(m,n); int *pr = new int[m]; int *pc = new int[n]; // the interesting output: the variables permutation BoolInterval res=MAYBE; try { real_LU(A,LU,pr,pc); } catch(SingularMatrixException&) { // means in particular that we could not extract an // invertible m*m submatrix delete [] pr; delete [] pc; return MAYBE; } // ============================================================== // PartialFnc pf(f,pc,m,mid); BitSet _vars=BitSet::empty(n); for (int i=0; i<m; i++) _vars.add(pc[i]); VarSet vars(f.nb_var(),_vars); IntervalVector box2(box); // fix parameters to their midpoint vars.set_param_box(box2, vars.param_box(box).mid()); IntervalVector savebox(box2); if (inflating) { if (inflating_newton(f,vars,box2)) { _solution = box2; res = YES; } else { _solution.set_empty(); } } else { // ****** TODO ********** newton(f,vars,box2); if (box2.is_empty()) { _solution.set_empty(); } else if (box2.is_strict_subset(savebox)) { _solution = box2; res = YES; } } delete [] pr; delete [] pc; return res; }