skin_scaler_scale( SkinScaler*   scaler,
                   const SkinSurfacePixels* dst_pix,
                   const SkinSurfacePixelFormat* dst_format,
                   const SkinSurfacePixels* src_pix,
                   const SkinRect* src_rect)
    ScaleOp   op;

    if ( !scaler->valid ) {

        op.scale     = scaler->scale;
        op.src_pitch = src_pix->pitch;
        op.src_line  = (uint8_t*)src_pix->pixels;
        op.src_w     = src_pix->w;
        op.src_h     = src_pix->h;
        op.dst_pitch = dst_pix->pitch;
        op.dst_line  = (uint8_t*)dst_pix->pixels;

        /* compute the destination rectangle */
        skin_scaler_get_scaled_rect(scaler, src_rect, &op.rd);

        /* compute the starting source position in 16.16 format
         * and the corresponding increments */
        op.sx = (int)((op.rd.pos.x - scaler->xdisp) * scaler->invscale * 65536);
        op.sy = (int)((op.rd.pos.y - scaler->ydisp) * scaler->invscale * 65536);

        op.ix = (int)( scaler->invscale * 65536 );
        op.iy = op.ix;

        op.dst_line += op.rd.pos.x * 4 + op.rd.pos.y * op.dst_pitch;

        if (op.scale >= 0.5 && op.scale <= 1.0)
            scale_05_to_10( &op );
        else if (op.scale > 1.0)
            scale_up_bilinear( &op );
            scale_generic( &op );

    // The optimized scale functions in argb.h assume the destination is ARGB.
    // If that's not the case, do a channel reorder now.
    if (dst_format->r_shift != 16 ||
        dst_format->g_shift !=  8 ||
        dst_format->b_shift !=  0)
        uint32_t rshift = dst_format->r_shift;
        uint32_t gshift = dst_format->g_shift;
        uint32_t bshift = dst_format->b_shift;
        uint32_t ashift = dst_format->a_shift;
        uint32_t amask  = dst_format->a_mask; // may be 0x00
        int x, y;

        for (y = 0; y < op.rd.size.h; y++)
            uint32_t* line = (uint32_t*)(op.dst_line + y*op.dst_pitch);
            for (x = 0; x < op.rd.size.w; x++) {
                uint32_t r = (line[x] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                uint32_t g = (line[x] & 0x0000ff00) >>  8;
                uint32_t b = (line[x] & 0x000000ff) >>  0;
                uint32_t a = (line[x] & 0xff000000) >> 24;
                line[x] = (r << rshift) | (g << gshift) | (b << bshift) |
                          ((a << ashift) & amask);
skin_scaler_scale( SkinScaler*   scaler,
                   SDL_Surface*  dst_surface,
                   SDL_Surface*  src_surface,
                   int           sx,
                   int           sy,
                   int           sw,
                   int           sh )
    ScaleOp   op;

    if ( !scaler->valid )

    SDL_LockSurface( src_surface );
    SDL_LockSurface( dst_surface );
        op.scale     = scaler->scale;
        op.src_pitch = src_surface->pitch;
        op.src_line  = src_surface->pixels;
        op.src_w     = src_surface->w;
        op.src_h     = src_surface->h;
        op.dst_pitch = dst_surface->pitch;
        op.dst_line  = dst_surface->pixels;

        op.rd.x = (int)(sx * scaler->scale + scaler->xdisp);
        op.rd.y = (int)(sy * scaler->scale + scaler->ydisp);
        op.rd.w = (int)(ceil((sx + sw) * scaler->scale + scaler->xdisp)) - op.rd.x;
        op.rd.h = (int)(ceil((sy + sh) * scaler->scale + scaler->ydisp)) - op.rd.y;

        op.sx = (int)((op.rd.x - scaler->xdisp) * scaler->invscale * 65536);
        op.sy = (int)((op.rd.y - scaler->ydisp) * scaler->invscale * 65536);

        op.ix = (int)( scaler->invscale * 65536 );
        op.iy = op.ix;

        op.dst_line += op.rd.x*4 + op.rd.y*op.dst_pitch;

        if (op.scale >= 0.5 && op.scale <= 1.0)
            scale_05_to_10( &op );
        else if (op.scale > 1.0)
            scale_up_bilinear( &op );
            scale_generic( &op );

    if (dst_surface->format->Rshift != 16 ||
        dst_surface->format->Gshift !=  8 ||
        dst_surface->format->Bshift !=  0)
        uint32_t rshift = dst_surface->format->Rshift;
        uint32_t gshift = dst_surface->format->Gshift;
        uint32_t bshift = dst_surface->format->Bshift;
        uint32_t ashift = dst_surface->format->Ashift;
        uint32_t amask  = dst_surface->format->Amask; 
        int x, y;

        for (y = 0; y < op.rd.h; y++)
            uint32_t* line = (uint32_t*)(op.dst_line + y*op.dst_pitch);
            for (x = 0; x < op.rd.w; x++) {
                uint32_t r = (line[x] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                uint32_t g = (line[x] & 0x0000ff00) >>  8;
                uint32_t b = (line[x] & 0x000000ff) >>  0;
                uint32_t a = (line[x] & 0xff000000) >> 24;
                line[x] = (r << rshift) | (g << gshift) | (b << bshift) |
                          ((a << ashift) & amask);