/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* * Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); /* Creates color array from command line arguments */ uint32_t * color_array(char* colorarg) { uint32_t *rgb16 = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*3); char strgroups[3][3] = {{colorarg[0], colorarg[1], '\0'}, {colorarg[2], colorarg[3], '\0'}, {colorarg[4], colorarg[5], '\0'}}; for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { rgb16[i] = strtol(strgroups[i], NULL, 16); } return rgb16; }
/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } else { char strgroups[3][3] = {{color[0], color[1], '\0'}, {color[2], color[3], '\0'}, {color[4], color[5], '\0'}}; uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16))}; cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16[0] / 255.0, rgb16[1] / 255.0, rgb16[2] / 255.0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } if (unlock_indicator && (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED || auth_state > STATE_AUTH_IDLE)) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); /* Draw a (centered) circle with transparent background. */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, 0 /* start */, 2 * M_PI /* end */); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) */ switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 0, 114.0 / 255, 255.0 / 255, 0.75); break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 250.0 / 255, 0, 0, 0.75); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0.75); break; } cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0 / 255, 0, 250.0 / 255); break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 125.0 / 255, 51.0 / 255, 0); break; case STATE_AUTH_IDLE: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0 / 255, 125.0 / 255, 0); break; } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw an inner seperator line. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 2.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS - 5 /* radius */, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); /* Display a (centered) text of the current PAM state. */ char *text = NULL; /* We don't want to show more than a 3-digit number. */ char buf[4]; cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_select_font_face(ctx, "sans-serif", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 28.0); switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: text = "verifying…"; break; case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: text = "locking…"; break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: text = "wrong!"; break; case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: text = "lock failed!"; break; default: if (show_failed_attempts && failed_attempts > 0) { if (failed_attempts > 999) { text = "> 999"; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", failed_attempts); text = buf; } cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 1, 0, 0); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 32.0); } break; } if (text) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, text, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, text); cairo_close_path(ctx); } if (auth_state == STATE_AUTH_WRONG && (modifier_string != NULL)) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 14.0); cairo_text_extents(ctx, modifier_string, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing) + 28.0; cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, modifier_string); cairo_close_path(ctx); } /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_new_sub_path(ctx); double highlight_start = (rand() % (int)(2 * M_PI * 100)) / 100.0; cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)); if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { /* For normal keys, we use a lighter green. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0 / 255, 219.0 / 255, 0); } else { /* For backspace, we use red. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 219.0 / 255, 51.0 / 255, 0); } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw two little separators for the highlighted part of the * unlock indicator. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, (highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)) - (M_PI / 128.0) /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); } } if (xr_screens > 0) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } else { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ int x = (last_resolution[0] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); int y = (last_resolution[1] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; }
/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; RsvgDimensionData svg_dimensions; rsvg_handle_get_dimensions(svg, &svg_dimensions); int indicator_x_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * svg_dimensions.width); int indicator_y_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * svg_dimensions.height); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, indicator_x_physical, indicator_y_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } else { char strgroups[3][3] = {{color[0], color[1], '\0'}, {color[2], color[3], '\0'}, {color[4], color[5], '\0'}}; uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16))}; cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16[0] / 255.0, rgb16[1] / 255.0, rgb16[2] / 255.0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } if (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED && unlock_indicator) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#bg"); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) */ if (!(unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) || !remove_background) { switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#verify"); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#fail"); break; default: rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#idle"); break; } } /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { if(++current_frame >= anim_layer_count) current_frame = 0; if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { if(!sequential_animation) current_frame = rand() % anim_layer_count; char anim_id[9]; snprintf(anim_id, sizeof(anim_id), "#anim%02d", current_frame); rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, anim_id); } else { rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#backspace"); } } rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(svg, ctx, "#fg"); } if (xr_screens > 0) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2) - (indicator_x_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2) - (indicator_y_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, indicator_x_physical, indicator_y_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } else { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ int x = (last_resolution[0] / 2) - (indicator_x_physical / 2); int y = (last_resolution[1] / 2) - (indicator_y_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, indicator_x_physical, indicator_y_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; }
/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } else { char strgroups[3][3] = {{color[0], color[1], '\0'}, {color[2], color[3], '\0'}, {color[4], color[5], '\0'}}; uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16))}; cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16[0] / 255.0, rgb16[1] / 255.0, rgb16[2] / 255.0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } /* build indicator color arrays */ char strgroupsiv[4][3] = {{insidevercolor[0], insidevercolor[1], '\0'}, {insidevercolor[2], insidevercolor[3], '\0'}, {insidevercolor[4], insidevercolor[5], '\0'}, {insidevercolor[6], insidevercolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t insidever16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsiv[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiv[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiv[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiv[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsiw[4][3] = {{insidewrongcolor[0], insidewrongcolor[1], '\0'}, {insidewrongcolor[2], insidewrongcolor[3], '\0'}, {insidewrongcolor[4], insidewrongcolor[5], '\0'}, {insidewrongcolor[6], insidewrongcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t insidewrong16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsiw[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiw[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiw[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsiw[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsi[4][3] = {{insidecolor[0], insidecolor[1], '\0'}, {insidecolor[2], insidecolor[3], '\0'}, {insidecolor[4], insidecolor[5], '\0'}, {insidecolor[6], insidecolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t inside16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsi[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsi[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsi[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsi[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsrv[4][3] = {{ringvercolor[0], ringvercolor[1], '\0'}, {ringvercolor[2], ringvercolor[3], '\0'}, {ringvercolor[4], ringvercolor[5], '\0'}, {ringvercolor[6], ringvercolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t ringver16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsrv[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrv[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrv[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrv[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsrw[4][3] = {{ringwrongcolor[0], ringwrongcolor[1], '\0'}, {ringwrongcolor[2], ringwrongcolor[3], '\0'}, {ringwrongcolor[4], ringwrongcolor[5], '\0'}, {ringwrongcolor[6], ringwrongcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t ringwrong16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsrw[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrw[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrw[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsrw[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsr[4][3] = {{ringcolor[0], ringcolor[1], '\0'}, {ringcolor[2], ringcolor[3], '\0'}, {ringcolor[4], ringcolor[5], '\0'}, {ringcolor[6], ringcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t ring16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsr[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsr[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsr[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsr[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsl[4][3] = {{linecolor[0], linecolor[1], '\0'}, {linecolor[2], linecolor[3], '\0'}, {linecolor[4], linecolor[5], '\0'}, {linecolor[6], linecolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t line16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsl[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsl[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsl[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsl[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupst[4][3] = {{textcolor[0], textcolor[1], '\0'}, {textcolor[2], textcolor[3], '\0'}, {textcolor[4], textcolor[5], '\0'}, {textcolor[6], textcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t text16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupst[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupst[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupst[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupst[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsk[4][3] = {{keyhlcolor[0], keyhlcolor[1], '\0'}, {keyhlcolor[2], keyhlcolor[3], '\0'}, {keyhlcolor[4], keyhlcolor[5], '\0'}, {keyhlcolor[6], keyhlcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t keyhl16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsk[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsk[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsk[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsk[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupsb[4][3] = {{bshlcolor[0], bshlcolor[1], '\0'}, {bshlcolor[2], bshlcolor[3], '\0'}, {bshlcolor[4], bshlcolor[5], '\0'}, {bshlcolor[6], bshlcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t bshl16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupsb[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsb[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsb[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupsb[3], NULL, 16))}; char strgroupss[4][3] = {{separatorcolor[0], separatorcolor[1], '\0'}, {separatorcolor[2], separatorcolor[3], '\0'}, {separatorcolor[4], separatorcolor[5], '\0'}, {separatorcolor[6], separatorcolor[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t sep16[4] = {(strtol(strgroupss[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupss[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupss[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroupss[3], NULL, 16))}; /* https://github.com/ravinrabbid/i3lock-clock/commit/0de3a411fa5249c3a4822612c2d6c476389a1297 */ time_t rawtime; struct tm* timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); if (unlock_indicator && (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED || pam_state > STATE_PAM_IDLE || show_clock)) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); /* Draw a (centered) circle with transparent background. */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 7.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, 0 /* start */, 2 * M_PI /* end */); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) */ switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: case STATE_PAM_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)insidever16[0]/255, (double)insidever16[1]/255, (double)insidever16[2]/255, (double)insidever16[3]/255); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)insidewrong16[0]/255, (double)insidewrong16[1]/255, (double)insidewrong16[2]/255, (double)insidewrong16[3]/255); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)inside16[0]/255, (double)inside16[1]/255, (double)inside16[2]/255, (double)inside16[3]/255); break; } cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: case STATE_PAM_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)ringver16[0]/255, (double)ringver16[1]/255, (double)ringver16[2]/255, (double)ringver16[3]/255); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16[0] = ringver16[0]; line16[1] = ringver16[1]; line16[2] = ringver16[2]; line16[3] = ringver16[3]; } break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)ringwrong16[0]/255, (double)ringwrong16[1]/255, (double)ringwrong16[2]/255, (double)ringwrong16[3]/255); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16[0] = ringwrong16[0]; line16[1] = ringwrong16[1]; line16[2] = ringwrong16[2]; line16[3] = ringwrong16[3]; } break; case STATE_PAM_IDLE: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)ring16[0]/255, (double)ring16[1]/255, (double)ring16[2]/255, (double)ring16[3]/255); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16[0] = ring16[0]; line16[1] = ring16[1]; line16[2] = ring16[2]; line16[3] = ring16[3]; } break; } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw an inner separator line. */ if (internal_line_source != 2) { //pretty sure this only needs drawn if it's being drawn over the inside? cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)line16[0]/255, (double)line16[1]/255, (double)line16[2]/255, (double)line16[3]/255); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 2.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS - 5 /* radius */, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_stroke(ctx); } cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); /* Display a (centered) text of the current PAM state. */ char *text = NULL; char *date = NULL; char time_text[40] = {0}; char date_text[40] = {0}; /* We don't want to show more than a 3-digit number. */ char buf[4]; cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)text16[0]/255, (double)text16[1]/255, (double)text16[2]/255, (double)text16[3]/255); //this was moved up to here cairo_select_font_face(ctx, "sans-serif", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 28.0); switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: text = "verifying…"; break; case STATE_PAM_LOCK: text = "locking…"; break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: text = "wrong!"; break; case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: text = "lock failed!"; break; default: if (show_failed_attempts && failed_attempts > 0) { if (failed_attempts > 999) { text = "> 999"; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", failed_attempts); text = buf; } cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)text16[0]/255, (double)text16[1]/255, (double)text16[2]/255, (double)text16[3]/255); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 32.0); } else if (show_clock) { strftime(time_text, 40, time_format, timeinfo); strftime(date_text, 40, date_format, timeinfo); text = time_text; date = date_text; } break; } if (text) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, text, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); if (date) { y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing) - 6; } else { y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing); } cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, text); cairo_close_path(ctx); } if (date) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; // TODO: different date/time colors cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)text16[0]/255, (double)text16[1]/255, (double)text16[2]/255, (double)text16[3]/255); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 14.0); cairo_text_extents(ctx, date, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing) + 14; cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, date); cairo_close_path(ctx); } if (pam_state == STATE_PAM_WRONG && (modifier_string != NULL)) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 14.0); cairo_text_extents(ctx, modifier_string, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing) + 28.0; cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, modifier_string); cairo_close_path(ctx); } /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 7.0); cairo_new_sub_path(ctx); double highlight_start = (rand() % (int)(2 * M_PI * 100)) / 100.0; cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)); if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { /* For normal keys, we use a lighter green. */ //lol no cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)keyhl16[0]/255, (double)keyhl16[1]/255, (double)keyhl16[2]/255, (double)keyhl16[3]/255); } else { /* For backspace, we use red. */ //lol no cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)bshl16[0]/255, (double)bshl16[1]/255, (double)bshl16[2]/255, (double)bshl16[3]/255); } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw two little separators for the highlighted part of the * unlock indicator. */ cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, (double)sep16[0]/255, (double)sep16[1]/255, (double)sep16[2]/255, (double)sep16[3]/255); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0) /* start */, (highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)) + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); } } if (xr_screens > 0) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ // excuse me, just gonna hack something in right here if (screen_number != -1 && screen_number < xr_screens) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen_number].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen_number].width / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen_number].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen_number].height / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } else { for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } } else { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ int x = (last_resolution[0] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); int y = (last_resolution[1] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; }
/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } else { char strgroups[3][3] = {{color[0], color[1], '\0'}, {color[2], color[3], '\0'}, {color[4], color[5], '\0'} }; uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16)) }; cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16[0] / 255.0, rgb16[1] / 255.0, rgb16[2] / 255.0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } if (unlock_indicator) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); /* Draw a (centered) circle with transparent background. */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 3.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, 0 /* start */, 2 * M_PI /* end */); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) * Basic function so we don't have to use this code * repeatedly for objects of the same color */ void get_color(void) { switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 68.0/255, 80.0/255, 41.0/255, 0.8); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 143.0/255, 53.0/255, 53.0/255, 0.8); break; case STATE_PAM_IDLE: if (unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 143.0/255, 53.0/255, 53.0/255, 0.8); } else { cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 1, 1, 1, 0.8); } break; } } /* Circle fill */ switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 144.0/255, 169.0/255, 89.0/255, 0.2); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 172.0/255, 65.0/255, 66.0/255, 0.2); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; } cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); /* Circle border */ get_color(); cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Display (centered) Time */ char *timetext = malloc(6); time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime(&curtime); strftime(timetext, 100, TIME_FORMAT, tm); /* Color text, same as border */ get_color(); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 32.0); cairo_text_extents_t time_extents; double time_x, time_y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, timetext, &time_extents); time_x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((time_extents.width / 2) + time_extents.x_bearing); time_y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((time_extents.height / 2) + time_extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(ctx, time_x, time_y); cairo_show_text(ctx, timetext); cairo_close_path(ctx); free(timetext); /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 4); cairo_new_sub_path(ctx); double highlight_start = (rand() % (int)(2 * M_PI * 100)) / 100.0; cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start, highlight_start + (M_PI / 2.5)); cairo_set_operator(ctx,CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); /* Set newly drawn lines to erase what they're drawn over*/ cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw two little separators for the highlighted part of the * unlock indicator. */ cairo_set_operator(ctx,CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); /* back to normal operator */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10); /* Change color of separators based on backspace/active keypress */ get_color(); /* separator 1 */ cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); /* separator 2 */ cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 2.5) /* start */, (highlight_start + (M_PI / 2.5)) + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); } } if (xr_screens > 0) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } else { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ int x = (last_resolution[0] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); int y = (last_resolution[1] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; }
static void draw_unlock_indicator() { /* Initialise the surface if not yet done */ if (unlock_indicator_surface == NULL) { button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); unlock_indicator_surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); } cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(unlock_indicator_surface); /* clear the surface */ cairo_save(ctx); cairo_set_operator(ctx, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(ctx); cairo_restore(ctx); if (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED && unlock_indicator) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); /* Draw a (centered) circle with transparent background. */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, 0 /* start */, 2 * M_PI /* end */); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) */ switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 0, 114.0/255, 255.0/255, 0.75); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 250.0/255, 0, 0, 0.75); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0.75); break; } cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0/255, 0, 250.0/255); break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 125.0/255, 51.0/255, 0); break; case STATE_PAM_IDLE: cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0/255, 125.0/255, 0); break; } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw an inner seperator line. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 2.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS - 5 /* radius */, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); /* Display a (centered) text of the current PAM state. */ char *text = NULL; /* We don't want to show more than a 3-digit number. */ char buf[4]; cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 28.0); switch (pam_state) { case STATE_PAM_VERIFY: text = "verifying…"; break; case STATE_PAM_WRONG: text = "wrong!"; break; default: if (show_failed_attempts && failed_attempts > 0){ if (failed_attempts > 999) { text = "> 999"; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", failed_attempts); text = buf; } cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 1, 0, 0); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 32.0); } break; } if (text) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, text, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, text); cairo_close_path(ctx); } /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_new_sub_path(ctx); double highlight_start = (rand() % (int)(2 * M_PI * 100)) / 100.0; cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)); if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { /* For normal keys, we use a lighter green. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 51.0/255, 219.0/255, 0); } else { /* For backspace, we use red. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 219.0/255, 51.0/255, 0); } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw two little separators for the highlighted part of the * unlock indicator. */ cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0) /* start */, (highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)) + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); } } cairo_destroy(ctx); }
/* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } else { char strgroups[3][3] = {{color[0], color[1], '\0'}, {color[2], color[3], '\0'}, {color[4], color[5], '\0'}}; uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16))}; cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16[0] / 255.0, rgb16[1] / 255.0, rgb16[2] / 255.0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } if (unlock_indicator) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 1, 1, 1); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 60.0); cairo_select_font_face(ctx, "sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); if (pam_state == STATE_PAM_VERIFY) { passwdlength = 0; } if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { passwdlength = passwdlength + 1; } else if (unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE && passwdlength > 0){ passwdlength = passwdlength - 1; } else if (unlock_state == STATE_ESCAPE_ACTIVE) { passwdlength = 0; } char passwd[passwdlength + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < passwdlength; ++i) { passwd[i] = '*'; } passwd[passwdlength] = '\0'; cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, passwd, &extents); x = BUTTON_RADIUS - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_RADIUS - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); /* cairo_show_text(ctx, passwd); */ cairo_text_path(ctx, passwd); cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 1.0); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_close_path(ctx); } if (xr_screens > 0) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { int x = (xr_resolutions[screen].x + ((xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); int y = (xr_resolutions[screen].y + ((xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2))); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } else { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ int x = (last_resolution[0] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); int y = (last_resolution[1] / 2) - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; }