// static
void LLFilePicker::add_to_selectedfiles(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
	// We need to run g_filename_to_utf8 in the user's locale
	std::string saved_locale(setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL));
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

	LLFilePicker* picker = (LLFilePicker*) user_data;
	GError *error = NULL;
	gchar* filename_utf8 = g_filename_to_utf8((gchar*)data,
						  -1, NULL, NULL, &error);
	if (error)
		// *FIXME.
		// This condition should really be notified to the user, e.g.
		// through a message box.  Just logging it is inappropriate.
		// g_filename_display_name is ideal, but >= glib 2.6, so:
		// a hand-rolled hacky makeASCII which disallows control chars
		std::string display_name;
		for (const gchar *str = (const gchar *)data; *str; str++)
			display_name += (char)((*str >= 0x20 && *str <= 0x7E) ? *str : '?');
		llwarns << "g_filename_to_utf8 failed on \"" << display_name << "\": " << error->message << llendl;

	if (filename_utf8)
		lldebugs << "ADDED FILE " << filename_utf8 << llendl;

	setlocale(LC_ALL, saved_locale.c_str());
// static
void LLFilePickerBase::add_to_selectedfiles(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
	// We need to run g_filename_to_utf8 in the user's locale
	std::string saved_locale(setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL));
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

	LLFilePickerBase* picker = (LLFilePickerBase*) user_data;
	GError *error = NULL;
//	gchar* filename_utf8 = g_filename_to_utf8((gchar*)data,
//						  -1, NULL, NULL, &error);
	gchar* filename_utf8 = g_filename_display_name ((gchar*) data);
	if (error)
		// *FIXME.
		// This condition should really be notified to the user, e.g.
		// through a message box.  Just logging it is inappropriate.
		// Ghhhh.  g_filename_display_name is new to glib 2.6, and it
		// is too new for SL! (Note that the latest glib as of this
		// writing is 2.22. *sigh*) LL supplied *makeASCII family are
		// also unsuitable since they allow control characters...

		// muhahaha ... Imprudence can !

		PLS_WARNS << "g_filename_display_name failed on"  << filename_utf8  << ": "<< error->message << PLS_ENDL;

	if (filename_utf8)
		PLS_DEBUGS << "ADDED FILE " << filename_utf8 << PLS_ENDL;

	setlocale(LC_ALL, saved_locale.c_str());